Gitlab on port 8080 - linux

I'm currently in the process of trying to get Gitlab omnibus installed on my private Debian server, and it works perfectly on port 80, the problem is I also have an Apache server listening on port 80. So I'm trying to get Nginx listening on port 8080 but for some reason I'm getting a
Gitlab is not responding" Error
I have edited both "external_url" in gitlab.rb and also the port number under the server block in the nginx.conf file. and no joy.
If someone could help me that would be great!

Most likely you have another service listening on 8080, I think the omnibus install have some service hooking 8080 - just use 8081 instead.
Edit: I just did a quick search and found that it's the unicorn server that is listening to 8080 with the original omnibus installer.
Note: You will only need to change the external_url in gitlab.rb, no other config file should have to be edited for this.
Edit#2: As #emeraldjava stated there is an option in the configuration file for using another unicorn port: #unicorn['port'] = '8080'

I solved this for Gitlab Omnibus (Community Edition, version 10.1.4) by first setting these in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb:
unicorn['port'] = 8081
gitlab_workhorse['auth_backend'] = "http://localhost:8081"
Then running:
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
sudo gitlab-ctl restart
Additionally, if you are running GitLab behind an SSL reverse proxy, you may need to restart that service to get past the cached 502 error page.

Starting with GitLab 13.0, Puma is the default web server and Unicorn has been disabled by default(reference).
so you have to change following configs in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb :
external_url 'http://hostOrDomain:8080/'
puma['port'] = 8081
gitlab_workhorse['auth_backend'] = "http://localhost:8081"


Remove port from registry URL in Gitlab UI

We’re running Gitlab with docker-compose and have the registry enabled. On our server where the docker container’s running we’re running a NGINX that proxy_pass to the port we have exposed the registry on. That works fine and all.
Our problem is that in the Gitlab UI it’s showing the registry URL as
Using the URL with that port will not work. How can we make the UI not show the port? We have already tried setting the registry_external_url to but without success.
Thanks in advance!
Removing the config below from gitlab.rb worked for me.
gitlab_rails['registry_port'] = "5005"

Gitlab self-managed static page not loaded

I faced one issue when I tried to change my default port number for gitlab self-managed version. The screenshot below shows that the static files is not loaded when I changed the port number to 8080, default is 80. Someone please help me with this issue!!! Much appreciated!!!
*Ubuntu server 20.04.3 LTS on Dell Precision Tower 3640.
Assuming an Omnibus installation, it depends on how you did mody the default port.
It should be by Setting the NGINX listen port
nginx['listen_port'] = 8080
And you are supposed to run (possibly as root)
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
gitlab-ctl restart
Make sure, as in here, your external_url remain with HTTP.

Access Superset through a remote browser

I have installed Apache Superset on a remote Linux Server and initialized it on port 8080. When I pull up localhost:8080 on the Linux server, the homepage shows up which suggests that the installation worked as per their instructions here.
When I try to access this page from my laptop (Windows- Browser:Chrome) with http://server-name:8080. It gives me the 'This site can't be reached' page.
I tested using netcat if the connection was open by typing nc -zvw3 server-name 8080 and it gave me Connection to server-name 8080 port [tcp/webcache] succeeded!
I have Jupyter installed on the same server on port 8888 and it works perfectly. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
You may need to try this command by defining the IP address:
superset run -h -p 8080

Running node app digitalocean and accessing it

Im running my node app with grunt on a DO droplet. I start the server
Running "connect:server" (connect) task
Waiting forever...
Started connect web server on http://localhost:3000
But when I navigate to my dropletIP:3000 I cannot see the app, I get:
This site can’t be reached
mydropletIP refused to connect.
Shouldn't my app be available? I don't have nginx or anything installed.
I was having similar problem but the solution was simple. Change from 'localhost' to '' i.e
.listen(8080, '');
And then to test your api just enter your static ip of droplet with port that you have entered i.e droplet-ip:8080
Check the particular port is opened or not ,using following command
sudo ufw status
If any Firewall enabled and any port is block means you can see that.
netstat -an | grep "LISTEN " ( List of listening port on server)
I need this info ,then only we can find a problem

Amazon Linux cannot access nginx on port 80

I have installed nginx on my AMI by yum
sudo yum install nginx
And then, I open all port in my AMI security group
All traffic - All - All -
And then, I start nginx by command
sudo service nginx start
And then, I access my nginx web service by http://public-ip
but I cannot access by this way.
I try to check the connection in my server.
ssh my_account#my_ip
And then,
wget http://localhost -O-
And It worked fine.
I cannot figure out what is the root cause, and then I change nginx port from 80 to 8081 and I restart the nginx server.
And then, I try to access again. It worked fine. WTH...
I don't know exactly what is going on?
Could you tell me what is the problem.
I see a few possibilities:
You are blocking the connections with a firewall on the host.
Security Group rules disallow this access
You are in a VPC and have not set up an Internet Gateway or route to host
Your Nginx configurations are set to explicitly listen on host and port combinations such that it responds to "localhost" but not to the public IP or host name. You could post your Nginx configs and be more specific about how it doesn't work when you try remotely. It is timing out? Not resolving? Receiving an HTTP response but not what you expected?
