How to scale worker roles based on a Queue Length - azure

I have a Worker Role that is monitoring a Queue for incoming job. If jobs are arriving faster than they are processed and the queue starts growing in length I want to spin up additional instances of the worker role. I have two questions.
i) Is this a good way to scale in the sense should I be spinning up more instances or should I just manage this with threads somehow.
ii) is there a way to make this configurable without code i.e spin up a new process every time the QueueLength hits a configurable Max and kills off processes when the queue shrinks OR do I need to write a monitoring process that polls Queue Length every so often and makes some decisions about how many process to keep going

Azure Auto Scaling feature supports scaling based on queue length (Number of messages in a queue). Please see this link for more details on how you can accomplish it:


Azure Service Bus Queue Performance

I am using the Azure service bus queue for one of my requirements. The requirement is simple, an azure function will act as an API and creates multiple jobs in the queue. The function is scalable and on-demand new instance creation. The job which microservice creates will be processed by a windows service. So the sender is Azure function and the receiver is windows service. Since the azure function is scalable, there will be multiple numbers of functions will be executed in parallel. So, the number of jobs getting created into the queue will be in parallel, and probably one job in every 500MS. Windows service is a single instance that is a Queue listener listens to this Queue and executes in parallel. So, the number of senders might be more, the receiver is one instance. And each job can run in parallel must be limited(4, since it takes more time and CPU) Right now, I am using Aure Service Bus Queue with the following configuration. My doubt is which configuration produces the best performance for this particular requirement.
The deletion of the Job in the queue will not be an issue for me. So, Can I use Delete instead of Peek-Lock?
Also, right now, the number of items receiving by the listener is not in order. I want to maintain an order in which it got created. My requirement is maximum performance. The job is done by the windows service is a CPU intensive task, that's why I have limited to 4 since the system is a 4 Core.
Max delivery count: 4, Message lock duration: 5 min, MaxConcurrentCalls: 4 (In listener). I am new to the service bus, I need a suggestion for this.
One more doubt is, let's consider the listener got 4 jobs in parallel and start execution. One job completed its execution and became a completed status. So the listener will pick the next item immediately or wait for all the 4 jobs to be completed (MaxConcurrentCalls: 4).
The deletion of the Job in the queue will not be an issue for me. So, Can I use Delete instead of Peek-Lock?
Receiving messages in PeekLock receive mode will less performant than ReceiveAndDelete. You'll be saving roundtrips to the broker to complete messages.
Max delivery count: 4, Message lock duration: 5 min, MaxConcurrentCalls: 4 (In listener). I am new to the service bus, I need a suggestion for this.
MaxDeliveryCount is how many times a message can be attempted before it's dead-lettered. It appears to be equal to the number of cores, but it shouldn't. Could be just a coincidence.
MessageLockDuration will only matter if you use PeekLock receive mode. For ReceiveAndDelete it won't matter.
As for Concurrency, even though your work is CPU bound, I'd benchmark if higher concurrency would be possible.
An additional parameter on the message receiver to look into would be PrefetchCount. It can improve the overall performance by making fewer roundtrips to the broker.
One more doubt is, let's consider the listener got 4 jobs in parallel and start execution. One job completed its execution and became a completed status. So the listener will pick the next item immediately or wait for all the 4 jobs to be completed (MaxConcurrentCalls: 4).
The listener will immediately start processing the 5th message as your concurrency is set to 4 and one message processing has been completed.
Also, right now, the number of items receiving by the listener is not in order. I want to maintain an order in which it got created.
To process messages in the order they were sent in you will need to send and receive messages using sessions.
My requirement is maximum performance. The job is done by the windows service is a CPU intensive task, that's why I have limited to 4 since the system is a 4 Core.
There are multiple things to take into consideration. The location of your Windows Service location would impact the latency and message throughput. Scaling out could help, etc.

How to implement work stealing in SimPy 3?

I want to implement something akin to work stealing or task migration in multiprocessor systems. Details below.
I am simulating a scheduling system with multiple worker nodes (resources, each with multiple capacity), and tasks (process) that arrive randomly and are queued by the scheduler at a specific worker node. This is working fine.
However, I want to trigger an event when a worker node has spare capacity, so that it steals the front task from the worker with the longest wait queue.
I can implement the functionality described above. The problem is that all the tasks waiting on the worker queue from which we are stealing work receive the event notification. I want to notify ONLY the task at the front of the queue (or only N tasks at the front of the queue).
The Bank reneging example is the closest example to what I want to implement. However, it (1) ALL the customers leave the queue when they are notified that the event was triggered, and (2) when event is triggered, the customers leave the system; in my example, I want to make the task wait at another worker (though it wouldn't wait, since the queue of that worker is empty).
Old question: Can this be done in SimPy?
New questions: How can I do this in SimPy?
1) How can I have many processes, waiting for a resource, listen for an event, but notify only the first one?
2) How can I make a process migrate to another resource?

Failure handling for Queue Centric work pattern

I am planning to use a queue centric design as described here for one of my applications. That essentially consists of using a Azure queue where work requests are queued from the UI. A worker reads from the queue, processes and deletes the message from the queue.
The 'work' done by the worker is within a transaction so if the worker fails before completing, upon restart it again picks up the same message (as it has not be deleted from the queue) and tries to perform the operation again (up to a max number of retries)
To scale I could use two methods:
Multiple workers each with a separate queue. So if I have five workers W1 to W5, I have 5 queues Q1 to Q5 and each worker knows which queue to read from and failure handling is similar as the case with one queue and one worker
One queue and multiple workers. Here failure/Retry handling here would be more involved and might end up using the 'Invisibility' time in the message queue to make sure no two workers pick up the same job. The invisibility time would have to be calculated to make sure that its enough for the job to complete and yet not be large enough that retries are performed after a long time.
Would like to know if the 1st approach is the correct way to go? What are robust ways of handling failures in the second approach above?
You would be better off taking approach 2 - a single queue, but with multiple workers.
This is better because:
The process that delivers messages to the queue only needs to know about a single queue endpoint. This reduces complexity at this end;
Scaling the number of workers that are pulling from the queue is now decoupled from any code / configuration changes - you can scale up and down much more easily (and at runtime)
If you are worried about the visibility, you can initially choose a default timespan, and then if the worker looks like it's taking too long, it can periodically call UpdateMessage() to update the visibility of the message.
Finally, if your worker timesout and failed to complete processing of the message, it'll be picked up again by some other worker to try again. You can also use the DequeueCount property of the message to manage number of retries.
Multiple workers each with a separate queue. So if I have five workers
W1 to W5, I have 5 queues Q1 to Q5 and each worker knows which queue
to read from and failure handling is similar as the case with one
queue and one worker
With this approach I see following issues:
This approach makes your architecture tightly coupled (thus beating the whole purpose of using queues). Because each worker role listens to a dedicated queue, the web application responsible for pushing messages in the queue always need to know how many workers are running. Anytime you scale up or down your worker role, some how you need to tell web application so that it can start pushing messages in appropriate queue.
If a worker role instance is taken down for whatever reason there's a possibility that some messages may not be processed ever as other worker role instances are working on their dedicated queues.
There may be a possibility of under utilization/over utilization of worker role instances depending on how web application pushes the messages in the queue. For optimal utilization, web application should know about the worker role utilization so that it can decide which queue to send message to. This is certainly not a desired thing for a web application to do.
I believe #2 is the correct way to go. #Brendan Green has covered your concerns about #2 in his answer excellently.

Fork NodeJS clusters as working load changes

I am trying to fork worker clusters to a maximun of 10, and only if the working load increases. Can it be done?
I have tried with strong-cluster-control's setSize, but I can't find an easy way of forking automatically (if many requests are being done then fork, for example), or closing/"suiciding" forks (maybe with a timeOut if nothing is being done, like in this answer)
This is my repo's main file at GitHub
Thank you in advance!!
I assume that you already have some idea as to how you would like to spread your load so I will not include details about that and instead focus on the interprocess communication required for this.
Notifying the master
To send arbitrary data to the master, you can use process.send() from a worker. The way I would go about this is probably something along these steps:
The application is started
Minimum amount of workers are spawned
Each worker will send the master a request message every time it receives a new request, via process.send()
The master keeps track of all the request events from all workers
If the amount of request events increases above a predefined threshold (i.e. > 100 requests/s) it spawns a new worker
If the amount of request events decreases below a predefined threshold it asks one of the workers to stop processing new requests and close itself gracefully (note that it should not simply kill the process to avoid interrupting ongoing requests)
Main point is: Do not focus on time - focus on rate. In an application that is supposed to handle tens to thousands of requests per second, your setTimout() (the task of which might be to kill the worker if it has been idle for too long) will never fire because Node.js evenly distributes your load across your workers - you could start with one worker, but once you reach your maximum you will never drop to one worker again under continuous load even if there is only one request per second.
It should be noted that it is counterproductive to spawn more workers than the amount of CPU cores you have at your disposal. It might, however, be beneficial to start with a single worker and incrementally increase the amount to all cores as load increases.

Is it acceptable to use ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads to throttle the amount of work a service performs?

I have a service which polls a queue very quickly to check for more 'work' which needs to be done. There is always more more work in the queue than a single worker can handle. I want to make sure a single worker doesn't grab too much work when the service is already at max capacity.
Let say my worker grabs 10 messages from the queue every N(ms) and uses the Parallel Library to process each message in parallel on different threads. The work itself is very IO heavy. Many SQL Server queries and even Azure Table storage (http requests) are made for a single unit of work.
Is using the TheadPool.GetAvailableThreads() the proper way to throttle how much work the service is allowed to grab?
I see that I have access to available WorkerThreads and CompletionPortThreads. For an IO heavy process, is it more appropriate to look at how many CompletionPortThreads are available? I believe 1000 is the number made available per process regardless of cpu count.
Update - Might be important to know that the queue I'm working with is an Azure Queue. So, each request to check for messages is made as an async http request which returns with the next 10 messages. (and costs money)
I don't think using IO completion ports is a good way to work out how much to grab.
I assume that the ideal situation is where you run out of work just as the next set arrives, so you've never got more backlog than you can reasonably handle.
Why not keep track of how long it takes to process a job and how long it takes to fetch jobs, and adjust the amount of work fetched each time based on that, with suitable minimum/maximum values to stop things going crazy if you have a few really cheap or really expensive jobs?
You'll also want to work out a reasonable optimum degree of parallelization - it's not clear to me whether it's really IO-heavy, or whether it's just "asynchronous request heavy", i.e. you spend a lot of time just waiting for the responses to complicated queries which in themselves are cheap for the resources of your service.
I've been working virtually the same problem in the same environment. I ended up giving each WorkerRole an internal work queue, implemented as a BlockingCollection<>. There's a single thread that monitors that queue - when the number of items gets low it requests more items from the Azure queue. It always requests the maximum number of items, 32, to cut down costs. It also has automatic backoff in the event that the queue is empty.
Then I have a set of worker threads that I started myself. They sit in a loop, pulling items off the internal work queue. The number of worker threads is my main way to optimize the load, so I've got that set up as an option in the .cscfg file. I'm currently running 35 threads/worker, but that number will depend on your situation.
I tried using TPL to manage the work, but I found it more difficult to manage the load. Sometimes TPL would under-parallelize and the machine would be bored, other times it would over-parallelize and the Azure queue message visibility would expire while the item was still being worked.
This may not be the optimal solution, but it seems to be working OK for me.
I decided to keep an internal counter of how many message are currently being processed. I used Interlocked.Increment/Decrement to manage the counter in a thread-safe manner.
I would have used the Semaphore class since each message is tied to its own Thread but wasn't able to due to the async nature of the queue poller and the code which spawned the threads.
