Excel - Cells Printing as ##### after Fit all Columns on One Page - excel

I had autosized all of the columns beforehand, but when I fit all columns on one page in the print screen some columns turn into #######. Is there a way to prevent this without manually going in and making those columns bigger? (The ####### does not show up on the actual excel sheet, the number that occupies the cell does)
Thank you for any help.

If it's always the same column, I'd start by seeing if you can reduce the font size a little so that the width of the printed data isn't greater than the size of the column when the fit-to-one-page routine squeezes things together.
If you need an automated solution that will run whenever you get ready to fit-to-one-page and print, that's beyond my skills. Maybe VBA code that adds the column widths, predicts the % they'll be reduced, and checks to see which columns need to have their font shrunk & by how much... not a small project, that.
But if you can live with a manual solution, I'd start by a small reduction in font size. Or see if tweaking the margins helps -- tricks from college to get a "10 page paper"!


Gridlayout - How to redistribute cells automatically to the line below?

I'm a bit new in coding and I'm using android Studio. So your help would really be precious to me! Thanks!
Here is the question:
How can I make the cells or elements (of the Grid Layout) redistribute themselves automatically below, anytime the amount of cells exceed the left side of the Grid Layout (so the next cell can go down ) ?
Here's more details about my concern:
Let's suppose I want an horizontal orientation for the arrangement of the cells but I don't need a specific number of rows or columns. Then whenever there's no more space in a line / row to show more cells, the next cells have to be arranged or redistribute themselves automatically to the next line / below.
Here's an example to make it a bit clearer (I hope):
When you're "typing" a paragraph, once the words reach the left side of your screen, the next words (or the rest of the sentences) just fall down and you keep writing below. I want it the same way: When there's not enough space, I'd like the next cells or elements to automatically go down in a new "line" or "row" automatically / as much as there are more cells/elements.
Should I use another type of layout for this?

Prevent Excel from changing x-axis on a dynamic chart

I wanted to make a dynamic chart that plots out the graph of a standard curve for a bio assay we perform frequently. Often to boost the fit of the curve you may drop one or two data points on either end of the data set. So using vlookups and if statements I have a scheme that performs that data trimming, such that my data always starts in Row 1 and the column length simply shortens.
My table works great, but my xy scatter chart goes bananas on these changes. I have the plot on a log log scale, which looks fine if the full data set is present. I lose the x axis detail when I perform a trim. The x- axis then resets to range of 1 to length of my data set.
How can I prevent this?
I added some information. I know there are VBA ways to do this but I would prefer to keep the spreadsheet as simple as possible. I would think excel should be able to handle this.
So if I have a bad fit I may want to trim the data series either from the beginning or end of the data set. I accomplish that with the spinner buttons to dynamically change the table but the following happens
My formula that updates the columns looks like the following. Its messy.
In the formulas use NA() instead of "". Filling cell with "" does not result in a true empty cell and is the reason why you are experiencing issues with your chart.
Hope that helps.
I may be missing the obvious here, but just hard-code the graph with a range of your choosing. In the sample screenshot, making the graph auto defaults the max range to 100,000. I went in and hard-coded the maximum to 50,000 (circled). Afterwards, the 5th data point is not displayed in the chart. Doesn't matter what the data shows at this point.

Excel Wrong Graphic

I have this excel's file:
As you can see i also made graphic for it.
The problem is that it is wrong, because i have 2 same "periodo" (201603)
in the graphic, and i don't want it. I want to see it only 1 time, but with 2 columns on it.
Like in this image: (sorry for paint).
I already tried anything: I searched on google and i aksed also to some friends. Please tell me where i'm wrong.
If something isn't clear ask me anything.
1) rearrange you data so that each series, or each bar if you bar is in its own column. See image below. Bob Cat and Dog are the series names. Dates are the axis labels, and the numbers of the series values.
2) make sure the vertical information is in the same row as the vertical information as the bar you want it grouped with.
3) right click on the graph and select "select data"
4) on the left hand side click add series. Select the additional columns for the bar height. make sure you include any blank above the data to keep the size line up with the previous.
5) your labels on the bottom will only show one thing. I would suggest you use your dates. Use your legend to apply series names to the colours.
Caveat: even when there are no values, the series still takes space.
Proof of Concept

tableau waterfall chart with mixed colors

I started working with Tableau and found out how to do waterfall charts (Gantt-charts, rolling sum for y-axis and negative value for length of bar. See here: tableau tutorial waterfall charts)
Now my question would be if there is a possibility to split the color by some category? To show what I'm talking about I set up some waterfalls with excel powerpoint. The first one without a split by a category and the second one with a split by category.
I would appreciate any help
It is as simple as dragging the right field to Color, and adjusting the table calculation.
If it's a simple running sum (for the positioning of the bar), you need to go edit the table calculation, select Compute using Advanced..., then drag all fields to addressing. Then you need to sort your data by the master field (in your case the one that has Coffee, Coke,...) maximum (ascending or descending, doesn't matter).
This way you guarantee that the running sum is being applied to one category at a time (at not one color at a time or something like that).
It's really important to understand the concept of table calculations so you can understand what's going on, how Tableau is calculating stuff. Read this http://onlinehelp.tableausoftware.com/current/pro/online/en-us/help.htm#calculations_tablecalculations_understanding_addressing.html
And if you actually understand what you're doing, it's easier to find a solution. For instance, this hack of Gantt Chart to make a waterfall. What goes on rows the chart will understand at starting point of the data, and what goes on size is, well, the size of the chart. You put negative values cause you want the bar to go down.
That being said, dragging a field to color won't mess up with the size, but it will mess up with the running sum used to determine the starting points. How to solve it? make it calculate all the colors together. How to make it? Understand table calculations and reach my solution.
This is the simple approach, if your database or fields have some peculiarity, this might not work perfectly, and you'll need to explain so I can try to understand how to solve

Excel Chart doesn't keep format

I have a table (came from a pivot table) where I have formatted the column 4 cells to show 1 billion as 1. But when I select the table and insert a chart, I am getting my units in millions. So the 14.8 billion number for Mexico is showing up as 14,800 on the chart. Why might this be happening and how can I fix this? This is also making all my other bars negligibly small. Note that the first three columns are not in billions and are totally different things. Some are percentages, some are other small numbers.
You need a secondary horizontal axis and some formatting on the Axes.
In Excel 2013
First change the Chart Type to Combo and select Clustered Bar for both sets of data, then Check
Secondary Axis for the Percentage Series.
Then set up the axis limits so they match, e.g.
Percentage: min -.5 max 2
Billions: min -5e9 max 20e9
Then set the percentage format on the source data to a custom Number format of "";(0)%;0%
Then set the Billions format as 0,,,;"";0
You will get something like this:
Now that we have the general principles, we can apply them to your specific data.
I will also switch to Excel 2010 do show the different menus.
The data selection looks like this
Select the non-Billion series (plural!) and check the secondary axis
If the larger data is always positive then you can use custom formatting to clean up the axis
Align the primary and secondary axes so that the grid lines match on both
The end result is clean and readable.
Mixing percentages and numbers for the smaller numbers is not handled by this but I would suggest that that would be confusing anyway?
The simplest way to fix this might be to plot cells containing the billions values divided by 10^9 rather than to plot the billions themselves, though via a secondary axis may be possible.
Using Excel 2007. For the purple bars, the example on the left uses ColumnE values, on the right ColumnF values. E1 contains =F1/10^9 and F1 contains =14800000000:
It appears that there are 3 questions here: 1) "Why might this be happening", 2) "how can I fix this", and 3) something like "how can I plot data which lie on two widely differing ranges, and make them all reasonably visible anyway", even if there was no explicit question on this.
There are several ways to solve issue #2 about the units (e.g., billions) and numbers (e.g., 14.8 vs. 14,800.0) shown in the axis, each one with its own pros and cons:
Use Format Axis -> Axis Options -> Display units.
This might be the answer to your issue #1 as well, you might have the following selection: Display units -> Millions, and unchecked Show display units... Otherwise, I wouldn't know why you chart shows what it shows.
Use faked tick marks, as indicated in the (excellent) site of Jon Peltier
It gives detailed instructions on how to create tick marks on an axis with arbitrary labels (which may be text, numbers, etc.), which is more generic than what the OP wants here. In this particular case, the labels will be the desired numbers.
Create new cells containing data that would be plotted exactly the way you want.
As for your issue #3, I guess the only option is to have a Secondary Axis (see the answer by pnuts).
Thus, to come up with the best final chart for you might use a combination of one of the options I gave here and a secondary axis.
