ORDER BY reloaded, cassandra - cassandra

A given column family I would like to sort and to this I am trying to create a table with the option CLUSTERING ORDER BY. I always encounter the following errors:
1.) Variant A resulting in
Bad Request: Missing CLUSTERING ORDER for column userid
CREATE TABLE test.user (
userID timeuuid,
firstname varchar,
lastname varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (lastname, userID)
)WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (lastname desc);
2.) Variant B resulting in
Bad Request: Only clustering key columns can be defined in CLUSTERING ORDER directive
CREATE TABLE test.user (
userID timeuuid,
firstname varchar,
lastname varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (lastname, userID)
)WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (lastname desc, userID asc);
As far as I can see in the manual this is the correct syntax for creating a table for which I would like to run queries as "SELECT .... FROM user WHERE ... ORDER BY lastname". How could I achieve this? (The column 'lastname' I would like to keep as the first part of the primary key, so that I could use it in delete statements with the WHERE-clause.)
Thanks a lot, Tamas

You can only specify clustering order on your clustering keys.
PRIMARY KEY (lastname, userID)
)WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (lastname desc);
In your first example, your only clustering key is userID. Thus, it is the only valid entry for CLUSTERING ORDER BY.
PRIMARY KEY (lastname, userID)
)WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (lastname desc, userID asc);
The second example fails because you are specifying your partition key in CLUSTERING ORDER BY, and that's not going to work either.
Cassandra works by ordering CQL rows according to clustering keys, but only when a partition key is specified. This is because the whole idea of Cassandra wide-row modeling is to query by partition key, and read a series of ordered rows in one query operation.
I would like to run queries as "SELECT .... FROM user WHERE ... ORDER BY lastname".
Given this statement, I am going to suggest that you need another column in this model before it will work the way you want. What you need is an appropriate partition key for your users table. Say...like group. With your users partitioned by group, and clustered by lastname, your definition would look something like this:
CREATE TABLE test.usersbygroup (
userID timeuuid,
firstname varchar,
lastname varchar,
group text,
PRIMARY KEY (group,lastname)
)WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (lastname desc);
Then, this query will work, returning users (in this case) who are fans of the show "Firefly," ordered by lastname (descending):
SELECT * FROM usersbygroup WHERE group='Firefly Fans';
Read through this DataStax doc on Compound Keys and Clustering to get a better understanding.
NOTE: You don't need to specify ORDER BY in your SELECT. The rows will come back ordered by their clustering key(s), and ORDER BY cannot change that. All ORDER BY can really do, is alter the sort direction (DESCending vs. ASCending).

Clustering would be limited to whats defined in partitioning key, in your case (lastName + userId). So cassandra would store result in sorted order whose (lastName+userId) combination. Thats why u nned to give both for retrieval purpose. Its still not useful schema if you want to sort all data in table as last name as userId is unique(timeuuid) so clustering key would be of no use.
CREATE TABLE test.user (
userID timeuuid,
firstname varchar,
lastname varchar,
bucket int,
PRIMARY KEY (bucket)
)WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (lastname desc);
Here if u provide buket value say 1 for all user records then , all user would go in same bucket and hense it would retrieve all rows in sorted order of last name. (By no mean this is a good design, just to give you an idea).
Revised :
userID uuid,
firstname varchar,
lastname varchar,
bucket int,
PRIMARY KEY ((bucket), lastname,userID)
)WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (lastname desc);


Not able to run multiple where clause without Cassandra allow filtering

Hi I am new to Cassandra.
We are working on IOT project where car sensor data will be stored in cassandra.
Here is the example of one table where I am going to store one of the sensor data.
This is some sample data.
The way I want to partition the data is based on the organization_id so that different organization data is partitioned.
Here is the create table command:
id UUID,
engine_speed_rpm text,
position int,
vin_number text,
last_updated timestamp,
organization_id int,
odometer int,
PRIMARY KEY ((id, organization_id), vin_number)
This works fine. However all my queries will be as bellow:
select * from engine_speed
where vin_number='xyz'
and organization_id = 1
and last_updated >='from time stamp' and last_updated <='to timestamp'
Almost all queries in all the table will have similar / same where clause.
I am getting error and it is asking to add "Allow filtering".
Kindly let me know how do I partition the table and define right primary key and indexs so that I don't have to add "allow filtering" in the query.
Apologies for this basic question but I'm just starting using cassandra.(using apache cassandra:3.11.12 )
The order of where clause should match with the order of partition and clustering keys you have defined in your DDL and you cannot skip any part of primary key while applying the WHERE clause before using the next key. So as per the query pattern u have defined, you can try the below DDL:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS autonostix360.engine_speed (
vin_number text,
organization_id int,
last_updated timestamp,
id UUID,
engine_speed_rpm text,
position int,
odometer int,
PRIMARY KEY ((vin_number, organization_id), last_updated)
But remember,
PRIMARY KEY ((vin_number, organization_id), last_updated)
PRIMARY KEY ((vin_number), organization_id, last_updated)
above two are different in Cassandra, In case 1 your data will be partitioned by combination of vin_number and organization_id while last_updated will act as ordering key. In case 2, your data will be partitioned only by vin_number while organization_id and last_updated will act as ordering key. So you need to figure out which case suits your use case.

Order Column Family with different id by date

I use the following CQL queries to create a table and write data, the problem is that the data in my table are not organized by date order.
I would like to have them organized by date without having to put the same id.
To create table :
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sk1_000.data(id varchar, date_serveur timestamp ,nom_objet varchar, temperature double, etat boolean , PRIMARY KEY (id, date_serveur)) with clustering order by (date_serveur DESC);
To insert :
INSERT INTO sk1_000.data(id, date_serveur,nom_objet, temperature, etat) VALUES ('"+ uuid.v4() +"', '1501488930499','Raspberry_pi', 22.5, true) if not exists ;
Here is the output :
In Cassandra, the clustering key guarantees sort order for a given partition key and not across different partitioning key(s).
To achieve what you are looking for "sort by date across all keys", you will have to redesign the table to have date_serveur as partitioning key and id as clustering column. But guess what you can't directly query based on an id with this table design.

How to design the cassandra table for one query with a ordering and limit?

Now I created a table:
CREATE TABLE posts_by_user(
user_id bigint,
post_id uuid,
post_at timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id,post_id)
I want to select last 10 rows with operator IN for user_id and ordering by post_at field.
Also I read a good article:
I can nit use query: WHERE post_at = time AND user_id IN (1,2) because I need all notes, not for a concrete date.
How i can change my design schema? Thank you.
I change on:
CREATE TABLE posts_by_user (
user_id bigint,
post_id uuid,
post_at timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, post_at)
Think it is a good...
How about using this approach: http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cql/3.1/cql/cql_using/use-slice-partition.html

Non-EQ relation error Cassandra - how fix primary key?

I created a one table posts. When I make request SELECT:
return $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE "id" IN(:id) LIMIT '.$this->limit_per_page, ['id' => $id]);
I get error:
PRIMARY KEY column "id" cannot be restricted (preceding column
"post_at" is either not restricted or by a non-EQ relation)
My table dump is:
id uuid,
post_at timestamp,
user_id bigint,
name text,
category set<text>,
link varchar,
image set<varchar>,
video set<varchar>,
content map<text, text>,
private boolean,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id,post_at,id)
I read some article about PRIMARY AND CLUSTER KEYS, and understood, when there are some primary keys - I need use operator = with IN. In my case, i can not use a one PRIMARY KEY. What you advise me to change in table structure, that error will disappear?
My dummy table structure
id timeuuid,
post_at timestamp,
user_id bigint,
PRIMARY KEY (id,post_at,user_id)
And after inserting some dummy data
I ran query select * from posts where id in (timeuuid1,timeuuid2,timeuuid3);
I was using cassandra 2.0 with cql 3.0

CQL: Bad Request: Missing CLUSTERING ORDER for column

What is the problem with this CQL query
cqlsh> create table citybizz.notifications(
... userId varchar,
... notifId UUID,
... notification varchar,
... time bigint,read boolean,
... primary key (userId, notifId,time)
... ) with clustering order by (time desc);
It throws Bad Request: Missing CLUSTERING ORDER for column notifid. I am using cassandra 1.2.2
You need to specify the order for notifId too:
create table citybizz.notifications(
userId varchar,
notifId UUID,
notification varchar,
time bigint,read boolean,
primary key (userId, notifId,time)
) with clustering order by (notifId asc, time desc);
Cassandra doesn't assume default ordering (asc) for the other clustering keys so you need to specify it.
