I have a weird problem with webfonts rendering on IE11 (v11.0.9600.17631) windows 8.1 pro.
I am using both an iconmoon produced iconset and 2 typekit fonts (proxima nova and rooney) and nothing is rendered using these.
I have tried so many things but nothing seems to do the job. Tried a dozen tweaks on my css, also a number of google webfonts, generated a couple of tests through fontsquirrel. Nothing works.
It doesn't look like i am having CORS issues, on several of these tests fonts are on the same directory as the application i am building.
I managed to get it to work by disabling protected mode in Internet Options > Security, which i understand its turned on by default.
Anybody faces similar issues? This is so disappointing.
Your problem may be in the browsers emulation mode (Compatibility View). Force the UserAgent for IE by including this as the first metatag:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
x-ua-compatible ie-compatibility-mode
Flutter web app(Sample app) is not supporting in IE11. Shows empty page and remaining browsers(Chrome, Firefox, edge) its working fine. Any solution for this IE11 issue. Thanks in advance.
Looking at various discussions about flutter it was reported as not working with IE or Edge earlier in 2020 but it now works with Edge (probably because Edge has moved towards Chrome). I did not find any comment that says it now works on IE and trying other examples they work on Chrome and Edge as of today but not on IE11.
Also, the test example given does not work on Firefox either.
There is some hint in the discussions on [https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/codelab-web][1] that they were tracking down the problems in Edge (before Edge moved) but I could not find any hint that they would be working on IE.
It may be best to repeat the question to the flutter community - but it would not be surprising if they were not going to work on an IE version as it is slowly dying out.
Having said all that, the error now posted by the questioner points at an incompatibility with the version of Bootstrap being used. Several places in searching for this come up with the recommentdation that this should be added in the head of the code
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
It may be worth raising this with flutter themselves - maybe they are using the wrong version of Bootstrap or need to do something like the above? (to prevent old version of IE run).
[1]: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/codelab-web
I've built a few Outlook Add-ins now, but I have one user that is having a problem with Fabric Icons (I've also tried Google Material Icons with no luck). For that user, everything works great on OWA using IE11. But in the Outlook Desktop Client the icons are not loading. I thought the Outlook Add-in used the IE browser, so if it works in IE, it should work in the Outlook Desktop.
I know probably I should be using vorlorn.js but I haven't set it up yet (I was pulling my hair out earlier getting it to work in my local sandbox, due to Add-ins requiring HTTPS, and Vorlon not easily supporting HTTPS)
I haven't tried this yet, but if it's working in IE11 it should work on the Desktop right?
Icon fonts not loading in IE11
Self hosting (Google Material Icons) caused the same issue for me, but using the CDN gets the icons to work.
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">
Not ideal for my use case, but it works.
I have several ASP pages that refuse to reload showing the latest changes in several browsers.
I have placed
Response.expires = -1
Response.CacheControl = "Private"
Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache"
at the top of each page.
I have also placed
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" />
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" />
inside the html head area.
In Safari, Chrome and Firefox each page loads fine the first time. But if I make a change to the file, large or small, the cached file reappears even though I have religiously used the cache clearing techniques recommended for each browser. I have ftp downloaded the files and indeed they show the changes.
Has anyone else experienced such a thing?
I am using Mac 10.12.5, Safari 10.1.1, Chrome 59.0.3071.115, Firefox 54.0.1
You might be affected by a couple of things here.
One is your IIS instance's caching settings. If you're able to open IIS Manager, go to your website instance and open up the 'Output Caching' feature, check if there's anything in this list that could affect your asp files.
If that doesn't work, I suspect your issue is FTP. You mentioned you were using FTP to download the files. If you are using them to upload your files too, you might find that your client is not updating the timestamp on those files (I have had this issue before). When ASP runs a script, it caches the compiled version to reuse later, which saves time. If the file's timestamp doesn't change, ASP will continue to use its precompiled version instead of recompiling the new file. You must force the timestamp to be updated if possible (some FTP clients have an option for this). Failing that, deleting and recreating the file should work.
I had an application running on IE7, then, after the release of IE8, I could migrate my application to view with IE8.
Now IE 9 is already happened. What are the tips and tricks to migrate my application to IE9 ? I did a workaround, but I am not satisfied with it. I use the following to set the Document mode to IE 7.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />
What are the best ways to handle with IE 9 ?
The gap between elements are widened in IE9 ? How can I modify my site to work well in IE7, IE8 and IE9 ?
The application looks fine in IE7 and IE8. Did Microsoft forget about backward compatibility ?
I gather that your application does not render properly in IE9? You seem to be looking for a "quick fix" to make your application keep rendering the same as it did in IE7 without having to make any significant changes. Such a trick/hack may exist (I don't know), but I'd recommend against it. Eventually you're going to have to update your web app to work with modern browsers -- why not do it now? IE9 is by far the most standards-compliant version of IE, and you would benefit in the long run by making your web app render correctly in IE9 without any "pretend to be IE7" tricks.
I am about to wrap up the implementation for my first ExtJS based application. But I am facing a weird issue at this point.
I am using ASP.net at the server and then ExtJS at the client. I noticed that, If I run this project from Visual Studio Debugger then it works nice, and in that case my browser URL was set to
But As soon as I open a new browser and hit
it behaves slightly different.
For instance, some Button Shapes are not rendered properly.
Can any body give me a clue how can I debug this issue. basically how the style can be influenced by the machine name vs localhost in URL ?
Thanks in advance!
I too had the same issue.
This is due to the compatibility issue in ie8. go to tools->compatibility View Settings
uncheck "Display intranet sites in Compatibility view.
In local host or when we run from VS. It is not in Compatibility mode. And works fine in ie or in FF. But as soon as we change the local host to hostname/machinename it is going to compatibility view(default setting).
Jquery drag and drop functionality was also creating some problem. when it was running in compatibility view.
Use this first in header: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">
You can use Firebug or IE Developer tools to debug the css ( >= IE 8 preferably if Firefox is not an option.).