Is there a .NET wrapper for FMUs? - fmi

I need to co-simulate an FMU (generated from OpenModelica) within a .NET application. Is there a .NET equivalent to JFMI or PyFMI ?

Way too late for the original poster I'm sure, but just in case it helps anyone else
Take a look at


PHP framework AMPHP/THREAD no longer in use?

Was amphp/thread discontinued? amphp/amp is working perfectly but when I run ANY of the example coding from amphp/thread git, I get all kinds of errors. Not one example is working. I noticed last update was in 2014.
Is there any way for me to get amphp/thread working? Was it replaced? With what replacement?
I have php 7.0 installed on mac, built with thread safety. EV, EVENT, UV are all enabled.
My .jason file looks like this 
"amphp/amp": "v0.17.0", "amphp/thread": "v0.8.1"
Much appreciated.
I found the answer to this question in a discussion here:
amphp/thread is no longer being supported but there is hope that it will be picked up again in the future to work with amphp/amp v2. No concrete timeline on when this will happen was given.
Also, amphp/parallel is considered to be the replacement for amphp/thread.

Using NSJSONSerialization with swift on ubuntu/linux

Is it possible to parse JSON using NSJSONSerialization when running swift on ubuntu? Since foundation is available I am assuming it should be?
If not, Is there any other way of serialising and deserialising JSON in swift on linux?
NSJSONSerialization is partly implemented (serialization is not yet implemented)
do it yourself, in accordance with your needs, and you will see, that it is the best investment and great way to understand Swift and its possibilities. you can also use one of the opensource libraries available around. SwiftyJSON is very popular, for an example
As mentioned by Sebastian Osiński, unfortunately it use NSJSONSerialization too.
you can check this very simple, but working example swift json. it is far away to be 'perfect', but as an inspiration it could help you, i hope so.
I am using TidyJSON for this, because it combines much of the ease of SwiftyJSON but does not rely on NSJSONSerialization for parsing. It works wherever Swift works, and I'm using it just fine in my current Swift/Ubuntu projects.
If you're using the server side Swift framework "Perfect", You can do something like this to convert "data" (Binary) type to "JSONConvertable" (Swift Arrays etc) object types.
let jsonObject = try String.init(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8)?.jsonDecode()
print("\(jsonObject as! [String])")
response.completed(status: .badRequest)

Strange CLR compilation

So I'm doing this DirectX 11 project and had to use ...array<T>^ arr from the System header and I had to switch my Common Language RunTime Support settings to /clr. After fiddling with the other setting to get the project to compile I seem to have messed something up ,because now I cant use breakpoints and all the objects I have seem to not exist I dont know how else to put it. Please help.
Unless you need to work with .NET types, I'd recommend not using /CLR. Instead of using array<T>^, you can just use std::vector<T> and eliminate the dependency on the common language runtime.

What is the difference between a XmlCofigurator and a DomCofigurator in log4net dll?

I used both of them it is working fine. but i just want to know the difference for learning purpose?
DomConfigurator is obsolete and replaced by XmlConfigurator:

How can I use classes from VisualBasic-Express in VBA for Excel or Access projects?

I saved my VB-Express code as .dll and registered it with regasm and made a .tlb file.
But when I try to run a function from it in an Excel-modul I get: Run-time error ‘453’: Can’t find DLL entry point RegisterServiceProcess in kernel32
What step did I miss?
or better still try out ExcelDNA ( )
I think you're creating a .Net dll and trying to call it from a COM-oriented environment (VBA), which isn't going to work without help. If I'm guessing right, then you need to investigate the COM Interop elements of .Net: Google throws up lots of promising-looking links, one of which is this article.
It looks a bit unpleasant, but I expect the nastiness can be tucked away somewhere...
Try this Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Can't Run Macro That Calls 16-bit DLL in 32-bit MS Excel.
Do you have the proper rights to access the DLL?
Thanks for the input to everybody, you helped me a big step further.
After following the guides you provided I got: Run-time error: '-2147024894' (80070002)': File or assembly name AssemblyName, or one of its dependencies, was not found.
But I could fix that with this Workaround.
