Haskell Defining a Binary Tree - haskell

I want to define an infinite tree in Haskell using infinitree :: Tree, but want to set a pattern up for each node, defining what each node should be. The pattern is 1 more then then its parent. I am struggling on how to set up a tree to begin with, and how and where to define the pattern of each node?
Thank you

Infinite data structures can generally be defined by functions which call themselves but have no base case. Usually these functions don't need to pattern match on their arguments. For example, a list equal to [1..] can be written as
infiniteList :: [Int]
infiniteList = go 1 where
go n = n : go (n+1)
You can use the exact same technique for a tree:
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) | Nil deriving (Show)
infiniteTree :: Tree Int
infiniteTree = go 1 where
go n = Node (go (2*n)) n (go (2*n+1))
This defines the infinite tree
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7

A type for infinite binary trees with no leaves:
data Tree a = Tree (Tree a) a (Tree a)
One general pattern for doing this sort of thing is called unfold. For this particular type:
unfold :: (a -> (a,b,a)) -> a -> Tree b
Can you see how to define this function and use it for your purpose?


Free Monad for AST > 1-arity?

When I'm saying 1-arity | 2-arity | n-arity, I'm referring to tree in grap theory k-ary tree :
a k-ary tree is a rooted tree in which each node has no more than k children
I have been using Free Monad in my project to create a small eDSL in haskell... but all the example I have seen are only 1-ary tree (Linear AST) like this one :
this datatype lift on Free Monad :
data Toy b next =
Output b next
| Bell next
| Done
I would like to implement a more complex eDSL than a Linear one... Is Free Monad a solution for that ? and if yes, do you have examples of Free Monad > 1-Ary ?
The representation and composition of trees with a generalized notion of arity is in fact one of the core features of free monads.
For example, binary trees can be defined as a free monad as follows:
data BinF a = Node a a
type Bin = Free BinF
node :: Bin a -> Bin a -> Bin a
node l r = Free (Node l r)
example :: Bin Int
example = node (node (pure 0)
(pure 1))
(pure 2)
\ \--1
An isomorphic representation is
data BinF a = Node (Bool -> a)
{- The product type (a, a) is isomorphic to (Bool -> a). -}
The idea behind this is that a tree node can be seen as a demand for input (in this case, an input of type Bool), which is used to select one of the children of the node. Thus, a binary tree can be seen as a parser of bitstreams.
type Bin = Free BinF
nextBit :: Bin Bool
nextBit = Free (Node (\b -> Pure b))
example :: Bin Int
example = do
b1 <- nextBit
if b1 then do
b2 <- nextBit
if b2 then
pure 0
pure 1
pure 2
Of course, you can represent other arities by changing the Bool type (or the number of fields of Node in the original formulation).
For a more practical example, the pipes library is build around such a free monad.

Attempting to construct trees in Haskell

I am trying to use an unfold function to build trees.
Tree t = Leaf | Node (Tree t) t (Tree t)
unfoldT :: (b -> Maybe (b, a, b)) -> b -> Tree a
unfoldT f b =
case f b of
Nothing -> Leaf
Just (lt, x, rt) -> Node (unfoldT f lt) x (unfoldT f rt)
The build function needs to create a tree that has a height equal to the number provided, as well as be numbered in an in-order fashion. The base case being build 0 = Leaf and the next being build 1 = Node (Leaf 0 Leaf).
build :: Integer -> Tree Integer
My attempt at solving it:
build n = unfoldT (\x -> Just x) [0..2^n-2]
I am not entirely sure how to go about constructing the tree here.
Would love it if somebody could point me in the right direction.
Edit 1:
If I was to use a 2-tuple, what would I combine? I need to be able to refer to the current node, its left subtree and its right subtree somehow right?
If I was to use a 2-tuple, what would I combine?
I would recommend to pass the remaining depth as well as the offset from the left:
build = unfoldT level . (0,)
level (_, 0) = Nothing
level (o, n) = let mid = 2^(n-1)
in ((o, n-1), o+mid-1, (o+mid, n-1))
If I was to use a 2-tuple, what would I combine?
That's the key question behind the state-passing paradigm in functional programming, expressed also with the State Monad. We won't be dealing with the latter here, but maybe use the former.
But before that, do we really need to generate all the numbers in a list, and then work off that list? Don't we know in advance what are the numbers we'll be working with?
Of course we do, because the tree we're building is totally balanced and fully populated.
So if we have a function like
-- build2 (depth, startNum)
build2 :: (Int, Int) -> Tree Int
we can use it just the same to construct both halves of e.g. the build [0..14] tree:
build [0..14] == build2 (4,0) == Node (build2 (3,0)) 7 (build2 (3,8))
But if we didn't want to mess with the direct calculations of all the numbers involved, we could arrange for the aforementioned state-passing, with the twist to build2's interface:
-- depth, startNum tree, nextNum
build3 :: (Int, Int) -> (Tree Int, Int)
and use it like
build :: Int -> Tree Int -- correct!
build depth = build3 (depth, 0) -- intentionally incorrect
build3 :: (Int, Int) -> (Tree Int, Int) -- correct!
build3 (depth, start) = Node lt n rt -- intentionally incorrect
(lt, n) = build3 (depth-1, start) -- n is returned
(rt, m) = build3 (depth-1, n+1) -- and used, next
You will need to tweak the above to make all the pieces fit together (follow the types!), implementing the missing pieces of course and taking care of the corner / base cases.
Formulating this as an unfold would be the next step.

Accessing values in haskell custom data type

I'm very new to haskell and need to use a specific data type for a problem I am working on.
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node [Tree a]
deriving (Show, Eq)
So when I make an instance of this e.g Node[Leaf 1, Leaf2, Leaf 3] how do I access these? It won't let me use head or tail or indexing with !! .
You perform pattern matching. For example if you want the first child, you can use:
firstChild :: Tree a -> Maybe (Tree a)
firstChild (Node (h:_)) = Just h
firstChild _ = Nothing
Here we wrap the answer in a Maybe type, since it is possible that we process a Leaf x or a Node [], such that there is no first child.
Or we can for instance obtain the i-th item with:
iThChild :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
iThChild i (Node cs) = cs !! i
So here we unwrap the Node constructor, obtain the list of children cs, and then perform cs !! i to obtain the i-th child. Note however that (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a is usually a bit of an anti-pattern: it is unsafe, since we have no guarantees that the list contains enough elements, and using length is an anti-pattern as well, since the list can have infinite length, so we can no do such bound check.
Usually if one writes algorithms in Haskell, one tends to make use of linear access, and write total functions: functions that always return something.

What is the correct definition of `unfold` for an untagged tree?

I've been thinking in how to implement the equivalent of unfold for the following type:
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a | Nil
It was not immediately obvious since the standard unfold for lists returns a value and the next seed. For this datatype, it doesn't make sense, since there is no "value" until you reach a leaf node. This way, it only really makes sense to return new seeds or stop with a value. I'm using this definition:
data Drive s a = Stop | Unit a | Branch s s deriving Show
unfold :: (t -> Drive t a) -> t -> Tree a
unfold fn x = case fn x of
Branch a b -> Node (unfold fn a) (unfold fn b)
Unit a -> Leaf a
Stop -> Nil
main = print $ unfold go 5 where
go 0 = Stop
go 1 = Unit 1
go n = Branch (n - 1) (n - 2)
While this seems to work, I'm not sure this is how it is supposed to be. So, that is the question: what is the correct way to do it?
If you think of a datatype as the fixpoint of a functor then you can see that your definition is the sensible generalisation of the list case.
module Unfold where
Here we start by definition the fixpoint of a functor f: it's a layer of f followed by some more fixpoint:
newtype Fix f = InFix { outFix :: f (Fix f) }
To make things slightly clearer, here are the definitions of the functors corresponding to lists and trees. They have basically the same shape as the datatypes except that we have replace the recursive calls by an extra parameter. In other words, they describe what one layer of list / tree looks like and are generic over the possible substructures r.
data ListF a r = LNil | LCons a r
data TreeF a r = TNil | TLeaf a | TBranch r r
Lists and trees are then respectively the fixpoints of ListF and TreeF:
type List a = Fix (ListF a)
type Tree a = Fix (TreeF a)
Anyways, hopping you now have a better intuition about this fixpoint business, we can see that there is a generic way of defining an unfold function for these.
Given an original seed as well as a function taking a seed and building one layer of f where the recursive structure are new seeds, we can build a whole structure:
unfoldFix :: Functor f => (s -> f s) -> s -> Fix f
unfoldFix node = go
where go = InFix . fmap go . node
This definition specialises to the usual unfold on list or your definition for trees. In other words: your definition was indeed the right one.

Haskell: associating a polymorphic function for each level in a tree

Good day!
I have a tree of elements:
data Tree a = Node [Tree a]
| Leaf a
I need to get to the leaf of that tree. The path from the root to the leaf is determined by a sequence of switch functions. Each layer in that tree corresponds to a specific switch function that takes something as a parameter and returns an index to the subtree.
class Switchable a where
getIndex :: a -> Int
data SwitchData = forall c. Switchable c => SwitchData c
The final goal is to provide a function that expects all necessary SwitchData and returns
the leaf in a tree.
But I see no way
to enforce the one-to-one mapping at type-level. My current implementation of switch
functions accepts a list of SwitchData instances:
switch :: SwitchData -> Tree a -> Tree a
switch (SwitchData c) (Node vec) = vec `V.unsafeIndex` getIndex c
switch _ _ = error "switch: performing switch on a Leaf of context tree"
switchOnData :: [SwitchData] -> Tree a -> a
switchOnData (x:xs) tree = switchOnData xs $ switch x tree
switchOnData [] (Leaf c) = c
switchOnData [] (Node _) = error "switchOnData: partial data"
The order and the exact types of Switchable instances
are not considered neither at compile time nor at runtime, the correctness is left for a programmer, which bothers me a lot. That gist reflects the current state of affair.
Could you suggest some ways of establishing that one-to-one mapping between layers in a context tree and particular instances of Switchable?
Your current solution is equivalent to simply switchOnIndices :: [Int] -> Tree a -> a (simply apply getIndex before storing in list!). Make this explicitly "partial" by wrapping the return in Maybe and this may actually be the ideal signature, simple and fine.
But apparently, your real use case is more complex; you want to have basically different dictionaries at each level. Then you actually need to link the multiple levels of types to those of tree depths. You're in for some crazy almost-dependent-typed hackery!
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators, LambdaCase #-}
infixr 5 :&
data Nil = Nil
data s :& ss where
(:&) :: s -> ss -> s :& ss
data Tree switch a where
Node ::
(s -> Tree ss a) -- Such a function is equiv. to `Switchable c => (c, [Tree a])`.
-> Tree (s :& ss) a
Leaf :: a -> Tree Nil a
switch :: s -> Tree (s :& ss) a -> Tree ss a
switch s (Node f) = f s
switchOnData :: s -> Tree s a -> a
switchOnData sw (Node f) = switchOnData ss $ f s
where (s :& ss) = sw
switchOnData _ (Leaf a) = a
data Sign = P | M
signTree :: Tree (Sign :& Sign :& Nil) Char
signTree = Node $ \case P -> Node $ \case P -> Leaf 'a'
M -> Leaf 'b'
M -> Node $ \case P -> Leaf 'c'
M -> Leaf 'd'
testSwitch :: IO()
testSwitch = print $ switchOnData (P :& M :& Nil) signTree
main = testSwitch
Of course, this greatly limits the flexibility of the tree structure: each level has a fixed predetermined number of nodes. In fact, that makes the entire structure of e.g. signTree equivalent to simply (Sign, Sign) -> Char, so unless you really need a tree for some specific reason (e.g. extra information attached to the nodes), why not just use that!
Or, again, the way simpler [Int] -> Tree a -> a signature. But using existentials makes no sense to me at all here.
Let's assume that we're traversing a Tree at a particular Node and have our particular kind of desired polymorphic Switchable value available as well. In other words, we want to take a step
step :: Switchable -> Tree a -> Maybe (Tree a)
Here the output Tree is one of the children of the input Tree and we wrap it in a Maybe just in case something goes wrong. So let's try to write step
step s Leaf{} = Nothing
step s (Node children) = switch s (?extract children)
Here, the challenge arises out of defining ?extract as we need it to polymorphically produce the right kind of value for switch s to operate on. We can't meaningfully use polymorphism to get this to work:
-- won't work!
class Extractable b where
extract :: [Tree a] -> b
since now switch . extract is ambiguous. In fact, if Switchable operates by existentially quantifying a value that it needs passed in then there is no way (outside of Typeable) to build an extract that works properly. Instead, we need each Switchable to have its own individual extract with the proper type, a type that only exists inside of the context of the data type.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Switchable = forall pass . Switchable
{ extract :: [Tree a] -> pass
, switch :: pass -> Int
step s (Node children) = children `safeLookup` switch s (extract s children)
But due to the containment of this existential type, we know that there's absolutely no way to use a Switchable except to immediately compute the existentially hidden pass value and then consume it with switch. There's not even any reason to store pass since the only way we can get any information out of it is to use switch.
Altogether this leads to the intuition that Switchable ought to be this instead.
data Switchable = Switchable { switch :: [Tree a] -> Int }
step s (Node children) = children `safeLookup` switch s children
Or even
data Switchable = Switchable { switch :: [Tree a] -> Tree a }
step s (Node children) = Just (switch s children)
