How to implement web service consumer SOAP with Mulesoft - soap-client

I'd like to implement web service consumer with mulesoft. I have followed the guide of Mule at address: . When I have arrived to insert Data mapper Trasformer I have seen that the windows for setting parameters don't pre-populates.

the first step of using web service-consumer was to drag the the web-service consumer component into to flow by defining required parameters like wsdl url. Then drag the datampper before the ws-consumer component which load the ws definition to the traget side of datamapper.

Click on the Web Service Consumer. On the bottom right hand side of Studio you should have the DataSense Explorer. Do you have anything listed under "Payload"? If not, then chances are that Studio is not loading DataSense from your WSDL file.
Try clicking on "Refresh Metadata" if this is the case.


Buildfire - Can I send users paths to the app outside of the app itself?

If I want a user fill out something within the app, can I give them a path that leads to the plugin within the app itself? For example when you try to open a google maps link on your phone and you have the google maps app it will just open the app.
If you are looking to deep-link into the app from outside your app, this is achieved through custom schema and a deep-link. So each app is issued a unique schema on the OS. You're used to schemas like "http" or "ftp" and so on. Custom schemas are registered on the OS to let then operating system know if they see this schema/protocol that your app is responsible for consuming it. For example, facebook is "fb://". You can contact customer support to see if your app has been issued one and what is it.
The second part of this is to deep-link to a particular plugin you can find a quick shortcut to it on the control side of your plugin in the Control Panel
Once you've gotten the app to open, then made it navigate to the plugin you want. The last step is optional but good to know. YOu can pass query-string parameters to the plugin so it may take further action from within. For example, you can have it prefill information or navigate to a subsection of the plugin.
Here is an example:
app683a5d:// Tells the OS which app to open
plugin/cb705192-fe4c-44e9-8032-34c9ee0a186a-1560793060569 tells the app which plugin instance to open
?firstName=Daniel&tel=555-555-5555 passes along data to the plugin to consume
Here are some helpful references:
Navigation from within the app

Use of OData in a web application instead of other

I read in an article that odata can be used for different combination of clients/servers.
Say I would like to develop a web application where i store data(say information about all mobile products on market) using mongoDB and use python as backend with Bottle framework to access data through browser as GET.
Then i decide to extend web app as android app. i can extend it to android without any code change on server side.
My doubt is does using odata here helps in any way? Say if i want to extend it to other clients?
Yes, you are right, you don't need to change even a single line of code on the server side if you change a client app. OData defines many conventions for the communications between the client and the server. such as:
What the URL looks like if you want to query some data$filter=ID gt 2&$select=ID,Name,Rating,Price&$orderby=Price desc
Which http method should be used to Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete an entity
Generally speaking, Post for Create, Get for Retrieve, Patch/Put for Update, Delete for Delete.
What the payload looks like.
How to invoke a function/action
As long as the requests conform to these conventions, the server side always returns the predictable responsese regardless whether the clients is a browser or a mobile device.
I also find the examples for the odata: .
Hope this helps you.

re-using ServiceStack validation in Winforms offline client

We have a working website using ServiceStack as the back end that amounts to a complex data-entry form.
My users have requested an "offline editor" for the forms. To use the offline program, the user will have to connect to the ServiceStack service, create empty instances of the forms, and then I will save the POCOs from the service to disk using ServiceStack's JSON serializer. From there the user can log off the service and edit the POCOs. When they're done, they reconnect to the service, and post/put the edited POCO object.
This all works great. My question involves validation. The validation logic is built into my Service.Interface library, which isn't available offline. The winforms program references only the POCO library and the ServiceStack "common" libraries, which do not look like they include the ServiceStack.Validation namespace.
Is there a way I can rearrange my project so that both the service and the Winforms client can run Validation against the POCOs, so that they can have data validation while offline?
getting closer, I think - I moved all of the Validation classes into their own project. From my Winforms project, I can now manually set up a validator for a POCO class like this:
ServiceStack.FluentValidation.IValidator<SomePOCO> IValidator;
IValidator = new Tonto.Svc.Validation.SomePOCOValidator();
ServiceStack.FluentValidation.Results.ValidationResult vr =
I can see the validator constructor being set up and the rules being initialized, but the .Validate method doesn't seem to do anything. (object comes back as valid, and breakpoints into custom validator code never get there).
I discovered my validator code wasn't running from Winforms because my validators all specify a servicestack ApplyTo Put/Post only (see sample code below). When I remove the entire Ruleset clause, though, then validation happens in my service on GETs - something I never want.
Can anyone think of a way to configure the validator rules to run for POST/PUT only when called from ServiceStack, but to also always run when NOT in servicestack? So close!
public class SomePOCOValidator : AbstractValidator<SomePOCO>
public SomePOCO()
RuleSet(ApplyTo.Put | ApplyTo.Post, () =>
If your validation is doing anything interesting, then it probably HAS to be done "online".
Maybe just allow your client to save the POCOs locally until they go back online, at which point you send them up to your server. Any transactions that are okay, get processed normally, and any that fail, get returned for the user to edit (so your client will need some smarts to have a working set of POCOs for editing)...
If you don't want ANY extra stuff on the client, just have the transactions that fail to validate get stuffed into a "needs_corrections" table on the server, and then code up a supervisor-sort of screen to manage that table.
The validation framework that ServiceStack uses is named FluentValidation. There is no WinForms support in it. Jeremy Skinner the creator of FluentValidation answerd a question about this back in 2010 on his forum here.
Personally I don't use FV with WinForms - the vast majority of my projects are web-based with the occasional WPF project.
However, if I was going to do this then I probably wouldn't validate the controls directly, but instead use a ViewModel which is bound to the controls. I'd use a fairly strict convention where the names of the controls would match the names of the properties that they're bound to. Then, after validation completes I'd walk the control hierarchy to find the control with the name that matches the property that failed validation (I'm not sure how you'd do this in WinForms, but in WPF I'd use LogicalTreeHelper.FindLogicalNode) and then use the ErrorProvider to set the appropriate error.
I was able to work out a solution that allowed me to use ServiceStack validation libraries on both a ServiceStack client and an offline client. Here are the details.
Move all AbstractValidators to their own project: Proj.Svc.Validation.
get rid of all RuleSets in your AbstractValidators.
Reference Proj.Svc.Validation from Proj.Svc.Interface and Proj.OfflineWinformsClient projects.
Turn OFF the ValidationFeature() plugin in your service. All validation will have to be done manually. This means no iOC injected validators in your service classes.
When it's time to validate, either from your service or the offline client, manually declare the validator and use it like this.
IValidator validator = new
ServiceStack.FluentValidation.Results.ValidationResult vr =
if (!vr.IsValid)
(throw exception or notify user somehow);

Data is being entered twice when cross domain web service is fired

I have created a .net web service and when i try to call a method that saves the data in the database, the request is fired twice. I use net profiler to check if two requests are made to the server but only one request is made to server. I fail to understand why data is being entered twice in the database.I am using jsonp method to call the cross domain site
I just found something interesting. I have two servers. When i host the web service on one and call the web service using cross domaining, the data is entered once whereas on the other the data is entered twice. Do we need to take care of some IIS settings too?
So, if there aren't two requests being made then there are almost certainly two calls to the Save() method (or whatever it is called), being fired from the web service end point. But there maybe dupliacte data somewhere too.
Here are a couple of things to check:
What data is actually being
transferred? Have you checked this
using a tool like Charles?
Is the data being passed to your Save() method the same as the data being passed to the web service?
How is the data being written to the database? Is there duplicate SQL somewhere?
Heyi all, i just converted my project to visual studio 2010 and then installed it on the server. Everything is running perfectly now. Thanks

Browser plugin which can register its own protocol

I need to implement a browser plugin which can register its own protocol (like someprotocol://someurl) and be able to handle calls to this protocol (like user clicking on 'someprotocol' link calls function inside my plugin). As far as I understand, Skype does something similar, except I need to handle links within page context and not in a separate app. Any advice on how this can be done? Can this be done without installing my own plugin, with the help of flash/java?
Things are going to be slightly more complicated than you think.
You're going to have to create an entire application, not just a browser plugin (that plugin can be part of your application). The reason I consider it to be a complete application is that you're going to need to modify registry settings on the client machine to register your custom URL handler.
Here's an MSDN article describing exactly what you have to do to register the custom URL handler on a Windows client:
Registering an Application to a URL Protocol
