Unable to find TFS 2012 labels in VS2012 - visual-studio-2012

This has never worked for me in VS2012. I can right click a folder in Source Control Explorer, select "Advanced -> Apply Label..." and enter a name. TFS plugs away, and the Output window states that the label has been created. Everything seems fine.
However, any attempt to find the label fails. Immediately after applying the label, I can right click the same folder and select "Find -> Find Label..." and I get nothing. I can search All Projects - nothing. I can search by Owner - nothing. I can even enter the label name - nothing.
Using the command line is no better. I go to the mapped folder which was just labeled, and "tf labels [any and all options]" always returns 'No labels found'.
BUT using the label works. If I specify the label name in either VS2012 when getting a specific version, or from the command line 'tf get /v:L'lable name' TFS is happy to comply.
It's obvious the label is in fact being created, and it can be used, but how can I list available labels?

Does this work for you?
Right click branch/project in Source code explorer.
Choose History.
At the top there should be two tabs "Changesets" and "Labels".
My "find label" does work in VS2012. I can't seem to find any labels in VS2008!


How to exclude some directories from "Analyze -> Inspect Code" in Android Studio?

One code directory is from a long working library, but the code inspector complains about many issues in it. How do I exclude it from analysis?
I've tried looking at the settings, and also tried right clicking on various things through the analysis.
I'd like the code inspection to work for most of my project, but not from parts of it that work and analysis is unneeded. In this case, it is a complex open source C language library where I do not want to touch the code.
Okay - I feel a bit dumb, but so others don't have to go through this, here are details. Also, it is very easy to screw this up - the Android Studio GUI will let you do stuff that looks good in the dialog, but doesn't work. It took me several tries to find the magic that works.
Here is the procedure:
From the main menu, select "Analyze" then "Inspect Code"
Click the button next to "Custom Scope"
Click the three dots button - to the right on the same line. A new dialog will pop up.
Click the plus ( + ) - upper left, to start a new Custom scope
Give it a name
Select "Local" or "Remote"
In the drop-down of the new dialog, select Project view
Of the four icons, click them until only the one for file display is emphasized
Find the top directory of what you want to analyze, and click "Include"
Find each directory you want to exclude, and click "Exclude" for each
Click OK - the custom scope dialog will close
Click OK - the analysis will run
In the future, that scope is available by name, but remember that it does not honor the implied scope if you right-click a directory in the hierarchy.

In Windows 10 how do I add a program to the main "Open With" menu not "Choose another App"

With Windows 7 I could easily use the Open With context menu to add a new program which would thereafter appear in the Open With menu (I can't remember the exact sequence, but it was easy and worked fine). However I have now upgraded to Windows 10. The programs that I associated with my particular file extension in W7 still appear in the Open With menu in W10. If I want to add another one I select "Choose Another App". However, any app I add with W10 does not appear in the Open With menu - I have to select Choose Another App every time to get to it. I now have two lists of available apps, one in Open With (the ones I set up with W7) and one in Open With | Choose Another App (the ones I set up with W10). It's not exactly a show stopper but it's irritating. Does anyone know what this is all about and how I can get the apps into the main Open With menu?
The reason why it doesn't appear in "Open with" menu is most likely because application's VERSIONINFO is not properly filled out with all the relevant details. If you are application developer you should create VERSIONINFO resource as clarified here:
If you are not the developer, then you can still fix this by editing registry - see here:
Basically under the registry key: Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache there should be 2 keys for YourExampleApp:
One that ends with .FriendlyAppName
One that ends with .ApplicationCompany
For example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ExampleApp\YourExampleApp.exe.FriendlyAppName
C:\Program Files (x86)\ExampleApp\YourExampleApp.exe.ApplicationCompany
Most likely one of these 2 is missing which causes the application to be dropped out of the "Open with" menu.
The MuiCache list is cached from the properties of the application's VERSIONINFO resource embedded in the application, so if such resource is missing from the application, some items may be missing from the cache as well. For more details have a look at the above references.
Coder12345 had the correct answer for me, thanks a ton! I would like to expand on it briefly; I wanted Shotcut to appear in the first open with... context menu. I had to add the registry entry for ApplicationCompany. It appears that it doesn't matter what you put for the value of that key, just as long as it's there. No restart of file explorer was required, the change takes place immediately.
Also, the FriendlyAppName changes what text appears in the open with submenu. Shotcut appeared as shotcut.exe so I changed it to just Shotcut.

TFS Pending Changes keyboard commands in VS2012

I'm using VS2012 with TFS2010 (which may or may not matter).
I cannot seem to get any of the keyboard commands that should work with the Pending Changes window to, y'know, work.
I've tried the steps listed here, and I've tried binding keys to ever "CompareWith" commands listed in the keyboard dialog. The only ones that actually seem to do anything are the File.* commands, but those operate on the open file, and not the Pending Changes window.
I've seen that commands like Alt-I (check-in) work, but they don't appear in the Keyboard settings.
Does the new window in VS2012 have its own set of keyboard settings that are set somewhere else? I'm trying to get to the point of have an keyboard-only workflow for Comparing, the Excluding or Undoing.
This is really strange. I can actually see the shortcut keys in the right-click dialog, but pressing them does nothing. I then tried changing it to a chord, and I get the error message: "The key combination (Ctrl+Shift+Q, Ctrl+Shift+Q) is bound to command (Tfs.ContextPendingChangesPageExcludeChanges) which is not currently available"
Update 2: I found this blog post, which has some more shortcuts listed, but not that actually do operations on the individual files. For quick reference, here's his list:
Shortcut Team Explorer Page
Ctrl+' Search
Ctrl+0,H Home
Ctrl+0,P Pending Changes
Ctrl+0,M My Work
Ctrl+0,W Work Items
Ctrl+0,B Build
Ctrl+0,R Reports
Ctrl+0,D Documents
Ctrl+0,S Settings
Ctrl+0,A Web Access – team home page
F5 Refresh
Ctrl+Up Move focus to the previous visible section header
Ctrl+Down Move focus to the next visible section header
Alt+Left Navigate backward
Alt+Right Navigate forward
Alt+Home Focus the navigation control
Alt+0 Focus the page top level content
Alt+[1-9] Focus the visible section [1-9] level content
Alt+Up Focus the previous visible section content
Alt+Down Focus the next visible section content
There is a bug with key bindings in some Team Explorer pages in VS 2012 RTM. This has been fixed for the next VS 2012 update.

How do I open a new tab when searching in Aptana Studio 3?

Kind of a newbie question.
Sometimes I use the project-wide search feature, and my search results appear listed in the window below, along with the related hierarchy placement.
Let's say I double click a file. It opens. Fine.
However, if I double-click again on another file in the search results window, it will replace the file I just opened. It's impossible for me to open multiple search results, short of manually opening them from the project view.
It wasn't always this way - it worked when I first installed the program, but something changed about three days in and I can't do it anymore.
Go to Preferences > General > Search and uncheck Reuse editors to show matches.

Button-Triggered Insert File Only Works If Portal Contains Edit Box for Container Field

I'm working with a FileMaker Pro 11 database that contains a portal. I've added an "attach file" button to the portal which triggers a simple "Insert File[portal_table::attachment_field]" script. When I click on the button, I would expect an insert file dialog box to appear. Instead, nothing happens.
If I add a text box to the portal, setting the text box's field to portal_table::attachment_field, the attach button starts working.
Why am I required to add this text box to the portal in order for my button-triggered script to work? Is there a way I can modify my script so that it works without requiring the text box's presence?
Thank you,
Generally speaking FileMaker's "Insert..." commands behave as if a user has done an action manually (activating script triggers, selecting the field, etc.) including the requirement that the field actually be displayed on the screen.
Unfortunately, as far as I am aware, there is not a way to use "Set Field" to specify a file to be added to a container field. One possible work-around is the following:
Freeze Window
Set Variable [$RecordIndex to RelatedTable::Index]
Go to Layout [A Layout of RelatedTable specifically for inserting files]
Enter Find Mode
Set Field [Index to $RecordIndex]
Perform Find
Insert File
Go to Layout [Original Layout]
Alternately, it may be easier to just include the field on the layout at a very small size (1 pixel x 1 pixel).
