how to use do loop to read several files with similar names in shell script - linux

I have several files named scale1.dat, scale2.dat scale3.dat ... up to scale9.dat.
I want to read these files in do loop one by one and with each file I want to do some manipulation (I want to write the 1st column of each scale*.dat file to scale*.txt).
So my question is, is there a way to read files with similar names. Thanks.

The regular syntax for this is
for file in scale*.dat; do
awk '{print $1}' "$file" >"${file%.dat}.txt"
The asterisk * matches any text or no text; if you want to constrain to just single non-zero digits, you could say for file in scale[1-9].dat instead.
In Bash, there is a non-standard additional glob syntax scale{1..9}.dat but this is Bash-only, and so will not work in #!/bin/sh scripts. (Your question has both sh and bash so it's not clear which you require. Your comment that the Bash syntax is not working for you suggests that you may need a POSIX portable solution.) Furthermore, Bash has something called extended globbing, which allows for quite elaborate pattern matching. See also
For a simple task like this, you don't really need the shell at all, though.
awk 'FNR==1 { if (f) close (f); f=FILENAME; sub(/\.dat/, ".txt", f); }
{ print $1 >f }' scale[1-9]*.dat
(Okay, maybe that's slightly intimidating for a first-timer. But the basic point is that you will often find that the commands you want to use will happily work on multiple files, and so you don't need shell loops at all in those cases.)

I don't think so. Similar names or not, you will have to iterate through all your files (perhaps with a for loop) and use a nested loop to iterate through lines or words or whatever you plan to read from those files.
Alternatively, you can copy your files into one (say, scale-all.dat) and read that single file.


concatenate two strings and one variable using bash

I need to generate filename from three parts, two strings, and one variable.
for f in `cat files.csv`; do echo fastq/$f\_1.fastq.gze; done
files.csv has the following lines:
I need to generate the following:
My problem is that I got the below files:
the string after the variable deletes the string before it.
I appreciate any help
By the way your idiom: for f in cat files.csv should be avoid. Refer: Dangerous Backticks
while read f
echo "fastq/${f}/_1.fastq.gze"
done < files.csv
You can make it a one-liner with xargs and printf.
xargs printf 'fastq/%s_1.fastq.gze\n' <files.csv
The function of printf is to apply the first argument (the format string) to each argument in turn.
xargs says to run this command on as many files as it can fit onto the command line (splitting it up into multiple invocations if the input file is too large to fit all the arguments onto a single command line, subject to the ARG_MAX constant in your kernel).
Your best bet, generally, is to wrap the variable name in braces. So, in this case:
echo fastq/${f}_1.fastq.gz
See this answer for some details about the general concept, as well.
Edit: An additional thought looking at the now-provided output makes me think that this isn't a coding problem at all, but rather a conflict between line-endings and the terminal/console program.
Specifically, if the CSV file ends its lines with just a carriage return (ASCII/Unicode 13), the end of Sample_11 might "rewind" the line to the start and overwrite.
In that case, based loosely on this article, I'd recommend replacing cat (if you understandably don't want to re-architect the actual script with something like while) with something that will strip the carriage returns, such as:
for f in $(tr -cd '\011\012\040-\176' < temp.csv)
echo fastq/${f}_1.fastq.gze
As the cited article explains, Octal 11 is a tab, 12 a line feed, and 40-176 are typeable characters (Unicode will require more thinking). If there aren't any line feeds in the file, for some reason, you probably want to replace that with tr '\015' '\012', which will convert the carriage returns to line feeds.
Of course, at that point, better is to find whatever produces the file and ask them to put reasonable line-endings into their file...

Delete some lines from text using Linux command

I know how to match text using regex patterns but not how to manipulate them.
I have used grep to match and extract lines from a text file, but I want to remove those lines from the text. How can I achieve this without having to write a python or bash shell script?
I have searched on Google and was recommended to use sed, but I am new to it and don't know how it works.
Can anyone point me in the right direction or help me achieve this goal?
The -v option to grep inverts the search, reporting only the lines that don't match the pattern.
Since you know how to use grep to find the lines to be deleted, using grep -v and the same pattern will give you all the lines to be kept. You can write that to a temporary file and then copy or move the temporary file over the original.
grep -v pattern original.file > tmp.file
mv tmp.file original.file
You can also use sed, as shown in shellfish's answer.
There are multiple possible refinements for the grep solution, but for most people most of the time, what is shown is more or less adequate (it would be a good idea to use a per process intermediate file name, preferably with a random name such as the mktemp command gives you). You can add code to remove the intermediate file on an interrupt; suppress interrupts while moving back; use copy and remove instead of move if the original file has multiple hard links or is a symlink; etc. The sed command more or less works around these issues for you, but it is not cognizant of multiple hard links or symlinks.
Create the pattern which matches the lines using grep. Then create a sed script as follows:
sed -i '/pattern/d' file
The -i option means overwrite the input file, thus removing the files matching pattern.
pattern is the pattern you created for grep, e.g. ^a*b\+.
d this sed command stands for delete, it will delete lines matching the pattern.
file this is the input file, it can consist of a relative or absolute path.
For more information see man sed.

How to I copy a variable number of lines from one file to another using shell script?

I have a wpa_supplicant.conf file (WiFi developers might be familiar with it). I want to copy a variable number of lines at the beginning of it to another file. Every wpa_supplicant has the following format:
After the first few lines the network={.. part starts however the number of lines above it are variable. I don't know how many lines might be there beforehand. Is there any way to copy all the part before network{.. to another file using shell script?
This is a classic use case for awk:
awk '{ if ($0 ~ /network=\{/) { exit } print }' wpa_supplicant.conf > /some/file
Copying itself is trivial and done via a simple redirection >. Note that this will overwrite /some/file. If you want to append to a file instead of overwriting it, just use >>.
More interesting is the first part, which consists of an awk script that reads and prints wpa_supplicant.conf line by line and stops as soon as a line matches the regular expression network=\{.
I'm not going to explain how this script works in detail - if you're not familiar with awk, you should read up on it, as it comes in handy quite often when you have to do these kinds of things under time constraints.

Expanding several filenames into one directory in bash

I want to run awk on several files. I have the filenames and a path to the files, but I can't seem to connect the two. Here's what I have tried:
files=(a b c)
awk $my_script "$directory/${files[#]}"
It awks the first file and leaves the rest alone. I'd rather not have to add the full path in my array (the values are used in several places). I think I want brace expansion, but it doesn't seem to work with arrays. What else could I do?
Using pattern substitution (# means something like ^ in regexps): ${files[#]/#/$directory/}
for i in /my/dir/[abc]; do
awk $my_script "$i"
Or, if you want to actually just pass all of the file names to awk at once:
awk $my_script /my/dir/[abc]
If the file names are not actually single letters:
awk $my_script /my/dir/{file1,file2,file3,...}

How do I grep for entire, possibly wrapped, lines of code?

When searching code for strings, I constantly run into the problem that I get meaningless, context-less results. For example, if a function call is split across 3 lines, and I search for the name of a parameter, I get the parameter on a line by itself and not the name of the function.
For example, in a file containing
someFunctionCall ("test",
(some *really) - long / expression);
grepping for MY_CONSTANT would return a line that looked like this:
Likewise, in a comment block:
// FIXMESOON, do..while is the wrong choice here, because
// it makes the wrong thing happen
Grepping for FIXMESOON gives the very frustrating answer:
// FIXMESOON, do..while is the wrong choice here, because
When there are thousands of hits, single line results are a little meaningless. What I would like to do is have grep be aware of the start and stop points of source code lines, something as simple as having it consider ";" as the line separator would be a good start.
Bonus points if you can make it return the entire comment block if the hit is inside a comment.
I know you can't do this with grep alone. I also am aware of the option to have grep return a certain number of lines of context. Any suggestions on how to accomplish under Linux? FYI my preferred languages are C and Perl.
I'm sure I could write something, but I know that somebody must have already done this.
You can use pcregrep with the -M option (multiline matching; pcregrep is grep with Perl-compatible regular expressions). Something like:
pcregrep -M ";*\R*.*thingtosearchfor*\R*.*;.*"
Here's an example using awk.
$ cat file
function1 ("test",
(some *really) - long / expression);
function2( one , two )
$ awk -vRS=")" '/function1/{gsub(".*function1","function1");print $0RT}' file
function1 ("test",
(some *really)
the concept behind: RS is record separator. by setting it to ")", then every record in your file is separated by ")" instead of newline. This make it easy to find your "function1" since you can then "grep" for it. If you don't use awk, the same concept can be applied using "splitting" on ")".
You can write a command line using grep with the options that give you the line number and the filename, then xarg these results into awk to parse these columns and then use a little script from you to display the N lines surrounding that line? :)
If this isn't an academic endeavour you could just use cscope (for C code only though). If you are willing to drop the requirement to search in comments ctags should be enough (and it also supports Perl).
I had a situation in which I had an xml file full of the names of zip files in an xml style format, that is, with carrots bracketing the names of the files, say<\stuff>
I used awk to change all carrots into newlines then used grep :)
