NSIS, do not go to next page - nsis

I have an installer, where I ask the user whether s/he wants to continue onto the next installation step or not.
How can I do so that if s/he clicks on "No", it won't go to the next installation step?
The Yes/No MessageBox must appear only when s/he clicks the Next button, so I defined some actions in MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE dir_leave.
I imagined that I could just jump back on dir_show, but I don't know how to do that.
Is there any better (more obvious) way?

I have found the answer. It is sufficient to use Abort, when user clicks no. The installer does not go to next page then...


NSIS: How to distinguish between Cancel and Close button

In NSIS, on a custom page, I want to skip the page when the user presses the Cancel button, but I want to exit the installer (with confirmation) when the user presses the window's X button. How do I do that?
Currently, by using Modern UI and custom abort function, I get the same function called regardless of which of the two buttons is pressed.
This is not normal installer behavior and I would not recommend that you try to implement this.
If you still want to try I guess it might be possible with the ButtonEvent plug-in or the WndSubclass plug-in...

Customize Print Dialog for windows desktop system users

Is there a way to customize the default Print Dialog on Windows Desktop, for all system users. This is not within the context of a specific application, but instead will be for all users that log in to the workstation and uses any application and issues a "Print".
As part of a Green initiative, our organization wants to reduce wastage of Print paper. So we want to display a YES/NO message box that says something similar to "Please consider if you really want to continue printing. Save paper...Save Environment. Continue?"
If the user clicks "Yes" , then the Print Dialog display is resumed and user can continue. If user clicks "no", then no further action is needed and system does not display Print dialog.

how to show EULA during upgrade using installshield

the EULA window is enabled through the Interview panel in Installshield 2011, and it works fine when installing the program first time. However, it won't show in the dialog sequence when we do the upgrade.
I guess it is a default behaviour in Installshield, is it possible to show it all the time? is it wise to do so?
You can Launch Eula window (License Agreement dialog) or custom dialog anytime you want.
When upgrade, launch Eula Dialog from NextButton on SetupResume Dialog, move another conditions to Next Button Eula Dialog, if using License Agreement dialog you must add another conditions "Not Installed" to old Eula Dialog conditions
Next Button Events For License Agreement Dialog will be like this:
Event: NewDialog,
Argument: LicenseAgreement,
Condition: Not Installed
Event: EndDialog,
Argument: Return,
Condition: OutOfNoRbDiskSpace <> 1 AND Installed
Next Button Events For SetupResume Dialog:
Event: NewDialog,
Argument: LicenseAgreement,
Condition: 1
I ran into this problem rather recently with InstallShield 2014, and was having a hard time getting the EULA to pop up on the automagic upgrade path even when adding it to the Next button of the SetupInitialization dialog.
I did find a way to make it happen though:
Go into the Behavior and Logic group, select Custom Actions and Sequences. Expand Sequences > Installation > User Interface.
You can right-click and Insert objects into here. From the Insert Action dialog, select Dialogs in the first dropdown. Then select the EULA-displaying dialog (LicenseAgreement in my case). That will insert it into the UI portion of the Installation Sequence.
From there, you can drag it to where you need it. I dropped it in right after SetupInitialization, but you can also drag it down to just after the PatchWelcome / InstallWelcome / SetupResume / MaintenanceWelcome UI components.
If you do this, you'll want to go to your InstallWelcome dialog (normal installation) and make sure that you skip the EULA there in order to avoid showing it twice. Setting the target to ReadyToInstall (the next step of the LicenseAgreement in my case) allowed me to do that.
That said, doing this means that the EULA will come up every time the installer runs. Ensure that this is what you really want to do.

How can I call the next step execution if WizardForm.NextButton is disabled?

I have created my own "Next" button. So I need to emulate the original "Next" button click in order to proceed to the other installer steps.
Is this possible?

Simulating user activities on a GMail page

I create a program that simulates me browsing to gmail, entering the user name and password and clicking the submit button.
All this with C#.
I would appreciate two kinds of answers:
One that tells how to do this programaticaly. Since I may be interested in automating more
sophisticated user activities.
On that tells me about a program that already does that.
I want to access my mail account with a double click (without browsing, entering username and password and pressing submit).
Why not check the 'stay signed in' box, and add a bookmark toolbar item for Gmail?
alt text http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/6240/picture5zw.png
Do it once, and all future logins are a one-click process. Am I missing something? Why overcomplicate this with a C# program?
Well, depending on the browser you're using, it might be much simpler to use a greasemonkey userscript (on FireFox) that does auto-login for you.
If you want to simulate user activity take a look at AutoHotKey.
Also if the issue is specific to logging into websites take a look at LastPass. They have plug-ins for every major browser and mobile device. I haven't type out a user name or password on a website in months.
If your ok with clicking 'go' (or wharever) on your application and then clickingin the username field. Look into Sendkeys:
Put this in the onClick event of a button and replace text with your user details:
You might also want to put a timer or make your program wait a few seconds before actually sending the keys to give you time to click in the username box.
Use WatIn. and this is a placeholder to get to 30 Chars answer
