docker command attach running slow - node.js

i have docker container that adds 3 volumes and links to one other docker container. this linked container links to another one.
the container contains a nodejs server that is listening on one port.
the time for starting up the container is very short.
if i try to attach to that container it tooks sometimes 3 minutes until the attach-command runs.
could anyone give me a reason why the attach command tooks so long to start?
This is my Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:trusty
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install curl
RUN apt-get -y install nodejs
RUN apt-get -y install npm
RUN npm install forever -g
RUN npm install n -g
RUN n 0.11.11
RUN npm install gulp -g
RUN mkdir -p data/dmcms-static-ng
RUN mkdir -p data/site-ng
RUN mkdir -p data/static-ng
RUN chmod 755 /*.sh


Docker failed to install img2pdf specifically permission denied on python3-pkg-resources

I have a docker file like this
FROM node:18
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install img2pdf
RUN apt-get -y install dcmtk
COPY package.json ./
RUN yarn install
RUN yarn global add pm2 -g
COPY . .
which working smoothly on my mac m1.
But when deploying it to ubuntu 22 machine,
it failed with bunch of permission denied python3-related issue
I've tried bunch of things including reiinstall python3 and python3-pkg-resources, which make my dockerfile now looks like this
FROM node:18
RUN apt-get clean
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y reinstall python3
RUN apt-get -y reinstall python3-pkg-resources
RUN apt-get -y install img2pdf
RUN apt-get -y install dcmtk
COPY package.json ./
RUN yarn install
RUN yarn global add pm2 -g
COPY . .
now show this error
I don't have much knowledge around docker and computer CPU.
But so far my problem happens when I run the docker on intel machine. Now I move my production server using AMD vCPU. it run as local
Would be lovely if anyone have reference the reason for it. and what people could do

Web app not accessible while using yarn in docker

I am trying to run a web app inside docker via yarn. Here's the docker file
FROM ubuntu:20.04
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y
ENV TZ=Pacific/Auckland
RUN echo $TZ > /etc/timezone && ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime
RUN apt-get install curl -y
RUN apt-get install npm -y
RUN apt-get install git -y
RUN npm cache clean -f
RUN npm install -g n
RUN n stable
RUN apt remove cmdtest -y
RUN apt remove yarn -y
RUN npm install -g yarn -y
RUN git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
COPY . .
RUN yarn
CMD yarn start
When I run yarn start as a non-docker the web app is accessible via localhost:8080
However when I start the docker instance via docker run -p 8080:8080 -itd webapp:latest & launch web browser & type in http://localhost:8080 the webapp isn't accessible.
Running docker logs against the container doesn't show any errors.
When I run curl, here is the error I see
curl "http://localhost:8080"
curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
I've no clue what is going on. Please could I request help to fix this problem.
the IP had to be bound on multiple interfaces for this to start working

Docker run only works after build

I can build and run a container with
docker build -t hopperweb:v5-full -f Dockerfile . &&
docker run -p --rm -ti hopperweb:v5-full
However when I run the container I get this error: standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"
docker run -p --rm -ti hopperweb:v5-full
Why is it working when it's run after &&??
I can run the image with bash: docker run -p --rm -ti hopperweb:v5-full bash without issue.
This is my DockerFile
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install --yes curl
RUN apt-get install --yes sudo ## maybe not necessary, but helpful
RUN apt-get install --yes gnupg
RUN apt-get install --yes git ## not necessary, but helpful
RUN apt-get install --yes vim ## not necessary, but helpful
RUN curl -sS | apt-key add -
RUN echo 'deb stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install --yes yarn
RUN apt-get install --yes npm
RUN mkdir /app
COPY hopperweb/ /app/hopperweb/
RUN chmod +x /app/hopperweb/
RUN /app/hopperweb/
The contents of
cd /app/hopperweb/
yarn start
In your first command, the docker run is never executed, as the last command ( is run during your build and it will never terminate. So you were still running docker build.
Change the following line
RUN /app/hopperweb/
CMD /app/hopperweb/
Do not confuse RUN with CMD. RUN actually runs a command and commits the result; CMD does not execute anything at build time, but specifies the intended command for the image.

Docker with Node.js and Express.js

I'm trying to use docker with my node application, my Dockerfile looks like this:
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install build-essential
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs
RUN apt-get install -y npm
ADD . /src
RUN cd /src && npm install
CMD ["node","/src/app.js"]
but after running docker build when npm install is running after trying to install I get an error:
The command 'bin/sh -c /src && npm install' returned a non-zero code : 1
What can cause such an issue? I've already tried to install node-legacy instead of node and it didn't work
Try this:
# put this line on your code (if you are using ubuntu)
# this make a link from nodejs to node to add compatibility on ubuntu OS
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
# set your current directory with WORKDIR
RUN sudo npm install

Issue running Gulp on Docker

I have the following Dockerfile
FROM debian:jessie
MAINTAINER Ewan Valentine <>
RUN apt-get update -y && \
apt-get install -y \
RUN curl --silent --location | bash -
RUN apt-get install --yes nodejs
VOLUME ["/var/www/admin/src"]
RUN mkdir -p /var/www/admin/src
WORKDIR /var/www/admin/src
RUN npm install -g gulp
However, when I run $ docker-compose run gulp I get the following error:
[10:47:49] Local gulp not found in /var/www/admin/src
[10:47:49] Try running: npm install gulp
I'm using docker-compose and this container is linked to a volume where the source code is kept, which all runs fine otherwise.
I was liking to the wrong volume! Sorted now.
