Unique Values across multiple columns - excel

I have a spreadsheet that has multiple values in it, but I need to create a formula that would pull the names from the columns without any duplicates. Here's an example spreadsheet:
I would like the result to be like:
So to do it manually, I'm using a SUMIF to search the data for "Walked dog" and add the value.
I'm doing this by manually typing the event names, and if there's one added, I have manually add this instead of something automatically adding that new unique value to the spreadsheet. I've tried SUBTOTAL, SUBPRODUCT, and SUMIF, but they don't seem to do what this spreadsheet requires. Any help would be appreciated.
=SUMIF($C:$F,"Walked dog",$D:$F) is the only function I can get to work correctly, but that requires manual input of the names each time a new event is added.

If you are able to get all your data into one column, you could then use a pivot table. Pivot tables would allow your "Time" column to be grouped and summed up by your "Event" column. As I mentioned, you would need all your "EventN" columns copied into a single "Event" column. You will often need to transpose your data around to make your life easier when using spreadsheets.
Here's the first google result for an example: http://www.excel-easy.com/data-analysis/pivot-tables.html


Making excel search using one letter in cell

So basically, I have been trying to make excel scan one column and print out the row for cells which have specific letters.
For example I have the following data in my sheet.
What is required is to be have excel search for the values which contain T and I, and then print the new rows. Kind of like separate the two into two different tables, because then so that I can do further analysis on them.
So far I have been trying to use the VLOOKUP() function, but the problem with VLOOKUP() is that excel required a proper match and not just a letter in the cell. I had tried with both FALSE and TRUE. Then instead I tried to use the =INDEX($B$4:$K$9;MATCH($A$17;$A$5:$A$9;0);COLUMN(A4)) to make it work. But that also does not work, since it also requires a full match. Also another problem which I didn't realise before is that how can excel recognise each cell, because I will have different number after the letters everytime and then so how can one make excel not repeat the same row twice?
I have used another approach where I copy the data in a separated sheet and then I simply filter out the Ts and then copy/paste the Is into another sheet and vice versa. it is time consuming and so it would be much better if I can simply copy/paste my new data and it would generate the division on its own.
any suggestions or link would be really helpful.
I had a new idea on how to approach this problem. I was thinking that is it somehow possible to have VBA code running for filtering the data. Is there a way to specify in VBA code to filter the data by "Starts With" and Make the results be printed in another cell block?
Looks simple enough. First step is to make sure you have headers over your data and that it is in proper table format similar to my picture. Then select Data set and press CTRL+T. That should turn you data in to table object with stripes. Use the Formula =LEFT(C2,1) to take out the first letter which will be L or T.
Select the table and press ALT+D+P which will generate a pivot table based off original data set.
Drag the column with the formula I suggested over to the FILTERS area of the pivot table ID column to ROWS and all others to VALUES. Simply refresh and as new data is added you will get new pivot tables. Do not put the pivot tables on top of each other as I did that is only for the picture so you can see it. If you have too many filters to apply you can right click the helper column in the pivot table fields area to produce a slicer which is a button that helps you change the report quickly. Any other questions do ask.

Excel Pivot Tables for multiple tags

I'm using Excel 365. I have a program that exports Excel files, and one field is a bunch of tags, separated by commas.
Let's say it looks something like this:
The program allows multiple tags (there's maybe 20 that could be changed in the future) to be selected as ingredients for each kind of candy. It is not a consistent number, though they seem to always be alphabetical.
I'm looking to make some kind of table by ingredient and chef, according to time, like this:
I'm trying pivot tables, but they come back with long ingredient lists, when I really want just one item per line. I also tried making an additional column for each ingredient, which searches the main column and returns yes or no based on if it's in the ingredients column. It's still not working to have a single item listed each row with pivot tables- it gets into lots of levels and sublevels that way.
It's very likely there will be more ingredients and chefs in the future, so I'm trying to stick to some pivot tables where people can push "refresh all" to get the new ones. Ideas?
If you can build your ingredients list manually and add the names across the top then you can calculate the totals using a SUMIFS formula.
if you put the formula above in cell B10 then autofill across and down then the values will be calculated automatically.
To break it down so you understand what's going on
is the range you want to sum under the total column. It's locked using $ so it doesn't change when you autofill.
The range you want to check with the tags in each cell, also locked.
The cell containing the ingredient you want to count with a star at each end to act as wildcards so it can return true when the cell contains the ingredient. The column is locked.
last bit is the range of the chef list (locked) and the criteria above locked by row.
I can't think of a way to automate the ingredient list but hopefully the formula will help.

Combining Non-Zero Values from Multiple Columns into One in Excel

Every month I get given a budget from one of our clients in a Google sheet, which I need to convert into a SQL query so it can be uploaded into our database. As the number of rows and columns changes, I want to write some formula to semi-automate the process for time saving and mistake elimination.
This budget has spends in multiple columns, which I've managed to write formulas to combine into one column, with the correct details in the columns next to it (see example links below).
How I've transformed the data so far
The issue is this budget per country and partner, then has to be split again across multiple options. This leaves me with three columns worth of spend values, that I'd really like to combine back into one column, and ideally skip out all the zero values.
I've found an array formula on this site that will skip the zeroes, but I can't get it to work on more than one column.
From this Question's Answer
Is it possible to write a formula, that skips the zero values down one column, and then starts at the next? And that will also allow me to keep the correct matching details from the other columns alongside it, as well as bring in the column headers for the options as entries in a new column?
Here is the final format I'm looking for:
There is a concatenated field off the end that combines all the columns. Most of the values are populated by various Vlookups, to transform from the text version, into the database IDs, needed to fill the table.
It's also worth saying, that not being able to skip the zeros, is OK, as I can manually delete them fairly easily.
But as the number of countries and partners can and will change, I want the formula to be able to move column at the end of the dataset.

Find all duplicate values in one column and combine all its values

So I got this excel file with a lot of data which is why I want to avoid doing all this manually. Basically what I want to do is find all values that is the same in one column and then combine all it's values to one row.
If I have this data in a worksheet.
I would like the output to be like this
I appreciate all the help I can get.
This is what I get from a Pivot Table
When I actually would want it to look like this.
You must use Pivot Table function from (i recommend it) MS Excel.
It lets you to set wich columns becomes rows, what type of values they will contain and much more.
Pivot Tables are what you want.
It saved my career at my previous job :)
Here you got some screenshot of example for making sums for all duplicates in first column:
original table:

Merge two unique excel spreadsheets, remove one spreadsheet when needed

Hopefully I can explain this decently.
I am attempting to merge two unique excel spreadsheets, with some of the same data, into one spreadsheet. When needed I would like to remove the data from the incoming spreadsheet. I am doing this as it would make it easier to edit one "like" spreadsheet, rather then keep and update two copies. I do not want to hide the incoming data, I NEED to completely remove it when needed.
It depends on what the spreadsheets look like and what, exactly, you mean by merge.
If, for example, the two worksheets contain a table each, then you could copy/append one table to the bottom of the other and use Excel's Remove Duplicates feature (on the Data tab) to delete rows.
The duplicates can be identified either by a single code-number column, all of the columns (meaning that the entire row is duplicated) or a selection of columns. Be aware that it is the first duplicated row that is kept, the subsequent duplicates will be removed.
If, on the other hand, you want to find values in the rows of one of the worksheets, based on a code number contained in a column of the other worksheet, and insert them into specific cells, then this requires more effort, perhaps with the help of the VLOOKUP function (or similar).
