Simple Gnome Chat: How to get modal dialog? - linux

I've created a very simple chat (one to one chat) which works by just sending TCP-packets. The way it works at the moment is just by sending and receiving messages in the terminal. I would like to create a simple GUI that shows dialogs (modal i think it's called) in Gnome like in this picture:
Gnome Modal Dialog Chat
In other words just an application that runs in the background that pops up a modal if you receive a message, and then you can type in an answer and just press enter to send it.
Does anyone have an idea how to do this? Any examples of this online?


UWP UI Freeze While ScrollTo method called in Xamarin ListView

We are developing chat application using Xamarin.Forms ( for UWP. We are trying to implement very basic functionality which is scroll to bottom when user open any chat window or send/receive messages. It working fine where no scroll in chat window but when messages are more then we show vertical scroll bar in chat widow. we are using below line to goes to last item of list view :
lstMessages.ScrollTo(objlastmessage, ScrollToPosition.Start, false);
We are use ObservableCollection to store message and bind it with listview.
Now problem is that when messenger app get any message from other user then system add it in observation collection and then move to last message in chat window, in between if if user typing message in Xamarin text editor then it freeze the UI until listivew update. so how to fix this issue. please some need hep.

Bot Framework: Using SIP in Skype bot

I wanted to know if it's possible to use a sip: or tel: endpoint in a Skype bot. So something like a hero card having a button called "Contact us" and the button having hyperlink like and clicking on the button would open a new Skype chat window.
I tried doing the above but the button is not clickable in Skype. So is there a way to achieve this?
Update: I figured out one bit. It works if I use skype: instead of sip: or call:. However, it makes a phone call straightaway instead of opening a chat window to chat. How do I default it to chat than a Skype call.
I figured it out. sip: isn't the right thing to use. skype: is. But using skype: would default to a Skype call being made, so you would need a ?chat parameter.
My code looked something like:
builder.CardAction.openUrl(session, '', 'Contact Us'),

Usage of ShowComposeSmsMessageAsync

I'd like to send a text message using ShowComposeSmsMessageAsync (which shows the messaging app) and once the user tap the send button, I'd like the app goes to foreground again automatically.
Is it possible to avoid a user action to come back to the app?

JSF+AJAX push : realtime chat / notification system

I'm trying to add some features to my webapp, something like a "live user-to-user" chat (like Facebook's one) and a realtime notifications system.
Let's consider this scenario :
We've got two users, A and B.
A sends a message to B.
If the chat window between B and A is opened on B's browser, we update it, showing the new message on B's browser.
If the windows's not opened, we need to show a notification or something on B's browser.
So, having a PrimeFaces Dialog as the chat window and a PrimeFaces NotificationBar to show notifications, how can I do that?
I can't use PrimeFaces' push as they don't work with Glassfish.
I've found out about ICEPush, that seems to be a nice way to do this, but the thing about "Rendering groups" stopped me from trying it.
How can I update just a SINGLE client if ICEPush talks about groups?
Should I create a new group for each client?
Something like :
B has a "BwithA" group that is updated when A sends a message to B and the chat is opened, and a "notificationsB" group that is updated when the chat windows is closed?
I can't find out how to do that because, even using groups this way, is A that has to tell B that he needs to update, and A doesn't know if B has to update the dialog or the notificationBar !
I hope that the question is clear, because it's not easy to explain it|
Thanks in advance :)
I don't know how a professional Java programmer would solve your problem, but when I wanted to create a chat, I used standard Primefaces Remote Command component and call-back parameters to create chat and send new messages to user's from the server.
There is a p:remoteCommand component on web-page. The purpose of the component is to get the latest messages from a particular user when action listener is invoked. New messages are passed from the server to javascript function (handler of oncomplete event of the component) via "call-back parameters". The function then checks if there are any messages and appends them to the chat box.
For more information, see How to create JSF chat with AJAX
UPD: the solution above is outdated. Now I would use JAX-RS web-services or web sockets to implement chat. There is also a commercial solutions for real-time data streaming: PubNub, Pusher, etc.

Prevent SWT Browser Widget modal dialog popups

On my application, I'm using the SWT browser widget to check for network connectivity. The reason for this is long, but long story short I HAVE to use the browser widget to check for connectivity. Unfortunately, on Mac and Debian, I get a modal dialog that pops up and tells me that the page load failed.
This message is being passed from the native browser and the SWT browser widget is passing this message through, displaying it as a modal dialog box. I need to intercept this message and handle it, displaying a more useful message to users in the event of a "Page load failed". Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:
Does anyone know how to intercept these messages instead of displaying them to the user?
Few days ago, there was almost same question How to detect internet connection with SWT browser (or handle server not available). Check the answer for code, which might help you..
