LingPipe Named Entity Recognizer outputs a lot of mismatches - nlp

I'm trying to extract named entities (people, persons and organizations) using LingPipe and following this tutorial. Here is the full text that I am trying to extract names from and here is the code (exception handling omitted for brevity):
Chunker chunker = readChunker("/path-to-chunker"); // custom method for
reading the model
String article = "Some long news article spanning multiple lines...";
Chunking chunking = chunker.chunk(article);
Set<Chunk> chunkingSet = chunking.chunkSet();
for (Chunk chunk : chunkingSet) {
String name = article.substring(chunk.start(), chunk.end()));
And this is (part of) the output I get:
Tony Abbott
Joko Widodo
Andrew Chan
the Bali
Nusa Kambangan
Widodo. I
” Abbott
Julie Bishop
As you can see, there are a lot of mismatches/partial matches like Bali., pair, the Bali, I', Widodo. I, " Abbott, ". I assume library's NER is working just fine and the problem is that the above code is somehow misusing the classes/methods from this library. But I just can't seem to find what is wrong about the code?
Any ideas?

It seems that the problem is in the model of chunker that you read in the first line. Probably, it uses wrong tokenizer, which is the source of Bali., I', Widodo. I, " Abbott, ".
pair and the Bali can be explained by ordinary errors (taggers usually have not more than 80-90% precision). However, the source of such errors can also be explained by bad model - for example, it can be trained for another domain.
Btw, why do you use longpipe, but not Stanford NER? It shows better results, as a rule; e.g. the first available (i.e. random) article.
Also, here is a good step-by-step tutorial for Standford NER.


Extracting sentences with Spacy POS/DEP : actor and action

Thank you for your assistance. I am using spacy to parse though documents to find instances of certain words and extract the sentence in a new df[column].
Here are some texts:
text = 'Many people like Germany. It is a great country. Germany exports lots of technology. France is also a great country. France exports wine. Europeans like to travel. They spend lot of time of beaches. Spain is one of their travel locations. Spain appreciates tourists. Spain's economy is strengthened by tourism. Spain has asked and Germany is working to assist with the travel of tourists to Spanish beaches. Spain also like to import French wine. France would like to sell more wine to Spain.'
My code works like this:
def sent_matcher(text: str) -> list:
doc = nlp(text)
sent_list = []
phrase_matcher = PhraseMatcher(nlp.vocab)
phrases = ['Germany', 'France']
patterns = nlp(data) for data in phrases]
phrase_matcher.add('EU entity', None, * patterns)
for sent in doc.sents:
for match_id, start, end in phrase_matcher(nlp(sent.text)):
if nlp.vocab.strings[match_id] in ['EU entity']:
text = (sent_list)
return text
This code works fine and pulls all the sentences that include the EU entity.
However, I wanted to take this to the next level and pull out sentences where the EU entity is the actor and identify what type of action they were taking. I tried using POS/Dependency to pull out Proper nouns combined with the verb but the nsubj was not always correct or the nsubj was linked to another word in a compound noun structure. I tried extracting instances where the country was the first actor (if token == 'x') but I always threw a string error even if I tokenized the word. I also tried using noun_chunks but then I couldn't isolate the instance of the country or tie that chunk back to the verb.
I am pretty new to NLP so any thoughts would be greatly appreciated on how to code this and reap the desired output.
Thank you for your help!
It sounds like if you use merge_entities and follow the rule-based matching guide for the DependencyMatcher you should be able to do this pretty easily. It won't be perfect but you should be able to match many instances.

What are some of the data preparation steps or techniques one needs to follow when dealing with multi-lingual data?

I'm working on multilingual word embedding code where I need to train my data on English and test it on Spanish. I'll be using the MUSE library by Facebook for the word-embeddings.
I'm looking for a way to pre-process both my data the same way. I've looked into diacritics restoration to deal with the accents.
I'm having trouble coming up with a way in which I can carefully remove stopwords, punctuations and weather or not I should lemmatize.
How can I uniformly pre-process both the languages to create a vocabulary list which I can later use with the MUSE library.
Hi Chandana I hope you're doing well. I would look into using the library spaCy the man that created it has a youtube video in which he discusses the implementation of of NLP in other languages. Below you will find code that will lemmatize and remove stopwords. as far as punctuation you can always set specific characters such as accent marks to ignore. Personally I use KNIME which is free and open source to do preprocessing. You will have to install nlp extentions but what is nice is that they have different extensions for different languages you can install here: the Stop word filter (since 2.9) and the Snowball stemmer node can be applied for Spanish language. Make sure to select the right language in the dialog of the node. Unfortunately there is no part of speech tagger node for Spanish so far.
# Create functions to lemmatize stem, and preprocess
# turn beautiful, beautifuly, beautified into stem beauti
def lemmatize_stemming(text):
stemmer = PorterStemmer()
return stemmer.stem(WordNetLemmatizer().lemmatize(text, pos='v'))
# parse docs into individual words ignoring words that are less than 3 letters long
# and stopwords: him, her, them, for, there, ect since "their" is not a topic.
# then append the tolkens into a list
def preprocess(text):
result = []
for token in gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(text):
newStopWords = ['your_stopword1', 'your_stop_word2']
if token not in gensim.parsing.preprocessing.STOPWORDS and token not in newStopWords and len(token) > 3:
return result
I hope this helps let me know if you have any questions :)

Making a Datum from a Data Set, Stanford NLP

I was trying to run through examples for the Stanford NLP Classifier and had a question about classifying a new data set. I see that the ".test" file contains the "goldClass" which is the right answer as well as the String which is supposed to be tested.
The example test set has the following format:
<label> <string>
<label> <String>
This makes sense for evaluation of a model once we a model has been created from a hand classified data set. But now, once a model is created, how do I classify a completely new data set? I no longer have the associated Labels... I just have the new set of strings that I want to know the class for...
But to classify them, I will have to create a Datum object. To create a datum object, I will need to use makeDatumFromLine(), which requires a TSV line... WHY does this have to be TSV? What is the use of specifying a goldClass when classifying new data?
I hope my question was clear..
"Why does it have to be TSV?"
Because it does. My solution to get the class of an unknown line is the following:
Datum<String, String> example = cdc.makeDatumFromLine("\tEverybody here needs food badly!");
System.out.println("Example data-> "+cl.classOf(example));
Seems to work fine. I don't know if this is the best use- but it works for me.

English word segmentation in NLP?

I am new in the NLP domain, but my current research needs some text parsing (or called keyword extraction) from URL addresses, e.g. a fake URL,
Two constraints are put on my parsing,
The first "ads" and last "heads" should be distinct because "ads" in the "heads" means more suffix rather than an advertisement.
The "appid" can be parsed into two parts; that is 'app' and 'id', both taking semantic meanings on the Internet.
I have tried the Stanford NLP toolkit and Google search engine. The former tries to classify each word in a grammar meaning which is under my expectation. The Google engine shows more smartness about "appid" which gives me suggestions about "app id".
I can not look over the reference of search history in Google search so that it gives me "app id" because there are many people have searched these words. Can I get some offline line methods to perform similar parsing??
Please skip the regex suggestions because there is a potentially unknown number of compositions of words like "appid" in even simple URLs.
Rather than tokenization, what it sounds like you really want to do is called word segmentation. This is for example a way to make sense of asentencethathasnospaces.
I haven't gone through this entire tutorial, but this should get you started. They even give urls as a potential use case.
The Python wordsegment module can do this. It's an Apache2 licensed module for English word segmentation, written in pure-Python, and based on a trillion-word corpus.
Based on code from the chapter “Natural Language Corpus Data” by Peter Norvig from the book “Beautiful Data” (Segaran and Hammerbacher, 2009).
Data files are derived from the Google Web Trillion Word Corpus, as described by Thorsten Brants and Alex Franz, and distributed by the Linguistic Data Consortium. This module contains only a subset of that data. The unigram data includes only the most common 333,000 words. Similarly, bigram data includes only the most common 250,000 phrases. Every word and phrase is lowercased with punctuation removed.
Installation is easy with pip:
$ pip install wordsegment
Simply call segment to get a list of words:
>>> import wordsegment as ws
>>> ws.segment('')
['http', 'ads', 'goole', 'com', 'appid', 'heads']
As you noticed, the old corpus doesn't rank "app id" very high. That's ok. We can easily teach it. Simply add it to the bigram_counts dictionary.
>>> ws.bigram_counts['app id'] = 10.2e6
>>> ws.segment('')
['http', 'ads', 'goole', 'com', 'app', 'id', 'heads']
I chose the value 10.2e6 by doing a Google search for "app id" and noting the number of results.

Python 3.3: Process inlineXML

Whilst trying to tag named entities with the stanford NRE tool, I get this kind of output:
A jury in <ORGANIZATION>Marion County Superior Court</ORGANIZATION> was expected to begin deliberations in the case on <DATE>Wednesday</DATE> or <DATE>Thursday</DATE>.
Of course processing any XML without a root does not work, so I added this:
<root>A jury in <ORGANIZATION>Marion County Superior Court</ORGANIZATION> was expected to begin deliberations in the case on <DATE>Wednesday</DATE> or <DATE>Thursday</DATE>.</root>
I tried building a tree with this method: stripping inline tags with python's lxml but it does not work... It yields this error on the line tree = etree.fromstring(text):
lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: xmlParseEntityRef: no name, line 1, column 1793
Does anyone know a solution for this? Or perhaps another method which allows me to build a tree from any text with inlineXML tags, keeping only the tagged tokens and removing/ignoring the rest of the text.
In the end I did it without using a parser or a tree but just used regular expressions. This is the code that works nice and fast:
import re
entities = {}
for cat in NER:
regex_cat = re.compile('<'+cat+'>(.*?)</'+cat+'>')
entities[cat] = re.findall(regex_cat,data)
Here data is just a string of text. It uses regular expressions to find all entities of a category specified in NER and stores it as is list in a dictionary. This could be used for all inlineXML strings where NER is just a list of all possible tags in the string.
