Ajax testing with Mocha - Nodejs - node.js

I tried using Mocha to write tests for one of my application.
I can able to run different scenarios when page reloads.
Consider the below scenario
1) A user enters value in a text field "Username"
2) Clicks "Save" button
3) This will send ajax call to save user name and response might come back in 1 to 2 seconds
4) A message is shown after response is received
How can i implement test for above scenario?
NOTE : I tried the below code, but the browser isn't waiting at all
describe("Ajax test", function(){
return this.browser.field('save').click()
it("Tests save username", function(){
this.browser.wait(6000, function() {
//code to check if success message is shown in body

There is a callback you can make in each test case, and you should wait for a response from the server before making this callback.
The pattern should be something like this:
// Test case. Notice the `done` param
it('Should make an async call', function(done){
// Make an async call, with a callback function
// Do whatever you need (test some values)
// Then call done


Verifying a text on a dialog box with Cypress and Cucumber

I'm trying to verify a text message on a dialog box using cypress and cucumber. The test cases are working perfectly fine when it's within "it function". Here is is the sample code :
it ('Verify if the Login is successful', function()
cy.on('window:alert', (str) => {
expect(str).to.equal(`Login Successfully`)
However when i add the BDD keywords it looks like the function doesn't get evaluated at all. It works for When but not the Then scenario. I think it needs to be handled in Js in a different way. I have uploaded the cypress log as well. Below is the code :
When('I click on the login button', () => {
Then('Successful POP up message should be displayed', () => {
cy.on('window:alert', (str) => {
expect(str).to.equal(`Login Successfully`)
Cypress Log
The first thing is cy.on('window:alert'... is a passive event listener, it does not do anything until an event is emitted by the app.
This means you need to set it before the event is triggered (e.g Login click),
When('I click on the login button', () => {
cy.on('window:alert', ...something here...) // set up the event listener
cy.contains('Login').click() // action that triggers the event
If you do your expect() within the callback of the event listener it mucks up your BDD flow (Then() is redundant).
Use a stub to catch the event, and assert the stub properties inside Then().
let stub // declare outside so it's visible in both When and Then
When('I click on the login button', () => {
stub = cy.stub() // set stub here (must be inside a test)
cy.on('window:alert', stub) // capture call
Then('message is displayed', () => {
expect(stub).to.have.been.calledWith('Login Successful')
Why does it() work?
Essentially, with it() all the code is within one block vs two blocks for When() Then().
The async commands are queued for later exectution, but the synchronous cy.on() is executed immediately - even though it's the last line it gets executed first.
it('...', () => {
// Queued and executed (slightly) later
// executed immediately (so actually first line to run)
cy.on('window:alert', (str) => {
expect(str).to.equal(`Login Successfully`)
The When() and Then() blocks are executed in sequence, so you don't get the same pattern as with it().

IORedis or (node_redis) callback not firing after calling custom Redis commands/modules

When using redis client (ioredis or node_redis) inside websocket's message event in a nodejs app, the callback for any command is not immediately fired. (the operation does take place on redis server though)
What is strange is that the callback for the first command will fire after i sent a second message, and the callback for the second will fire after i send a third.
wss.on('connection', (socket, request) => {
socket.on('message', (data) => {
console.log("will send test command")
this.pubClient.hset("test10", "f1","v1", (err,value) => {
//callback not firing first time
console.log("test command reply received")
the redis command is working as expected though in other parts of the app and even when inside the on connection directly like below.
wss.on('connection', (socket, request) => {
console.log("will send test command")
this.pubClient.hset("test10", "f1","v1", (err,value) => {
//callback fires
console.log("test command reply received")
socket.on('message', (data) => {})
I had this all wrong. The reason for the weird callback behavior is the result of one my custom Redis modules not returning a reply.
And this seems to have caused all callbacks after this call to seem to have some kind of a one step delay.
I had this all wrong. The reason for the weird callback behavior is the result of one my custom Redis modules not returning a reply. And this seems to have caused all callbacks after this call to seem to have some kind of a one step delay.

Receiving 2 HTTP requests on the server when only 1 sent

I am creating an app and using http://c9.io environment to develop it. It is a NodeJS app, which provides some REST endpoints for the client side application to query. Till now, everything was running fine, and today what I observe is that for 1 call sent by the browser to the REST API, 2 requests are being shown as received, and the request handler is being called 2 times. This has slowed the response time for one request.
In Chrome developer tools, it shows only one request sent, however, I am using app.use() to log incoming requests in Express and it prints the same 2 times for each request. Also, the handler is called twice.
This is happening intermittently, not every time. I am behind a corporate network. As I have sent a lot of requests in the day for testing, is there any chance that a monitoring program is sending the requests since it finds it suspicious? I have not edited the code that handles the requests.
Edit: Adding the code for handlers as suggested.
app.get('/suggestions/:keyword', function(r, s) {
sug_db.retrieveSuggestions(r.params.keyword, function(data) {
s.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'text/html'});
s.write(renderSugg({data: data}))
app.get('/search/:query', function(r, s) {
esc_db.search(r.params.query, function(data) {
s.send(renderResults({query: r.params.query, results:data}));
As you can see, they do nothing but get some data from a database and return the result as HTTP response. The templating engine I am using is Pug (formerly Jade)
It doesn't look like that code that you included in the question can be guilty of running twice. But maybe some code in sug_db.retrieveSuggestions or esc_db.search does that.
What I would do is this:
Add some logging inside the code that you provided, both before calling the functions and inside the callback:
app.get('/suggestions/:keyword', function(r, s) {
console.log('*** GET /suggestions/:keyword handler');
sug_db.retrieveSuggestions(r.params.keyword, function(data) {
console.log('GET /suggestions/:keyword callback');
s.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'text/html'});
s.write(renderSugg({data: data}))
app.get('/search/:query', function(r, s) {
console.log('*** GET /search/:query handler');
esc_db.search(r.params.query, function(data) {
console.log('GET /search/:query callback');
s.send(renderResults({query: r.params.query, results:data}));
(or change console.log to whatever method of logging you use).
I would see what is actually called twice - the handlers themselves, or the callbacks, or none. Next would be examination of the functions that are actually called by the handlers:
It's important to see what is actually called twice and then examine why it can be happening. But it can happen if, for example, you do something like:
function badFunction(data, callback) {
if (something) {
instead of:
function goodFunction(data, callback) {
if (something) {
} else {
I would expect that the functions that are called from the handlers could do something like that to call the callback twice - and maybe the condition or error that they checking didn't happen before but happens now, causing the change in behavior.

NightmareJS screenshot callback

I'm using this framework to make screenshots of several urls. The process of taking the screenshot is async, and the method does not provide a way to execute a callback, and I want to execute a callback when each screenshot is made on this script:
nightmare = new Nightmare();
urls.forEach(function (url) {
nightmare.run(function () {
console.log('finished all');
Any ideas how can I do this?
I found a way to do this, with the "use" method for executing plugins.
nightmare = new Nightmare();
urls.forEach(function (url) {
nightmare.goto(url).screenshot(path).use(function () {
console.log('finished one');
nightmare.run(function () {
console.log('finished all');
This appears to be the purpose of the run() method. You probably want to set up and run each screenshot within the loop, since the screenshot() method relies on the phandomjs method render(), and render() is strictly synchronous (at least as of a year ago):
urls.forEach(function (url) {
nightmare = new Nightmare();
nightmare.goto(url).screenshot(path).run(function(err, nightmare) {
console.log('this executes when your screenshot completes');
// run() appropriately tears down the nightmare instance
console.log('finished all');
You don't gain any asynchronous benefits from setting up all the screenshots at once, and "finished all" is guaranteed to only run once all screenshots have been rendered.
Alternatively, in the nightmarejs source, it looks like screenshot() does take a second done parameter that appears to be a callback, but it passes it directly into the phantomjs render() method, and as seen in the above link there was some resistance to allowing that method to take a callback.

Assertion in event brake down Mocha when run programmatically

I have problem with Mocha.
If i run this programmaticaly from Jake Mocha brakes down and don't show nothing more than some errors stuff like:
AssertionError: There is a code 200 in response
at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/X/Y/Z/test/test_Server.js:70:4)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:93:17)
at TCP.onread (net.js:418:51)
Runned from command line gives more expected results. That is:
19 passing (30ms)
7 failing
1) RTDB accepts connection with package and response with code 200 if correct package was send:
Uncaught AssertionError: There is a code 200 in response
at Socket.<anonymous> (/X/Y/Z/test/test_Server.js:70:4)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:93:17)
at TCP.onread (net.js:418:51)
2) XYZ should be able to store GHJ for IJS:
Error: expected f...
The problem is following code:
test('accepts connection with package and response with code 400 ' +
'if wrong package was send', function (done) {
console.log('client connecting to server');
var message = '';
var client = net.connect(8122, 'localhost', function () {
} );
client.on('data', function (data) {
message += data;
} );
client.on('end', function (data) {
assert(message.indexOf('400') !== -1, 'There is a code 400 in response');
client.on('error', function(e) {
throw new Error('Client error: ' + e);
If I do
assert(message.indexOf('400') !== -1, 'There is a code 400 in response');
just after
var message = '';
Mocha fails correctly (I mean displaying errors etc.), So this is fault of asynch assertion done on event. How can I correct that? Thats real problem Because this test is first, and I get no clue where to look for source of problem (If there is any). Should I somehow catch this assertion error and pass it to Mocha?
Answer to comment how is Jake running Mocha - just like that:
var Mocha = require('mocha');
task("test", [], function() {
// First, you need to instantiate a Mocha instance.
var mocha = new Mocha({
ui: 'tdd',
reporter: 'dot'
// Then, you need to use the method "addFile" on the mocha
// object for each file.
var dir = 'test';
// Only keep the .js files
return file.substr(-3) === '.js';
// Use the method "addFile" to add the file to mocha
path.join(dir, file)
// Now, you can run the tests.
fail("Mocha test failed");
} else {
}, {async: true});
I'm assuming since you say "programmatically" that your Jakefile issues require("mocha") and then creates a Mocha object on which it calls the run method.
If this is the case, then the reason it does not work is because Jake and Mocha are working at cross purposes. When Mocha executes a test, it traps unhandled exceptions. Schematically, (omitting details that are not important) it is something like:
try {
catch (ex) {
It is at the call to test.run that the test is executed. For tests that are purely synchronous, no problem. When a test is asynchronous, the asynchronous callback which is part of the test cannot execute inside the try... catch block Mocha establishes. The test will launch the asynchronous operation and return immediately. At some point in the future, the asynchronous operation calls the callback. When this happens, Mocha is not able to catch the exception in the asynchronous operation with a try... catch block. How does it catch such exceptions then? It listens to uncaughtException events.
Now, the problem when Mocha is run in the same execution context as Jake is that Jake also wants to trap uncaught exceptions. Jake sometimes has to launch asynchronous operations and wants to trap cases where these operations fail, so it listens to uncaughtException too. It installs its listener first. So when an asynchronous Mocha test fails with a exception, Jake's listener's is called, which cause Jake to immediately stop execution. Mocha never gets a chance to act.
I don't see a clear way to make both Jake and Mocha cooperate when run in the same execution context. There might be a way to fiddle with the handlers but I doubt that there is a robust way to make it work. (By "robust" I mean a way which will ensure that every single error is trapped and attributed to the correct source.) The vm module might help segregate their contexts while keeping them in the same OS process.
Based on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9132271/2024650
In few words: I remove listener on uncaughtException in Jake. This allow Mocha to handle this uncaughtExceptions. At the end I add back this listener.
This solves my answer for now:
task("test", [], function() {
var originalExeption = process.listeners('uncaughtException').pop();
//!!!in node 0.10.X you should also check if process.removeListener isn't necessary!!!
// First, you need to instantiate a Mocha instance.
var mocha = new Mocha({
ui: 'tdd',
reporter: 'dot'
// Then, you need to use the method "addFile" on the mocha
// object for each file.
var dir = 'test';
// Only keep the .js files
return file.substr(-3) === '.js';
// Use the method "addFile" to add the file to mocha
path.join(dir, file)
// Now, you can run the tests.
fail("Mocha test failed");
} else {
}, {async: true});
it seems that you are testing a HTTP server by connecting with TCP to it, (correct if i'm wrong) if thats the case here, you should just drop your current test, and use appropriate module to test an HTTP server or REST API there are plenty modules like Superagent .
You should try call client.end() after you have received your first data event, this way it will call assert after first header is received.
if you want to continuously send and test requests, have all you assert in the data event and call correct assert each time it receives the header you want to test, just remember that you must call done() when its supposed to finish, and that it can't be delayed for a long period of time, the request must be one after another.
Other than that you can use async module if you want to test chained requests ( one request depends on another and another and so on..), in some case its useful to raise the mocha timeout to more than 10000 (10secs) to give the async part some time to complete.
