Mongodb document insertion order - node.js

I have a mongodb collection for tracking user audit data. So essentially this will be many millions of documents.
Audits are tracked by loginID (user) and their activities on items. example: userA modified 'item#13' on date/time.
Case: I need to query with filters based on user and item. That's Simple. This returns many thousands of documents per item. I need to list them by latest date/time (descending order).
Problem: How can I insert new documents to the top of the stack? (like a capped collection) or Is it possible to find records from the bottom of the stack? (reverse order). I do NOT like the idea of find and sorting because when dealing with thousand and millions of documents sorting is a bottleneck.
Any solutions?
Stack: mongodb, node.js, mongoose.

the top of the stack?
you're implying there is a stack, but there isn't - there's a tree, or more precisely, a B-Tree.
I do NOT like the idea of find and sorting
So you want to sort without sorting? That doesn't seem to make much sense. Stacks are essentially in-memory data structures, they don't work well on disks because they require huge contiguous blocks (in fact, huge stacks don't even work well in memory, and growing stacks requires copying the entire data set, that would hardly work
sorting is a bottleneck
It shouldn't be, at least not for data that is stored closely together (data locality). Sorting is an O(m log n) operation, and since the _id field already encodes a timestamp, you already have a field that you can sort on. m is relatively small, so I don't see the problem here. Have you even tried that? With MongoDB 3.0, index intersectioning has become more powerful, you might not even need _id in the compound index.
On my machine, getting the top items from a large collection, filtered by an index takes 1ms ("executionTimeMillis" : 1) if the data is in RAM. The sheer network overhead will be in the same league, even on localhost. I created the data with a simple network creation tool I built and queried it from the mongo console.

I have encountered the same problem. My solution is to create another additional collection which maintain top 10 records. The good point is that you can query quickly. The bad point is you need update additional collection.
I found this which inspired me. I implemented my solution with ruby + mongoid.
My solution:
collection definition
class TrainingTopRecord
include Mongoid::Document
field :training_records, :type=>Array
belongs_to :training
index({training_id: 1}, {unique: true, drop_dups: true})
maintain process.
if t.training_top_records == nil
training_top_records = TrainingTopRecord.create! training_id:
training_top_records = t.training_top_records
training_top_records.training_records = [] if training_top_records.training_records == nil
top_10_records = training_top_records.training_records
'id' =>,
'return' => r.return
top_10_records.sort_by! {|record| -record['return']}
#limit training_records' size to 10
top_10_records.slice! 10, top_10_records.length - 10

MongoDb's ObjectId is structured in a way that has natural ordering.
This means the last inserted item is fetched last.
You can override that by using: db.collectionName.find().sort({ $natural: -1 }) during a fetch.
Filters can then follow.
You will not need to create any additional indices since this works on _id, which is indexed by default.
This is possibly the only efficient way you can achieve what you want.


Inconsistent results when sorting documents by _doc

I want to fetch elasticsearch hits using the sort+search_after paging mechanism.
The elasticsearch documentation states:
_doc has no real use-case besides being the most efficient sort order. So if you don’t care about the order in which documents are returned, then you should sort by _doc. This especially helps when scrolling.
However, when performing the same query multiple times, I get different results. More specifically, the first hit alternates randomly between two different hits, where the returned sort field is 0 for one hit, and some specific number for the other.
This obviously breaks the paging as it relies on the value returned in sorting to be later fed into sort_after for the next query.
No data is being written to the index while I am querying it, so this is not because of refreshes.
My questions are therefore:
Is it wrong to sort by _doc for paging? Seems the results I get are inconsistent.
How does sorting by _doc work internally? The documentation is lacking in this regard as it simply states the sort is performed by "index order".
The data was written to the index in parallel using Spark. I thought the problem might have been the parallel write combined with the "index order" sorting, however I did not manage to replicate this behavior with other indicies which were also written to in Spark.
es 7, index contains 2 shards, one primary and one replica
The reason this happened is that the index consists of 2 shards. One primary and one replica. The documents were not indexed in the same order. Thus, the order of the results depends on the shard they were returned from. This is fine when using scrolling because Elasticsearch keeps an inner state of the results, but not with paging, which is stateless.

Sorting enormous dataset

I have an enormous dataset (over 300 million documents). It is a system for archiving data and rollback capability.
The rollback capability is a cursor which iterates trough the whole dataset and performs few post requests to some external end points, it's a simple piece of code.
The data being iterated over needs to be send ordered by the timestamp (filed in the document). The DB was down for some time, so backup DB was used, but has received older data which has been archived manually, and later all was merged with the main DB.
Older data breaks the order. I need to sort this dataset, but the problem is the size; there is not enough RAM available to perform this operation at once. How I can achieve this sorting?
PS: The documents do not contain any indexed fields.
There's no way to do an efficient sort without an index. If you had an index on the date field then things would already be sorted (in a sense), so getting things in a desired order is very cheap (after the overhead of the index).
The only way to sort all entries without an index is to fetch the field you want to sort for every single document and sort them all in memory.
The only good options I see are to either create an index on the date field (by far the best option) or increase the RAM on the database (expensive and not scalable).
Note: since you have a large number of documents it's possible that even your index wouldn't be super scalable -- in that case you'd need to look into sharding the database.

MongoDB (+ Node/Mongoose): How to track processed records without "marking" all of them?

I have several large "raw" collections of documents which are processed in a queue, and the processed results are all placed into a single collection.
The queue only runs when the system isn't otherwise indisposed, and new data is being added into the "raw" collections all the time.
What I need to do is make sure the queue knows which documents it has already processed, so it doesn't either (a) process any documents more than once, or (b) skip documents. Updating each raw record with a "processed" flag as I go isn't a good option because it adds too much overhead.
I'm using MongoDB 4.x, with NodeJS and Mongoose. (I don't need a strictly mongoose-powered answer, but one would be OK).
My initial attempt was to do this by retrieving the raw documents sorted by _id in a smallish batch (say 100), then grabbing the first and last _id values in the return result, and storing those values, so when I'm ready to process the next batch, I can limit my find({}) query to records with an _id greater than what I stored as the last-processed result.
But looking into it a bit more, unless I'm misunderstanding something, it appears I can't really count on a strict ordering by _id.
I've looked into ways to implement an auto-incrementing numeric ID field (SQL style), which would have a strict ordering, but the solutions I've seen look like they add a nontrivial amount of overhead each time I create a record (not dissimilar to what it would take to mark processed records, just would be on the insertion end instead of the processing end), and this system needs to process a LOT of records very fast.
Any ideas? Is there a way to do an auto-incrementing numeric ID that's super efficient? Will default _id properties actually work in this case and I'm misunderstanding? Is there some other way to do it?
As per the documentation of ObjectID:
While ObjectId values should increase over time, they are not
necessarily monotonic. This is because they:
Only contain one second of temporal resolution, so ObjectId values created within the same second do not have a guaranteed ordering, and
Are generated by clients, which may have differing system clocks.
So if you are creating that many records per second then _id ordering is not for you.
However Timestamp within a mongo instance is guaranteed to be unique.
BSON has a special timestamp type for internal MongoDB use and is not
associated with the regular Date type. Timestamp values are a 64 bit
value where:
the first 32 bits are a time_t value (seconds since the Unix epoch)
the second 32 bits are an incrementing ordinal for operations within a
given second.
Within a single mongod instance, timestamp values are always unique.
Although it clearly states that this is for internal use it maybe something for you to consider. Assuming you are dealing with a single mongod instance you can decorate your records when they are getting into the "raw" collections with timestamps ... then you could remember the last processed record only. Your queue would only pick records with timestamps larger that the last processed timestamp.

how best to 'tail -f' a large collection in mongo through meteor?

I have a collection in a mongo database that I append some logging-type of information. I'm trying to figure out the most efficient/simplest method to "tail -f" that in a meteor app - as a new document is added to the collection, it should be sent to the client, who should append it to the end of the current set of documents in the collection.
The client isn't going to be sent nor keep all of the documents in the collection, likely just the last ~100 or so.
Now, from a Mongo perspective, I don't see a way of saying "the last N documents in the collection" such that we wouldn't need to apply any sort at all. It seems like the best option available is doing natural sort descending, then a limit call, so something like what's listed in the mongo doc on $natural
db.collection.find().sort( { $natural: -1 } )
So, on the server side AFAICT the way of publishing this 'last 100 documents' Meteor collection would be something like:
Meteor.publish('logmessages', function () {
return LogMessages.find({}, { sort: { $natural: -1 }, limit: 100 });
Now, from a 'tail -f' perspective, this seems to have the right effect of sending the 'last 100 documents' to the server, but does so in the wrong order (the newest document would be at the start of the Meteor collection instead of at the end).
On the client side, this seems to mean needing to (unfortunately) reverse the collection. Now, I don't see a reverse() in the Meteor Collection docs and sorting by $natural: 1 doesn't work on the client (which seems reasonable, since there's no real Mongo context). In some cases, the messages will have timestamps within the documents and the client could sort by that to get the 'natural order' back, but that seems kind of hacky.
In any case, it feels like I'm likely missing a much simpler way have a live 'last 100 documents inserted into the collection' collection published from mongo through meteor. :)
EDIT - looks like if I change the collection in Mongo to a capped collection, then the server could create a tailable cursor to efficiently (and quickly) get notified of new documents added to the collection. However, it's not clear to me if/how to get the server to do so through a Meteor collection.
An alternative that seems a little less efficient but doesn't require switching to a capped collection (AFAICT) is using Smart Collections which does tailing of the oplog so at least it's event-driven instead of polling, and since all the operations in the source collection will be inserts, it seems like it'd still be pretty efficient. Unfortunately, AFAICT I'm still left with the sorting issues since I don't see how to define the server side collection as 'last 100 documents inserted'. :(
If there is a way of creating a collection in Mongo as a query of another ("materialized view" of sorts), then maybe I could create a log-last-100 "collection view" in Mongo, and then Meteor would be able to just publish/subscribe the entire pseudo-collection?
For insert-only data, $natural should get you the same results as indexing on timestamp and sorting so that's a good idea. The reverse thing is unfortunate; I think you have a couple choices:
use $natural and do the reverse yourself
add timestamp, still use $natural
add timestamp, index by time, sort
'#1' - For 100 items, doing the reverse client-side should be no problem even for mobile devices and that will off-load it from the server. You can use .fetch() to convert to an array and then reverse it to maintain order without needing to use timestamps. You'll be playing in normal array-land though; no more nice mini-mongo features so do any filtering first before reversing.
'#2' - This one is interesting because you don't have to use an index but you can still use the timestamp on the client to sort the records. This gives you the benefit of staying in mini-mongo-land.
'#3' - Costs space on the db but its the most straight-forward
If you don't need the capabilities of mini-mongo (or are comfortable doing array filtering yourself) then #1 is probably best.
Unfortunately MongoDB doesn't have views so can't do your log-last-100 view idea (although that would be a nice feature).
Beyond the above, keep an eye on your subscription life-cycle so users don't continually pull down log updates in the background when not viewing the log. I could see that quickly becoming a performance killer.

Including documents in the emit compared to include_docs = true in CouchDB

I ran across a mention somewhere that doing an emit(key, doc) will increase the amount of time an index takes to build (or something to that effect).
Is there any merit to it, and is there any reason not to just always do emit(key, null) and then include_docs = true?
Yes, it will increase the size of your index, because CouchDB effectively copies the entire document in those cases. For cases in which you can, use include_docs=true.
There is, however, a race condition to be aware of when using this that is mentioned in the wiki. It is possible, during the time between reading the view data and fetching the document, that said document has changed (or has been deleted, in which case _deleted will be true). This is documented here under "Querying Options".
This is a classic time/space tradeoff.
Emitting document data into your index will increase the size of the index file on disk because CouchDB includes the emitted data directly into the index file. However, this means that, when querying your data, CouchDB can just stream the content directly from the index file on disk. This is obviously quite fast.
Relying instead on include_docs=true will decrease the size of your on-disk index, it's true. However, on querying, CouchDB must perform a document read for every returned row. This involves essentially random document lookups from the main data file, meaning that the cost and time of returning data increases significantly.
While the query time difference for small numbers of documents is slow, it will add up over every call made by the application. For me, therefore, emitting needed fields from a document into the index is usually the right call -- disk is cheap, user's attention spans less so. This is broadly similar to using covering indexes in a relational database, another widely echoed piece of advice.
I did a totally unscientific test on this to get a feel for what the difference is. I found about an 8x increase in response time and 50% increase in CPU when using include_docs=true to read 100,000 documents from a view when compared to a view where the documents were emitted directly into the index itself.
