Ada case statement with strings - string

I'm trying to use a string in a case statement, however it is giving me expected a discrete type. Found type Standard.String I understand that strings are not discrete. I'm wondering if there is a work around or not. Here is my code:
function Is_Valid_Direction(Direction_To_Go : in String) return Integer is
Room : Integer := 0;
--if (Direction_To_Go = "NORTH" or Direction_To_Go = "N") then
-- Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(NORTH);
--elsif (Direction_To_Go = "SOUTH" or Direction_To_Go = "S") then
-- Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(SOUTH);
--elsif (Direction_To_Go = "EAST" or Direction_To_Go = "E") then
-- Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(EAST);
--elsif (Direction_To_Go = "WEST" or Direction_To_Go = "W") then
-- Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(WEST);
--elsif (Direction_To_Go = "UP" or Direction_To_Go = "U") then
-- Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(UP);
--elsif (Direction_To_Go = "DOWN" or Direction_To_Go = "D") then
-- Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(DOWN);
--end if;
case Direction_To_Go is
when "NORTH" | "N" => Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(NORTH);
when "SOUTH" | "S" => Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(SOUTH);
when "EAST" | "E" => Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(EAST);
when "WEST" | "W" => Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(WEST);
when "UP" | "U" => Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(UP);
when "DOWN" | "D" => Room := Building(currentRoom).exits(DOWN);
when others => Room := 0;
end case;
return Room;
end Is_Valid_Direction;
The commented section is doing exactly what I want, but with if statements. I'm just trying to see if it's possible with a case statement.

You could map your strings to a discrete type. The easiest being an enumerated type:
procedure Light (Colour : in String) is
type Colours is (Red, Green, Blue);
case Colours'Value (Colour) is -- ' <- magic ;-)
when Red =>
when Green =>
when Blue =>
end case;
when Constraint_Error =>
raise Constraint_Error with "There is no " & Colour & " LED.";
end Light;

I frequently use an actual map to do this kind of mapping, as it gives you more flexibility than enumerations. Your "names" don't have to conform to enumeration syntax, and you can easily provide variations that all map to a single value.
For the desired function definition, as provided in a package:
package Case_Map is
function Is_Valid_Direction(Direction_To_Go : in String) return Integer;
end Case_Map;
This (non-compiling due to missing game-specific declarations) implementation uses a mapping of strings to an enum that is in turn the case expression:
with Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Maps;
package body Case_Map is
use Ada.Characters.Handling;
type Directions is (Go_North, Go_South, Go_East, Go_West, Go_Up, Go_Down);
package Direction_Management is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Maps
(String, Directions);
Direction_Map : Direction_Management.Map;
function Is_Valid_Direction(Direction_To_Go : in String) return Integer is
Room : Integer := 0;
case Direction_Map(To_Upper(Direction_To_Go)) is
when Go_North => Room := Building(CurrentRoom).Exits(NORTH);
when Go_South => Room := Building(CurrentRoom).Exits(SOUTH);
when Go_East => Room := Building(CurrentRoom).Exits(EAST);
when Go_West => Room := Building(CurrentRoom).Exits(WEST);
when Go_Up => Room := Building(CurrentRoom).Exits(UP);
when Go_Down => Room := Building(CurrentRoom).Exits(DOWN);
end case;
return Room;
when Constraint_Error =>
return 0;
end Is_Valid_Direction;
Direction_Map.Insert("NORTH", Go_North);
Direction_Map.Insert("N", Go_North);
Direction_Map.Insert("SOUTH", Go_South);
Direction_Map.Insert("S", Go_South);
Direction_Map.Insert("EAST", Go_East);
Direction_Map.Insert("E", Go_East);
Direction_Map.Insert("WEST", Go_West);
Direction_Map.Insert("W", Go_West);
Direction_Map.Insert("UP", Go_Up);
Direction_Map.Insert("U", Go_Up);
Direction_Map.Insert("DOWN", Go_Down);
Direction_Map.Insert("D", Go_Down);
end Case_Map;

The GNAT compiler itself uses a hash table that maps strings (identifiers, keywords,...) to integer. This is the package, and GNATCOLL.Symbolic provides a similar API. This simplifies a number of things (string comparison for instance is much faster), and allow the use of case statements as in your example. So if you are using a limited (or at least slow-growing) list of strings, GNATCOLL.Symbolic might be a suitable approach


Adding Map Elements to Slice in Sequential Orde

I'm working on a text wrapping function. I want it to break a long line of text into string slices of a maximum length of characters. I've got it mostly working. However, sometimes the words are placed out of order.
This happens when there is a long word followed by a short word. I believe the program sees the longer word will not fit on the line so it skips that word and adds in the next word that will fit.
As this is text, the words must stay in the correct order. How can I force the loop to only add words in the correct order?
Actual Output:
[]string{" Go back out of the hotel entrance and your is", " room on lower ground a private street", " entrance."}
Expected Output:
[]string{" Go back out of the hotel entrance and your", " room is on lower ground a private street", " entrance."}
This is what I have so far.
package main
import (
func main() {
directions := "Go back out of the hotel entrance and your room is on the lower ground a private street entrance."
ws := strings.Split(directions, " ")
neededSlices := strings.Count(directions, "") / 48
if strings.Count(directions, "")%48 != 0 {
ls := make([]string, neededSlices, neededSlices)
keys := make(map[string]bool)
for i := 0; i < len(ls); i++ {
for _, v := range ws {
if _, ok := keys[v]; !ok {
if strings.Count(ls[i], "")+strings.Count(v, "") <= 48 {
ls[i] = ls[i] + " " + v
keys[v] = true
fmt.Printf("%#v", ls)
I think this is simple implementation of what you need
package main
import (
func main() {
directions := "Go back out of the hotel entrance and your room is on the lower ground a private street entrance."
ws := strings.Split(directions, " ")
sl := []string{""}
i := 0
for _,word := range ws {
if (len(sl[i]) + len(word) + 1) >=48 {
sl = append(sl, "")
sl[i] += " " + word
fmt.Printf("%#v", sl)
The first problem I notice is your usage of a map. A map can only contain a key once. Due to this, your code will only contain each word once in one of the output slices.
The second problem is that you iterate over the whole ws array again for each iteration of the ls slice. I guess you tried to work around this issue with the map?
The solution would be to iterate only once over ws and assign the words to the index in ls.
Also note that strings.Count returns the number of characters (unicode points) in the string plus 1.
Your code btw also adds a space at the beginning of each string in the slice. I am not sure if this is intended (your expected output matches this). In my example solution I deviate from that so my output does not 100% match your stated expected output but I think it gives a more expected result.
package main
import (
func main() {
directions := "Go back out of the hotel entrance and your hotel room is on the lower ground a private street entrance."
ws := strings.Split(directions, " ")
ls := []string{}
l := 0 // current line length
i := -1
for _, v := range ws {
lv := strings.Count(v, "")-1
if l == 0 || l+lv+1 > 48 {
ls = append(ls, v)
l = lv
ls[i] += " " + v
l += lv+1
fmt.Printf("%#v", ls)
Go Playground:

ADA - Records in a hashmap. Problems with printing the hash map

I'm new to programming and this is my first attempt at a data container with records. I'm having difficulty with printing the hashmap between line 65-70. I'm guessing I need to break down the record and print each of its attributes individually but I'm not sure on the best way to do that. The error state 'no candidates match the actuals: missing argument for parameter.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO; use Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Hash;
with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps;
with Ada.Characters.Handling;
procedure Hashmap_Records is
type Guest is record
Name : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
Attending : Boolean := False;
Vegitarian : Boolean := False;
Kids : Natural := 0;
end record;
function Equivalent_Keys(Left : Unbounded_String;
Right : Unbounded_String)
return Boolean is
return Left = Right;
end Equivalent_Keys;
function U_To_L(Key : in Unbounded_String)
return Unbounded_String is
return To_Unbounded_String(Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower(To_String(Key)));
end U_To_L;
function Hash_Func(Key : in Unbounded_String)
return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is
return Ada.Strings.Hash(To_String(Key));
end Hash_Func;
package Guest_Tracker is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps(Key_Type => Unbounded_String,
Element_Type => Guest,
Hash => Hash_Func,
Equivalent_Keys => Equivalent_Keys);
Tracked_Guests : Guest_Tracker.Map;
User_Input : Natural := 0;
Name_Input : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
Name : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
Attendance_Input : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
Vegitarian_Input : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
Kids_Input : Natural := 0;
Temp_Attendance : Boolean := False;
Temp_Vegi : Boolean := False;
Procedure Populate_Hash_Map is
Tracked_Guests.Insert(Key => To_Unbounded_String("John Smith"),
New_Item => (To_Unbounded_String("John"), True, False, 1));
Tracked_Guests.Insert(Key => To_Unbounded_String("Robert Johnson"),
New_Item => (To_Unbounded_String("Rob"), True, True, 2));
end Populate_Hash_Map;
procedure Print_Hash_Map(Position : Guest_Tracker.Cursor) is ---
Put_Line("The key: " & To_String(Guest_Tracker.Key(Position)) &
" the data item: ");
Put(Guest_Tracker.Element(Position)); ----THIS IS WHERE ERRORS OCCUR
end Print_Hash_Map; ----
Put_Line(" - Menu - ");
Put_Line(" - 1 - Enter new value.");
Put_Line(" - 2 - Delete Existing Value.");
Put_Line(" - 3 - Print entire hashmap.");
Put_Line(" - 4 - Exit Application.");
Put(" - > ");
when Data_Error =>
Put_Line("ERROR : The entered value is not an integer, please try again!");
User_Input := 0;
when others =>
Put_Line("ERROR: An unknown error has occured!");
if User_Input = 1 then
Put_Line("Enter a new value.");
Put(" Name - > ");
Name_Input := Get_Line;
Name := Name_Input;
Put(" Attending? (yes/y/no/n) - > ");
Attendance_Input := Get_Line;
Put(" Vegitarian? (yes/y/no/n) - > ");
Vegitarian_Input := Get_Line;
Put("How many children attending? - > ");
if (U_To_L(Attendance_Input) = To_Unbounded_String("no"))
or (U_To_L(Attendance_Input) = To_Unbounded_String("n")) then
Temp_Attendance := False;
elsif (U_To_L(Attendance_Input) = To_Unbounded_String("y"))
or (U_To_L(Attendance_Input) = To_Unbounded_String("yes")) then
Temp_attendance := True;
Put_Line("WARNING: The confirmation that you entered is not recognized.");
end if;
if (U_To_L(Vegitarian_Input) = To_Unbounded_String("no"))
or (U_To_L(Vegitarian_Input) = To_Unbounded_String("n")) then
Temp_Vegi := False;
elsif (U_To_L(Vegitarian_Input) = To_Unbounded_String("y"))
or (U_To_L(Vegitarian_Input) = To_Unbounded_String("yes")) then
Temp_Vegi := True;
Put_Line("WARNING: The confirmation that you entered is not recognized.");
end if;
Guest_Tracker.Insert(Container => Tracked_Guests,
Key => Name_Input,
New_item => (Name, Temp_Attendance, Temp_Vegi, Kids_Input));
elsif User_Input = 2 then
Put("Delete a value - > ");
Name_Input := Get_Line;
Guest_Tracker.Delete(Container => Tracked_Guests,
Key => Name_Input);
when Constraint_Error =>
Put_Line("The name: '" & To_String(Name_Input) & "' is not found.");
when others =>
Put_Line("ERROR: Another error has been discovered!");
elsif User_Input = 3 then
elsif User_Input = 4 then
end if;
end loop;
end Hashmap_Records;
This has nothing to do with the hash map. You are assuming that there is a Put procedure that outputs your record type Guest but there is none. You only have the Put subroutines from Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO and Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO available, none of which take a value of type Guest as parameter.
Ada does not automatically generate a subroutine to pretty-print a record value when you define the record type. You have to do it yourself, e.g.
procedure Put (Value : Guest) is
Put ("Guest(Name: "); -- supplied by Ada.Text_IO
Put (Value.Name); -- supplied by Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO
Put (", Attending: ");
Put (Value.Attending'Img); -- 'Img is GNAT-specific; standard is
-- Boolean'Image (Value.Attending)
Put (", Vegitarian: ");
Put (Value.Vegitarian'Img);
Put (", Kids: ");
Put (Value.Kids); -- supplied by Ada.Integer_Text_IO
Put (")");
end Put;

Finding longest word in golang

Trying to find the longest word using Go from a sentence.
At the moment I am using this method:
func longestWord(s string) string {
newArr := strings.Split(s, " ")
l := len(newArr[0])
long := newArr[0]
var result string
// fmt.Println(long)
for _, lenString := range newArr {
if len(lenString) > l {
// ll := len(lenString)
// l := len(lenString)
d := &l
p := &long
c := &result
*d = len(lenString)
*p = lenString
*c = lenString
// fmt.Println(lenString)
} else {
c := &result
*c = newArr[0]
return result
func main() {
args := "Monday Tuesday Friday Sunday Wednesday"
But I'm not sure that this is the best method to achieve that. Is there any other elegant way to do that? I know that there is one more method by using sort, but I would prefer more using the way with iteration between words.
"Best" solution
We can even write it more compact than the other answers by taking advantage of the following:
using tuple assignments
initializing the best and its length with the zero values ("" and 0) and omitting the check for 0 words as the for range handles that properly
no need to store words as a local variable as it is only used in the loop
We lose nothing from readability:
func longestWord(s string) string {
best, length := "", 0
for _, word := range strings.Split(s, " ") {
if len(word) > length {
best, length = word, len(word)
return best
Testing it:
fmt.Printf("%q\n", longestWord(""))
args := "Monday Tuesday Friday Sunday Wednesday"
fmt.Printf("%q\n", longestWord(args))
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
Most compact solution
Note that storing the length of the best is optional and is purely for optimization purposes, since if we have best, its length is always len(best).
Taking advantage of this, and that we can use named result parameters (and that all variables are initialized to the zero value of their types unless an initial value is provided–which for string is ""), we can even write it more compact, again losing nothing from readability:
func longestWord(s string) (best string) {
for _, word := range strings.Split(s, " ") {
if len(word) > len(best) {
best = word
Testing and output is the same, try it on the Go Playground. Again, in most cases this is probably slightly slower compared to when we stored the length too.
That totally works! You could make it a bit shorter, while also using longer variable names that explain a bit more about your intention.
func longestWord(s string) string {
words := strings.Split(s, " ")
if len(words) == 0 {
return ""
best := words[0]
best_length := 0
for _, word := range words {
if len(word) > best_length {
best = word
best_length = len(word)
return best
You could change this to track a pointer instead of the word itself if you like.
I would do it like this:
func longestWord(s string) string {
newArr := strings.Split(s, " ")
longestWord := ""
longestLength := 0
// loop through the array
for _, word := range newArr {
// save length of word in the actual iteration
length := len(word)
// if length is larger, than longest
if length > longestLength {
// save the new longest word
longestWord = word
longestLength = length
// return the longest word
return longestWord
Implementation can be found on the go playground

Ada: Getting user input to a String(1..10) and filling the rest with whitespace

I have defined
subtype String10 is String(1..10);
and I am attempting to get keyboard input to it without having to manually enter whitespace before hitting enter. I tried get_line() but from some reason it wouldn't actually wait for input before outputting the get put() command, and I also think it will just leave whatever was in the string before there and not fill it with white space.
I know about and have used Bounded_String and Unbounded_String, but I am wondering if there is a way to make this work.
I've tried making a function for it:
procedure getString10(s : string10) is
c : character;
k : integer;
for i in integer range 1..10 loop
if Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_Line = false then
s(i) := c;
k := i;
end if;
end loop;
for i in integer range k..10 loop
s(i) := ' ';
end loop;
end getString10;
but, here, I know the s(i) doesn't work, and I don't think the
"if Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_Line = false then"
does what I'm hoping it will do either. It's kinda just a placeholder while I look for the actual way to do it.
I been searching for a couple hours now, but Ada documentation isn't as available or clear as other languages. I've found a lot about getting strings, but not what I'm looking for.
Just pre-initialize the string with spaces before calling Get_Line.
Here's a little program I just threw together:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Foo is
S: String(1 .. 10) := (others => ' ');
Last: Integer;
Put("Enter S: ");
Get_Line(S, Last);
Put_Line("S = """ & S & """");
Put_Line("Last = " & Integer'Image(Last));
end Foo;
and the output I get when I run it:
Enter S: hello
S = "hello "
Last = 5
Another possibility, rather than pre-initializing the string, is to set the remainder to spaces after the Get_Line call:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Foo is
S: String(1 .. 10);
Last: Integer;
Put("Enter S: ");
Get_Line(S, Last);
S(Last+1 .. S'Last) := (others => ' ');
Put_Line("S = """ & S & """");
Put_Line("Last = " & Integer'Image(Last));
end Foo;
For very large arrays, the latter approach might be more efficient because it doesn't assign the initial portion of the string twice, but in practice the difference is unlikely to be significant.
As an alternative, use either function Get_Line, which returns a fixed-length String that "has a lower bound of 1 and an upper bound of the number of characters read." The example Line_By_Line uses the variation that reads from a file. If need be, you can then use procedure Move to copy the Source string to the Target string; the procedure automatically pads with space by default.
Addendum: For example, this Line_Test pads with * and silently truncates long lines on the right.
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Line_Test is
Line_Count : Natural := 0;
Buffer: String(1 .. 10);
while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File loop
Line : String := Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line;
Line_Count := Line_Count + 1;
Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put(Line_Count, 0);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(": " & Line);
Source => Line,
Target => Buffer,
Drop => Ada.Strings.Right,
Justify => Ada.Strings.Left,
Pad => '*');
Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put(Line_Count, 0);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(": " & Buffer);
end loop;
end Line_Test;

How to detect if a character from a string is upper or lower case?

I'm expanding a class of mine for storing generic size strings to allow more flexible values for user input. For example, my prior version of this class was strict and allowed only the format of 2x3 or 9x12. But now I'm making it so it can support values such as 2 x 3 or 9 X 12 and automatically maintain the original user's formatting if the values get changed.
The real question I'm trying to figure out is just how to detect if one character from a string is either upper or lower case? Because I have to detect case sensitivity. If the deliminator is 'x' (lowercase) and the user inputs 'X' (uppercase) inside the value, and case sensitivity is turned off, I need to be able to find the opposite-case as well.
I mean, the Pos() function is case sensitive...
Delphi 7 has UpperCase() and LowerCase() functions for strings. There's also UpCase() for characters.
If I want to search for a substring within another string case insensitively, I do this:
if Pos('needle', LowerCase(hayStack)) > 0 then
You simply use lower case string literals (or constants) and apply the lowercase function on the string before the search. If you'll be doing a lot of searches, it makes sense to convert just once into a temp variable.
Here's your case:
a := '2 x 3'; // Lowercase x
b := '9 X 12'; // Upper case X
x := Pos('x', LowerCase(a)); // x = 3
x := Pos('x', LowerCase(b)); // x = 3
To see if a character is upper or lower, simply compare it against the UpCase version of it:
a := 'A';
b := 'b';
upper := a = UpCase(a); // True
upper := b = UpCase(b); // False
try using these functions (which are part of the Character unit)
For ansi versions of delphi you can use the GetStringTypeEx functions to fill a list with each ansi character type information. and thne compare the result of each element against the $0001(Upper Case) or $0002(Lower Case) values.
LAnsiChars: array [AnsiChar] of Word;
procedure FillCharList;
lpSrcStr: AnsiChar;
lpCharType: Word;
for lpSrcStr := Low(AnsiChar) to High(AnsiChar) do
lpCharType := 0;
GetStringTypeExA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, CT_CTYPE1, #lpSrcStr, SizeOf(lpSrcStr), lpCharType);
LAnsiChars[lpSrcStr] := lpCharType;
function CharIsLower(const C: AnsiChar): Boolean;
C1_LOWER = $0002;
Result := (LAnsiChars[C] and C1_LOWER) <> 0;
function CharIsUpper(const C: AnsiChar): Boolean;
C1_UPPER = $0001;
Result := (LAnsiChars[C] and C1_UPPER) <> 0;
on E:Exception do
Writeln(E.Classname, ': ', E.Message);
if myChar in ['A'..'Z'] then
// uppercase
if myChar in ['a'..'z'] then
// lowercase
// not an alpha char
..or D2009 on..
if charInSet(myChar,['A'..'Z']) then
// uppercase
if charInSet(myChar,['a'..'z']) then
// lowercase
// not an alpha char
The JCL has routines for this in the JclStrings unit, eg CharIsUpper and CharIsLower. SHould work in Delphi 7.
AnsiPos() is not case-sensitive. You can also force upper or lower case, irrespective of what the user enters using UpperCase() and LowerCase().
Just throwing this out there since you may find it far more simple than the other (very good) answers.
