How to whitelist recipients before mail goes to spamassassin? - linux

I've been looking everywhere for a solution but didn't find.
What I need is to whitelist some recipient addresses so they won't ever go to the spamassassin filtering.
In my in postfix I have this:
spamassassin unix - n n - - pipe
user=spamd argv=/usr/bin/spamc -f -e
/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -f ${sender} ${recipient}
Thanks in advance.

If the given address appears as a recipient in the message headers (Resent-To, To, Cc, obvious envelope recipient, etc.) the mail will be whitelisted. Useful if you're deploying SpamAssassin system-wide, and don't want some users to have their mail filtered. Same format as whitelist_from.
There are three levels of To-whitelisting, whitelist_to, more_spam_to and all_spam_to. Users in the first level may still get some spammish mails blocked, but users in all_spam_to should never get mail blocked.
The headers checked for whitelist addresses are as follows: if Resent-To or Resent-Cc are set, use those; otherwise check all addresses taken from the following set of headers:

Open this file:
/etc/spamassassin/ and add this line:
That will whitelist the address. To blacklist an address just use
Also, I'm running Ubuntu, and they also include a file in the same location, You can add that there as well.
Make sure this plugin is uncommented:
ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Shortcircuit
All your whitelist/blacklist rules along with custom scores and rules should fall within these lines.


Skipping Sendmail's Queue

I've set up Sendmail so that all messages are delivered to /dev/null instead of being actually stored anywhere else. I'm trying to reduce the number of unecessary disk writes and since those messages are essentially removed I want to, if possible, skip writing them to mqueue. Is there any way to do that?
The closest I could think of is mounting a nullfs filesystem on the mqueue directory, but I'd like a "cleaner" approach using sendmail only. Is this possible?
Most likely you choose wrong way to solve your problem but anyway:
You can select discard mailer for all recipients in check_rcpt (Local_check_rcpt) rule set. It will act as equivalent of DISCARD in access table.
Add the following lines to file, generate new file and restart or HUP sendmail daemon.
# PUT TAB (\t) BEFORE $# !!!
R$* $#discard $: discard

Linux bash script to get own internet IP address

I know I got quite rusty when it comes to bash coding, especially the more elaborate needed trickery handling awk or sed parts.
I do have a script that logs the IP address currently in use for the interwebs.
It gets that by either using wget -q0 URL or lynx -dump URL.
The most easy one was a site that only returned the IP address in plain text and nothing else. Unfortunately that site no longer exists.
The code was simple as can be:
IP=$(wget -qO -
But alas! using the code returns nothing cause the site is gone, as lynx can tell us:
$ lynx -dump
Looking up
Unable to locate remote host
Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.
lynx: Can't access startfile
Some other sites I used to retrieve for the same purpose no longer work either.
And the one I want to use is a German speaking one, not that I care one way or the other, it could be in Greek or Mandarin for all I care. I want only to have the IP address itself extracted, but like I said, my coding skills got rusty.
Here is the relevant area of what lynx -dump returns
[33]powered by
Ihre IP-Adresse lautet:
Ihre IPv6-Adresse lautet:
Ihre System-Informationen:
when running it as follows:
lynx -dump
Now, I need either awk or sed to find the 178.24.x.x part. (I know it can be done with python or Perl as well, but both are not part of a standard setting of my Linux, while awk and sed are.)
Since the script is there to extract the IP address, one needs to do the following either via sed or awk:
Search for "Ihre IP-Adresse lautet:"
Skip the next line.
Skip the whitespace at the beginning
Only return what is left of that line (without the lf at the end).
In the above example (that shows only the relevant part of the lynx dump, the whole dump is much larger but all above and below is irrelevant.) it would be "178.24.x.x" that should be returned.
Any help greatly appreciated to get my log-ip script back into working order.
Currently I have collected some other working URLs that report back the own internet IP. Any of these can also be used, but the area around the reported IP will differ from the above example. These are:
Even duckduckgo returns the IP address when e.g. asked this:
At least I know of no way of getting the own IP address when using the internet without retrieving an outside URL that reports that very IP address back to me.
You can do:
wget -O - 2>/dev/null && echo
So, if you have a VM in some cloud provider you can solve this easily. I wrote some small Go app than echoes back an HTTP request. For instance :
$ curl
Method ->
Protocol ->
Headers ->
User-Agent: [curl/7.54.0]
Accept: [*/*]
Content length (in Bytes) ->
Remote address ->
Where remote address is the address which the app received, hence, your IP.
And in case you are wondering, yes, is the IP of the server and you can curl it right now and check it. I am disclosing the IP as anyway I get bombarded by brute force attacks for as long as I can remember and the machine does not have anything worth the break through.
Not exactly without relying on external services, but you could use dig to reach out to the resolver at
dig +short
I think this is easier to integrate to a script.

Use Japanese characters in subject and attach file with mailx in RedHat Linux

I am trying to use the mailx command for sending email with attachment (zipped) and am facing two issues, below is the command I use:
| mailx -s $SUBJECT_1 -r " " $SENDER $RECIPIENT
My email subject contains space and Japanese characters.
The variable $SUBJECT_1 has the following statement
Subject: [Budget] Subtype Error and some JAPANESE CHARECTERS
I get bet following error:
contains invalid character '\203'
Moreover for testing purpose I changed the statement of SUBJECT_1 to Test Message
SUBJECT_1="Test Message"
It worked, but I receive only Test instead of Test Message and in the mail I could see two more email ids in the To like and
I have not implemented the mail body yet, once subject issue fixed will implement the same in body because Body will also have Japanese characters.
Please help me with this error, how to resolve and what am i doing wrong
There's a list of things you need help with here, more than I want to to handle exhaustively on a sunny Saturday afternoon. But some hints.
Quote your variables.
"$SUBJECT_1" is a single string, whereas $SUBJECT_1 is a list of space-separated words. The second word is your email recipient, and subsequent options are also recipients.
The basic idea is that you need to include encoding data in the subject, because email headers are only supposed to include 7-bit ASCII.
Here is a hint at how you put special characters in your Subject line.
Here is another hint.
Here is the RFC that describes in lurid detail what you need to do. Asking your favourite search engine for information about "utf8 email subject" and "rfc1522" is probably a good idea.
Email client.
Finally, rather than learning how to use MIME, consider using mutt instead of mailx to send your mail. Mutt has a -a option to add attachments, making it WAY easier than constructing your own headers and body, which I'm not even sure you'd be able to do with mailx in the first place.

postfix problems with pattern in virtual file

We are trying to forward all emails to a specific email address. I think everything is set up okay, such as '' and 'virtual-regexp' files. If we put the following in the 'virtual' file, the forwarding works correctly:
However, if we try to use the following in 'virtual' to send ALL email to the ID, it ignores it and sends it to the original user:
We got the idea for the above from the following question and answer:
postfix forward all mail to an external mail address
Any ideas why the pattern '(.*)' doesn't work? We've tried so many different patterns that our heads are starting to spin.
we solved the issue.
You need to complete the steps listed in the link above. But, in addition, you need to comment out the following lines in (if they are there) before restarting the postfix process:
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
virtual_alias_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

OfflineIMAP and Mutt with Gmail's All Mail folder

I am trying to sync my Gmail - All Mail folder with idlefolders through offlineimap. My .offlineimaprc config has this -
idlefolders = ['INBOX', '[Gmail].All Mail']
My name of my All Mail folder in .mail (where my mailboxes are) looks like
drwx------ 5 ry ry 4096 Oct 12 18:13 [Gmail].All Mail
I think the name is wrong in idlefolders. I see a lot of people online using [Gmail]/All Mail.
My INBOX folder sync fine but All Mail does not.
Also trying to set a macro shortcut to All Mail in .muttrc I have -
macro index ga "<change-folder> =[Gmail].All Mail<enter>"
This does not work, but my macro for INBOX does work
macro index gi "<change-folder> =INBOX<enter>"
What's wrong? How should I call my All Mail folder?
for my Mutt 1.5.21, percent encoding works:
macro index ga "<change-folder>=[Gmail]/All%20Mail<enter>"
I think the problem here is the whitespace in the folder. Possible solutions:
Update: As winchendonsprings pointed out, there is a way to escape the whitespace in the folder name. Now we can use a macro to change to All Mail:
bind editor <space> noop
macro index ga "<change-folder>=[Gmail].All Mail<enter>" "Go to all mail"
You use a name transalation to create mailboxes without a
whitespace as described in the
For example the translation could look like this:
nametrans = lambda x: re.sub('\[|\]|\s', '_', x)
You should make sure, as the documentation states, that no folder
ends up with the same translated name. You can check this by running
offlineimap with --info.
Another possible solution could be, to register your mailboxes and
simply use a macro to toggle between the index and your list of configured
mailboxes, eg. in your .muttrc:
mailboxes =[Gmail].All\ Mail =[Gmail].Important =[Gmail].Starred
macro index <left> ':mailboxes <enter>c?<toggle-mailboxes>
That provides the benefit that mutt monitors your local mailbox and
tells you if you've got new mail. You can even automate this if you want. Examples can be found here.
Another terrible solution is to just use <complete> to avoid typing a literal space:
macro index ga "<change-folder>=[Gmail]/All<complete><enter>"
