'istanbul' is not recognized as an internal or external command - node.js

I have just added the istanbul test coverage module to my node.js application, but when I run (from command prompt):
> instanbul cover myTests.js
as mentioned in the documentation, I get:
'istanbul' is not recognized as an internal or external command
I am under Windows 7. The npm installation returned no error. I see nothing in the documentation about extra installation steps.
What am I missing?

The problem I see with this is when you move the project to a different server. Istanbul will need to be installed again globally. This defeats the npm model of package management. Another way to achieve this is to:
npm install --save-dev istanbul
Modify package.json script entries:
scripts: {
"coverage": "node ./node_modules/.bin/istanbul ...."
Then call it using:
npm coverage
A shortcut for your local machine is also to set your environment path to include node executables:
export PATH=$PATH:./node_modules/.bin
In which case, any executables installed to your package will be available on the command line automatically because of path checking.

For a module to be runnable from anywhere, you need to install it globally (with -g option).


"vite is not recognized ..." on "npm run dev"

I'm using Node.js and npm for the first time, I'm trying to get Vite working, following the tutorials and documentation. But every time I run into the problem 'vite' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I have been trying to find a solution for 4 hours now but with no results.
I tried restarting pc, reinstalling node.js, several procedures to create vite project but in vain. I suppose it's my beginner's mistake, but I really don't know what to do anymore.
Commands and responses I run when I try to create a vite project:
npm create vite#latest
>> my-portfolio >> vanilla & vanilla
cd my-portfolio
npm install >>resp: up to date, audited 1 package in 21s found 0 vulnerabilities
npm run dev
> my-portfolio#0.0.0 dev
> vite
'vite' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
try to install the packages to make it work
npm install or npm i
For this error use the following command on your terminal in the present working directory of the project
npm install
npm run dev
first, try to install a node package manager and then run npm run dev hope it will work
yarn add vite
on project folder to add vite,
and run
npm run dev
remember to update your node version to 18, LTS from 17 might not support this installation.
I try to fresh install again my Laravel 9.19, since i had update my node to version 18, npm install & npm run dev just work fine without yarn.
According to documentation https://vitejs.dev/guide/#community-templates
npm install
npm run dev
npx vite build
I found myself in the same situation.
The problem is vite.cmd is not in the system or user PATH variable, so it cannot be found when it is executed from your project folder.
To fix it, you should temporarily add the folder where vite.cmd is in your PATH variable (either for the entire system or your user). I recommend adding it just for your user, and keep in mind you should probably remove it after you stop working on that project, because this could affect future projects using the same build tools.
To do this:
My PC > Properties > Advanced system settings > Click on Environment Variables (alternatively just use the start button and begin typing Environment, you should get a direct link)
On "User variables" find "Path" and edit it.
Add a new entry for the folder where vite.cmd is. Example "C:\dev\reactplayground\firsttest\test01\node_modules.bin" Check your project folder to find the right path.
Make sure your close and open your console for this change to affect.
Go back to your project root folder and run "vite build", it should work now.
for me I've:
1 - excuted yarn add vite
2- and then npm install
work fine !
For me I had a project I created on one computer and it had this in devDependencies:
"vite": "^3.1.0"
I did pnpm install and it reported everything was fine, but I was getting the error. I ran pnpm install vite and it installed it again with this:
"vite": "^3.1.8"
After that it worked fine. So try using npm, yarn, or pnpm to install the vite package again and see if that works.
try npm install
then npm run build
Recently faced this error and I run
npm install
npm run dev
then the output was
VITE v3.2.4 ready in 1913 ms
reference LINK
You need Node version 15 or higher, I had the same problem because I was using an older version of it.
Needs to install all the packages in package.json and run again
npm i
npm run dev
For me this worked:
I changed NODE_ENV environment variable to development ( earlier it was production - which should not be the case, as dev-dependencies won't get installed by npm install or yarn )
Here is what to make sure before running npm install or yarn:
Make sure `NODE_ENV` environment variable is not set to `production` if you running locally for dev purpose.
'vite' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
> vite
'vite' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
try to install the packages to make it work
npm install or npm i
The following works just fine!
npx vite build
npm i
npm run dev
I had the same challenge and I was finding the error
create-vite : command not found
I resolved by running the command:
npm i create-vite
From there you can continue with running the command:
npm create vite#latest
npm install or npm i
helps with issue of 'vite' is not recognized
After I tried npm install
i could run the npm run dev after and it showed me the localhost

How to make bin script available for npm package installed locally

I read on the npm documentation that you can't use bin scripts of locally installed packages.
So, how gulp can be launched as bin command when installed locally?
What's making it available when locally installed, I reviewed the gulp package.json and the bin scripts, I don't found any answer.
From NPMJS documentation:
To use this, supply a bin field in your package.json which is a map of command name to local file name. On install, npm will symlink that file into prefix/bin for global installs, or ./node_modules/.bin/ for local installs.
So, your locally installed packages binaries will be executable like this
This is if you want to launch the binary directly. Or, as specified in the scripts part of the documentation:
In addition to the shell's pre-existing PATH, npm run adds node_modules/.bin to the PATH provided to scripts.
Thus, you can simply write a wrapper script like
scripts: {
"build": "the_binary"
and call your script like this
npm run build
As of npm#2.0.0, you can use custom arguments when executing scripts. The special option -- is used by getopt to delimit the end of the options. npm will pass all the arguments after the -- directly to your script:
npm run test -- --grep="pattern"
You can use lpx https://www.npmjs.com/package/lpx to
run a binary found in the local node_modules/.bin folder
run a binary found in the node_modules/.bin of a workspace root from anywhere in the workspace
lpx does not download any package if the binary is not found locally (ie not like npx)
Example : lpx tsc -b -w will run tsc -b -w with the local typescript package

Cannot run cucumber from CLI

I managed to run cucumber from CLI with
node ./node_modules/cucumber/bin/cucumber
but I wasn't able to run it simply with
Windows tried to run it as executable, so it opened some window about missing file association. Is there a way to solve this? Note that I don't want to add nodejs as .js file association, since I am pretty sure the same code won't work on github when travis tries to run the script.
I installed the package with npm.
"devDependencies": {
"cucumber": "^0.8.1",
You have to install cucumber globally, i.e. npm install cucumber -g This way, npm creates a binary / symlink in some standard 'on-path' directory (i.e., where the executables should be put), so you can run it from command line.
In my notebook (Linux), I run
sudo npm install cucumber -g
which creates a symlink
/usr/bin/cucumberjs -> /usr/lib/node_modules/cucumber/bin/cucumber.js
which means I can run it by cucumberjs command. If some dependency has cucumber command hardwired into it (without the js suffix), I'd create another symlink manually.
/usr/bin/cucumber -> /usr/bin/cucumberjs
If you run into the following problems, maybe try using nvm, not to polute your system folders.
Add this to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.
It will add ./node_modules/.bin to your PATH
export PATH=$HOME/bin:./node_modules/.bin:$PATH

Locally-installed cli NPM project that is easy to execute

I'm building a cli node module. I would like people to be able to npm install it and use it right away with a command like npm my-project --arg=foo. It's meant for local project CLI use as a dev tool, not global installation.
It seems like the standard is to use bin in the package.json, but I don't understand some things about it:
When should I use bin and when should I use scripts?
How to I run the command in the including project? npm my-project doesn't do it.
Here is what I am doing now in package.json:
"name": "my-project",
"bin": "./cli.js"
And I can run it locally:
node cli.js --arg=foo
But when I npm-install my-project somewhere else, I don't know how to run the script it puts in bin (npm run my-project doesn't work), or if I'm using this correctly.
Let's start by explaining the difference between bin and scripts: the former you use if you want to provide a command line tool, the latter you use if you want to provide an additional command to npm (with some caveats though, see below).
In your situation, I think you want to use bin. However, instead of the user using npm my-project --arg=foo, they will use my-project --arg=foo, provided that your script is called my-project. To make that happen, your package.json will contain something like this:
"bin" : "./bin/my-project"
During installation, this will copy ./bin/my-project to a "bin" directory (usually /usr/local/bin on Unix-like OS'es). During development, you can call it as node bin/my-project, or even just ./bin/my-project, provided that it has correct permissions and "shebang".
EDIT: so I forgot that npm will use the package name, and not the name of the file in ./bin, as the executable name (if bin is a string). If your package is called my-project, and you install the package (you need to use the -g flag before npm will install the executable), it will create an executable called my-project, regardless of where the bin property points to.
In other words:
"name" : "my-project"
"bin" : "./cli.js"
npm install -g:
copies ./cli.js to /usr/local/bin/my-project and sets executable permissions
FWIW, storing CLI tools in ./bin is convention, but not mandatory.
The scripts directive is useful for more internal purposes. For instance, you can use it to run a test suite, or linters, or pre/post install scripts.
Lastly, there are various modules available to help with command line parsing. I like docopt, but other often-used modules are commander or nomnom. You already mentioned yargs.

Running karma after installation results in 'karma' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I'm trying to run karma as part as an angular-seed project, after installing karma using
npm install -g karma
I get:
'karma' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
when i'm trying to run test.bat from angular-client\scripts, the content of this file is:
set BASE_DIR=%~dp0
karma start "%BASE_DIR%..\config\karma.conf.js" %*
I also tried to navigate to "\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\karma\bin" and saw karma file, when I'm trying to run it I get again:
'karma' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Any suggestions?
If not please suggest how to use jasmine without karma.
The command line interface is in a separate package.
To install this use:
npm install -g karma-cli
It is recommended to install karma with its Command-Line-Interface (karma-cli) which will take care of fetching the appropriate karma. You can also install a different local version specific to each project you're working on and karma-cli will pick the appropriate one.
From the karma installation page:
Typing ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start sucks so you might find it useful to install karma-cli globally:
npm install -g karma-cli
Now, check that karma was installed by typing:
which karma //echo something like: /usr/local/bin/karma
and check that karma server is working (ctr+c to quit):
karma start
You can also check that karma was installed by going to this directory:
cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/karma
Good luck!
On windows when you install a npm (non-globally - so without the -g flag), the executable commands are linked in the node_modules\.bin folder.
For example:
powershell> .\node_modules\.bin\karma start
powershell> .\node_modules\.bin\karma run
I had the same issue and fixed it by correcting my PATH environment variable.
STEP 1: go to the following path and ensure karma.cmd is present at the location given below
[Nodejs folder path]\node_modules\.bin <=> C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\.bin
STEP 2: If present go to STEP 3, If not present run the following command npm install -g karma
STEP 3: Open environment variables and edit PATH
STEP 4: Add the following at the end :
[Nodejs folder path]\node_modules\.bin; <=> "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\.bin"
Log out your session and it will work for sure.
Based upon your directory using \AppData\Roaming, you're on Windows and this error is usually because the path to the npm globals isn't in the Windows PATH or NODE_PATH environment variables.
Use SET to check the values you are using for the paths and if your npm directory isn't listed, that will be the issue.
If you don't want npm to save to this directory, check the npm configuration options and the npm folders docs to see what you can change in this regard...
'karma' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.
If the above mentioned solution does not work, than
The cause of issue is previous version of nodejs. So uninstall the previous version of nodejs and re-install the latest version. It will resolve your issue. As I faced the same and by doing above changes it worked for me.
Official documentation at https://karma-runner.github.io/0.12/intro/installation.html is confusing. It implies that npm install -g karma-cli is to install karma globally but it actually required for to run karma from command line.
I had same: 'karma' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. problem when i tried to install it directly to my project file. When i used npm install -g karma-cli to global install everything worked just fine.
