systemd --user for normal graphical applications - linux

I'm trying to set up systemd to start some programs when I log in. I'm doing this by putting files in e.g. ~/.config/systemd/user/some.service. This has worked for my emacs server service, which looks like this:
Description=Emacs: the extensible, self-documenting text editor
ExecStart=/usr/bin/emacs --daemon
ExecStop=/usr/bin/emacsclient --eval "(kill-emacs)"
This starts a background process and allows me to connect to the emacs service with emacsclient
What's not working is my terminator service:
Description=The only terminal emulator that seems to be somewhat decent
With this code in ~/.config/systemd/user/terminator.service I can start terminator on the command-line with systemctl --user start terminator, but I can't get terminator to start automatically on (graphical) login. I've tried messing around with the WantedBy and After lines, switching between to, and, but it's really just guess work and hasn't helped.
Any ideas?

your terminator service file looks okay to me.
check below things
1. just check "" file, is this below line present in that file
2. if you write "" then you need to create a soft link of terminator.service file inside "" directory.
if this above two are correct, it should get start.
If still doesn't work, please remove "" this line, and change Wantedby as "".
let me know the status of service after login
systemctl status terminator.service

Systemd is not the right tool for this task because it doesn't know when you have finished logging in in a desktop environment and it's possible to launch terminator. Instead, you could put a symlink to terminator's desktop file in your ~/.config/autostart :
ln -s /usr/share/applications/terminator.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
Most desktop interfaces (Gnome, KDE, Unity) will launch it when they start.


program running a boot on BeagleBoneblack

I am having a problem with a small application I developed on the BBB running Debian Image 2017-03-19.
I connected a barcode scanner to the usb port and a 2x16 LCD display to the GPIO controlled by BBBioLib.
I developed an application in C to read a barcode label apply to a race tyre, which find a match on an SQLite table and show the racer name on the display.
Application work great but since the all assembly must work stand alone I need to run the program automatically at boot.
I follow all the instruction on creating a bash program and service but I am getting a strange behaviour.
The display after the welcome message hang up and never change but the application work correctly because all the printf to the consolle get logged correctly and once I exit the application I can check them on the log of the service.
If I restart the service manually everything work fine.
This is the bash script
This is the service code
Description=Barcode reader launch
Does anyone can help on solving this problem.
Run a .service file with sudo systemctl enable YourService.service at this location.
Use the enable option for systemd .service files to make your source work on boot or a reboot.

How to run an app as a daemon with systemd?

I'd like to run syncthing as a daemon, trying to follow this hint here from the syncthing manual.
I'm running on Fedora 25 and syncthing 0.14.24.
The executable is pointed to via a symlink in /usr/bin/syncthing which can be executed by any user (tested this successfully).
To enable the service, I'm typing (myuser is replaced with my actual username in all of the below):
sudo systemctl enable sycnthing#myuser.service
Which returns:
Failed to lookup unit file state: Invalid argument
I don't understand what the error message means. How could I get to run syncthing as a daemon?
Description=Syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization for %I
Wants=syncthing-inotify#myuser.service # I also commented this line out; didn't have an effect
ExecStart=/usr/bin/syncthing -no-browser -no-restart -logflags=0
SuccessExitStatus=3 4
RestartForceExitStatus=3 4
I think myuser should be substituted for your actual username.
Arch wiki has a pretty good article:
System service
Running Syncthing as a system service ensures that it is running at startup even if the user has no active session, it is intended to be used on a server.
Enable and start the syncthing#myuser.service where myuser is the actual name of your user.

Systemd service unit file as user

I'm new to the concept of systemd unit files in Centos 7 but need to start up the MATLAB license manager at boot. MATLAB doesn't offer a specific solution on how to do this, and the following seems to work but asks for a password when typing systemctl start license-manager and systemctl stop license-manager. Is that expected?
Note this does need to run as a specific user and not as root.
Here is my /etc/systemd/system/license-manager.servicefile:
Description=MATLAB FlexLM license manager
You can try Crontab
bash$ crontab -e
then add the following line
#reboot /usr/local/MATLAB/R201Xx/etc/lmstart
This should resolve your issue.
Traditionally it is always expected for non-root users to be asked for a password when running commands as other users, yes.
However, because you have specified that it is a dependency of, it should always be started automatically whenever you reboot in future, so you shouldn't need to enter the password in future.
If for some reason you do still need to control it manually in future, you can use sudo and edit /etc/sudoers to allow those two particular commands to be run without a password, using NOPASSWD.

How to run a script as a service in UBUNTU

I have a script which normally i run using ./ java run command) on linux. Now i want to make it as a service so it run automatically after machine restart and if i want to stop and start again simply find the process and kill and start it again from command line.
What i find with quick google search is to place the script in /etc/init.d directory but confusing with one thing that command inside this script using other certificate files which i normally place on same level where this script is place. Do i need to move all others file along with this script under /etc/init.d or is there any better way that i simply mention the path of this script in some file?
You need to write systemd service file.
Simplest script looks like this:
Description=Virtual Distributed Ethernet
Also you need: systemctl daemon-reload after creating new service.

How do I get my Golang web server to run in the background?

I have recently completed the Wiki web development tutorial ( I had tons of fun and I would like to experiment more with the net/http package.
However, I noticed that when I run the wiki from a console, the wiki takes over the console. If I close the console terminal or stop the process with CTRL+Z then the server stops.
How can I get the server to run in the background? I think the term for that is running in a daemon.
I'm running this on Ubuntu 12.04. Thanks for any help.
Simple / Usable things first
If you want a start script without much effort (i.e. dealing with the process, just having it managed by the system), you could create a systemd service. See Greg's answer for a detailled description on how to do that.
Afterwards you can start the service with
systemctl start myserver
Previously I would have recommended trying xinetd or something similar for finer granuarlity regarding resource and permission management but systemd already covers that.
Using the shell
You could start your process like this:
nohup ./myexecutable &
The & tells the shell to start the command in the background, keeping it in the job list.
On some shells, the job is killed if the parent shell exits using the HANGUP signal.
To prevent this, you can launch your command using the nohup command, which discards the HANGUP signal.
However, this does not work, if the called process reconnects the HANGUP signal.
To be really sure, you need to remove the process from the shell's joblist.
For two well known shells this can be achieved as follows:
./myexecutable &
disown <pid>
./myexecutable &!
Killing your background job
Normally, the shell prints the PID of the process, which then can be killed using the kill command, to stop the server. If your shell does not print the PID, you can get it using
echo $!
directly after execution. This prints the PID of the forked process.
You could use Supervisord to manage your process.
Ubuntu? Use upstart.
Create a file in /etc/init for your job, named your-service-name.conf
start on net-device-up
exec /path/to/file --option
You can use start your-service-name, as well as: stop, restart, status
This will configure your service using systemd, not a comprehensive tutorial but rather a quick jump-start of how this can be set up.
Content of your app.service file
Description=deploy-webhook service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/go webhook.go
Starting the Service
sudo systemctl start deploy-webhook.service
Service Status
sudo systemctl status deploy-webhook.service
journalctl -u deploy-webhook -e
After you press ctrl+z (putting the current task to sleep) you can run the command bg in the terminal (stands for background) to let the latest task continue running in the background.
When you need to, run fg to get back to the task.
To get the same result, you can add to your command & at the end to start it in the background.
To add to Greg's answer:
To run the Go App as a service you need to create a new service unit file.
However, the App needs to know where Go is installed. The easiest way to lookup that location is by running this command:
which go
which gives you an output like this:
With this piece of information, you can create the systemd service file. Create a file named providus-app.service in the /etc/systemd/system/ using the command below:
sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/providus-app.service
Next open the newly created file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/providus-app.service
Paste the following configuration into your service file:
Description=Providus App Service
ExecStart=/usr/local/go/bin/go run main.go
When you are finished, save and close the file.
Next, reload the systemd daemon so that it knows about our service file:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Start the Providus App service by typing:
sudo systemctl restart providus-app
Double-check that it started without errors by typing:
sudo systemctl status providus-app
And then enable the Providus App service file so that Providus App automatically starts at boot, that is, it can start on its own whenever the server restarts:
sudo systemctl enable providus-app
This creates a symlink in /etc/systemd/system/ for the /etc/systemd/system/providus-app.service file that you created.
To check logs:
sudo journalctl -u providus-app
