Thread per request in play framework - multithreading

I am a J2ee developer and i am new to play framework. I did a thorough research but not able to find any clear documentation on that.
The question is, how play handles a request. Will it creates a thread for every request just like J2ee containers?
If it is not Thread per request then what happens if we deploy the play application in Tomcat as war file.

First, play2 framework does not support tomcat.
With play and netty, you don't assign one thread per request.
By default you have one thread per core in Play but lets assume that you have only one thread for all requests;
In this architecture one thread is shared by all requests. So the thread handles the first request and when it's idle (it is idle when it calls to db or a url etc.) it begins to handle second request. So the thread does not have to return response for the first request to start the second one.
One might think that the system will get too slow with this architecture but it's not since the performance depends on cpu.

Play 2.3.x uses Netty under the hood to handle HTTP request. You can learn more about Netty here
You will also find informations on the Play documentation :


Spring-Boot App with CompletableFuture , How to manage large number of request?

I understand a Spring-Boot app has server.tomcat.max-threads = 200 by default,
Lets say now I have a Rest controller , in service I am using a CompletableFuture for calling another third party API asynchronously.
Now Assume I get 100 requests at same time for my API, (Which invokes 100 more threads for 3rd party API).
Now the question is will the CompletableFuture threads also be considered from the server.tomcat.max-threads or they are from different thread quota ForkJoinPool.commonPool().
What if I get 101th request , will that be a blocker until others complete.
Just wanted to understand how my application will behave in huge amount of request.
Can I control this ? Any advice will help me to design my application and avoid any flaw in advance.

Play Framework Scala thread affinity

We have our HTTP layer served by Play Framework in Scala. One of our APIs is something of the form:
POST /customer/:id
Requests are sent by our UI team which calls these APIs through a React Framework.
The issue is that, sometimes, the requests are issued in batches, successively one after the other for the same customer ID. When this happens, different threads process these requests and so our persistent layer (MySQL) reaches an inconsistent state due to the difference in the timestamp of the handling of these requests.
Is it possible to configure some sort of thread affinity in Play Scala? What I mean by that is, can I configure Play to ensure that requests of a particular customer ID are handled by the same thread throughout the life-cycle of the application?
Batch is
put several API calls into a single HTTP request.
A batch request is a set of command in one HTTP request, like here
You describe it as
The issue is that, sometimes, the requests are issued in batches, successively one after the other for the same customer ID. When this happens, different threads process these requests and so our persistent layer (MySQL) reaches an inconsistent state due to the difference in the timestamp of the handling of these requests.
This is a set of concurrent requests. Play framework usually works as a stateless server. I assume you also organize it as stateless. There is nothing that binds one request to another, you can't control order. Well, you can, if you create a special protocol, like "opening batch request", request #1, #2, ... "closing batch request". You need to check if exactly all request was correct. You also need to run some stateful threads and some queues ... Thought akka can help with this but I am pretty sure you wan't do it.
This issue is not a "play-framework" depended. You will reproduce it in any server. For example, the general case: Is it possible to receive out-of-order responses with HTTP?
You can go in either way:
1. "Batch" the command in one request
You need to change the client so it jams "batch" requests into one. You also need to change server so it processes all the commands from the batch one after another.
Example of the requests:
2. "Pipeline" requests
You need to change the client so it sends the next request after receive the response from the previous.
Example: Is it possible to receive out-of-order responses with HTTP?
The solution to this is to pipeline Ajax requests, transmitting them serially. ... . The next request sent only after the previous one has returned successfully."

Connection, Request and Thread in classical vs reactive approach

I'm investigating what reactive means and because it is kind of low level difference, compared to the common non-reactive approach, I'd like to understand what is going on. Let's take Tomcat as a server(I guess it will be different for netty)
Connection from the browser is created.
For each request thread from thread pool is taken, which will process it.
After the thread finished processing, it returns the result through the connection back to other side.
How is it done for Tomcat or Netty. I cannot find any decent article about how Tomcat supports reactive apps and how Netty does that differently(Connection, Thread, request level explanation)
What bothers me is how reactive is making the webserver unblocking, when you still need to wait for the response. You can get first part of the response quicker maybe with reactive, but is it all? I guess the main point of reactivness is effective thread utilization and this is what I am asking about.
The last point by you : " I guess the main point of reactiveness is effective thread utilization and this is what I am asking about.", is exactly what reactive approach was designed for.
So how does effective utilization achieved?
Well, as an example, lets say you are requesting data from a server multiple times.
In a typical non-reactive way, you will be creating/using multiple threads(may be from a thread-pool) for each of your requests. And job of one particular thread is only to serve that particular request. The thread will take the request, give it to the server and waits for its response till the data is fetched from the server, and then bring that data back to the client.
Now, in a Reactive way, once there is a request, a thread will be allocated for it. Now if another request comes up, there won't be creation of another thread, rather it will be served by the same thread. How?
The thread when takes a request to the server, it won't wait for any immediate response from the server, rather it will come back and serve other request.
Now, when server searches for the data and it is available with the server, an event will be raised, and then the thread will go to fetch that data. This is called Event-loop mechanism as all the work of calling the thread when data is available is achieved by invoking an event.
Now, there is complexity assigned with it to map exact response to requests.
And all these complexity is abstracted by Spring-Webflux(in Java).
So the whole process becomes non-blocking. And as only one thread is enough to serve all the requests, there will be no thread switching we can have one thread per CPU core. Thus achieving effective utilization of threads.
Few images over the net to help you understand: ->

Netty multi threading per connection

I am new to netty. I would like to develop a server which aims at receiving requests from possibly few(say Max is of 2) clients. But each client will be sending many requests to server continuously. Server has to process such requests and respond to client. So, here I assume that even though if I configure multiple worker threds,it may not be useful as there are only 2 active connections. Worker thread again block till it process and respond to client. So, please let me know how to handle these type of problems.
If I use threadpoolexecutor in worker thread to process both clients requests in multi threaded manner, will it be efficient? Or if it cane achieved through netty framework, plz let me know how to do this?
Thanks in advance...
If I understand correctly: your clients (2) will send many messages, each of them implying an answear as quickly as possible from the server.
2 options can be seen:
The answear process is short time (short enough to not be an isssue for the rate you want to reach, meaning 1 thread is able to answear as fast as you need for 1 client): then you can stay with the standard threads from Netty (1 worker thread for 1 client at a time) set up in the server bootstrap. This is the shortest path.
The answear process is not short time enough (the rate will be terrible, for instance because there is a "long time" process, such as blocking call, database access, file writing, ...): then you can add a thread pool (a group) in the Netty pipeline for you ChannelHandler doing such blocking/long process.
Here is an extract of the API documentation taken from ChannelPipeline:
// Tell the pipeline to run MyBusinessLogicHandler's event handler methods
// in a different thread than an I/O thread so that the I/O thread is not blocked by
// a time-consuming task.
// If your business logic is fully asynchronous or finished very quickly, you don't
// need to specify a group.
pipeline.addLast(group, "handler", new MyBusinessLogicHandler());
just add a ChannelHandler with a special EventExecutorGroup to the ChannelPipeline. For example UnorderedThreadPoolEventExecutor (src).
something like this.
UnorderedThreadPoolEventExecutor executorGroup = ...;
pipeline.addLast(executorGroup, new MyChannelHandler());

How does Spring handle multiple post requests?

In my application, I have a multiple file upload AJAX client. I noticed (using a stub file processing class) that Spring usually opens 6 threads at once, and the rest of the file upload requests are blocked until any of those 6 threads finishes its job. It is then assigned a new request, as in a thread pool.
I haven't done anything specific to reach this behavior. Is this something that Spring does by default behind the scenes?
While uploading, I haven't had any problems browsing the other parts of the application, with pretty much no significant overhead in performance.
I noticed however that one of my "behind the scenes" calls to the server (I poll for new notifications every 20 secs) gets blocked as well. On the server side, my app calls a Redis-based key-value store which should always return even if there are no new notifications. The requests to it start getting normally processed only after the uploads get finished. Any explanation for this kind of blocking?
Edit: I think it has to deal with a maximum of concurrent requests per session
I believe this type of treading belongs to the Servlet Container but not to Spring.
