debugging methods in android atudio - android-studio

I started to write code for android. I'm a beginner in this field.
I'm using Android Studio and using the emulator for debugging.
I have a very basic question:
Is there a convenient way to click buttons, write text etc.
in the emulator (like it is done on the device) and set breakpoints inside the callback functions to see the program flow goes there?
right now, something is not working as expected, when I click some button on the device and I want to be able to detect the problem.


Window.onblur or Window.onfocus not working in Android Studio

I implemented a simple Javascript function, which allows the audio to be paused or start depending on if the window where the script runs is focused on or not, and it works on the web.
However, I noticed an issue when I try to implement it in android studio, even after enabling the JS as seen in the screenshot. Indeed, when I get out of the app, the sound is still running whether I click on the back or the home button.
I'd like to add as well that I'm a total beginner in the android studio IDE, but I wanted to know if I could maybe find an answer here. How to make my Javascript-script work in the android environment ?
Thanks in advance
Audio Initialization
Javascript function for window.onblur and window.onfocus
Enabled Javascript in MainActivity.Java

How to debug a website in Android Studio?

I've suspected for a while that my website doesn't work on Android WebView. Trying to debug this, I've installed Android Studio, and fired up some emulators. Sure enough, my website does not behave properly when viewed in WebView in the emulator.
But, I'm not an app developer, and I've never used Android Studio before. Predictably, all of the docs are focused on creating apps :).
How can I debug what's happening in the WebView? Do I need to create an empty project? Is there some DevTools equivalent? Or maybe some way to dump what it's doing to a log file?
I just need a starting point, and am happy to read docs if I'm pointed in the right direction.

How can you display your logs when testing android apps on real devices?

So I am developing my first app with Android Studio, it's a Shopping app and everything seems to work just fine when I try it out on the built-in Emulator (Android 9). However, when I connect my Smartphone (same Android version), I won't get pass my Login screen. Currently the data is stored through SQLite, which may cause issues.
I'd really like to look up what's the exact problem, but there is no Log feed showing up in Android Studios.
Are there any settings that provide the same Logs as if I was running it on an Emulator?
Make sure you have selected right device i.e there is a dropdown option for devices in logcat check that and choose your device because it will be set to the previous device by default
If I'm understanding correctly, you would want to use logcat?You can debug phone issues in it also, just select your phone in the options. I have two external phones I test on, logcat shows those phones.

Can't seem to find DDMS in Android Studio 2.1.2

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
My basic goal is that I'd like to be able to take screenshots of my Android tablet via Android Studio which is running on my Windows laptop.
I gather I need Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) to do this, however I'm struggling to find it within Android Studio.
All the guides I've read so far mention that you simply click on the DDMS menu button in the toolbar. This seems to appear like a green android robot.
Well, I have the android robot and so I click on that. The tooltip for the button says 'Android Device Monitor', nothing to do with DDMS.
And then normally says 'Android Monitor is already running' and does nothing. But all I have on my screen is Logcat and Monitors tab. I can't see the same stuff that I usually see on DDMS screenshots.
Occasionally it will throw an error which appears in the log files (but too big to post here)
How can I fix this?
Ok, officially dumb.
The DDMS was opening up in the background of another monitor.
Carry on...

How do I stop app in Android Studio

I must be missing something totally obvious, but I can't find a simple way to simply stop an app from running. I'm running it on my HTC One.
I first tried toggling the green run arrow. Didn't work.
I found a "Terminate Application" circle in the lower left of the window. That doesn't seem to do anything when you click it. It seems to be grayed out, non-functional. Screen shot here
So, I closed the entire project. That worked, but also the entire Android Studio closed instantly. Then reopening Android Studio failed (stack dump). Then reopening again worked, but it took 30 minutes to load my project.
To stop the next time, I turned my phone off, then closed the project. That seems to have worked better, since it took me to the Welcome to Android Studio screen and invited me to open or start a project.
Maybe there's an easier way to stop an app? I see the same question on this forum but no solutions.
The Android Studio controls you are trying to use only work if you are running your app in the emulator. There are a few ways to do this when you are using an actual device or VM (e.g., Genymotion):
Use the UI of the phone to Force Stop the application. This is done in the Settings->Apps menu.
Use Android Studio's terminal window or the host's shell and issue the command:
adb shell am force-stop <package-name>
Open Android Device Monitor (green "Droid" icon), select the process under the Devices tab and click the Stop Process button (stop sign icon). This is basically the GUI way of doing #2.
You need to select the process you want to terminate (ex. com.myname.myapp) then click terminate application.
Since the application is running on your phone, you need to end the application process on the phone. When you do that the application would be shown as terminated on Android Studio.
