building opengm with python3 - python-3.x

Hi I'm trying to build opengm with python3, which is allegedly supported. Crosspost to opengm forum here. The reason I ask is that I get an error on "PyInt_FromLong" which is according to this article something that shouldn't come up when porting a c library like opengm to python3. When I changed this to PyLong_FromLong, I ran into another compilation problem down the line from numpy.core.multiarray. Also note that it builds (with the appropriate ccmake options) with Python2 just fine.
My questions are:
1. Has anyone actually successfully build this?
2. Can anyone shed some light as to whether this is something on my end or theirs?


Trying to compile ncat statically gives me errors on nsock dependency

I'm dealing with the following tutorial: but lots of errors are thrown from nsock.
The majority of them are C4430, C2143, and C2238 (I have the IDE in another language so I cannot copy exact messages).
I followed correctly all the steps given from this tutorial and anything seems to work.
I also switch from VS2013 to VS2019, because the v142 build tools were required, but this doesn't seems to do anything new to solve the problem
So can anybody help me with this?

ndarray is not C-contiguous issue by building a free program from source

I'm new for programming languages. I have build Ctrax programe from source, everything work except tracking part. The issue is a picture below:
I used UBUNTU 16.04 , python 2.7.12 and others for the program requirement. According to publisher, he said it could possibly be fixed by adding .ascontiguousarray() after the .astype() call in that final line from the error message. Since you have the code compiling, you could simply try it and see if it works. (
I tried it but still confuse.
Please suggest, many thanks
This is Ctrax link and requirement:

gurobi is installed but Matlab doesn't recognize it

Matlab16, Linux 16.04, Gurobi 6.5.2
I want to use Cobra toolobox on Matlab, so I installed it and Gurobi as asked too.
But when I try this code (as explain in an research article : What is FBA ? Orth, Palsson) I got an error
The code
model = readCbModel('ecoli_core_model.xml')
The error
`Error using solveCobraLP (line 107)
No solver found. call changeCobraSolver(solverName)
Error in optimizeCbModel (line 213)
solution = solveCobraLP(LPproblem);
In changeCobraSolver.m, it said that Gurobi is a right solver. Apparently, Matlab and Gurobi are not connected.
I added .../gurobi652/linux64/matlab to the path and I tried (as explain here a function. I worked.
I tried to install Gurobi Mex (here but I don't find Gurobi_mex.c
Yesterday optimizeCbModel worked but I don't know what I did and what changed.
I notice that, if I try testAll then optimizeCbModel succeed (no error at least). I think we need to do initCobraToolbox first.
Make sure you are in CobraToolbox folder in MATLAB directory first. Call initCobraToolbox
changeCobraSolver ('gurobi', 'all')
Both read and optimize functions should be able to be used now.
You may find it easier to use .mat files for input model. These can be found under cobratoolbox --> test --> models --> mat
Hope this helps

sys:1: Warning: g_hash_table_foreach: assertion 'version == hash_table->version' failed

When I tried the Tobii Pro Glasses SDK demo, I came across this warning, and it did not show any result (ideally, it should show the video together with the gaze point). I guess maybe the glib version is not right, but I do not know how to correct it. Here is the demo code:
I use Ubuntu 14.04, and Python 2.7.
Thank you!
Generally that error means a table is being modified from multiple threads. The source you linked doesn't seem directly relevant and it is probably happening within GStreamer. It is a pretty vague issue though it doesn't help that you are using an old and unsupported version of GStreamer and pygtk.

Java JSR-82 Implementation (javax.Bluetooth.*) - Using Bluecove

I am searching for some help with JSR-82. I have searched for a long time, and even had my project supervisor at uni helping me out, and so far, I have had no luck.
My Problem...
I have a project whereby I simply need to scan for Bluetooth Devices
I have not yet been able to get my Bluetooth device scanning. I am using Eclipse IDE in CentOS 5.5
and am trying to use Bluecove.
I have downloaded "bluecove-gpl-2.1.0.jar" and added it to my Eclipse Build Path and the code i am using is sample code provided by BlueCove (RemoteDeviceDiscovery Found here:
Before i can even compile, javax.Bluetooth.*; is underlined suggesting it cannot find it - Now as far as i am aware, this should be within the bluecove jar file i mentioned previously.
How on earth do I get this thing working? Ive tried using but that wasnt much help at all
If any one has the time to assist me, you would be concidered a god! haha
With bluecove on linux you need to provide the bluecove.jar and bluecove-gpl.jar.
you will be needing 4 jar files: bluecove.jar,bluecove-emu.jar,electricblue.jar, javabluetooth.jar
however my code based on jsr82 implimentation did not work on samsung mobiles.... it is said that it does not support jsr82 stack. if anyone has idea on this share..
