bash: sudo: permission denied [duplicate] - linux

This question already has answers here:
Use sudo to change file in root directory [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 6 months ago.
VLC is running. Got the PID from pgrep vlc.
I want now to pause it manually since I would like it to run "submerged" (right now from another tty but probably as a daemon)
I tried to simply do sudo "pause" > /usr/bin/vlc/ having got the path by doing sudo ls -l /proc/<PID>/exe.
The answer is, even running the sudo command, that the permission is denied.
For my surprise, if I enter root mode sudo bash and just type the same command, the answer is not that the permission is denied, but rather that the "text file is busy". I'd like to guess what text file. I thought that command (in that case) inputted data to the command input manually (apart from writing to a text file)

This is probably what you want to do.
Write to /proc/pid of the program/fd/0. The fd subdirectory contains the descriptors of all the opened files and file descriptor 0 is the standard input (1 is stdout and 2 is stderr).
Terminal 1:
[ciupicri#hermes ~]$ cat
Terminal 2:
[ciupicri#hermes ~]$ pidof cat
[ciupicri#hermes ~]$ echo xxx > /proc/7417/fd/0
Taken from another stack overflow answer


How do i fix bash error - /dev/tty No such device or address

As the question specifics ,i am getting this error while executing my bash script
In exact terms i get following error
bash: line 26: /dev/tty: No such device or address
bash: line 29: /dev/tty: No such device or address
Here are the concerned Line 26 and 29 in script respectively which causes the issue
read -e -p "Paste the links : " links </dev/tty
read -e -p "Enter your input : " sub </dev/tty
If someone wonders, i cannot simply remove writing to </dev/tty from line 26 and 29 , it causes different issues .. So basically i need fix or get alternative for writing to /dev/tty
I am executing my script by running -
curl raw_link | bash
Preferably i want a solution which only requires me to my edit my existing script .i don't want to run the script after saving it locally or execute it using any other way apart from curl raw_link | bash
ls -l /dev/tty returns the following
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 5, 0 Aug 8 09:28 /dev/tty
ls -l </dev/tty returns the following
/bin/bash: /dev/tty: No such device or address
Also i would like to mention that this issue doesn't seem to be happening on every machine , i intend to use this script on Google Colab where i definitely do get this issue
To fix the bash error, you can try this workaround :
tty=$(readlink /proc/$$/fd/2)
read ... < $tty
$tty contains the actual tty device name.

bash: open file descriptor with sudo rights

In my script I want to open a specific (device driver) file as FD 3.
exec 3< works fine for this in regular cases.
However the device driver file is only readable as root, so I'm looking for a way to open the FD as root using sudo.
-> How can I open a file (descriptor) with sudo rights?
Unfortunately I have to keep the file open for the runtime of the script, so tricks like piping in or out do not work.
Also I don't want to run the whole script under sudo rights.
If sudo + exec is not possible at all, an alternative solution is that I could call a program, in background like sudo tail -f -- but this poses another set of problems:
how to determine whether the program call was successful
how to get error messages if the call was not successful
how to "kill" the program at the end of execution.
To clarify what I want to achieve:
open /dev/tpm0 which requires root permissions
execute my commands with user permissions
close /dev/tpm0
The reason behind this is that opening /dev/tpm0 blocks other commands from accessing the tpm which is critical in my situation.
Thanks for your help
Can you just do something like the following?
# open the file with root privileges for reading
exec 3< <(sudo cat /dev/tpm0)
# read three characters from open file descriptor
read -n3 somechars <&3
# read a line from the open file descriptor
read line <&3
# close the file descriptor
exec 3<&-
In order to detect a failed open, you could do something like this:
exec 3< <(sudo cat /dev/tpm0 || echo FAILEDCODE)
Then when you first read from fd 3, see if you get the FAILCODE. Or you could do something like this:
rm -f /tmp/itfailed
exec 3< <(sudo cat /dev/tpm0 || touch /tmp/itfailed)
Then check for /tmp/itfailed; if it exists, the sudo command failed.

How to use output redirection with sudo? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I use sudo to redirect output to a location I don't have permission to write to? [closed]
(15 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I wish to write text from stdin to a file that is owned by root.
I'm doing this programmatically across an SSH connection - essentially from a script - so using a text editor is out of the question. There is no terminal. The process is entirely automated.
Given that [a] root elevation can be obtained via sudo, and [b] files can be written to using cat with redirection, I assumed the following would work:
ssh user#host sudo cat >the-file
Unfortunately, the redirection is applied to sudo, not to cat. How can I apply redirection to cat in this example?
The normal pattern to do this is:
ssh user#host 'cat | sudo tee the-file'
tee redirects output to a file and can be run with sudo.
If you want to mimic >> where the file is appended-to, use sudo tee -a.
You'll also need to be sure to quote your command as above, so that the pipe isn't interpreted by the local shell.
The tee command is part of POSIX, so you can rely on it existing.
To redirect Standard Error as well:
ssh user#host 'some_command 2>&1 | sudo tee output-file'

Permission denied even with sudo [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I use sudo to redirect output to a location I don't have permission to write to? [closed]
(15 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Following this tutorial
and trying to use the command
echo 'prefix=/usr/local' > node/etc/npmrc
however I get a permission denied error, even when using sudo.
Any ideas?
echo 'prefix=/usr/local' > node/etc/npmrc
however I get a permission denied error, even when using sudo.
You haven't shown us the failing command using sudo. Please update your question and show us the exact command that failed, along with the exact error message.
Meanwhile, I can guess that the failing command was:
sudo echo 'prefix=/usr/local' > node/etc/npmrc
That runs the echo command with root privileges (which is not particularly useful, since you can runecho as an ordinary user). The redirection is handled by your current shell process, and is subject to the permissions of the current user.
Since > is handled by the shell, you need a shell running as root to handle it:
sudo sh -c "echo 'prefix=/usr/local' > node/etc/npmrc"

Unable to write on /dev/* files

I'm writing a basic char device driver for Linux kernel.
For this, the code flow I have considered is as follows:
alloc_chrdev_region() -> to use dynamic allocation of major number
class_create() -> to create device class in sysfs
device_creat() -> to create device under /dev/
cdv_init() -> to initialize char device structure
cdev_add() -> to add my device structure in kernel
I have added read, write, open, release methods in code.
When I try to read device file under /dev/ my read method is called.
But when I try to write on /dev/ file using echo it gives error
"bash: /dev/scull: Permission denied"
I have checked permissions of file using ls -l, and I have permissions to read or write on this file.
This problem occurs for every device driver module I have written. It works well in on another machine.
I'm working on ubuntu 15.10, custom compiled kernel 4.3.0
the result of ls -l /dev/scull:
crw------- 1 root root 247, 0 Dec 30 18:06 /dev/scull
the exact command I used to open the file
$ sudo echo 54 > /dev/scull
the source code for the open implementation
ssize_t scull_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *f_pos){
pr_alert("Device Written\n");
return 0;
Behavior I'm seeking here is, I should be able to see 'Device Written' in dmesg ouput?
I assume that you are normally not root on your bash shell. Then this command line
sudo echo 54 > /dev/scull
does not what you think. The command is executed in two steps:
The bash setups the output redirection, i.e., it tries to open /dev/scull with the current user privileges.
The command sudo echo 54 is executed whereas stdout is connected to the file.
As you have no write-permissions as non-root user, the first step fails and the bash reports
"bash: /dev/scull: Permission denied"
You must already be root to setup the output redirection. Thus execute
sudo -i
which gives you an interactive shell with root privileges. The you can execute
echo 54 > /dev/scull
within that root shell.
I know the thread is too old to answer but just in case if someone wants to know alternative method without switching to root user, here is the solution:
sudo bash -c 'echo "54" > /dev/my_dev'
I wanted to note that on your system only root (file owner) has read / write permissions. Your (normal) user account has not! So another (fast) solution would be to give all users read / write permissions.
Probably this is not the safest solution! Only do this in your test environment!
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/scull
But now you test your module with your user account (without sudo)
echo "hello, world!" > /dev/scull
cat < /dev/scull
You can do so while going root with the command
sudo su
and then going into the /dev folder and enter your command (to save data into /dev/scull).
cd /dev
echo 54 > scull
