.htaccess redirects - I am completely lost - .htaccess

I am trying to create some redirects using htaccess but I am quite a bit overwhelmed with it all. So here it goes.
The NEW domain is hosted on my hosting account but there is no site built. I just want to use the domain for "easier" branding. Here is what I am trying to achieve.
I want people who go to my NewDomain.com be redirected to an external site: blog.OldDomain.com/podcast/
I also want to create redirects to upcoming new posts. For example, I want to send people to NewDomain.com/1 and have them redirected to blog.OldDomain.com/episode1. Then NewDomain.com/2 would redirect to blog.OldDomain.com/episode2, etc.
I hope someone can help me with this!

Ok nevermind, I found the solution. Simply created
Redirect 301 /index.html http://olddomain. com/podcast/
and I will add new lines as I create new pages ;)


How do I redirect OldSite.com to NewSite.com/Sub/NewPage

I need to redirect several URLs to a new site that will have pages that replace the old sites. I don't care if the URL is masked or not. I just need the URL's to go to the new pages on the new combined site.
For example:
Oldsite.com redirects to NewSite.com/Sub/NewPage
Oldsite2.com redirects to NewSite.com/Sub/NewPage2
Oldsite3.com redirects to NewSite.com/Sub/NewPage3
and so on.
I've tried domain forwarding on the DNS level, but that isn't working (likely because of the subdirectories).
Problem is the New site was developed in Webflow and I don't have access to implement custom code for redirects.
My thought is to host a separate site to act as a hub that handles all the custom redirects to the New webflow site.
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Your scenario here isn't entirely clear on the types of redirections you're attempting to do.
If you're trying to redirect all paths from the old site to a specific destination page, like this...
oldsite.com/* ➜ newsite.com/sub/newpage
...many modern DNS providers support that.
If yours does not, you can switch your nameservers to Cloudflare DNS free edition, and you'll have the ability to define up to 3 page rules that support wildcard redirections like this.

Tracking htaccess redirects?

is it possible to track htaccess redirects (without Google Analytics)? I would like to know how many people visit a certain (redirect) URL.
The use case is as follows:
The folder 'links' on my server has a htaccess file in it with all the redirects.
I would like to know how many people visit 'links.DOMAIN.com/topic' and, thus, get redirected to https://somethingelse.com.
We don't use any Google products. Analytics would otherwise be the obvious choice.
I'm out of ideas, tbh.
Thank you in advance! :)

How can I display a subpage of my Silverstripe website as a subdomain?

I have a website build on Silverstripe 3.
Now I want that a user can enter the Subdomain URL info.mydomain.com and see the content of the page mydomain.com/subpage-url/. But without redirection. The subdomain URL should stay in their browser.
I already created the subdomain and let it point to the root directory of my website. As I understand it right I now need some rewrite conditions in my .htaccess file? And that is the point I struggle with. I googled a little bit and did some trail and fail but nothing seems to work. Maybe I understand it totally wrong, used the wrong rewrite conditions or insert them on the wrong place.. Maybe there are Silverstripe specific issues to pay attention to?
Long story short: I need help please!
As Robbie Averill pointed out in his comment, you could install the Subsites module. But you'd have to create a Subsite (eg. a separate site-tree) for every domain.
There's another module though, the homepagefordomain module. With that module you can specify one (or multiple) domains per page. When you visit one of these domains, the page that was specified as home-page for that domain will show up. I think this is a more flexible approach than messing with the .htaccess file.

Issue Regarding .htaccess Redirection

I have some issue regarding .htaccess redirection. I have checked a post regarding .htaccess redirection of one page to another domain page.
How to redirect a single web page from one domain to another using .htaccess
I have tried these code but when i use this code it is getting redirected but all the other pages on the old domain website are showing 404. Please help me.
Please note: I am not a developer and don't have any knowledge about the codes so please provide a simple solution so that i can directly implement on the website. I will be very greatful to you.....:)

Htaccess.. changing the domain name

I have a big Joomla website that was moved from .com to .eu domain.
The sites are on one web server.
On the old website there are a lot of links that point directly to oldwebsite.com/somethinghere.
Is there a way with Htaccess file in the old domains folder to redirect
from oldwebsite.com/somethinhere to newwebsite.eu/somethinghere?
Or maybe a way to do this on the new website folder?
Thank you,
There are many ways, some people recommend using RewriteEngine, but there is an easier way:
Redirect 301 / http://domain.eu/
This will automatically handle files in the domain -- for example, old.com/foo will be redirected to new.eu/foo
EDIT: Regarding "301", that is the code for a permanent redirect. There also exist temporary redirects (I believe the code is 302), but it sounds like what you need is exactly this - a permanent redirect.
EDIT2: Oh and, I think the / after domain.eu may be required, but I'm not 100% sure - doesn't hurt for it to be there, that's for sure! I know that because I use the same kind of a redirect on a production website.
