Setting variable in bash -c - linux

I try to set variable which get interface ip-address from ifconfig and read it later. But when I execute a echo command, variable still empty. Please look at my code:
/usr/bin/bash -c "HOST_IPS=$(/usr/bin/ifconfig | /usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN {cnt=0} {if($0 ~ /inet / && cnt==1) {print $2} cnt++}'); echo $HOST_IPS"
But /bin/echo work fine with same command:
/usr/bin/bash -c "echo $(/usr/bin/ifconfig | /usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN {cnt=0} {if($0 ~ /inet / && cnt==1) {print $2} cnt++}')"

You have to escape the $ sign in the final echo command, or the variable $HOST_IPS will be substituted into the command string before the subshell is spawned:
/usr/bin/bash -c "HOST_IPS=$(/usr/bin/ifconfig | /usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN {cnt=0} {if($0 ~ /inet / && cnt==1) {print $2} cnt++}'); echo \$HOST_IPS"
For more immediate visibility:
# v-- insert backslash here
/usr/bin/bash -c "HOST_IPS=$(same as before); echo \$HOST_IPS"
Contrary to #gniourf_gniourf's comment, it is not actually necessary to escape the other dollar signs. However, as written, the command substitution is not performed by the subshell (!); its result is substituted into the command string that is passed to the subshell. The calls
mypid() { echo $$; }
bash -c "pid=$(mypid); echo \$pid; mypid"
demonstrate the way it works: it will once print the PID of the parent shell and once complain that mypid is not a known command because the subshell does not know the function.
Since running the ifconfig | awk command in the parent shell is unlikely to be a problem, you can probably leave the command substitution part unchanged. If it is important that the command be run by the subshell, you'll have to escape all the things there as well.

With /usr/bin/bash you start a subshell. When the shell is finished, all settings in the shell are lost.
The following sub is set in the subshell and lost before being echoed:
/usr/bin/bash -c sub=1; echo $sub
Do you want to set a variable in a subshell, use stdout for transporting the value:
sub=$(/usr/bin/bash -c "echo 1"); echo $sub

From your question and example, your task at hand doesn't require you to leave your current environment, hence you don't need to start a new one and be concerned with data lost.
while read -r;
do [[ $REPLY =~ "inet "([^/]*) ]] && HOST_IPS+=(${BASH_REMATCH[1]});
done < <( ip -f inet address show )
If you wish to maintain a list of interface IP-addresses you can process the output of ip (or ifconfig) in your current shell without calling awk.


Can't run bash file inside ZSH

I've placed a bash file inside .zshrc and tried all different ways to run it every time I open a new terminal window or source .zshrc but no luck.
FYI: it was working fine on .bashrc
here is .zshrc script:
#Check if ampps is running
bash ~/ & disown
Different approach:
#Check if ampps is running
sh ~/ & disown
Another approach:
#Check if ampps is running
% ~/ & disown
All the above approaches didn't work (meaning it supposes to run an app named ampps but it doesn't in zsh.
Note: It was working fine before switching to zsh from bash. so it does not have permission or syntax problems.
Update: content of
#! /usr/bin/env
echo "########################"
echo "Checking for ampps server to be running:"
check=$(pgrep -f "/usr/local/ampps" )
#[ -z "$check" ] && echo "Empty: Yes" || echo "Empty: No"
if [ -z "$check" ]; then
echo "It's not running!"
cd /usr/local/ampps
echo password | sudo -S ./Ampps
echo "It's running ..."
(1) I believe ~/ is a bash script, so, its first line should be
#! /usr/bin/env
(2) Then, the call in zsh script (~/.zshrc) should be:
(3) Note: ~/ should be executable. Change it to executable:
$ chmod +x ~/
The easiest way to run bash temporarily from a zsh terminal is to
exec bash
or just
Then you can run commands you previously could only run in bash. An example
help exec
To exit
Now you are back in your original shell
If you want to know your default shell
echo $SHELL
set | grep SHELL=
If you want to reliably know your current shell
ps -p $$
Or if you want just the shell name you might use
ps -p $$ | awk "NR==2" | awk '{ print $4 }' | tr -d '-'
And you might just put that last one in a function for later, just know that it is only available if it was sourced in a current shell.
local defaultShell=$(echo $SHELL | tr -d '/bin/')
echo "Default: $defaultShell"
local currentShell=$(ps -p $$ | awk "NR==2" | awk '{ print $4 }' | tr -d '-')
echo "Current: $currentShell"
Call the method to see your results

Different results when running commands in braces within a bash script

I was editing a script and as the script was getting a bit long I decided to enclose the main part of the script in braces and divert the output to a log file instead of having individual log redirects for commands. Then I noticed that a command block that checks for a running copy of the script gives 2 different results depending if it is enclosed in braces.
I run the script as:
$ /bin/bash scriptname.bash
My question is why the same command block returns 2 different results and if it is possible to have the command block work inside the braces.
Below is the command block:
#set -x # Uncomment to debug this shell script
THIS_SCRIPT=$(basename $0)
TIMESTAMP=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S)
printf "%s\n" "Checking for currently runnning versions of this script"
MYPID=$$ # Capture this scripts PID
MYOTHERPROCESSES=$(ps -ef | \grep $THIS_SCRIPT | \grep -v $MYPID | \grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
if [[ "$MYOTHERPROCESSES" != "" ]]
printf "%s\n" "ERROR: Another version of this script is running...exiting!"
exit 2
printf "%s\n" "No other versions running...proceeding"
printf "%s\n" "Doing some script stuff..."
exit 0
} | tee -a $LOGFILE 2>&1
# End of script
This is not due to the braces, this is due to the pipe.
When you combine commands with a pipe like command | tee, each side of the pipe is executed in a separate sub-process. Shell commands are therefore executed in a sub-shell. That's this sub-shell that you detect.
PS: avoid constructs like ps | grep -v grep, use pidof or pgrep instead

Find the current shell of the user using a shell script [duplicate]

How can I determine the current shell I am working on?
Would the output of the ps command alone be sufficient?
How can this be done in different flavors of Unix?
There are three approaches to finding the name of the current shell's executable:
Please note that all three approaches can be fooled if the executable of the shell is /bin/sh, but it's really a renamed bash, for example (which frequently happens).
Thus your second question of whether ps output will do is answered with "not always".
echo $0 - will print the program name... which in the case of the shell is the actual shell.
ps -ef | grep $$ | grep -v grep - this will look for the current process ID in the list of running processes. Since the current process is the shell, it will be included.
This is not 100% reliable, as you might have other processes whose ps listing includes the same number as shell's process ID, especially if that ID is a small number (for example, if the shell's PID is "5", you may find processes called "java5" or "perl5" in the same grep output!). This is the second problem with the "ps" approach, on top of not being able to rely on the shell name.
echo $SHELL - The path to the current shell is stored as the SHELL variable for any shell. The caveat for this one is that if you launch a shell explicitly as a subprocess (for example, it's not your login shell), you will get your login shell's value instead. If that's a possibility, use the ps or $0 approach.
If, however, the executable doesn't match your actual shell (e.g. /bin/sh is actually bash or ksh), you need heuristics. Here are some environmental variables specific to various shells:
$version is set on tcsh
$BASH is set on bash
$shell (lowercase) is set to actual shell name in csh or tcsh
$ZSH_NAME is set on zsh
ksh has $PS3 and $PS4 set, whereas the normal Bourne shell (sh) only has $PS1 and $PS2 set. This generally seems like the hardest to distinguish - the only difference in the entire set of environment variables between sh and ksh we have installed on Solaris boxen is $ERRNO, $FCEDIT, $LINENO, $PPID, $PS3, $PS4, $RANDOM, $SECONDS, and $TMOUT.
ps -p $$
should work anywhere that the solutions involving ps -ef and grep do (on any Unix variant which supports POSIX options for ps) and will not suffer from the false positives introduced by grepping for a sequence of digits which may appear elsewhere.
ps -p $$ -oargs=
ps -p $$ -ocomm=
If you just want to ensure the user is invoking a script with Bash:
if [ -z "$BASH" ]; then echo "Please run this script $0 with bash"; exit; fi
or ref
if [ -z "$BASH" ]; then exec bash $0 ; exit; fi
You can try:
ps | grep `echo $$` | awk '{ print $4 }'
echo $SHELL
$SHELL need not always show the current shell. It only reflects the default shell to be invoked.
To test the above, say bash is the default shell, try echo $SHELL, and then in the same terminal, get into some other shell (KornShell (ksh) for example) and try $SHELL. You will see the result as bash in both cases.
To get the name of the current shell, Use cat /proc/$$/cmdline. And the path to the shell executable by readlink /proc/$$/exe.
There are many ways to find out the shell and its corresponding version. Here are few which worked for me.
$> echo $0 (Gives you the program name. In my case the output was -bash.)
$> $SHELL (This takes you into the shell and in the prompt you get the shell name and version. In my case bash3.2$.)
$> echo $SHELL (This will give you executable path. In my case /bin/bash.)
$> $SHELL --version (This will give complete info about the shell software with license type)
Hackish approach
$> ******* (Type a set of random characters and in the output you will get the shell name. In my case -bash: chapter2-a-sample-isomorphic-app: command not found)
ps is the most reliable method. The SHELL environment variable is not guaranteed to be set and even if it is, it can be easily spoofed.
I have a simple trick to find the current shell. Just type a random string (which is not a command). It will fail and return a "not found" error, but at start of the line it will say which shell it is:
ksh: aaaaa: not found [No such file or directory]
bash: aaaaa: command not found
I have tried many different approaches and the best one for me is:
ps -p $$
It also works under Cygwin and cannot produce false positives as PID grepping. With some cleaning, it outputs just an executable name (under Cygwin with path):
ps -p $$ | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}'
You can create a function so you don't have to memorize it:
# Print currently active shell
shell () {
ps -p $$ | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}'
...and then just execute shell.
It was tested under Debian and Cygwin.
The following will always give the actual shell used - it gets the name of the actual executable and not the shell name (i.e. ksh93 instead of ksh, etc.). For /bin/sh, it will show the actual shell used, i.e. dash.
ls -l /proc/$$/exe | sed 's%.*/%%'
I know that there are many who say the ls output should never be processed, but what is the probability you'll have a shell you are using that is named with special characters or placed in a directory named with special characters? If this is still the case, there are plenty of other examples of doing it differently.
As pointed out by Toby Speight, this would be a more proper and cleaner way of achieving the same:
basename $(readlink /proc/$$/exe)
My variant on printing the parent process:
ps -p $$ | awk '$1 == PP {print $4}' PP=$$
Don't run unnecessary applications when AWK can do it for you.
Provided that your /bin/sh supports the POSIX standard and your system has the lsof command installed - a possible alternative to lsof could in this case be pid2path - you can also use (or adapt) the following script that prints full paths:
# cat /usr/local/bin/cursh
set -eu
set -- sh bash zsh ksh ash dash csh tcsh pdksh mksh fish psh rc scsh bournesh wish Wish login
unset echo env sed ps lsof awk getconf
# getconf _POSIX_VERSION # reliable test for availability of POSIX system?
PATH="`PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin getconf PATH`"
[ $? -ne 0 ] && { echo "'getconf PATH' failed"; exit 1; }
export PATH
env -i PATH="${PATH}" type "$cmd" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "$cmd not found"; exit 1; }
awkstr="`echo "$#" | sed 's/\([^ ]\{1,\}\)/|\/\1/g; s/ /$/g' | sed 's/^|//; s/$/$/'`"
ppid="`env -i PATH="${PATH}" ps -p $pid -o ppid=`"
[ "${ppid}"X = ""X ] && { echo "no ppid found"; exit 1; }
lsofstr="`lsof -p $ppid`" ||
{ printf "%s\n" "lsof failed" "try: sudo lsof -p \`ps -p \$\$ -o ppid=\`"; exit 1; }
printf "%s\n" "${lsofstr}" |
LC_ALL=C awk -v var="${awkstr}" '$NF ~ var {print $NF}'
My solution:
ps -o command | grep -v -e "\<ps\>" -e grep -e tail | tail -1
This should be portable across different platforms and shells. It uses ps like other solutions, but it doesn't rely on sed or awk and filters out junk from piping and ps itself so that the shell should always be the last entry. This way we don't need to rely on non-portable PID variables or picking out the right lines and columns.
I've tested on Debian and macOS with Bash, Z shell (zsh), and fish (which doesn't work with most of these solutions without changing the expression specifically for fish, because it uses a different PID variable).
If you just want to check that you are running (a particular version of) Bash, the best way to do so is to use the $BASH_VERSINFO array variable. As a (read-only) array variable it cannot be set in the environment,
so you can be sure it is coming (if at all) from the current shell.
However, since Bash has a different behavior when invoked as sh, you do also need to check the $BASH environment variable ends with /bash.
In a script I wrote that uses function names with - (not underscore), and depends on associative arrays (added in Bash 4), I have the following sanity check (with helpful user error message):
case `eval 'echo $BASH#${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}' 2>/dev/null` in
# Claims bash version 4+, check for func-names and associative arrays
if ! eval "declare -A _ARRAY && func-name() { :; }" 2>/dev/null; then
echo >&2 "bash $BASH_VERSION is not supported (not really bash?)"
exit 1
echo >&2 "bash $BASH_VERSION is not supported (version 4+ required)"
exit 1
echo >&2 "This script requires BASH (version 4+) - not regular sh"
echo >&2 "Re-run as \"bash $CMD\" for proper operation"
exit 1
You could omit the somewhat paranoid functional check for features in the first case, and just assume that future Bash versions would be compatible.
None of the answers worked with fish shell (it doesn't have the variables $$ or $0).
This works for me (tested on sh, bash, fish, ksh, csh, true, tcsh, and zsh; openSUSE 13.2):
ps | tail -n 4 | sed -E '2,$d;s/.* (.*)/\1/'
This command outputs a string like bash. Here I'm only using ps, tail, and sed (without GNU extesions; try to add --posix to check it). They are all standard POSIX commands. I'm sure tail can be removed, but my sed fu is not strong enough to do this.
It seems to me, that this solution is not very portable as it doesn't work on OS X. :(
echo $$ # Gives the Parent Process ID
ps -ef | grep $$ | awk '{print $8}' # Use the PID to see what the process is.
From How do you know what your current shell is?.
This is not a very clean solution, but it does what you want.
getshell() {
local shell="`ps -p $$ | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'`"
# It is important that the shells are listed in descending order of their name length.
bash dash mksh
zsh ksh
local suited=false
for i in ${shells_array[*]}; do
if ! [ -z `printf $shell | grep $i` ] && ! $suited; then
echo $shell
Now you can use $(getshell) --version.
This works, though, only on KornShell-like shells (ksh).
Do the following to know whether your shell is using Dash/Bash.
ls –la /bin/sh:
if the result is /bin/sh -> /bin/bash ==> Then your shell is using Bash.
if the result is /bin/sh ->/bin/dash ==> Then your shell is using Dash.
If you want to change from Bash to Dash or vice-versa, use the below code:
ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh (change shell to Bash)
Note: If the above command results in a error saying, /bin/sh already exists, remove the /bin/sh and try again.
I like Nahuel Fouilleul's solution particularly, but I had to run the following variant of it on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) with the built-in Bash shell:
bash -c 'shellPID=$$; ps -ocomm= -q $shellPID'
Without the temporary variable shellPID, e.g. the following:
bash -c 'ps -ocomm= -q $$'
Would just output ps for me. Maybe you aren't all using non-interactive mode, and that makes a difference.
Get it with the $SHELL environment variable. A simple sed could remove the path:
echo $SHELL | sed -E 's/^.*\/([aA-zZ]+$)/\1/g'
It was tested on macOS, Ubuntu, and CentOS.
On Mac OS X (and FreeBSD):
ps -p $$ -axco command | sed -n '$p'
Grepping PID from the output of "ps" is not needed, because you can read the respective command line for any PID from the /proc directory structure:
echo $(cat /proc/$$/cmdline)
However, that might not be any better than just simply:
echo $0
About running an actually different shell than the name indicates, one idea is to request the version from the shell using the name you got previously:
<some_shell> --version
sh seems to fail with exit code 2 while others give something useful (but I am not able to verify all since I don't have them):
$ sh --version
sh: 0: Illegal option --
echo $?
One way is:
ps -p $$ -o exe=
which is IMO better than using -o args or -o comm as suggested in another answer (these may use, e.g., some symbolic link like when /bin/sh points to some specific shell as Dash or Bash).
The above returns the path of the executable, but beware that due to /usr-merge, one might need to check for multiple paths (e.g., /bin/bash and /usr/bin/bash).
Also note that the above is not fully POSIX-compatible (POSIX ps doesn't have exe).
Kindly use the below command:
ps -p $$ | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'
This one works well on Red Hat Linux (RHEL), macOS, BSD and some AIXes:
ps -T $$ | awk 'NR==2{print $NF}'
alternatively, the following one should also work if pstree is available,
pstree | egrep $$ | awk 'NR==2{print $NF}'
You can use echo $SHELL|sed "s/\/bin\///g"
And I came up with this:
sed 's/.*SHELL=//; s/[[:upper:]].*//' /proc/$$/environ

Saving a command into a variable instead of running it

I'm trying to get the output of the ps command to output to a file, then to use that file to populate a radiolist. So far I'm having problems.
eval "ps -o pid,command">/tmp/process$$
more /tmp/process$$
sed -e '1d' /tmp/process$$ > /tmp/process2$$
while IFS= read -r pid command
msgboxlist="$msgboxlist" $($pid) $($command) "off"
height=`wc -l "/tmp/process$$" | awk '{print $1}'`
width=`wc --max-line-length "/tmp/process$$" | awk '{print $1}'`
echo $height $width
dialog \
--title "Directory Listing" \
--radiolist "Select process to terminate" "$msgboxlist" $(($height+7)) $(($width+4))
So far not only does the while read not split the columns into 2 variables ($pid is the whole line and $command is blank) but when I try to run this the script is trying to run the line as a command. For example:
+ read -r pid command
++ 7934 bash -x line 322: 7934: command not found
+ msgboxlist=
+ off line 322: off: command not found
Basically I have no idea where I'm supposed to be putting quotes, double quotes and backslashes. It's driving me wild.
tl;dr Saving a command into a variable without running it, how?
You're trying to execute $pid and $command as commands:
msgboxlist="$msgboxlist" $($pid) $($command) "off"
msgboxlist="$msgboxlist $pid $command off"
Or use an array:
msgboxlist=() # do this before the while loop
msgboxlist+=($pid $command "off")
# when you need to use the whole list:
echo "${msgboxlist[#]}"
Your script can be refactored by removing some unnecessary calls like this:
ps -o pid=,command= > /tmp/process$$
while read -r pid command
msgboxlist="$msgboxlist $pid $command off"
done < /tmp/process2$$
height=$(awk 'END {print NR}' "/tmp/process$$")
width=$(awk '{if (l<length($0)) l=length($0)} END{print l}' "/tmp/process$$")
dialog --title "Directory Listing" \
--radiolist "Select process to terminate" "$msgboxlist" $(($height+7)) $(($width+4))
I have to admit, I'm not 100% clear on what you're doing; but I think you want to change this:
msgboxlist="$msgboxlist" $($pid) $($command) "off"
to this:
msgboxlist+=("$pid" "$command" off)
which will add the PID, the command, and "off" as three new elements to the array named msgboxlist. You'd then change "$msgboxlist" to "${msgboxlist[#]}" in the dialog command, to include all of those elements as arguments to the command.
Use double quotes when you want variables to be expanded. Use single quotes to disable variable expansion.
Here's an example of a command saved for later execution.
cmd="ls $file" # $file is expanded to readme.txt
echo "$cmd" # ls readme.txt
$cmd # lists readme.txt
Edit adressing the read:
Using read generally reads an entire line. Consider this instead (tested):
ps o pid=,command= | while read line ; do
set $line
echo $pid $command
Also note the different usage of 'ps o pid=,command=' to skip displaying headers.

How to get the command line args passed to a running process on unix/linux systems?

On SunOS there is pargs command that prints the command line arguments passed to the running process.
Is there is any similar command on other Unix environments?
There are several options:
ps -fp <pid>
cat /proc/<pid>/cmdline | sed -e "s/\x00/ /g"; echo
There is more info in /proc/<pid> on Linux, just have a look.
On other Unixes things might be different. The ps command will work everywhere, the /proc stuff is OS specific. For example on AIX there is no cmdline in /proc.
This will do the trick:
xargs -0 < /proc/<pid>/cmdline
Without the xargs, there will be no spaces between the arguments, because they have been converted to NULs.
Full commandline
For Linux & Unix System you can use ps -ef | grep process_name to get the full command line.
On SunOS systems, if you want to get full command line, you can use
/usr/ucb/ps -auxww | grep -i process_name
To get the full command line you need to become super user.
List of arguments
pargs -a PROCESS_ID
will give a detailed list of arguments passed to a process. It will output the array of arguments in like this:
argv[o]: first argument
argv[1]: second..
argv[*]: and so on..
I didn't find any similar command for Linux, but I would use the following command to get similar output:
tr '\0' '\n' < /proc/<pid>/environ
You can use pgrep with -f (full command line) and -l (long description):
pgrep -l -f PatternOfProcess
This method has a crucial difference with any of the other responses: it works on CygWin, so you can use it to obtain the full command line of any process running under Windows (execute as elevated if you want data about any elevated/admin process). Any other method for doing this on Windows is more awkward ( for example ).
Furthermore: in my tests, the pgrep way has been the only system that worked to obtain the full path for scripts running inside CygWin's python.
On Linux
cat /proc/<pid>/cmdline
outputs the commandline of the process <pid> (command including args) each record terminated by a NUL character.
A Bash Shell Example:
$ mapfile -d '' args < /proc/$$/cmdline
$ echo "#${#args[#]}:" "${args[#]}"
#1: /bin/bash
Another variant of printing /proc/PID/cmdline with spaces in Linux is:
cat -v /proc/PID/cmdline | sed 's/\^#/\ /g' && echo
In this way cat prints NULL characters as ^# and then you replace them with a space using sed; echo prints a newline.
Rather than using multiple commands to edit the stream, just use one - tr translates one character to another:
tr '\0' ' ' </proc/<pid>/cmdline
ps -eo pid,args prints the PID and the full command line.
You can simply use:
ps -o args= -f -p ProcessPid
In addition to all the above ways to convert the text, if you simply use 'strings', it will make the output on separate lines by default. With the added benefit that it may also prevent any chars that may scramble your terminal from appearing.
Both output in one command:
strings /proc//cmdline /proc//environ
The real question is... is there a way to see the real command line of a process in Linux that has been altered so that the cmdline contains the altered text instead of the actual command that was run.
On Solaris
ps -eo pid,comm
similar can be used on unix like systems.
On Linux, with bash, to output as quoted args so you can edit the command and rerun it
</proc/"${pid}"/cmdline xargs --no-run-if-empty -0 -n1 \
bash -c 'printf "%q " "${1}"' /dev/null; echo
On Solaris, with bash (tested with 3.2.51(1)-release) and without gnu userland:
IFS=$'\002' tmpargs=( $( pargs "${pid}" \
| /usr/bin/sed -n 's/^argv\[[0-9]\{1,\}\]: //gp' \
| tr '\n' '\002' ) )
for tmparg in "${tmpargs[#]}"; do
printf "%q " "$( echo -e "${tmparg}" )"
done; echo
Linux bash Example (paste in terminal):
## setup intial args
argv=( /bin/bash -c '{ /usr/bin/sleep 10; echo; }' /dev/null 'BEGIN {system("sleep 2")}' "this is" \
"some" "args "$'\n'" that" $'\000' $'\002' "need" "quot"$'\t'"ing" )
## run in background
"${argv[#]}" &
## recover into eval string that assigns it to argv_recovered
printf "argv_recovered=( "
</proc/"${!}"/cmdline xargs --no-run-if-empty -0 -n1 \
bash -c 'printf "%q " "${1}"' /dev/null
printf " )\n"
## do eval
eval "${eval_me}"
## verify match
if [ "$( declare -p argv )" == "$( declare -p argv_recovered | sed 's/argv_recovered/argv/' )" ];
echo MATCH
Solaris Bash Example:
## setup intial args
argv=( /bin/bash -c '{ /usr/bin/sleep 10; echo; }' /dev/null 'BEGIN {system("sleep 2")}' "this is" \
"some" "args "$'\n'" that" $'\000' $'\002' "need" "quot"$'\t'"ing" )
## run in background
"${argv[#]}" &
pargs "${!}"
ps -fp "${!}"
declare -p tmpargs
printf "argv_recovered=( "
IFS=$'\002' tmpargs=( $( pargs "${!}" \
| /usr/bin/sed -n 's/^argv\[[0-9]\{1,\}\]: //gp' \
| tr '\n' '\002' ) )
for tmparg in "${tmpargs[#]}"; do
printf "%q " "$( echo -e "${tmparg}" )"
done; echo
printf " )\n"
## do eval
eval "${eval_me}"
## verify match
if [ "$( declare -p argv )" == "$( declare -p argv_recovered | sed 's/argv_recovered/argv/' )" ];
echo MATCH
If you want to get a long-as-possible (not sure what limits there are), similar to Solaris' pargs, you can use this on Linux & OSX:
ps -ww -o pid,command [-p <pid> ... ]
try ps -n in a linux terminal. This will show:
1.All processes RUNNING, their command line and their PIDs
The program intiate the processes.
Afterwards you will know which process to kill
