hazelcast map-reduce use only one cpu core - multithreading

I run a map-reduce job on a single-node hazelcast cluster and it consumes only about one CPU (120-130%). I can't find how to configure hazelcast to eat all available CPU up, is it possible at all?
While Hazelcast does not support in-node parallelism another competing opensource in-memory datagrid (IMDG) solution does - Infinispan. See this article to learn more about that.

The current implementation of Mapping and Reducing is single threaded. Hazelcast is not meant to run as a single node environment and the map-reduce framework is designed in a way to support scale-out and not exhaust the whole CPU. You can start up multiple nodes on your machine to parallelize processing and utilize the CPU that way but it seems to me that you might use Hazelcast for a problem that it is not meant to solve. Can you elaborate your use case?


Can Spark executors be spawned in already running java process (Ignite JVM)

I am working on a project where I need to share execution state across different spark application.
I decided to go with apache-ignite as a shared memory storage between different spark application.
I was thinking of going with embedded ignite mode with static allocation in spark where
ignite nodes will start in Spark executor process. So that, tasks will be executed in the same process where Data is present. But, this mode is deprecated.
I could go with standalone Ignite deployment but there would be inter-process communication to get and save the state which I want to avoid.
Is there any way to tell the Spark to create its executors in already present process (in this case, Ignite nodesprocesses) ?
Can ExternalClusterManager be implemented to achieve this ?
Does Ignite is planning to introduce such mode in future ?
Well, yes, your general direction is reasonable. Ignite's deprecated embedded deployment is, so to say, embedded "backwards" - when you embed Ignite into Spark it works poorly, but if we embedded Spark into Ignite, it would work better.
Yes, I assume it would be possible to implement. It probably could even be implemented outside of Ignite.
I don't think there are any open issues for that in Ignite backlog, but you can share you suggestions on Ignite dev mailing list.
And now the main part. All you're going to achieve with your suggestion is replacing inter-process communication with intra-process. Usually, communication on the same host isn't that expensive. You might see some performance gain from this but I'd only went into implementing this if there were a solid evidence that this is going to solve a real problem.

What is the proper setup for spark with cassandra

After using and playing around with the spark connector, I want to utilize it in the most efficient way, for our batch processes.
is the proper approach to set up a spark worker on the same host where Cassandra node is on? does the spark connector ensure data locality?
I am a bit concerned that a memory intensive spark worker will cause the entire machine to stop, then I will lose a Cassandra node, so I'm a bit confused whether I should place the workers on the Cassandra nodes, or separate (which means no data locality). what is the common way and why?
This depends on your particular use case. Some things to be aware of
1) CPU Sharing, while memory will not be shared (heaps will be separate) between Spark and Cassandra. There is nothing stopping spark executors from stealing time on C* cpu cores. This can lead to load and slowdowns in C* if the spark process is very cpu intensive. If it isn't then this isn't much of a problem.
2) Your network speed, if your network is very fast then there is much less value to locality than if you are on a slower network.
So you have to ask yourself, do you want a simpler setup (everything in one place) or do you want a complicated setup but more isolated.
For instance DataStax (the company I work for) ships Spark running colocated with Cassandra by default, but we also offer the option of having it run separately. Most of our users colocate possibly because of this default, those who don't usually do so because of easier scaling.

Drawbacks of using embedded Spark in Application

I have a use case where in I launch local spark (embedded) inside an application server rather than going for spark rest job server or kernel. Because former(embedded spark) has very low latency compared to other. I am interested in
Drawbacks of this approach if there are any.
Can same be used in production?
P.S. Low latency is priority here.
EDIT: Size of the data being processed for most of the cases will be less than 100mb.
I don't think it is a drawback at all. If you have a look at the implementation of the Hive Thriftserver within the Spark project itself, they also manage SQLContext etc, in the Hive Server process. This is especially the case, if the amount of data is small and the driver can handle it easily. So I would also see this as a hint, that this okay for production use.
But I totally agree, the documentation or advice in general how to integrate spark into interactive customer-facing application is lacking behind the information for BigData pipelines.

Is Couchdb limited to a single core or not?

Can Couchdb saturate all cores on a multi-core machine for read/write operations like MongoDB ( in MOngoDB all core used only for read operations ) or not ?
Yes. Like any other erlang application couchdb utilizes all the cores available in your machine.
Here is a screen shot for my couch beam process. As you can see it is happily running on both the cores (I have a two core machine)
Couchdb however spwans many process and not all of them are multicore. For example a couchjs process that is spawned for building views is single core. However there is a couchjs process for every design_doc which essentially means that you can build multiple views together and they will be distributed across the cores.
To answer your question both read and write are multicore operations but view building is not.

Presto configuration

As I set up a cluster of Presto and try to do some performance tuning, I wonder if there's a more comprehensive configuration guide of Presto, e.g. how can I control how many CPU cores a Presto worker can use. And is it good practice if I start multiple presto workers on a single server (in which case I don't need a dedicated server to run the coordinator)?
Besides, I don't quite understand the task.max-memory argument. Will the presto worker start multiple tasks for a single query? If yes, maybe I can use task.max-memory together with the -Xmx JVM argument to control the level of parallelism?
Thanks in advance.
Presto is a multithreaded Java program and works hard to use all available CPU resources when processing a query (assuming the input table is large enough to warrant such parallelism). You can artificially constrain the amount of CPU resources that Presto uses at the operating system level using cgroups, CPU affinity, etc.
There is no reason or benefit to starting multiple Presto workers on a single machine. You should not do this because they will needlessly compete with each other for resources and likely perform worse than a single process would.
We use a dedicated coordinator in our deployments that have 50+ machines because we found that having the coordinator process queries would slow it down while it performs the query coordination work, which has a negative impact on overall query performance. For small clusters, dedicating a machine to coordination is likely a waste of resources. You'll need to run some experiments with your own cluster setup and workload to determine which way is best for your environment.
You can have a single Presto process act as both a coordinator and worker, which can be useful for tiny clusters or testing purposes. To do so, add this to the etc/config.properties file:
Your idea of starting a dedicated coordinator process on a machine shared with a worker process is interesting. For example, on a machine with 16 processors, you could use cgroups or CPU affinity to dedicate 2 cores to the coordinator process and restrict the worker process to 14 cores. We have never tried this, but it could be a good option for small clusters.
A task is a stage in a query plan that runs on a worker (the CLI shows the list of stages while the query is running). For a query like SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t, there will be a task on every work that performs the table scan and partial aggregation, and another task on a single worker for the final aggregation. More complex queries that have joins, subqueries, etc., can result in multiple tasks on every worker node for a single query.
-Xmx must be higher than task.max-memory, or at least equal.
otherwise you will be likely to see OOM issue as I have experienced that before.
and also, since Presto-0.113 they have changed the way Presto manages the query memory and according configurations.
please refer to this link:
For your question regarding "many CPU cores a Presto worker can use", I think it's controlled by the parameter task.concurrency, which by default is 16
