I want to change let's say the values of [a b c d e] within a text which has repeated occurrences of these letters with values [f h d o t] all at once - string

I can easily replace each every letter by doing them one after another but when i use loop it won't.
a = strrep(a,'b','z');
a = strrep(a,'a','e');
a = strrep(a,'c','f');
but for i = 1:size(a,2)
a = strrep(a,'b','z');
a = strrep(a,'a','e');
a = strrep(a,'c','f');
only change 'b' and 'a' not all. so lets say if we str 'abcdabc' then replace one after another gives right answer but loop shows the result as 'ezedeze'. so please help with this.

Here are two approaches:
With changem (from the Mapping Toolbox):
str = 'basic example string';
old = 'abcde';
new = 'fhdot';
str = changem(str, new, old);
With ismember:
str = 'basic example string';
old = 'abcde';
new = 'fhdot';
[ind1, ind2] = ismember(str, old);
new = 'fhdot';
str(ind1) = new(ind2(ind1));


I want to extract a specific value from a string in python

I have a string from which I want to extract value for test1.
The string is :
I_ID [I_ITEM = [I_ITEM [test1 = F135], I_ITEM [test1 = W1972544]]]]]
Any pointers will be helpfull
Assuming you want to capture all values whose keys are test1, we can try using re.findall:
inp = "I_ID [I_ITEM = [I_ITEM [test1 = F135], I_ITEM [test1 = W1972544]]]]]"
values = re.findall(r'\btest1\s*=\s*(.*?)\]', inp)
print(values) # ['F135', 'W1972544']

Check if text contains a string and keep matched words from original text:

a = "Beauty Store is all you need!"
b = "beautystore"
test1 = ''.join(e for e in a if e.isalnum())
test2 = test1.lower()
test3 = [test2]
match = [s for s in test3 if b in s]
if match != []:
What I want is: "Beauty Store"
I search for the keyword in the string and I want to return the keyword from the string in the original format (with capital letter and space between, whatever) of the string, but only the part that contains the keyword.
If the keyword only occurs once, this will give you the right solution:
a = "Beauty Store is all you need!"
b = "beautystore"
ind = range(len(a))
joined = [(letter, number) for letter, number in zip(a, ind) if letter.isalnum()]
searchtext = ''.join(el[0].lower() for el in joined)
pos = searchtext.find(b)
original_text = a[joined[pos][1]:joined[pos+len(b)][1]]
It saves the original position of each letter, joins them to the lowercase string, finds the position and then looks up the original positions again.

Convert ALL UPPERCASE to Title

import urllib.request
import os
import re
a = open('Shopstxt.csv','r')
b = a.readlines()
c = len(b)
d = list(zip(*(e.split(';') for e in b)))
shopname = []
shopaddress = []
shopcity = []
shopphone = []
shopwebsite = []
f = d[0]
g = d[1]
h = d[2]
i = d[3]
j = d[4]
e = -1
for n in range(0, 5):
e = e + 1
sn = f[n]
sa = g[n]
sc = h[n]
Shopstxt.csv is all upper case letters and I want to convert them to title. I thought this would do it but it doesn't...it still leaves them all upper case. What am I doing wrong?
I also want to save the file back. Just wanting to check on a couple of things real quick like as well...time pressed.
When I combine the file back together, before writing it back to the drive do I have to add an '\n' at the end of each line or does it automatically include the '\n' when I write each line to the file?
Strings are immutable, so you need to asign the result of title():
sa = sa.title()
sc = sc.title()
Also, if you do this:
with open("bla.txt", "wt") as outfile:
outfile.write("more stuff")
then this will not automatically add line endings.
A quick way to add line endings would be this:
textblobb = "\n".join(list_of_text_lines)
with open("bla.txt", "wt") as outfile:
As long as textblobb isn't inefficiently large and fits into memory, that should do the trick nicely.
Use the .title() method when defining your variables like I did in the code below. As others have mentioned, strings are immutable so save yourself a step and create the string you need in one line.
for n in range(0, 5):
e = e + 1
sn = f[n].title() ### Grab and modify the list index before assigning to your variable
sa = g[n].title() ###
sc = h[n].title() ###

Matlab String Conversion to Array

I got a string array of the format
sLine =
[1,1] = 13-Jul-16,10.46,100.63,15.7,54.4,55656465
[1,2] = 12-Jul-16,10.47,100.64,15.7,54.4,55656465
[1,3] = 11-Jul-16,10.48,100.65,15.7,54.4,55656465
[1,4] = 10-Jul-16,10.49,100.66,15.7,54.4,55656465
In which each element is a string ("13-Jul-16,10.46,100.63,15.7,54.4,55656465" is a string).
I need to convert this to 6 vectors, something like
[a b c d e f] = ...
such a way, for example, for the 1st column, it would be
a = [13-Jul-16;12-Jul-16;11-Jul-16;10-Jul-16]
I tried to use cell2mat function, but for some reason it does not separate the fields into matrix elements, but it concatenates the whole string into something like
ans =
So, how can I solve this?
I got the sLine matrix following the steps
pFile = urlread('http://www.google.com/finance/historical?q=BVMF:PETR4&num=365&output=csv');
sLine = strsplit(pFile,'\n');
Thanks to #Suever I could get now the column dates. So the updated last version of the code is
pFile = urlread('http://www.google.com/finance/historical?q=BVMF:PETR4&num=365&output=csv');
sLine = strsplit(pFile,'\n');
split_values = regexp(sLine, ',', 'split');
values = cat(1, split_values{:});
Your data is all strings, therefore you will need to do some string manipulation rather than using cell2mat.
You will want to split each element at the ,characters and then concatenate the result together.
sLine = {'13-Jul-16,10.46,100.63,15.7,54.4,55656465',
split_values = cellfun(#(x)strsplit(x, ','), sLine, 'uniformoutput', 0);
values = cat(1, split_values{:});
% {
% [1,1] = 13-Jul-16
% [2,1] = 12-Jul-16
% [3,1] = 11-Jul-16
% [4,1] = 10-Jul-16
% }
If you want it to be more concise, we can just use regexp to split it up instead of strsplit since it can accept a cell array as input.
split_values = regexp(sLine, ',', 'split');
values = cat(1, split_values{:});
The issue with the code that you've posted is that there is a trailing newline in the input and when you split on newlines the last element of your sLine cell array is empty causing your issues. You'll want to use strtrim on pFile before creating the cell array to remove trailing newlines.
sLine = strsplit(strtrim(pFile), '\n');
sLine(:,1) = [];

Python 3 unicode ZWJ error with String replace

I need to replace ANSII characters with UNICODE (Sinhala). I use lists with a loop to do that as follows,
for i in range (len(charansi)):
for j in range (len(charUni)):
s = charansi[i] + ansimod[j]
v = charUni[i] + modUni[j]
textSource = textSource.replace(s, v)
if we use n + uu as ANSII input, it should give නූ as Unicode out put. But instead of that, it gives න ූ
to clarify more,
charansi = n
ansimod = uu
charUni = න
modUni = ූ
this න and ූ must join without spaces. I think ZWJ (\u200D) plays a role here. so i tried
v = u"\u200D".join((consonantsUni[i], vowelModifiersUni[j]))
gives same result.
How do I fix this issue?
Your question is a bit confusing, but this simply works:
charansi = 'n'
ansimod = 'uu'
charUni = 'න'
modUni = 'ූ'
v = s.replace(charansi+ansimod,charUni+modUni)
Create a working example of the problem if this isn't what you want.
You could also use the following to make the characters more clear. At least on my browser, the modifier didn't display very well.
