Adding items to a Listbox using Entries from another class - linux

I have created two classes, one is in (which will be the parent class) which contains a list box that can be populated by just opening a file and adding content to the list box line by line.
Another class is in (which I want it to be child class), which contains entries of first name, last name, and a combo box for titles that should (will implement once question/problem is answered) go into the list in the main window where the class is People. I am trying to use an OOP model. Right now, it's not fully OOP, but I will refactor the code later.
I have tried posting this code before but people are having trouble running it due to indentation problems, so I'm providing the links to the classes. In Dropbox Name Class and People Class:
Note: I'm running this in a Linux environment, so you may have to modify the file choosing line in the People class if using Windows (or another OS).
f = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop')

Actually, you still have a problem of inconsistent use of tabs and spaces, which I solved, but maybe other people cannot solve it.
First of all, you should name your files/modules with lower cases (by convention, and you should follow it!). Then, in you are doing from Tkinter import * and then from Tkinter import Tk, which does not make any sense: with the first you are already importing Tk.
Your problem is the following:
People.people_list.insert(Tk.END, FirstName.get()) AttributeError:
'module' object has no attribute 'people_list'
In fact, you are trying to access an inexistent attribute of the module People called people_list, which is a local variable to some functions, from what I have been seeing.
If you want to fill a Listbox which is a property of some Toplevel A, with the input from another Toplevel B, you should pass a reference of the Toplevel A to B, maybe during its construction.
Here you have an example:
from tkinter import * # python 3
class Other(Toplevel):
"""Note that the constructor of this class
receives a parent called 'master' and a reference to another Toplevel
called 'other'"""
def __init__(self, master, other):
Toplevel.__init__(self, master)
self.other = other # other Toplevel
self.lab = Label(self, text="Insert your name: ")
self.lab.grid(row=0, column=0)
self.entry = Entry(self)
self.entry.grid(row=0, column=1)
# When you click the button you call 'self.add'
self.adder = Button(self, text='Add to Listbox', command=self.add)
self.adder.grid(row=1, column=1)
def add(self):
"""Using a reference to the other window 'other',
I can access its attribute 'listbox' and insert a new item!"""
self.other.listbox.insert("end", self.entry.get())
class Main(Toplevel):
"""Window with a Listbox"""
def __init__(self, master):
Toplevel.__init__(self, master)
self.people = Label(self, text='People')
self.listbox = Listbox(self)
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = Tk()
root.withdraw() # hides Tk window
main = Main(root)
Other(root, main) # passing a reference of 'main'
I noticed also that you are using 2 instance of Tk for each of your windows, which is bad. You should use just one instance of Tk for every application. If you want to use multiple windows, just use Toplevels, as I mentioned.
In general, your structure is not so good. You should start by creating simple good applications, and then pass to big ones once you grasp the basic concepts.


Can you have two instances of tkinter in Python?

Is it possible to have two instances of tkinter ?
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter as sk
root = tk.Tk()
root2 = sk.Tk()
....some window with tk
....some window with sk
then have a Toplevel() in both instances.
You can, but the way it works likely won't be like what you expect. Importing it twice isn't the problem (but neither is it the solution). No matter how you import it or how often you import it, creating more than one instance of Tk is the problem. Each instance is backed by a separate internal interpreter. Images and variables and widgets created in one won't exist in the other.
If you need more than one window, it's usually best if second and subsequent windows are instances of Toplevel.
By creating 2 instances or tkinter I can close one instance and all top Levels of that instance. Leaving the second Instance open and running with it's Toplevel instances. This is useful in the sense where I use it for a User preference file. Where it checks for a userfile database for keeping track of variables. I use a csv file to save user variable using pandas. This in turn keeps all the form information in my app safe from being erased after closing the application or accidentally closing the window. Adding AtExit saves the info closing the addinfo window and continues to run the main application. That was my reasoning for having asked the question. I have since found that using multiple Toplevel(s) is a better choice as it will also produce the same result. So my menu items all have a separate instance definition and can be closed in the same manner ,making error checks with each closed window.
from tkinter import Tk,Label,Entry,Button,Toplevel
def about():
# About stuff for this window
def info():
# Information Stuff for this window.
def getUserInfo():
# User info using pandas

Reload UI, Rather Than Recreating

import sys
import webbrowser
import hou
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtUiTools, QtWidgets, QtGui
# Calling UI File & Some Modification
class someWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
ui_file = 'C:/Users/XY_Ab/Documents/houdini18.5/Folder_CGI/someUI.ui'
self.ui = QtUiTools.QUiLoader().load(ui_file, parentWidget=self)
self.setParent(hou.qt.mainWindow(), QtCore.Qt.Window)
self.setFixedSize(437, 42)
self.setWindowTitle("Requesting For Help")
window_C = someWidget()
So, I have created this small script that shows the UI, I have connected this to Houdini Menu Bar. Now The Problem is if I click the menu item multiple times it will create another instance of the same UI & the previous one stays back, What I want is something called "If Window Exist Delete It, Crate New One" sort of thing.
Can someone guide me? I am fairly new to python in Houdini and Qt so a little explanation will be hugely helpful. Also, why can't I use from PySide6 import?? Why do I have to use from PySide2?? Because otherwise Houdini is throwing errors.
For the same thing what used to do in maya is
# Check To See If Window Exists
if cmds.window(winID, exists=True):
Trying to do the same thing inside Houdini.
I don't have Maya or Houdini, so I can't help you too much.
According to
It looks like you can access Houdini's main window. The main reason the window is duplicated or deleted is how python retains the reference to window_C. You might be able to retain the reference to just show the same widget over and over again by accessing the main Houdini window.
In the examples below we are using references a different way. You probably do not need your code that has
self.setParent(hou.qt.mainWindow(), QtCore.Qt.Window)
Create the widget once and keep showing the same widget over and over.
import hou
# Create the widget class
class someWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=QtCore.Qt.Window): # Note: added parent as an option
super(someWidget,self).__init__(parent, flags)
MAIN_WINDOW = hou.ui.mainQtWindow()
except AttributeError:
# Widget has not been created yet!
# Save the widget reference to an object that will always exist and is accessible
# parent shouldn't really matter, because we are saving the reference to an object
# that will exist the life of the application
MAIN_WINDOW.window_C = someWidget(parent=MAIN_WINDOW)
To delete the previous window and create a new window.
import hou
# Create the widget class
class someWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=QtCore.Qt.Window): # Note: added parent as an option
super(someWidget,self).__init__(parent, flags)
MAIN_WINDOW = hou.ui.mainQtWindow()
# Hide the previous window
MAIN_WINDOW.window_C.deleteLater() # This is needed if you parent the widget
except AttributeError:
# Create the new Widget and override the previous widget's reference
# Python's garbage collection should automatically delete the previous widget.
# You do not need to have a parent!
# If you do have a parent then deleteLater above is needed!
MAIN_WINDOW.window_C = someWidget() # Note: We do not parent this widget!
Another resource shows you can access the previous widget from the page level variable. This is possible, but seems odd to me. The module should only be imported once, so the page level variable "my_window" should never exist. However, it sounds like the Houdini plugin system either reloads the python script or re-runs the import. If that is the case every time you show a new window from the import of the script, you are creating a new window. If the previous window is not closed and deleted properly, Houdini could have an ever growing memory issue.
except (NameError, Exception):
pass # Normal python would always throw a NameError, because my_window is never defined
my_window = MyWindow()
#This is optional you can resize the window if youd like.
The bottom of the page shows how to use PyQt5. The same would apply for PySide6. Houdini just happens to come with PySide2.

Add a QWidget inside a QFrame

I'm developing a desktop software using Python3 and QtDesigner for the Graphic User Interface.
My problem is the seguent: i'm trying to automate the creation of many QRadioButtons over a QFrame (The RadioButtons must stay inside the frame [as...children?]).
Now, i see that i can only create new widgets inside a Layout (e.g. "MyLayout.addWidget(QRadioButton")) and it's not possible to do something like "MyFrame.addWidget(QRadioButton)". I need these widgets inside the frame cause then i can place them in the correct position with "MyRB.move(X,Y)".
With QtDesigner is possible to place many Widgets (like RadioButtons) in a frame that has a 'broken layout' so i can choose X,Y coordinates but i need to create and place a variable number of those.
Is it possible to create Qwidgets inside a QFrame?
according to musicamante's comment, i got that's a parent problem.
I tried to insert a Label and a RadioButton in the main window:
def __init__(self):
uic.loadUi('DSS_GUI2.ui',self) # i load the GUI with QtDesigner
LB1 = QLabel('MyLabel',self)
RB1 = QRadioButton('MyRadioButton',self)
This very simple example works fine but when i try to add a Label through a function
def myFunction(self):
LB1 = QLabel('MyLabel')
the Widget is inserted but it is not visible, in fact adding this lines to check his presence
WidgetList = self.myFrame.findChildren(QLabel)
for item in WidgetList:
i see in the console that the Label is there.
Do you know why it's not visible?
def myFunction(self):
LB1 = self.sender()
You can call self.myFunction() in parent.
If you wanted to pass label, you could:
def myFunction(self, label):
LB1 = self.sender()

deconstructing basic Tk inter script

I need help in understanding how Tk inter works.I'm using the first example from the documents page which creates a simple window with 2 buttons.
Introduction to GUI programming with tkinter
from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button
class MyFirstGUI:
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
master.title("A simple GUI")
self.label = Label(master, text="This is our first GUI!")
self.greet_button = Button(master, text="Greet", command=self.greet)
self.close_button = Button(master, text="Close", command=master.quit)
def greet(self):
root = Tk()
my_gui = MyFirstGUI(root)
MyFirstGUI does not inherit from TK or Frame so how does it know of all the parameters (self.label,self.greet etc) one might find in the Tk class
We are passing a TK object to the variable root ( root = Tk() )
and passing that into MyFirstGUI class (my_gui = MyFirst GUI(root) )
.The only plausible explanation then, is that self.label and self.greet_button are "indeed" class variables to begin with and "become" labels ( and buttons ) once they are bound with functions such as Label(master,text="This is our first GUI!")
is my understanding correct ?
So tkinter is just a library with classes inside of it, in this code you are importing the TK class, the Label class, and the Button class. When you use import statements at the top of your code, you are telling the computer to go fetch those files/functions and read them into the program. For example, if the TK class is say 100 lines of code, the statement
from tkinter import TK is equivalent to those 100 lines of code being in front of what you have written.
Now jumping to the creation of the UI itself, you create an instance of the TK class, and assign it to the variable root.
This root creates the outer window you will see when you run your UI, it holds the title, the min/max/close buttons in the top right corner, and determines the size of the window, along with a bunch of other features.
"root" is just a conventional name, it could be "potato" but as long as you know that is the foundation of your User Interface, that's what matters.
It won't be called too much outside of that first time you pass it into your class unless you're doing a lot of window manipulation.
From there, you are passing that root (window) to your MyFirstGUI object.
The __init__ function will run at the time of creation for any python class and the parameters for that function will be the parameters required to call the class. In this case, there are two parameters self, and master.
"self" is required as the first parameter of all functions inside a class so that the function knows the object it belongs to and so that it can access the class level variables available to it.
"master" has a default value of None so you could theoretically call MyFirstGUI() but in this case we are passing the root (window) as the master for the object MyFirstGUI(root).
At that point, because we are creating an instance of MyFirstGUI, __init__ fires and the first thing it does is sets self.master equal to the input of master so that it can be referenced anywhere in the object, expanding the scope beyond just the __init__ function.
From there, the function is arbitrarily defining variables that are scoped at the class level by using self. again so that these variables can be called from any part of this class.
self.label is just a name the original writer decided on, once again it could be self.macaroni as long as it makes sense to you that this is your label.
Then, because you have imported the Label class from tkinter, you are able to just refer to it as if it was already in your code. When you call these classes, they return the objects that are being set to your self.label so that you can refer to them later in the program.
If you check out the docs, you can see the Label and Button classes each have their own set of parameters available to them.
Common parameters include as you see "text" to show text that you'd like it to have, command to let a button know which function it should fire when clicked, "width" to determine the width of the widget on screen, and so on.
With the use of Default values, you don't always need to provide every single possible parameter to a call to create these objects.
Deciding what parameters to give comes down to practice and knowledge of the capabilities of each class in order to know which values you want to set and what are appropriate settings for them.
Your import statements at the top allow you to use the classes at will, and your knowledge determines which parameters to send to each class. The docs are your friend!
I believe your understanding is correct. self.label is defined in the __init__ function by the programmer, and then assigned the widget object of a tkLabel by calling the class. From that point on, self.label is available anywhere inside the MyFirstGUI class to be manipulated as you see fit. For example, instead of the greet function printing out "Greetings!" you could change that print statement to self.label.set("Greetings!") so now your button click will change the label's text instead.
I hope this helped!

Stuck in infinite loop after destroying parent window (python, Tkinter)

The problem I am encountering is that I appear to be stuck in an infinite loop, (If I am not, please correct me). I am using tkinter for python 3.6 (64 bit) on windows 10.
In the module I am having an issue with I have 3 entry widgets and 2 buttons. Both buttons call the "destroy()" function in order to kill the parent window.
Below is a heavily abstracted version of my module, the purpose of the module is to take inputs from the entry widget and write them to a file.
def Create():
parent = Tk()
entry1 = Entry(parent)
entry1.insert(INSERT, "Please enter your desired username here")
entry2 = Entry(parent)
entry2.insert(INSERT, "Please enter your desired password here")
entry3 = Entry(parent)
entry3.insert(INSERT, "What is your mother's maiden name")
Submit = tk.Button(parent,
text ="Click here to submit your stuff",
command = lambda: [parent.destroy(),
Cancel = tk.Button(parent,
text ="Click here to cancel your request",
command = lambda: parent.destroy())
This function is contained within the module "RegisterNewUser". The "Menu" module is the module that called this function. As far as I am aware once parent.destroy() is called there is no more code to execute since it is all contained within parent.mainloop(), therefore the function is finished and the "Menu" module should continue executing.
What should happen:
I want the Submit button to destroy the window, execute the function and then return to the "Menu" module.
I want the cancel button to destroy the window and return to the "Menu" module.
What actually happens:
The window closes, like it is supposed to
But the code inside the "Menu" module does not start executing again
When I go to close the python shell, it warns me that the program is still running
Ultimately my question is, what code is still running and why hasn't it stopped?
Thank you for reading this and if you require more detail please let me know.
EDIT: I have done research on this topic before posting this question. I have read the documentation on both the tk.destroy() function and the tk.mainloop() function, I have also opened up the Tkinter module in IDLE to try and understand what happens at a deeper level but after all this, I was still unable to figure out a solution. This is my first question on stack overflow, please forgive me if I have done anything wrong.
Hmmm, so you say multiple windows? an easier way to achieve a complex UI as such is using a concept called frames. Tkinter allows you to completely change you screen and layout if you switch to a new frames. This might require you to reprogram alot of code. for an example see Switch between two frames in tkinter
Also, Some guy built a really nice Bitcoin monitoring app using tkinter and frames on youtube
I think you would probably benefit from using Toplevel() here.
I have taken the code you provided and added it to a class used to create the main window and to manage the pop up window.
I noticed a few things with you code.
Its obvoious you are importing tkinter twice like this:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
I can tell from how you have written your entry fields vs your buttons. Do not do this. Instead just used one or the other. I recommend just using import tkinter as tk.
You are using a function to create a new tkinter instance and judging by your question you all ready have a tkinter instance created for your menu. Instead of creating new Tk() instances you can use Toplevel() instead to open a new window that can inherit everything from the main window and should be easier to manage.
You do not really need to use lambda in this situation. I have also removed the lambda function and replaced with a simple command that will work here.
Take a look at the below code and let me know if you have any questions.
import tkinter as tk
class MyApp(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs)
self.master = master
self.master.title("Main MENU")
tk.Button(self.master, text="Open top level", command = self.create).pack()
def create(self): = tk.Toplevel(self.master)
entry1 = tk.Entry(, width = 35)
entry1.insert(0, "Please enter your desired username here")
entry2 = tk.Entry(, width = 35)
entry2.insert(0, "Please enter your desired password here")
entry3 = tk.Entry(, width = 35)
entry3.insert(0, "What is your mother's maiden name")
tk.Button(, text ="Click here to submit your stuff",
command = self.Submit).pack()
tk.Button(, text ="Click here to cancel your request",
command =
def Submit(self):
print("Do something here to submit data")
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
app1 = MyApp(root)
You can use toplevel() and its library function wait_window() just prior to (or instead of) your mainloop() and your problem will be solved
wait_window() mentioned above worked for me in the code below replacing popup.mainloop() with it, the mainloop() kept my code in an infinite loop upon the popup even after okay button was hit
