Writing same Spark Streaming Output to different destinations - apache-spark

I have a DStream and I want to write each element to a socket and to cassandra DB.
I found a solution that use Apache Kafka and two consumer, one write to database and other write to socket.
Is there a way to do that without using this workaround?
I use Java so please post code on this language.

You just need to apply two different actions to the rdd within the DStream: One to save to cassandra and one to send the data to whatever other output.
Also, cache the rdd before these actions to improve performance.
(in pseudo code as I don't do Java)
dstream.foreachRDD{rdd =>
rdd.foreach(...) // or rdd.foreachPartition(...)


Creating Spark RDD or Dataframe from an External Source

I am building a substantial application in Java that uses Spark and Json. I anticipate that the application will process large tables, and I want to use Spark SQL to execute queries against those tables. I am trying to use a streaming architecture so that data flows directly from an external source into Spark RDDs and dataframes. I'm having two difficulties in building my application.
First, I want to use either JavaSparkContext or SparkSession to parallelize the data. Both have a method that accepts a Java List as input. But, for streaming, I don't want to create a list in memory. I'd rather supply either a Java Stream or an Iterator. I figured out how to wrap those two objects so that they look like a List, but it cannot compute the size of the list until after the data has been read. Sometimes this works, but sometimes Spark calls the size method before the entire input data has been read, which causes an unsupported operation exception.
Is there a way to create an RDD or a dataframe directly from a Java Stream or Iterator?
For my second issue, Spark can create a dataframe directly from JSON, which would be my preferred method. But, the DataFrameReader class has methods for this operation that require a string to specify a path. The nature of the path is not documented, but I assume that it represents a path in the file system or possibly a URL or URI (the documentation doesn't say how Spark resolves the path). For testing, I'd prefer to supply the JSON as a string, and in the production, I'd like the user to specify where the data resides. As a result of this limitation, I'm having to roll my own JSON deserialization, and it's not working because of issues related to parallelization of Spark tasks.
Can Spark read JSON from an InputStream or some similar object?
These two issues seem to really limit the adaptability of Spark. I sometimes feel that I'm trying to fill an oil tanker with a garden hose.
Any advice would be welcome.
Thanks for the suggestion. After a lot of work, I was able to adapt the example at github.com/spirom/spark-data-sources. It is not straightforward, and because the DataSourceV2 API is still evolving, my solution may break in a future iteration. The details are too intricate to post here, so if you are interested, please contact me directly.

How to do multiple Kafka topics to multiple Spark jobs in parallel

Please forgive if this question doesn't make sense, as I am just starting out with Spark and trying to understand it.
From what I've read, Spark is a good use case for doing real time analytics on streaming data, which can then be pushed to a downstream sink such as hdfs/hive/hbase etc.
I have 2 questions about that. I am not clear if there is only 1 spark streaming job running or multiple at any given time. Say I have different analytics I need to perform for each topic from Kafka or each source that is streaming into Kafka, and then push the results of those downstream.
Does Spark allow you to run multiple streaming jobs in parallel so you can keep aggregate analytics separate for each stream, or in this case each Kafka topic. If so, how is that done, any documentation you could point me to ?
Just to be clear, my use case is to stream from different sources, and each source could have potentially different analytics I need to perform as well as different data structure. I want to be able to have multiple Kafka topics and partitions. I understand each Kafka partition maps to a Spark partition, and it can be parallelized.
I am not sure how you run multiple Spark streaming jobs in parallel though, to be able to read from multiple Kafka topics, and tabulate separate analytics on those topics/streams.
If not Spark is this something thats possible to do in Flink ?
Second, how does one get started with Spark, it seems there is a company and or distro to choose for each component, Confluent-Kafka, Databricks-Spark, Hadoop-HW/CDH/MAPR. Does one really need all of these, or what is the minimal and easiest way to get going with a big data pipleine while limiting the number of vendors ? It seems like such a huge task to even start on a POC.
You have asked multiple questions so I'll address each one separately.
Does Spark allow you to run multiple streaming jobs in parallel?
Is there any documentation on Spark Streaming with Kafka?
How does one get started?
a. Book: https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Spark-Lightning-Fast-Data-Analysis/dp/1449358624/
b. Easy way to run/learn Spark: https://community.cloud.databricks.com
I agree with Akbar and John that we can run multiple streams reading from different sources in parallel.
I like add that if you want to share data between streams, you can use Spark SQL API. So you can register your RDD as a SQL table and access the same table in all the streams. This is possible since all the streams share the same SparkContext

Is it okay to make a database query inside a Spark streaming transformation?

I'd like to process a stream of data coming from RabbitMQ. Specifically, it's a list of changes, and I'd like to filter out changes that have already been made. To do that, I'd need to compare the new data against the existing data in a Cassandra database.
Is it okay to do that within a Spark streaming transformation? Is there some more idiomatic approach I should be considering?

Use Spark to Write Kafka Messages Directly to a File

For a class project, I need a Spark Java program to listen as a Kafka consumer and write all of a Kafka topic's received messages to a file (e.g. "/user/zaydh/my_text_file.txt").
I am able to receive the messages in as a JavaPairReceiverInputDStream object; I can also convert it to a JavaDStream<String> (this is from the Spark Kafka example).
However, I could not find a good Java syntax to write this data to what is a essentially a single log file. I tried using foreachRDD on the JavaDStream object, but I could not find a clean, parallel-safe way to sink it to a single log file.
I understand this approach is non-traditional or non-ideal, but it is a requirement. Any guidance is much appreciated.
When you think of a stream , you got to think of it as something that wont stop giving out data .
Hence if Spark streaming had a way to save all the RDDs coming in to a single file , it would keep growing to a huge size (and the stream isnt supposed to stop remember ? :))
But in this case you can make use of the saveAsTextFile utility of an RDD,
Which will create many file in your output directory depending on your batch interval thats specified while creating the streaming context JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf, Durations.seconds(1))
You can then merge these fileparts into one using somthing like how-to-merge-all-text-files-in-a-directory-into-one

How to update an RDD?

We are developing Spark framework wherein we are moving historical data into RDD sets.
Basically, RDD is immutable, read only dataset on which we do operations.
Based on that we have moved historical data into RDD and we do computations like filtering/mapping, etc on such RDDs.
Now there is a use case where a subset of the data in the RDD gets updated and we have to recompute the values.
HistoricalData is in the form of RDD.
I create another RDD based on request scope and save the reference of that RDD in a ScopeCollection
So far I have been able to think of below approaches -
Approach1: broadcast the change:
For each change request, my server fetches the scope specific RDD and spawns a job
In a job, apply a map phase on that RDD -
2.a. for each node in the RDD do a lookup on the broadcast and create a new Value which is now updated, thereby creating a new RDD
2.b. now I do all the computations again on this new RDD at step2.a. like multiplication, reduction etc
2.c. I Save this RDDs reference back in my ScopeCollection
Approach2: create an RDD for the updates
For each change request, my server fetches the scope specific RDD and spawns a job
On each RDD, do a join with the new RDD having changes
now I do all the computations again on this new RDD at step2 like multiplication, reduction etc
Approach 3:
I had thought of creating streaming RDD where I keep updating the same RDD and do re-computation. But as far as I understand it can take streams from Flume or Kafka. Whereas in my case the values are generated in the application itself based on user interaction.
Hence I cannot see any integration points of streaming RDD in my context.
Any suggestion on which approach is better or any other approach suitable for this scenario.
The usecase presented here is a good match for Spark Streaming. The two other options bear the question: "How do you submit a re-computation of the RDD?"
Spark Streaming offers a framework to continuously submit work to Spark based on some stream of incoming data and preserve that data in RDD form. Kafka and Flume are only two possible Stream sources.
You could use Socket communication with the SocketInputDStream, reading files in a directory using FileInputDStream or even using shared Queue with the QueueInputDStream. If none of those options fit your application, you could write your own InputDStream.
In this usecase, using Spark Streaming, you will read your base RDD and use the incoming dstream to incrementally transform the existing data and maintain an evolving in-memory state. dstream.transform will allow you to combine the base RDD with the data collected during a given batch interval, while the updateStateByKey operation could help you build an in-memory state addressed by keys. See the documentation for further information.
Without more details on the application is hard to go up to the code level on what's possible using Spark Streaming. I'd suggest you to explore this path and make new questions for any specific topics.
I suggest to take a look at IndexedRDD implementation, which provides updatable RDD of key value pairs. That might give you some insights.
The idea is based on the knowledge of the key and that allows you to zip your updated chunk of data with the same keys of already created RDD. During update it's possible to filter out previous version of the data.
Having historical data, I'd say you have to have sort of identity of an event.
Regarding streaming and consumption, it's possible to use TCP port. This way the driver might open a TCP connection spark expects to read from and sends updates there.
