Error accessing Xpage using $$OpenDominoDocument.xsp method on database replica - xpages

I have a Form called 'Contact Level\Customer Contact | Customer Contact', which is a response document, and in the properties I have associated the customerContact XPage to the form. In all view panel controls I have use the 'XPage associated with the document's form' property.
On server A the XPage is opened correctly using the $$OpenDominoDocument.xsp method from any view control.
On server B, which has a replica of the server A database, the XPage does not open from any of the views using the $$OpenDocumentDocument.xsp method. The error I see on the server log is 'HTTP Web Server: Item Not Found Exception [db.nsf/$$OpenDominoDocument.xsp?documentId=......&action=openDocument]'.
I have removed sections of code from the XPage to track down whereabouts the error is happening and it was the domino document settings that cause the problem.
I have checked the form properties and they are correct.
If I change the $$OpenDominoDocument.xsp section of the URL to customerContact.xsp then the document opens without error.
If I change the view panel property to explicitly open the customerContact XPage then again the document opens without error.
I have tried changing the form and XPage so it opens the 'contact' XPage instead (an almost identical non-response version of the same form) and the XPage still errored.
I tried saving a document in client but the XPage still errored.
I changed the form name to include a new alias of CustomerContact and modified a document to use the new form name, and this document opened without error. That made me wonder if the space in the Customer Contact name was causing the error, but there are many forms / XPages on the database in question, some others with spaces in there alias, and this is the only form that errors.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Is there another Form or Subform that has the same name or has "Customer Contact" as an alias? I have a feeling I read a blog some time ago that mentioned $$OpenDocument picking up a subform instead of a form, but I'm not 100% sure, so that may be wrong. If it's working on a newer server, that issue may have been fixed.


Why is the wrong form opening when I click the doc link I created from a SSJS function?

Ok, this is weird. I created an xpage input form. After the form is filled out, a document is created. I then create an email to notify people that the document has been created. I drop a doclink to the newly created document in the body of the email. During testing, I noticed that when I click the link in the email, the wrong Notes Form is opened. Instead of the 'TrainingRequest' form displaying the fields, the form 'Feedback' opens up instead. Here's what I checked:
- On the xpage data section, the 'form' is set to 'TrainingRequest'.
- When I open the document via the doc link, the field 'form' has the value 'TrainingRequest', which is correct. Yet it's displaying the 'Feedback' form.
- When I check the other field properties of the document, all the correct fields from the 'TrainingRequest' form are there and populated correctly.
- When I open the document via the view, the correct Notes form 'TrainingRequest' opens.
- There is no default form in the database design.
Has anyone seen this before?
Doc links are always created using the default view of your application. If there is a form formula in this view then this overrides the form in the document. Remove the form formula of the default view and it works.
I almost NEVER use form formulas in my application because of the side effects.
Source code would be useful. But initial best guess based on what you're saying is you have two datasources on the XPage, neither have ignoreRequestParams set, so you're editing the same document with both data sources. ignoreRequestParams missing will ignore any properties you define.

XPage not syncing properly with backend data on partial refresh

I have an XPage that displays fields in a document. I also have the ability to pop out a new window that displays those same fields. I'm implementing a document locking scheme so that the two instances can't cause conflicts (and this is how I'm testing it).
A problem I've run into is that when the user edits the document in the pop out and saves it, a partial refresh of the panel containing those same fields in the original page doesn't show the updated data.
The save in the pop out was successful, and I can see in the Notes client that the document does indeed have the new value, but the original page simply won't show the new value. A complete page refresh using the reload button in the browser works, but I'd like to trigger this programmatically and as quickly as possible, hence the partial refresh.
Does anyone know what is going wrong? Is the NotesXspDocument in the original page getting out of sync with the backend document? I read about document1.getDocument(true), but that doesn't seem to do anything.
(As usual, I can't supply source code unfortunately....)
Once the NotesXspDocument is loaded with the XPage, a partial refresh does not update the xspDoc from the back-end DB, but from the in-memory DataSource.
You will need to refresh the XPage:
Reload the url from browser or in ssjs with a context.reloadPage()

404 Item not found When Providing access to existing documents from an XPage View

I have been following the tutorial here for creating an XPage application. Unfortunately I am encountering an Error 404 HTTP Web Server: Item Not Found Exception when you try to follow a link to another document from the main view XPage. Everything else seems to function properly until that point.
It happens when you select "XPage associated with the documents form".
According to some googling I simply needed to rebuild my project but that didn't work. That was the only fix I was able to find.
The link for my xpage for my view is : http://localhost/ExpenseClaims.nsf/xclaimsview.xsp
The link to a xpage with the 404 error from my view is: http://localhost/ExpenseClaims.nsf/%24%24OpenDominoDocument.xsp?documentId=15DA9966C77908D385257C150070483D&action=openDocument
The problem has returned for my "claim" xpage that represents a form document named "claim". My response documents open as needed.
My associations are:
Views: Xpage:
Claims -> xclaimsView
Forms: Xpage:
claim -> claim
response -> response
Most likely the connection between your XPage and the form didn't work. Open the form, then in the properties pick the XPage you want to open. Save it and try again.
There's one special case when you have an XPage with the same name as the form, where that should happen automatically, but it is safer if you specify the property in the form (second tab on the property box)
The data connection from the xpage to the form seems to be breaking down that's a possible cause but not an acceptable answer. The reasons are everything from the project build being broken to the port that domino designer is using as default being occupied.
Cleaning then building the project may help (Project -> Clean) but in my case it didn't. Opening the Page by selecting it by name is helpful but not if you are opening two different pages from the same view(View Properties -> at run time open selected document). There was another suggestion that said to move the default domino test port(File -> Preferences -> Domino Designer) but that didn't work for me.
The final answer was to go to each form's properties box and link it to it's corresponding xpage (second tab form properties). (see answer marked as correct for a link to IBM with a better explanation)

Unable to get document page name for

I have a view that has XPage Associated with document form set.
The form property has the xpage associated with the document.
If I click on the link in the view the proper correct xpage is displayed as expected.
But if I close the browser, and paste the URL to the document into the browser, I get the error, Unable to get document page name for (and the unid). As long as I remain logged in the url will work without error or if I set anonymous to Reader the url will continue to work. But if I close the browser where I would be prompted to login then I get the error but I get the error before being prompted to log in.
The url for assocated forms looks a little different than when the view is used to display the xpage.
The view has various types of forms so I need to associate the form with the xpage or I suppose I can compute the xpage for the form. But any idea what would be causing this issue?
If you are opening a document from a view, the associated form could be overriden by a form formula of the view. When opening the document directly with $$OpenDominoDocument.xsp the original form stored in the document is used instead.
The form can be associated with a XPage in different ways:
For XPiNC there is a field $XPagesAltClient in the form
For web access there is a field $XPagesAlt in the form
There is a entry in the file.
For example this entry...
...will open a document with the value foo in the Form field with the XPage bar.xsp.
Hope this helps

Xpages File Upload Control does nothing

Background: One xpage bound to document1. On this xpages is a tabbed table contain several tabs. Each tab contains an panel bound to other data sources incl document2. Document2 is created and made a child of document1. In each panel is a table to allow the user to create the new document, as well as two view controls. Everything works beautifully...until...
Problem: I was asked to add a way to upload an attachment to the child document. I first created an rich text field on the bound document called "ScannedInvoice". I then create a File Upload Control from the core controls and bound it to document2/ScannedInvoice. By rule, I only want a single attachment, otherwise I would consider the openNTF upload control.
I cannot figure out why nothing appears on the back end when I upload a file and create a new document. Everything else works, but there is no attachment in the ScannedInvoice field and also no $FILE fields attached to the document either.
Thanks in advance for any tips. I have searched quite a bit and have not found any answers. - Steve
<xp:fileUpload id="fileUpload1"
value="#{document2.ScannedInvoice}" useUploadname="false"
style="font-size:8pt" filename="scannedinvoice.jpg"
Note: The field ScannedInvoice on the Invoice form is rich text.
Code to save button:
Document2 has scope=request and ignoreRequestParam=true. Both of these have to be set like this in order to work. parentID=# document1.getNoteID()
a file upload needs a full refresh of the page to be able to upload the file. Make sure that you are doing that.
Update Domino 9.0.1 supports partial refresh uploads
