Install Marklogic centos virtualbox vm - linux

I recently set up a CentOS 6.4 basic LAMP server (no GUI) in a pre-built Virtualbox image, and then followed the installation guide/steps for MarkLogic.
When I attempt install with rpm -i /tmp/MarkLogic-8.0-1.x86_64.rpm, MarkLogic states that it cannot find, however when I run the command whereis, the shell responds with /lib64/
I would make a symbolic link I suppose, but I'm not sure where MarkLogic is expecting that file to be.
Does anyone have experience installing MarkLogic on Centos6 and how to verify the install is working properly? While ML gave some good instructions, I am very new to CentOS and Redhat, in general.

Running the following yum command before installing MarkLogic should be sufficient normally:
yum -y install glibc.i686 gdb.x86_64 redhat-lsb.x86_64
You can also look at this and related scripts for more inspiration:


wget command not found on linux server

I have a linux server (completely new, web hosting, nothing is installed into it), and want to use a "wget" command. Currently, it is not found. Kernel version 2.6.32-896.16.1.lve1.4.54.el6.x86_64
I am completely new to linux, tried to solve this issue by myself, but couldn't do it. I log in into this linux server via PuTTY via my Windows OS laptop.
To get "wget" to work, I will need to install it. I guess I will need to install first "sudo" and/or "apt" and/or "apt-get". But couldn't do it. Please give me a short list of steps in which order to install them.
Given your kernel version, it looks like your Linux distribution is CentOS 6 or RHEL 6. Try installing wget with this command:
yum install wget
You must be root when you run this command.
Incase you using Debian version of Linux, use the following:
sudo apt-get install wget
From kernel version, it looks like you are using RHEL/Centos 6.
Please check -
If the mentioned dependencies exist in your system, you can directly fire the rpm command
rpm command guide -
If it doesn't work, you need to use yum command. (You need to configure yum command first, if not configured already)
yum install wget
To configure yum command in centos6 -
Note - you need to be root user for above activities.

How to install Octave on rhel fedora based Amazon EC2 instance?

How to install Octave on Amazon EC2 instance? The configuration of the EC2 instance is as follows:
First, I created a tmp directory and downloaded the EPEL rpm in the tmp directory and installed the EPEL repository with the commands:
I tried to use the following command (please see the following website for more details about this command link for more details of the command) to install Octave, but it was not working (see the following result):
Also, I tried to enable the package by changing "enabled = 0" to "enabled = 1" in the file "/etc/yum.repos.d", and used yum to install octave, but it was still not working. The error message is as follows:
I tried to use the command to test it (see below for more details):
I am not sure if some package management tools (e.g., subscription-manager, dnf) to handle the dependency issues. Thanks!
Amazon Linux is based on RHEL and Fedora, but is not RHEL or Fedora. Fedora EPEL is made on RHEL and will also work on CentOS and other rebuilds which aim to be just like RHEL. It looks like you are hitting an area where Amazon Linux is different. Your options are:
Rebuild all of those missing packages on Amazon Linux
Install Octave and all dependencies from source rather than RPM
Use RHEL, Fedora, or CentOS

Installing NodeJS on Linux RHEL(Release 6.6(Santiago)?

I'm trying to Install NodeJS on Linux RHEL(Release 6.6(Santiago)? Nothing seems to work. I download and extract the file(v.6.3.1). The I try to install with the command sudo yum install package_name. Nothing I try is working.
Red Hat packages a number of technologies via "Software Collections" including node.js 0.10 and 4.4. Details are here:
Also, these are part of the RHEL subscription.

shared libraries is missing

I want to install chromedriver in one of the AWS EC2 instance which is linux(Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.7 Santiago - 64 bit). While installing the chromedriver, we ran into issue due to missing packages. I could find the package here but this in turn requires many other packages. Using any other AMI is not an option.
Error is -
error while loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file
I am using Ubuntu x64 and yum didn't work for me. But I found somebody mentioning simply use
$sudo apt install libgconf-2-4
worked for me to install the libgconf.
Please ask yum for the file, : $ yum provides */
Install GConf2 : # yum install GConf2
Packages ... and updates
The chromedriver depends on the same packages / files as GConf2, and then some. Please see for yourself : $ ldd chromedriver , where 'chromedriver' is the unzipped executable.
Solution for the chromedriver issue : Install a chromedriver for RHEL 6, chromedriver-31.0.1650.63-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
Please download the package, and 1) cd Downloads/ 2) yum install chromedriver-31.0.1650.63-1.el6.x86_64.rpm ... and you have /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
P.S. : The EL6 chromedriver was built from the source package chromium-31.0.1650.63-1.el6.src.rpm
You might want to read this CentOS thread about your GLIBCXX_3.4.15. Especially apropos is this answer on the thread, especially the FAQ it references.
CentOS (which aims to be as compatible with RHEL as possible) is a curated LTS distribution (as is RHEL). You might find a version of chromedriver compiled for RHEL 6 in one of the many repositories. If not, you'll probably have to build it yourself.

How does one install Tesseract-OCR 3.03 in Ubuntu/Linux distributions?

A friend and I are interested in training the tesseract-OCR engine for a CV project. We tried using some wrappers such as PyTesser and pyocr, but the results are currently not as accurate as we need them to be. As such, we want to try training the tesseract to perform better for our purposes (i.e. identifying text on food labels), but are having some trouble installing the training tools.
What we've tried:
Looking on the google code website, the 'Compiling' page on the tesseract's google code wiki says the training tools are only available on version 3.03. However, the google code 'Downloads' page for tesseract-ocr only has the materials for 3.02. The bottom of the 'Compiling' page also has some comments about installing version 3.03 on Windows and OSX, but no comments yet for Linux users.
There also appears to be some sort of 3.03 source package for Ubuntu but we're not sure how to access it on our computers and the 'Compiling' page says we need to run these commands:
make training
sudo make training-install
We've also found a google group thread about tesseract 3.03 but again it seems like these posts do not include advice for Linux users (unless we missed something during the initial read).
Is this actually a really simple command-line install problem? Or, is there a way train tesseract with 3.02 (which we currently have installed)? Have we been looking at the wrong places for information?
Any advice or links to instructions for installing tesseract-ocr 3.03 for Linux distributions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Tesseract can directly be installed in Ubuntu 14.04 using
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
I don't have any idea if you can do it in older version of Ubuntu because the repo might be updated in later version of Ubuntu.
I had an aws ubuntu 14.04 instance.
when I tried installing Tesseract with
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
It retuned package not found
But this worked for me.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
Ubuntu is a debian based Linux distribution. The tesseract package you find will most likely be a debian package which will contain tesseract and the required default language files to allow you to run/train tesseract. You do NOT want the source package -- unless you just want to compile it yourself -- no need. You will not have to build tesseract, you just need to install the package. First, it appears you are new to Ubuntu, so please ready InstallingSoftware. It can be as easy as opening up an x-term and issuing the command apt-get install tesseract-pkgname (note: that means whatever the package name is).
There is no shortcut, take the time to understand whether you have a .deb package on your box that need to be installed or whether you are installing from a remote repository. The link above explains how to handle both.
Here is a specific Ubuntu thread dealing with installing tesseract Tesseract 3.0 + Ubuntu 10.04 Installation Guide Hope that helps. Tesseract is very good software.
I don't have any instructions for building Tesseract 3.03 for Linux specifically (I'm on Mac), but here's a link to download the source code for the 3.03 release candidate:
First run below command
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
It will install tesseract version 3.04
Run below to update the tesseract
sudo apt-get --only-upgrade install tesseract-ocr
It will update tesseract to 4.1.3
