Accept QueryString for Image delivered by Controller - image-scaling

I'm trying to make a controller that delivers a random background image. I have a MVC route from /random-background.jpg to /MyController/RandomBackground, and it's returns File(backgroundImage, "image/jpeg"). This is working fine.
I've disabled the 404 plugin for all QueryStrings that ends with random-image, so the image is showing up. However, it won't take any parameters, such as random-background.jpg?width=200. &format=jpg doesn't have any effect either.
How do I get ImageResizer to accept this for a "real image"? Do I have to use ImageResizer.ImageJob? If so, I would love an example I can understand :)

ImageResizer V3 and earlier cannot 'post-process' the result of an MVC action or third-party HTTPHandler.
You will need to use one of the virtual providers plugins, use URL rewriting, or implement your own IVirtualImageProvider.
See the best practices guide for an explanation of 'why'.


Kentico: PortalTemplate.aspx explicitly throwing a 404 error when directly invoked

We work on a product that is a series of components that could be installed on different CMSs and provide different services. We take a CMS agnostic approach and try to use the same code in all the CMSs as much as possible (we try to avoid using CMS API as much as we can).
Some part of the code needs to work with the current URL for some redirections so we use Request.Url.ToString() that is something that has worked fine in other environments but in Kentico instead of returning the current page we always get a reference to CMSPages/PortalTemplate.aspx with a querystring parameter aliasPath that holds the real URL. In addition to that, requesting the Template page using a browser gives you a 404 error.
Real URL (this works fine on a browser):
Request.Url.ToString() (this gives you a 404 error on a browser):
I've noticed that the 404 error is thrown explicitly by the template code when invoked directly. Please see below code from Page_Init method of PortalTemplate.aspx.cs:
var resolvedTemplatePage = URLHelper.ResolveUrl(URLHelper.PortalTemplatePage);
if (RequestContext.RawURL.StartsWithCSafe(resolvedTemplatePage, true))
// Deny direct access to this page
So, if I comment the above code out my redirection works fine ((2) resolves to (1)). I know it is not an elegant solution but since I cannot / don't want to use Kentico API is the only workaround I could find.
Note that I know that using Kentico API will solve the issue since I'm sure I will find an API method that will return the actual page. I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible.
Questions: Am I breaking something? Is there a better way of achieving what I trying to accomplish? Can you think on any good reason I shouldn't do what I'm doing (security, usability, etc)?
This is kind of a very broad question so I was not able to find any useful information on Kentico docs.
I'm testing all this on Kentico v8.2.50 which is the version one of my customers currently have.
Thanks in advance.
It's not really recommended to edit the source files of Kentico, as you may start to run into issues with future upgrades and also start to see some unexpected behaviour.
If you want to get the original URL sent to the server before Kentico's routing has done its work, you can use Page.Request.RawUrl. Using your above example, RawUrl would return a value of /Membership/Questionnaire?Id=7207f9f9-7354-df11-88d9-005056837252, whereas Url will return a Uri with a value of (as you stated).
This should avoid needing to use the Kentico API and also avoid having to change a file that pretty much every request goes through when using the portal engine.
If you need to get the full URL to redirect to, you can use something like this:
var redirectUrl = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + Request.RawUrl;

THREDDS Server NetCDF file via WMS

I have setup TomCat and THREDDS server (loaded war file) and attempted to serve up some *.nc files using via WMS protocol.
I can request the file but all I seem to get back is a black image.
I had something similar in geoserver but I was able to update the styles layer and setup ranges so that various colours were applied.
I have tried editing the 'wmsConfig.xml'and alter options such as the 'defaultColorScaleRange' but it doesn't seem to have the desired effect.
I have read the documentation a few times but I may be missing something , has anyone overcome this problem ? Any help would be great.
Update 1
So as suggest below using the built in viewer I can see the image and this is what I would like to get by requesting via WMS.
Using built in viewer
address :
Requesting initial attempt,-12875664.540581377,20037508.342789244,313086.06785608194&LAYERS=precipitation&format=image/png&STYLES=boxfill/red
Which returns just the black square :(
I will carry on and look at the WMS url used by th eopenlayers example, maybe thats the key... ill continue to update my questions as my journey begins :).
Update 2
Managed to work out that the SRS being passed in was incorrect and needed altering.
now next stage is to work out how to request a time series over a batch of NCDF files.....
Update 3
Managed to work out a way to automate requesting WMS services and with the aid of this great plugin for leaflet maps I have the desired output.
Basically call the WMS endpoint with getmap that I require building up the url relevant for the file I need to request.
The next step for me is looking at styled for the returned raster at this point seems like some Java code modification, but at least my initial problems have gone. phew!
Update 4
Gone away and tried to rebuild the Java on a project ncWMS which I found was standalone but now incorporated into THREDDS. Still having no joy with transparency raster created from NETCDF.
Looking at THREDDS code a bit more after I also tried changing palletes that didnt seem to work , issue raised
You haven't shared the full url of your THREDDS request, but is the service url for the WMS GetCapabilities file. Which is an XML file describing the WMS service. That is not the THREDDS url for viewing the WMS via ncWMS. You need to scroll down the page to the Viewers: section and choose the Godiva2 (browser-based) link.

Modifying content delivered by node-http-proxy

Due to some limitations about the web services I am proxying, I have to inject some JS code so that it allows the iframe to access the parent window and perform some actions.
I have built a proxy system with node-http-proxy which works pretty nicely. However I have spent unmeasurable hours trying to modify the content (on my own, using harmon as well, etc) that is being sent to the user without any success. I have found some articles and even some questions here but all of them are outdated and are not useful anymore.
I was wondering if someone can give me an actual example about how to do this, because I am unable to do it and maybe it is just that it is impossible to do at this point?
I haven't tried harmon, but I did try cheerio and it works.
However, I used http-mitm-proxy and not node-http-proxy.
If you are using http-mitm-proxy, you need to return a promise in the response handler. Otherwise, the proxy continues to send the original response without picking up your changes.
I have recently written another proxy at:
I'm going to add response handling to this soon. This one uses a callback mechanism, which means it wont return the response until the caller signals it to.
You should be able to use 'cheerio' and alter the content in JQuery style.

Detecting where user has come from a specific website

I'm wanting to know if it's possible to detect which website a user has come from and serve to them different content based on which website they have just come from.
So if they've come from any other website on the internet and landed on my page, they will see my normal html and css page, but if they come from a specific website (this specific website would have also been developed by me so I have control over the code server-side and client-side) then I want them to see something slightly different.
It's a very small difference that I want them to see, and that's why I don't want to consider taking them to a different version of the website or a different page.
I'm also not sure if this solution will be placed on the page they coming from or the page that they arriving on?
Hope that's clear. Thanks!
I would add a URL parameter like This way you can easily adjust the parameter and can use javascript to detect this and slightly alter your landing page.
Otherwise, you can use the HTTP referrer sent via the browser to detect where they came from, but you would need to tell us your back end technology to get an example of that, as it differs a bit.
In javascript, you can do something as easy as
if(window.location.href.indexOf('source=othersite') > 0)
// alter DOM here
Or you can use a URL Parameter parser as suggested here: How to get the value from the GET parameters?
What you want is the Referer: HTTP header. It will give the URL of the page which the user came from. Bear in mind that the Referer can easily be spoofed, so don't take it as a guarantee if security is an issue.
Browsers may disable the referer, though. Why not just use a URL parameter?

Browser plugin which can register its own protocol

I need to implement a browser plugin which can register its own protocol (like someprotocol://someurl) and be able to handle calls to this protocol (like user clicking on 'someprotocol' link calls function inside my plugin). As far as I understand, Skype does something similar, except I need to handle links within page context and not in a separate app. Any advice on how this can be done? Can this be done without installing my own plugin, with the help of flash/java?
Things are going to be slightly more complicated than you think.
You're going to have to create an entire application, not just a browser plugin (that plugin can be part of your application). The reason I consider it to be a complete application is that you're going to need to modify registry settings on the client machine to register your custom URL handler.
Here's an MSDN article describing exactly what you have to do to register the custom URL handler on a Windows client:
Registering an Application to a URL Protocol
