property mappings in display template - search

I think I'm missing something with the ManagedPropertyMapping tag on display Templates. Indeed I have this code originally:
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
<mso:TemplateHidden msdt:dt="string">0</mso:TemplateHidden>
<mso:MasterPageDescription msdt:dt="string">Displays a result tailored for a web page.</mso:MasterPageDescription>
<mso:ContentTypeId msdt:dt="string">0x0101002039C03B61C64EC4A04F5361F385106603</mso:ContentTypeId>
<mso:TargetControlType msdt:dt="string">;#SearchResults;#</mso:TargetControlType>
<mso:HtmlDesignAssociated msdt:dt="string">1</mso:HtmlDesignAssociated>
<mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'Title':'Title','Path':'Path','Description':'Description','EditorOWSUSER':'EditorOWSUSER','LastModifiedTime':'LastModifiedTime','CollapsingStatus':'CollapsingStatus','DocId':'DocId','HitHighlightedSummary':'HitHighlightedSummary','HitHighlightedProperties':'HitHighlightedProperties','FileExtension':'FileExtension','ViewsLifeTime':'ViewsLifeTime','ParentLink':'ParentLink','FileType':'FileType','IsContainer':'IsContainer','SecondaryFileExtension':'SecondaryFileExtension','DisplayAuthor':'DisplayAuthor'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>
<mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview msdt:dt="string">http://win2012spstd/sites/publishing/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.html, Conversion successful.</mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview>
<mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded msdt:dt="string">True</mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded>
And whatever I do Inside that tag, it doesn't change the way how my result looks. In other words, in can remove every properties:
<mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string"></mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>
Or add more properties, it doesn't matter.
Could you please tell me what I'm missing?
P.S.: I'm using SharePoint Standard

Ok, I've finally solved that problem. I didn't understand that I needed to create a new display Template instead of editing the default one.


Page template - Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I have a page template that has this line of code below:
<div id="<%= CurrentDocument.NodeAlias %>" class="lvl3">
Things work - the id value shows correctly. However, when using the Page Templates module Design tab, there's an error. In Event log, I saw the error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Taking the id snippet out, the error is gone. I'm not sure what the error means and how to fix it. Could you help?
I do need some page-specific unique identifier in there (NodeAlias in this case) for other purposes.
The answer is pretty simple - if you open your page template in Kentico Page Templates application - your CurrentDocument is always null (because you are editing Template itself without specific document).
You could do absolutely the same thing in Pages application with the Design tab. It's also possible to edit all the template properties from there, including the Layout:
Using code blocks on page template layout is not supported. I assume you are using ASCX layout. Moreover your code looks more like a macro - so, maybe you are using HTML layout type? If yes, then the syntax should be {%CurrentDocument.NodeAlias%}
If you are using ASCX layout you may face also this issue:
Note that in portal engine the life cycle is bit modified, so we cannot ensure the code blocks will work every time - it may work sometimes. It mainly depends on what other web parts/controls and in what order are placed in the page template. I would rather recommend using the workaround from the article.
Or, you can give it a try, with no guarantee, this may work in certain cases, you need to specify the full namespace:
<%= CMS.MacroEngine.MacroResolver.Resolve("{%CurrentDocument.NodeAlias#%}") %>

Kentico 9 transformation page/file URL

In my custom page type, you can select an uploaded file. That's fine, but in my ascx transformation, i'm having a hard time getting the URL. The field is 'Process'.
Here's what i currently have.
<%# IfEmpty(Eval("Process"),"N/A","<a href=" + Eval("Process") +" target='blank' class='icon download'>Download</a>")%>
When rendered, the html is this:
I'm missing something.
You can use either of the 2 methods below. Both have their downfalls though.
<a href="<%# GetFileUrl("Process", "Something") %>"Link here<a/> this will
Downfall with this is if there is no value in the "Process" field, it will return an invalid URL. So I tend to use something a little better (but not much)
Item to download
This will create a valid URL with some invalid properties to it. Meaning if there is no value in the Process field, it will return 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. If the NodeAlias field is empty, it will return "download". So again, not 100% fool-proof but it works well in most cases.
Check out this link:
I think the piece you need in here is in the "CMS.File page type" section:
This is the link to the picture
Check out transformation methods reference
You can use <%#GetImage(Eval("Process"))%>. This will return an Image tag. There are a couple other parameters for sizing if you want to use those.
See the "Transformation reference" link on your Trasnformation editor, it goes to all the available transformation methods you can use.
In it it shows:
This will generate an actual image tag. If however you want a link, it usually is
/getattachment/<%# Eval("TheImage")%>/ImageFileNameCanBeAnythingThough.jpg

How to use SuiteBarBrandingElement?

I am looking at the default master page in SharePoint 2013 (v15.master) and there is a server control there <SharePoint:SuiteBarBrandingElement runat="server"/> which on the page renders as 'SharePoint'. I can't figure out where to change it to something else (without writing code behind).
Information is thin, but there does not appear to be any UI-based way to get at this setting. But a setting it is (actually, a property on SPWebApplication).
Refer to this (unhelpful) documentation: SPWebApplication.SuiteBarBrandingElementHtml
Like you point out, you could write a solution to modify this property, but we can also use some PowerShell to get at it.
Executing this in the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell:
$app = Get-SPWebApplication
Yields this output:
<div class="ms-core-brandingText">SharePoint</div>
This means that we can just assign a new value here:
$app.SuiteBarBrandingElementHtml = '<div class="ms-core-brandingText">Hello World!</div>'
That aside, it would be pretty handy to build a solution that exposed the property via the Admin UI to update it. I don't know why Microsoft didn't provide this out of the box; it seems like that was the intention (at some point).

Jade: element attributes without value

I am new to using Jade -- and it's awesome so far.
But one thing that I need to happen is an element with 'itemscope' property:
<header itemscope itemtype="">
My Jade notation is:
header(itemscope, itemtype='')
But result is:
<header itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
How can I make sure that I get the right result -- itemscope instead of itemscope="itemscope"?
Sometimes it doesn't work quite right -- like with contentEditable Jade tries to detect html5 doctypes and then does <header itemscope itemtype=""></header> if it finds it. The problem is that if you have templates that you are inserting in the page, it can't tell that it's html5.
What you can do is force html5 compilation by passing in {doctype: '5'} to the options -- did this for require-jade:
I had the same problem using angular ng-include directive. It gets ng-include="ng-include" and then the include doesn'nt work.
What it works for me is to use an empty string as a value, i.e. ng-include="".
Here is answer from jade developers: you should use
doctype html
in the template.
I just tried it in a Express.js/Jade project and the result i get is:
<header itemscope itemtype=""></header>
I also tried it in bash and then I get the same result as you.
I'd go with the following suggestion or create an issue on Github.
itemscope="itemscope" will work just as well as just itemscope. It looks like that's the default behavior of Jade. I'd just go with it.
I had the same problem, and the easiest solution in my case was adding doctype 5 at the top of my jade document. That apparently allows Jade to use attributes without a value.
ibash put me on the right track with his answer, so thanks for that

How to replacing style of UI element e.g table in Vaadin

I would like to replace the style of custom table.
By using
produces the following result
<div class="v-table v-table-v-tableII v-tableII" ...
It would be important to replace the 'v-table' style because it belongs to another customized table.
Is there any way using different styles for different tables ?
(The help recommends to using addStyle, but the original 'v-table' style is tailored to another custom table )
Thanks for answers in advance.
This is how vaadin works and you will always have that. You are using the correct option fooTable.setStyleName("v-tableII") but have you remember to add this to your css file? In some cases you might have to set !important on some of the options.
