Unhandled Exception in 2.5.0 - arangodb

After unloading two collections, ArangoDB 2.5.0 terminated with exception:
2015-03-20T14:59:58Z [9436] ERROR Unhandled exception: -1073741819
will crash now.
Does anybody know what went wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Update 2015-05-18: verbose-log-mode shows this:
2015-05-18T07:10:50Z [1724] ERROR encountered out-of-memory error
2015-05-18T07:10:50Z [1724] ERROR JavaScript exception in file 'd:/Program Files
/ArangoDB/ArangoDB 2.5.3/share/arangodb/js/server/modules/org/arangodb/arango-st
atement.js' at 86,45: [ArangoError 3: out of memory (while executing)]
2015-05-18T07:10:50Z [1724] ERROR ! var result = AQL_EXECUTE(this._query, this.
_bindVars, opts);
2015-05-18T07:10:50Z [1724] ERROR ! ^
2015-05-18T07:10:50Z [1724] ERROR stacktrace: Error: out of memory (while execut
ing)\n at Error (native)\n at ArangoStatement.execute (d:/Program Files/Arango
DB/ArangoDB 2.5.3/share/arangodb/js/server/modules/org/arangodb/arango-statement
.js:86:45)\n at d:/Program Files/ArangoDB/ArangoDB 2.5.3/share/arangodb/js/serv
er/modules/org/arangodb/foxx/queues/manager.js:66:12\n at Array.forEach (native
)\n at db._executeTransaction.action (d:/Program Files/ArangoDB/ArangoDB 2.5.3/
share/arangodb/js/server/modules/org/arangodb/foxx/queues/manager.js:43:34)\n a
t [object ArangoDatabase].ArangoDatabase._executeTransaction (d:/Program Files/A
rangoDB/ArangoDB 2.5.3/share/arangodb/js/server/modules/org/arangodb/arango-data
base.js:142:10)\n at Object.exports.manage (d:/Program Files/ArangoDB/ArangoDB
\n at eval (<anonymous>:2:51)\n at eval (<anonymous>:3:7)\n at eval (<anonymo
# Fatal error in ..\..\src\heap\mark-compact.cc, line 2137
# CHECK(success) failed
2015-05-18T07:10:52Z [1724] ERROR Unhandled exception: -1073741819 - will crash

Hm, it doesn't appear here on our AMD64 Windows Server 2012 R2.
Can you install procdump ( https://docs.arangodb.com/cookbook/CompilingUnderWindows.html )
so we can get a little more information?
procdump -accepteula -e -ma <process ID of the arangod> c:\tmp\core.dmp
(the process id is in your logfile in the brackets, it would have been 9436 in your incident above)
Procdump will catch this exception, and write a dump file.


EclipseCDT will not debug executable: Error creating process

I just installed EclipseCDT 2022-12, created the HelloWorld example app, compiled, but when I debug I get an error. I have both current MSYS2 (MinGW64) and Cygwin64 installed, neither environment works and fails with the same error:
Error in final launch sequence:
Failed to execute MI command:
Error message from debugger back end:
Error creating process /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/Debug/hello.exe, (error 2).
Failed to execute MI command:
Error message from debugger back end:
Error creating process /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/Debug/hello.exe, (error 2).
Error creating process /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/Debug/hello.exe, (error 2).
Any suggestions?
P.S. The hello executable runs fine in cmd.exe and under gdb.

Longident.flat error when trying to migrate a file from bucklescript to rescript

Trying to rescript bucklescript-tea and after using rescript convert -all
All the files converted except for 2 files that handle http stuff this error showed up
Fatal error: Longident.flat
Fatal error: exception Whole_compiler.Misc.Fatal_error
Any ideas on how this can be fixed?
Thank you!

NSPersistentCloudKitContainer “Import failed because applying the accumulated changes hit an unhandled exception.” Error

When I use NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to sync data, I receive error Import failed because applying the accumulated changes hit an unhandled exception.:
CoreData: error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _requestAbortedNotInitialized:](1826): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x282f3c180> - Never successfully initialized and cannot execute request '<NSCloudKitMirroringExportRequest: 0x2815d8180> B7974D4D-C5DA-413E-AE3B-072C88D38D47' due to error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134421 "Import failed because applying the accumulated changes hit an unhandled exception." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Import failed because applying the accumulated changes hit an unhandled exception., NSUnderlyingException=*** NSAllocateMemoryPages(103626821) failed}
CoreData: CloudKit: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _finishedRequest:withResult:](2713): Finished request: <NSCloudKitMirroringExportRequest: 0x2815d8180> B7974D4D-C5DA-413E-AE3B-072C88D38D47 with result: <NSCloudKitMirroringResult: 0x281b51060> success: 0 madeChanges: 0 error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134406 "Request 'B7974D4D-C5DA-413E-AE3B-072C88D38D47' was aborted because the mirroring delegate never successfully initialized due to error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134421 "Import failed because applying the accumulated changes hit an unhandled exception." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Import failed because applying the accumulated changes hit an unhandled exception., NSUnderlyingException=*** NSAllocateMemoryPages(103626821) failed}" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Request 'B7974D4D-C5DA-413E-AE3B-072C88D38D47' was aborted because the mirroring delegate never successfully initialized due to error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134421 "Import failed because applying the accumulated changes hit an unhandled exception." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Import failed because applying the accumulated changes hit an unhandled exception., NSUnderlyingException=*** NSAllocateMemoryPages(103626821) failed}}
Apple Developer Forums Link
Memory issue fixed in iOS 15.5.

Application not responding when CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe crashes

I've developed an application using cefSharp, application is working very fine.
But when any unhandled exception occurred in application at that time CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe crashes and application throws message that application is not responding.
I've used below code for checking (throws unhandled exception)
private void OnBrowserStatusMessage(object sender, StatusMessageEventArgs args)
this.InvokeOnUiThreadIfRequired(() => lblStatus.Text = args.Value);
//Used below code to throw error for checking
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid operation.");
When below code throws error application got hanged and throws message that application is not responding.
Can any one tell me how can i handle this issue.
I'm using Chromium: 47.0.2526.80.
Here is a sample of my debug.log from my release folder, edited to remove too many duplicates:
[0317/175414:WARNING:quota_manager.cc(193)] Create directory failed for path
[0317/181858:ERROR:ipc_channel_win.cc(207)] pipe error: 109
[0317/182108:WARNING:quota_manager.cc(193)] Create directory failed for path
Edit debug.log
[0317/175414:WARNING:quota_manager.cc(193)] Create directory failed for path
[0317/181858:ERROR:ipc_channel_win.cc(207)] pipe error: 109
[0317/192448:ERROR:ipc_channel_win.cc(502)] pipe error: 232
[0317/193320:ERROR:ipc_channel_win.cc(207)] pipe error: 109
[0319/142421:WARNING:content_browser_client.cc(622)] No browser info matching frame process id 13 and routing id 1
[0319/183359:ERROR:audio_output_device.cc(427)] IO loop going away before the audio device has been stopped
[0319/184355:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_openssl.cc(1056)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
[0319/192106:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_openssl.cc(1056)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
[0319/200702:ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(13099)] [.RenderWorker-00328548]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_VALUE : glCopySubTextureCHROMIUM: source texture has no level 0

Getting Started with Foxx and ArangoDB on Windows - "errorMessage":"unknown path"

Yes part of the problem is I don't have a Mac Pro ;) And the demo are done on Macs.
I can get the "Hello World" app to run, loading it via the web interface and accessing via:
But I cannot seem to get any other demos to load. For example oauth2:
{"error":true,"code":404,"errorNum":404,"errorMessage":"unknown path 'oauth2'"}
UPDATE - I am also new to server side Javascript. While playing with a simple working demo, I created an error in the app.js file. The resulting output in the browser was my above 404 error. It would seem that if the app.js fails and cannot create the output file, then logically the browser can't find it. So it may not be a "Mounting" or File System error, but a JS error???
Maybe this can help you.
Run arangodb in debug mode:
arangod -c "D:\Tools\ArangoDB 2.2.5\etc\arangodb\arangod.conf"
--javascript.dev-app-path "D:\Tools\ArangoDB 2.2.5\www"
Take a look at the console output when you receive the error.
This is an internal error at a FOXX app returning 404
2014-11-07T05:07:00Z [4928] INFO ArangoDB (version 2.2.5 [win64]) is
ready for business. Have fun!
2014-11-07T05:21:47Z [4928] ERROR Cannot compute Foxx application
routes: SyntaxError: JavaScript exception in file '(snippet)' at
11,19: SyntaxError: Unexpected token * 2014-11-07T05:21:47Z [4928]
ERROR !\x09\x09if(fuzzyType != * || ! $(fts).All(function(ft){ return
typeof(fuzzy[ft]) ==
2014-11-07T05:21:47Z [4928] ERROR ! ^
2014-11-07T05:21:47Z [4928] ERROR stacktrace: SyntaxError: Unexpected
token *
2014-11-07T05:21:47Z [4928] ERROR at createModule
2014-11-07T05:21:47Z [4928] ERROR at requireModuleFrom
2014-11-07T05:21:47Z [4928] ERROR at requirePackage
2014-11-07T05:21:47Z [4928] ERROR at [object Object].Module.require
As you can see there is an error on the FOXX code.
After fixing this is a normal output about a request:
2014-11-07T05:23:45Z [4928] INFO /dev/FreeTextEngine, incoming request from GET*
2014-11-07T05:23:45Z [4928] INFO /dev/FreeTextEngine, outgoing response with status undefined of type application/json, body length: 125
