Encrypt Folder using TPM so that only my program can access key - tpm

I want to be able to encrypt a folder, then have my program only be able to decrypt the folder. I understand that I may have to have my program run as its own user, but what I want to know is if there is already a TPM owner, would that owner have access to my stored key even if my program is the one that requested and stored that key?
I don't mind if the administrator would be able to delete the encrypted folder, but I do not want any user of the computer to be able to obtain the key and decrypt the contents.
Edit: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=F69zBgAAQBAJ&rdid=book-F69zBgAAQBAJ&rdot=1&source=gbs_vpt_read&pcampaignid=books_booksearch_viewport
So according to this text, this is a possible scenario, but you have to pass the TPM an authValue in order to operate on the entity.
But how would you store this authValue if your program is running in memory and this value can be deduced?

This is possible using TBS contexts in Windows. More can be read here:
These services are available to the following users and contain their own contexts:
Administrators, NT AUTHORITY\LocalService, and NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService


How to encrypt user data on the backend but allow for data sharing amongst users?

I was wondering what was the preferred way to encrypt user data in a database with a user-specific key but allow for data sharing between users.
The database owner should not be able to decrypt the data, only the users sharing the file.
I can only see one possible solution that allows all users to modify the data:
When user data become "shared", it changes from a single-user mode to a multiple-user mode and a data-specific key is produced and shared amongst the users. The key will only be used for that particular data.
Is this a valid approach ?
Are there better ways to do that ?
Why not just share the (user-specific) key with the user's friends.
If you don't want the key (for short, USK) disclosed to others. You may compute USK' from Hash(USK || the data), and share USK' to friends.

msmtp and smtp account password - how to obfuscate

I configured msmtp with my gmail account.
I obviously want to avoid writing my password in plaintext format in the config file.
Luckily enough msmtp offer the option passwordeval which can be used to obtain the password from the output of an an executable.
The question is: how should I use it?
I found here the following suggestion:
passwordeval gpg -d /some/path/to/.msmtp.password.gpg
That doesn't make much sense to me: if someone is able to access my config file he will certainly manage to run such a command and obtain the password from gpg.
So I believe I'm left with the only option of obfuscating the password within the binary executable even if I read almost everywhere that this is bad!
My impossible-to-hack implementation is: if the sendmail process is running output the correct pass, otherwise give a fake pass.
Your suggestions?
Other (more secure) tricks different from storing the pass in the binary file?
From Sukima's comment:
The reason gpg -d works is because it requires the private key of the person the file is encrypted to. So just placing that encrypted file in the public it is still encrypted an only one person (the one with the secret key) can decrypt it. It is assumed that the secret key is locked up on the user's machine and not leaked. It also assumes that they have not setup any agents which cache the unlock password while a hacker has direct access to the same machine. All of which is highly unlikely in 99% of all attacks.
There is not a standard solution on how to save credentials with the constraint of
having to use the credentials in plain text later
and in an unattended way
on a system which is not completely controlled by you (if it is you just set appropriate rights on the files holding the secrets)
You have several solutions, none solves perfectly your problem:
encrypt your credentials in a symmetric way: you need to input the key to decrypt them
encrypt in an asymmetric way: you need to provide your private key, which must be stored somewhere (unattended approach) or keyed in
obfuscate: as you mention, this only protects from some population
get it from somewhere else - you need to identify a way or another your system
You need to take into account which risk is acceptable and go from there.

Selecting a Secure DBMS against direct disk access

I'm going to create a Java Application for collecting some enterprise information.
My problem is the DBMS security.
EDIT: My Application is not connected to Network and the whole DB and App. are located on the system that app. is accessed from there; Users has ACL so I don't want a user be able to read data that hasn't access to them by using database files on the disk.
I need a DBMS that encrypt data on disk to protect data against someone with a Text/HEX editor or other SQL Browsing Tools (Like SQLite that has no security mechanism or ...)!
Which DBMS can I use to be sure that data are accessible only through my application (and of course DBMS itself) and not directly from the disk?
Does MySQL or PostgreSQL have such a direct disk access protection mechanism?
If the individual has access to the disk itself, there's a good chance that he will have access to the code and other data of your application. And the encryption key (used to encrypt the DB file) will be available as well. This problem doesn't have a universal solution (see one approach below) if the computer device gets into wrongdoer's hands.
Putting the above aside you have several options:
SQLite has whole-DB encryption plugin.
You can mount the disk using TrueCrypt or one of its alternatives
We have several products (namely SolFS and CallbackFilter) which let you encrypt the DB file on the fly either using the virtual disk (SolFS) or by encrypting/decrypting files on the fly by filtering file I/O requests (CallbackFilter).
If you are able to have the user provide a password / key in some way, then you can use a session key to encrypt the database data, and then encrypt this session key using each user's password. Then, when the user wants to access the data, you ask him for a password, decrypt the session key and use the key to access the DB. In this way the key used to encrypt the data is not stored in "cleartext" and getting physical access to the disk doesn't reveal the data.

How can we store password other than plain text?

I've found numerous posts on stackoverflow on how to store user passwords. However, I need to know what is the best way to store a password that my application needs to communicate with another application via the web? Currently, our web app needs to transmit data to a remote website. To upload the data, our web app reads the password from a text file and creates the header with payloads and submits via https.
This password in plain text on the file system is the issue. Is there any way to store the password more securely?
This is a linux os and the application is written in python and is not compiled.
Further clarification:
There are no users involved in this process at all. The password stored in the file system is used by the other web app to authenticate the web app that is making the request. To put it in the words of a commenter below:
"In this case, the application is the client to another remote application."
From the question it seems you need to store password in such a way, that it can be read and used in an automated transaction with another site. You could encrypt the password and store it encrypted in the file, then decrypt it using a key stored elsewhere in your system before using it. This makes difficulties to someone that gets access to the file from using the password, as they now have to find the key and encryption algorithm used, so they can decrypt it.
As defense, more lesser defense is always better than one strong defense that fails when breached. Moreover, I would also secure the file containing the password, rather than the password itself. Configure your webserver to disable possibility to serve the file containing the password, and try to set the process needing the file to run under a separate account, so you can restrict the access to the file to account running the process and admin accounts only.
I don't think you will find a foolproof way to do this. I would suggest a combination of things to achieve 'security by obscurity':
store the password file on a different computer than the one which will use it
store the file path in a separate config file on the app nachine
use permissions to limit access to the config and password files to your process only
audit file access if your system allows it (keep a log of who touched the files)
give the folders and files innocuous names (/usr/joe/kittens.txt?)
block physical access to the computer(s) (offsite hosting, or locked closet, or something)
You can use a two-way key encryption algorithms like RSA,
The password is stored encrypted (by a key, which is stored in the user's brain) on the filesystem, but to decode the password, the user must enter the key.
At the very least you should use permissions (if you are on a filesystem which supports them) to ensure that you are the only one able to read the file.
In addition, if your app is compiled, it would not be too difficult to encrypt the password with a hard-coded passphrase. If the code is not compiled this method wouldn't really be helpful, as a would-be attacker could just read the source and determine the encryption.
You can store it as a result of hash algorithm, this is one way algorithm (eg. MD5 or SHA). On authentication you calc MD5 of password typed by user and checking equality with your stored MD5 password hash for this user. If is equal password is ok.
For more information about hasing algorithms you can visit:
Is your web application hosted on a farm? If not then a technology such as DPAPI will allow you to encrypt the password so that it can only be decrypted on the machine it was encrypted on.
From memory there can be problems with using it on a web farm though, as you need to go and re-encrypt the value for each server.
If it is a web farm then you probably want to use some form of RSA encryption as has been suggested in other answers.
EDIT: DPAPI is only good if you are hosting on windows of course...
Protecting the Automatic Logon Password
The LsaStorePrivateData function can be used by server applications to store client and machine passwords.
Windows only
I don't think you are understanding the answers provided. You don't ever store a plain-text password anywhere, nor do you transmit it to another device.
You wrote: Sorry, but the issue is storing a
password on the file system... This
password is needed to authenticate by
the other web app.
You can't count on file system protections to keep plain-text safe which is why others have responded that you need SHA or similar. If you think that a hashed password can't be sufficient for authentication, you don't understand the relevant algorithm:
get password P from user
store encrypted (e.g. salted hash)
password Q someplace relatively
forget P (even clear the buffer you
used to read it)
send Q to remote host H
H gets password P' from user when
H computes Q' from P', compares Q'
to Q for equality

Ok, so I've encrypted my data now where do I hide the key?

I have a database that contains sensitive information. I can encrypt / decrypt the data on the read write operations. The problem is that I need to store the key in the application. If someone has hacked their way in such they have access to the database then they can also grab the application (java) decomplie it and pull the key.
This seems like a speed bump at best. What other solutions are available?
The only thing you can do is make it difficult to extract the key from your application. You can't make it impossible. If you give someone a box with contents that you're trying to protect, you have to give them the key if you want them to be able to access the contents. Once you give them the key they can do whatever they want… if they take the trouble of finding the key.
This is a case of Bob and Eve being the same person, you want to give Bob access but stop Eve from seeing it.
This is DRM, it doesn't work.
I am assuming you have some way to verify the credentials of the user before allowing them to access the database?
Usually the architecture for these kinds of things is as follows:
The Client connects to the Server, which then connects to the Database.
The Server makes sure the Client authenticates correctly before allowing them access to sensitive information. The decryption key is stored only on the server. Noone should have access to the server, and especially the file that contains the key. This way the clients do not have any encryption/decryption they have to do, and do not have to store any keys.
Read up on keystores.
Require the user to enter a passphrase to access their data. Burying the key in the code is security by obscurity.
Store the keys in a CSP container. Consider the Java CSP here .
This is IMO the safest way possible. But you can also consider storing the key in a file which is protected by the operating system using some kind of ACL.
require the user to log in using a strong password; use the password as the key for a symmetric encryption algorithm to decrypt the asymmetric database key
keep the db key in secure memory while the application is running (if that is an option)
Encrypt the key (using DPAPI), put it in a file, put an ACL on that file etc...
