How to install firesheep on windows - mozilla

I tried to use the tutorial to install firesheep, and it said to install WinPcap to run the file. When I tried to run the file on Firefox, it just gave a blank webpage. I watched YouTube tutorials and followed the instructions on this website. Any suggestions to help for a windows user?

I now know I have to install an earlier version of firefox from the same website from the comments.


Noob node.js installation problem: -bash: __git_ps1: command not found

I'm now starting to learn node.js following an online course, but I get into trouble after I installed the latest node.js through their official website.
I'm a Mac user, as I follow the course to check if node.js is installed correctly in terminal by typing node -v, it shows the following:
Even if I tried to install nvm as I google for solution, it said ==> nvm is already installed, but at the last sentence it said :
-bash: __git_ps1: command not found
But when I check if node is installed, it shows:
I appreciate for your help as I can't go on learning node.js because of this. Thanks a lot.

Does "npm install electron" also downloads chromium?

I'm trying to start the development of an electronJS app at my company, but I'm having a lot of trouble to install the framework by the command line "npm install electron". I have consulted the TI and our guess is that when running this the npm command, it tries to download chromium or other executables files and because of that our company proxy blocks the downloads of these files. I have installed chromium using a different way that is permitted by the proxy, so having chromium installed is not a problem. So summarizing I have two questions?
Is chromium really downloaded with "npm install electron"?
Is there any way I can install electronJS not using "npm install electron" or without downloading chromium?
I hope you can help me,
Note: I can't download any source code from github too
Yes, ElectronJS comes with Chromium. The application windows you see are Chromium instances.
It's also stated on their web page under "Web Technologies".
Electron uses Chromium and Node.js so you can build your app with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Another place from which you can get it that they've provided on their GitHub page is CircleCI, but the website seems to require registration.
Tip: when you're installing ElectronJS, I recommend doing it as stated by the official guide -> npm install electron --save-dev and not just npm install electron. As to why, you can read the reason over here.
Another alternative is to download everything properly from somewhere else, e.g. your home, neighbour, café, etc., onto a USB Flash Drive and then when you get to your work place, have the IT department check the USB - once it's confirmed that it's safe, copy it to your work computer (make sure to consult with the apropriate department if you can do that).

Install NodeJs on Windows XP

please how can I install NodeJS on my operating system. I have tried downloading it from their official website but it doesnt run due to the requirement.
Is there another way to get it installed?

node.js is not installed android studio gradle

I found the answer
and I have the same problem
actually, I have nodejs
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Reading state information... Done
nodejs is already the newest version (8.10.0~dfsg-2ubuntu0.4)
but if I try to build I coach Gradle exception like
Node.js is not installed. Visit to install it.
Open File
unfortunately, steps by issues/3745 don't resolve it fo me
enter image description here
any help would be appreciated.
I had a identical problem earlier today. But I'm on a Mac. Same behaviour as you experienced.
I've try to reinstall node, and several rebuilding of my project but none of those worked.
In the end, I started over. Seems that the installation of the amplify cli did not went throught the previous time.
npm install -g #aws-amplify/cli
But I've come to another problem with the manifest.xml right after that. I think both are related...
And adding this to my manifest did the job : 'tools:replace="android:name"' (for reference if this problem follow : )
Run this in your project directory and then resync:
npx amplify-app --platform android
At least, this helped me
Did you install amplify using sudo? That has solved my problem.
Also using Mac OSX
Looks like you may not have proper write permissions on node_modules folder, use chmod 777 your_node_module_folder

tutorial that install couchnode on couchbase/mac os x&linux

I hope to integrate couchnode to my project that make me to access couchbase via nodejs conveniently.
Is there any tutorial that demonstrate how to install couchnode
the document on the url above does not mention the installation of couchnode
on mac/couchbase
or any person has the experience
Your comment welcome
I am using mainly Mac and it is working perfectly.
The doc mention the Mac using :
brew install libcouchbase
Then you just need to do
npm install couchbase
