Why there are two keys for Azure DocumentDB (primary and secondary)? - azure

The subject says it all...
Why there are two keys for Azure DocumentDB (primary and secondary)?

This is so that you can expire a key without having any system downtime. Say you want to replace your primary key. The procedure is
Configure your service to use the secondary key - if you use the service config you can do this without downtime.
Regenerate the primary key
(Optional) reconfigure your service to use the new primary key
If there was only one key at a time, your service would be down while you did the key replacement.
Good practise is to replace your keys on a regular basis (e.g every 6 months or whatever is appropriate based on the sensitivity of your data). You should also replace keys when anyone who has access to the keys leaves your business or team. Finally, you should obviously replace them if you think they have been compromised in some way. E.g. accidentally written to a log or posted to a public GitHub repo - it happens...
Both the primary and secondary keys can be regenerated in the Azure portal (note: at the time of writing this is the preview portal). Select your DocumentDB then the Keys pane. There are two buttons at the top of the pane:


Azure best practice

What is the best practice with windows Azure key vault. Is it a good practice to extract keys within the application every time we make use of it or it is good to set them in the OS environment variable.
It depends on what key. You should not be extracting master key, but the associated data keys to encrypt and decrypt.
There is no hard-fast rule here but you should consider the rotation of keys. If you need the keys to be rotated often you should consider pulling from Key Vault every time.
There are other times in makes more sense to pull once and cache locally. This could include your network latency being an issue so it's more cost-effective to pull once then cache. In this scenario, you will need some mechanism in place to force a new pull if/when the key is rotated.

Azure KeyVault key rotation

The Azure Storage sample code for key rotation demonstrates using multiple uniquely named Secrets. However, within KeyVault it is now possible to create multiple versions of a single Secret. I can see no reason why key rotation cannot be achieved using Versions and it seems on the face of it like it'd be easier to manage.
Can anyone offer any guidance on why you'd choose multiple Secrets over versions of a single Secret to support key rotation? And potentially any generally guidance on what Versions are intended for if not this?
Feel free to use a single secret and multiple versions for key rotation, depending on which SDK(s) you are using.
For our Node.js-based apps, we have configuration that points at the full KeyVault secret URIs.
Some secrets only point at the short URL for a secret (no version), so the app gets "the latest version".
Other secrets that need rotation will need the full URL to the version. We use Azure Table Encryption, for example; so each row in the table when encrypted uses a key wrapping key from KeyVault. The key wrapping key is a full KeyVault versioned URL, since you need that specific secret to decrypt the table data. Over time, different rows will point at different key versions.
For general scenarios, i.e. rotating a current version of a key to a new one, just built your configuration system and connection logic to support 2 keys at a time - if one fails, use the other; or consider a time-based logic.
Any approach is fine, but consider how nice and "clean" your story will be if you use versions over time instead of proliferating additional secret names.

Why Primary key and Secondary key in Azure IoT hub?

When creating a shared access policy or registering a device in Azure IoT hub, there will be a Primary key and Secondary key pair generated. And I noticed I can connect a device to IoT hub using either Primary key or Secondary key.
So, what's the purpose of having Primary/Secondary keys? How should I design the use of both keys?
The goal of primary and secondary key is two-fold.
First of all it would allow you to keep using your service when you want to replace your key. Say you connect all your services using the primary and you want to refresh it. You could use the secondary temporarily in your services and then change your primary without having downtime. After you do the change you can configure your services to use the new Primary key.
The second possibility would be that you give partners your secondary key and you use your primary if one of your partners would abuse the key you could replace it without having downtime in your own services.

Why are my primary and secondary DocumentDB keys not showing in the Azure portal?

I just created a new DocumentDB instance. When I go to the "Keys" area on the new Azure portal, I don't see a primary key or secondary key. My URI is listed. I tried use the regenerate feature hoping that would create the keys, but no luck. Anyone else have this problem? How would I report this to Msft without a technical support subscription?
The account can take several minutes to provision, during which time the keys will not be available (since the account has finished creating). If, in the portal, you choose to Browse | DocumentDB accounts, you will see the status (creating, updating, online). Once your account is in an online state, the keys will be available. Can you ensure that the account is indeed in an online state and, if so, refresh your browser and see if the keys are available?

Azure notification hubs shared access key expiry

From the Azure Portal, on the Configure Tab for a notification hub I am able to generate a primary key and secondary key. I understand these are required to gain programmatic access to the Azure API - allowing my client app to create registrations and send messages.
Could anyone please explain:
Why are there two keys (primary and secondary)?
Do the keys generated from this UI expire and if so how long do they live before expiry?
They don't expire. The reason there are two is because it's recommended that you regenerate the keys periodically for security reasons. For example, suppose your application is using the primary key today. If you regenerated the primary key, then your application would be broken until you could update it and resulting in downtime. Instead, you can change your application to use the secondary key with basically little or no downtime. Then, after your application has been updated, you can regenerate the primary key. Next month (or whatever schedule you like), you can repeat the process, switching back to the primary key and regenerating the secondary key.
This is not unique to Notification Hubs. You will see primary and secondary keys in other services such as Storage and Media Services. The idea is the same.
