can't find layout and classes in Android Studio - android-studio

I'm a noob in Android studio and Java, I do have a solid c# background, but I can't seem to fix this problem:
Some of my partners asked to add a button to a previous android build created by someone else, so I downloaded Android studio and imported the project, but I can't seem to find anything in there. We can't contact the creater of the project to ask in what he developed the app.
As you can see, there's no layout in the project.
And this is what the project folder looks like:
Where Can I edit layouts? Am I in the wrong IDE?

If you want to change the Layout, you can do Two things:
1. Simply click into your Xml file and select the "Text" option at the bottom on your screen
2.Change to layout
1.Just drag another layout in Design and put your items in it, delete your old layout PS. you can have layouts in other layouts
Now, Thats just for the Layouts, to see classes just do...
after double clicking that, itl bring up a new tab.
PS This is somewhat a Duplicate, try to search up your question first instead of making a new question
link to duplicate: Android Studio - How to change layout


how to create layout folder depending on api version?

i want to Create different layout depending api version as follows. Since the default folder layout is already available,when i create new layout as below screenshot it doesnt apppear in android studio folder list under res. but i right click on res and open with explorer those folder does shows. can any one please help me how to create those layout folder.
/res/layout/layout.xml (Default)
/res/layout-v14/layout.xml (Api 19)
/res/layout-v17/layout.xml (API 21)
I think the reason for not seeing the folders is due to the current viewing option you have selected in Android Studio. (please refer to the image below)
When Android is selected the folders are more compact, meaning it will focus on showing a single resource/folder regardless of qualifiers and I think that's what you experience. Switching to Project would solve it however.
This viewing option does have some great benefits by the way, for example I really love how gradle scripts are grouped together and it even shows the Global file (at least on MacOS) which it doesn't in Project view.

Android Studio isn't showing the xml editor [duplicate]

How can I enable the text/design Tab on the a src/main/res/layout folder on the activity_main.xml file that was created automatically during create new project? If i do right click and create xml file on the said folder, the design/text tab exist. Any suggestion? Thanks.
No Text/Design Tab on the Bottom Part of the Android Studio
Creating a new XML in the Res/Layout Folder, the design/text tab is now present.
Any help? this is super weird guys...
In Android Studio 3.6 use these three buttons (Code | Split | Design), on top right, to switch between views.
I had the same problem, restarting the IDE did make that tab appear again.
On Android Studio 3.6.1
Top Right corner under the main toolbar you have three different icons (Code, Split, Design).
View -> Tool windows -> Preview .
Output view:
use the three buttons (Code|Split|Design)on top right hand side to switch between views.
I also had this problem after upgrading to 1.5. None of the above suggestions worked for me. I noticed that the default relative layout xml has changed with a third xmlns line and an app behavior line. I opened an older project and copied the old relative layout header to replace the new. Instantly the preview function was restored.
You can also Move between Design / Text tabs in layout’s view with simple shortcut:
(Mac) : control + shift + ← / →
(Windows / Linux): alt + shift + ← / →
On the top right corner of the activity_main.xml file view, there are 3 icons representing "Code", "Split" and "Design". Click on the leftmost icon of the three ("Code") for the text tab.
In the android Studio window, at the left side there are two options available(Project and Resource Manager). Go to resource and there you will see an ADD Module option, click on that. After this you will see your text and design option will get enabled, you can go to your work area by Project Name->app ->src ->main->res ->layout.
Yes, Even I had the same problem. For the first time... I think It wont show, restarting the IDE did make that tab appear again.
I had this problem too, I deleted all the preference files, such as the AndroidStudioPreview folder &, then restarted android studio, it worked.
You do not need to restart an IDE. All you need is to close an xml file that does not get a tab and reopen it within an editor. It is a little bug.
Navigate to activity_main.xml tab then Design and Text tab appears.
It doesn't appear in tab.
You do not need to restart IDE.
If text/design tab is missing in new android studio, this can solve by two methods.
You have re-install android studio. And don't forget to delete android studio related all files from temp and local.
Or you can re-install SDK (software development kit) according to your device.

Android Studio 3.4 - layout designer "tools" missing

When designing layouts in the Designer of Android Studio 3.4 I am missing the "tools" feature.
In older versions, there was a small button that allowed to set a properts in the tools mode (only visible in designer) instead of setting it for the android name space.
So in the XML it would be written
instead of
However, with the new version, this is gone. It only seems to show the wrench symbol when I set this manually in the XML. But the button for adding a tools-property directly seems gone.
Any idea where the button went to?
Check under declared attributes
Press the + sign on the right and you can see a new row has been added below where you can search tools: {see the image below}
Or still, you can use the old school way like the above pic.

Android Studio: Show unmodified directory structure in the project view

I have recently updated my Android Studio to 1.0.1 and dislike the new way it represents the project structure:
How can I revert to the former arrangement where the unmodified filesystem directory layout is shown in the project view?
Look to your first screenshot. There is an android dropdown button. Click it and change your layout
Maybe I'm an idiot but after reading the accepted answer it still took me a long time to find it.
You need to click Android ▼ located in the top left of the Project panel.
The option is not in the gear menu ⚙ to the right (which I wasted a long time looking at).
Once you have clicked Android ▼ you should see a set of options as shown in the screenshot above. Select Project.

When I drag and drop my user control onto the design surface, it is showing up as a LINK?

Has anyone seen this. Ive done this before and its not been a problem, but now I am trying to drag and drop and it keep showing the files location in a link... ?
In Visual Studio, I have seen this happen when you drag a UserControl onto the Source view of an ASP.Net .aspx page. Be sure you are dragging the UserControl onto the Design surface.
Edit: This fellow was able to solve his problem by reinstalling Visual Studio. Not a happy thought, but if you're using a recently-installed version, it might be worth a try.
