Who schedules threads? - linux

I have a question about scheduling threads. on the one hand, I learned that threads are scheduled and treated as processes in Linux, meaning they get scheduled like any other process using the conventional methods. (for example, the Completely Fair Scheduler in linux)
On the other hand, I also know that the CPU might also switch between threads using methods like Switch on Event or Fine-grain. For example, on cache miss event the CPU switches a thread. but what if the scheduler doesn't want to switch the thread? how do they agree on one action?
I'm really confused between the two: who schedules a thread? the OS or the CPU?
thanks alot :)

The answer is both.
What happens is really fairly simple: on a CPU that supports multiple threads per core (e.g., an Intel with Hyperthreading) the CPU appears to the OS as having some number of virtual cores. For example, an Intel i7 has 4 actual cores, but looks to the OS like 8 cores.
The OS schedules 8 threads onto those 8 (virtual) cores. When it's time to do a task switch, the OS's scheduler looks through the threads and finds the 8 that are...the most eligible to run (taking into account things like thread priority, time since they last ran, etc.)
The CPU has only 4 real cores, but those cores support executing multiple instructions simultaneously (and out of order, in the absence of dependencies). Incoming instructions get decoded and thrown into a "pool". Each clock cycle, the CPU tries to find some instructions in that pool that don't depend on the results of some previous instruction.
With multiple threads per core, what happens is basically that each actual core has two input streams to put into the "pool" of instructions it might be able to execute in a given clock cycle. Each clock cycle it still looks for instructions from that pool that don't depend on the results of previous instructions that haven't finished executing yet. If it finds some, it puts them into the execution units and executes them. The only major change is that each instruction now needs some sort of tag attached to designate which "virtual core" will be used to store results into--that is, each of the two threads has (for example) its own set of registers, and instructions from each thread have to write to the registers for that virtual core.
It is possible, however, for a CPU to support some degree of thread priority so that (for example) if the pool of available instructions includes some instructions from both input threads (or all N input threads, if there are more than two) it will prefer to choose instructions from one thread over instructions from another thread in any given clock cycle. This can be absolute, so it runs thread A as fast as possible, and thread B only with cycles A can't use, or it can be a "milder" preference, such as attempting to maintain a 2:1 ratio of instructions executed (or, of course, essentially any other ratio preferred).
Of course, there are other ways of setting up priorities as well (such as partitioning execution resources), but the general idea remains the same.
An OS that's aware of shared cores like this can also modify its scheduling to suit, such as scheduling only one thread on a pair of cores if that thread has higher priority.

The OS handles scheduling and dispatching of ready threads, (those that require CPU), onto cores, managing CPU execution in a similar fashion as it manages other resources. A cache-miss is no reason to swap out a thread. A page-fault, where the desired page is not loaded into RAM at all, may cause a thread to be blocked until the page gets loaded from disk. The memory-management hardware does that by generating a hardware interrupt to an OS driver that handles the page-fault.


How Tasks are scheduled in a multi-core processor

I've got confused about how tasks are scheduled in a multi-core processor. Actually, different sources have different opinions. Importantly, there isn't enough document about tasks scheduling mechanism in a multi-core processor. Therefore, I decided to ask you a question.
I depicted a process that contains a process kernel thread, and two user-level threads. and provide a pseudo-code about the processing logic.
The question is, How this process will be executed in a multi-core processing unite that contains 2 physical cores and 4 logical processors (each core has 2). Such that, there are not any waiting processes, and the CPU was assigned to the process completely.
I guess it works like below:
Note: PKT_C1_LP1 means process kernel thread is assigned to core 1 and logical processor 1
|--PKT_C1_LP1--1s--| |--T1_C1_LP1--1s--| |--TSK1_C1_LP1--1s--|
|--T2_C1_LP2--2s-----------| |--TSK2_C1_LP2--1s--|
----------- timeline ----------->
Seems like the answer(s) to your question(s) will depend a lot on what
OS and scheduler your system is running.
Because there aren't any waiting processes and also enough resources. So I believe that almost all of the scheduling algorithms in any os will have insignificant differences. However, let's say, for simplicity it is:
non-preemptive FCFS scheduling
Here's a timing diagram of the code that each thread needs to execute. This imagines a maximal case where each task immmediately spawns a new thread. The green sections are infinitesimally short pieces of code (think, "not-to-scale") but are basically just scheduling operations. And the red sections are similarly short process EXIT and thread END scheduling operations. (I've omitted penalties associated with thread creation. And notice that worker threads do not END, they just go idle, and they stay in a thread pool.
Basic Timing Diagram
Now the first thing you'll notice is that, because of the way tasks work, the second task can be executed on the same thread that scheduled it, because no more tasks are scheduled, and the thread is only going to await that task. This has nothing to do with thread scheduling, and everything to do with how tasks efficiently manage their pool of worker threads. This is application-level code, not os-level code that accomplishes this. The diagram below requires 1 fewer threads thanks to tasks.
Timing Diagram with smarter tasks
Now we can look at what the scheduler needs to do. We are still dealing with only logical processors. (The details of which core will execute which thread are complicated so let's leave that out for the moment.) Here we see that we can naively execute all each of these threads on their own processor.
Greedy usage of processors
It will likely be more efficient to execute the worker thread on one of the previous processors. They are idle when worker thread 1 needs to execute, so it makes more sense to reuse one of the previously allocated processors. Here task 1 code in worker thread 1 is shown executing on processor 2 (could also have been assigned to processor 1 because it is also free, but stay tuned for the next diagram and you'll see why I put it on processor 2).
Schedule thread to reuse a processor
And finally, we can construct the last version that takes us to the most efficient scheduling. This hinges on optimizing the case where you create a thread and then immediately join a thread. Different operating systems try to optimize this case so that the newly created thread can run on the same processor. It means that creating the thread doesn't immediately schedule the new thread on a free processor and burn the cost of a context switch back to the thread that scheduled it. Instead, the new thread is scheduled when we block in our Join operation, or when the next clock interrupt occurs. If we can quickly get to our Join call before an interrupt triggers the scheduler (we're talking < 10 ms on a typical operating systems for such things to be triggered by the clock chip) then the scheduling will happen more efficiently like this (below), where thread 2 can be scheduled to run on the same processor without a context switch. (Interestingly, Linux and Windows optimize this case differently.)
Final timing diagram
You'll notice (above) that this can now all execute on only two logical processors.
Whether it is more efficient to run these on separate cores or different logical processors of the same core is a nuance of the operating system again that depends highly on virtual memory usage and also the hardware specs of the processor and its caches. Different operating systems will do different things here, too. And the details matter greatly. Non-uniform memory architecture would affect the decision too.
In the real world, the operating system may use heuristics to determine the best priority and placement for threads and processes. The real world answer is so much different and more nuanced than this "computer science" answer I've given and depends on the specific details.
Additional Reading/Viewing:
Windows and Linux: A Tale of Two Kernels - Tech-Ed 2004 (Older but excellent info)
Processes, Threads, and Jobs in the Windows Operating System
Scheduling: Introduction; and Multiprocessor Scheduling (Advanced)
Capacity Aware Scheduling

What is the difference between CPU core's thread and any software's application thread?

I have a web application which supports multi threading in which we can run async tasks simultaneously on different thread. I understood what that thread mean.
Now suppose the server on which the application is running has multiple cores CPU with hyper threading enabled.
Now, how my application is supposed to take advantage of these threads. Is there any relation between these two which I am missing.
What i understand from CPU's threads is that
A thread is a single line of commands that are getting processed, each application has at least one thread, most have multiples. A core is the physical hardware that works on the thread. In general a processor can only work on one thread per core, CPUs with hyper threading can work on up to two threads per core.
For processors with hyper threading, there are extra registers and execution units in the core so it can store the state of two threads and work on them both, normally to change threads you have to empty the registers into the cache, write that back to the main memory, then load up the cache with the new values and load up the registers, context switches hurt performance significantly.
But when you have too much backgrounds tasks running, how they are utilizing just limited number of core's threads (i.e. 2 to 8).
PS: I have already checked What is the difference between a process and a thread? and not looking for definition of process. So its not a duplicate.
If you are making use of multiple cores in your program, then the os will schedule which cores run which threads and will take many factors into account, including other processes running, what exactly your code is trying to do, and much more. In regards to async tasks, these may not necessarily be running on a different thread or core, they may be tasks that are not instantaneous, so some scheduler may decide to start doing other things until there is a signal that the async task is complete. It will vary widely depending on the language you are programming the web application in, and the implementation.

Maximum number of threads and multithreading

I'm tripping up on the multithreading concept.
For example, my processor has 2 cores (and with hyper threading) 2 threads per core totaling to 4 thread. So does this mean my CPU can execute four separate instructions simultaneously? Is each thread capable of being a multi-thread?
So does this mean my CPU can execute four separate instructions simultaneously? Is each thread capable of being a multi-thread?
In short to both, yes.
A CPU can only execute 1 single instruction per phase in a clock cycle, due to certain factors like pipelining, a CPU might be able to pass multiple instructions through the different phases in a single clock cycle, and the frequency of the clock might be extremely fast, but it's still only 1 instruction at a time.
As an example, NOP is an x86 assembly instruction which the CPU interprets as "no operation this cycle" that's 1 instruction out of the hundreds or thousands (and more) that are executed from something even as simple as:
int main(void)
while (1) { /* eat CPU */ }
return 0;
A CPU thread of execution is one in which a series of instructions (a thread of instructions) are being executed, it does not matter from what "application" the instructions are coming from, a CPU does not know about high level concepts (like applications), that's a function of the OS.
So if you have a computer with 2 (or 4/8/128/etc.) CPU's that share the same memory (cache/RAM), then you can have 2 (or more) CPU's that can run 2 (or more) instructions at (literally) the exact same time. Keep in mind that these are machine instructions that are running at the same time (i.e. the physical side of the software).
An OS level thread is something a bit different. While the CPU handles the physical side of the execution, the OS handles the logical side. The above code breaks down into more than 1 instruction and when executed, actually gets run on more than 1 CPU (in a multi-CPU aware environment), even though it's a single "thread" (at the OS level), the OS schedules when to run the next instructions and on what CPU (based on the OS's thread scheduling policy, which is different amongst the various OS's). So the above code will eat up 100% CPU usage per a given "time slice" on that CPU it's running on.
This "slicing" of "time" (also known as preemptive computing) is why an OS can run multiple applications "at the same time", it's not literally1 at the same time since a CPU can only handle 1 instruction at a time, but to a human (who can barely comprehend the length of 1 second), it appears "at the same time".
1) except in the case with a multi-CPU setup, then it might be literally the same time.
When an application is run, the kernel (the OS) actually spawns a separate thread (a kernel thread) to run the application on, additionally the application can request to create another external thread (i.e. spawning another process or forking), or by creating an internal thread by calling the OS's (or programming languages) API which actually call lower level kernel routines that spawn and maintain the context switching of the spawned thread, additionally, any created thread is also capable of calling the same API's to spawn other separate threads (thus a thread is capable of being "multi-threaded").
Multi-threading (in the sense of applications and operating systems), is not necessarily portable, so while you might learn Java or C# and use their API's (i.e. Thread.Start or Runnable), utilizing the actual OS API's as provided (i.e. CreateThread or pthread_create and the slew of other concurrency functions) opens a different door for design decisions (i.e. "does platform X support thread library Y"); just something to keep in mind as you explore the different API's.
I hope that can help add some clarity.
I actually researched this very topic in my Operating Systems class.
When using threads, a good rule of thumb for increased performance for CPU bound processes is to use an equal number of threads as cores, except in the case of a hyper-threaded system in which case one should use twice as many cores. The other rule of thumb that can be concluded is for I/O bound processes. This rule is to quadruple the number threads per cores, except for the case of a hyper-threaded system than one can quadruple the number of threads per core.

Process with multiple threads on multiprocessor system. How do they work?

So I was reading about Processes and Threads and I had a question. Following is the scenario.
Uniprocessor Environment
I understand that the OS rotates the processes over processor for a particular time period.(quantum) . Now I get it when the process is single threaded, ie just one path of execution. In that case, whenever it is assigned the processor, it continues with it's execution. Let's say the process forks and or just creates a new thread. Now how does the entire process works? Is it that the OS will say to process P "Go on, continue with execution" and the Process within itself will pick the new thread or the parent thread on rotation? So that if there are more than two threads, the rotation seems fair to each thread. Or does the OS actually interacts with the threads? (In that case I am not sure what happens).
Multiprocessor Environment
Now say I have a multiprocessor environment. Now in this case, if there was just uni-threaded process, then OS will assign either of the processors to it and on it will go with it's execution. Now say, there are multiple threads in the Process. Now if I assign one of the processor to the process, and ask it to continue it's execution, and the Process has to pick either of the thread for it's execution, then there never will be parallel processing going on in that specific process. Since the process will have to put either of it's threads on the processor.
So how does it happen in both the cases?
Process Scheduing
Operating Systems ultimately control these types of thread scheduling.
Windows systems are priority-based and so will allow a process to consume more resources that others. This is why your machine can 'hang', if a process has been escalated to a high priority. Priorities are ranged between 1-31 as far as I know.
Mac OS / Linux / Unix are time-based, allowing all processes to have equal amounts of CPU time. Therefore loading more processes will slow your system down as they all share a smaller slice of execution time.
Uniprocessor Environment
The OS is ultimately responsible for this but switching processes involves (I cannot guarantee accuracy here, but its just an indication):
Halting a process / thread
Storing the current stack (code location)
Storing the current registers of the CPU
Asking the kernel for the next process/thread to run
Kernel indicates which one has to be run
OS reloads the registers from the cache
OS reloads the current stack for the next application.
Resumes the process
Obviously the more threads and processes you have running, the slower it will become. The problem is that the time taken to switch processes can actually take longer than the time allowed to execute the process.
Threads are just child processes of a single process. For a single processor, it just looks like additional work.
Multi-processor Environment
Multi-processor environments work differently as the cache is shared amongst processors. I believe these are called L1 (Level) and L2 caches. So the difference is that processor A can reload the state stored by processor B without conflicts. 'Hyper-threading' also has the same approach, although this is processor specific. The difference here is that a processor could solely control a specific process - this is called 'CPU Affinity' Its not encouraged for every process, but it does allow an application to have a dedicated processor to work off.
This is OS-specific, of course, but most operating systems schedule at the thread level. A process is just a grouping of threads. For example, on Linux, threads are called "tasks" and each is scheduled independently. They are created with the clone call. What is typically called a thread is a task which shares its address space (and other resources such as file descriptors, mount points, etc.) with the creating task. Note that the clone call can also create what is typically called a process if the flags to enable sharing are not passed.
Considering the above, any thread may be scheduled at any time on any processor, no matter how many processors there are available. That said, most OSs also attempt to maintain some measure of processor affinity to avoid excessive cache misses, but usually if a thread is runnable and a different CPU is available, it will change CPUs. Often there is also a way to specify which CPUs a particular thread may execute upon.
Doesn't matter whether there is 1 or 128 processors. The OS manages access to resources to try an efficiently match up requests with availabilty, and that includes CPU execution. If a thread is running, it has already managed to get some CPU but, if it requests a resource that is not immediately available, it no longer needs any CPU until that other resource does become free, and so the OS will remove CPU execution from it and, if there is another thread that is waiting for CPU, it will hand it over. When the requested reource does become available, the thread will be made ready again. If there is a core free, it will be made running 'immediately', if not, the CPU scheduling algorithm makes a decision on whether to stop a currently-running thread to free up a core or to leave the newly-ready thrad waiting.
It's better to try and ignore things like 'time-slice, quantum, priority' - it causes much confusion and FUD. If a running thread wants something it cannot have yet, it doesn't need any more CPU cycles, and the OS will take them away and, if another thread needs it, apply them there. That is why preemptive multitaskers exist - to match up threads with resources in an attempt to maximize forward progress.

What is the relationship between threads (in a Java or a C++ program) and number of cores in the CPU?

Can someone shed some light on it?
An i7 processor can run 8 threads but I am pretty sure we can create more than 8 threads in a JAVA or C++ program(not sure though). I have an i5 processor and while studying concurrency I have created 10 threads for assignments. I am just trying to understand how Core rating of CPU is related to threads.
The thread you are refering to is called a software thread; and you can create as many software threads as you need, as long as your operating system allows it. Each software thread, or code snippet, can run concurrently from the others.
For each core, there is at least one hardware thread to which the operating system can assign a software thread. If you have 8 cores, for example, then you have a hardware thread pool of capacity 8. You can map tens or hundreds of software threads to this 8-slot pool, where only 8 threads are actually running on hardware at the same time, i.e. in parallel.
Software threads are like people sharing the same computer. Each one can use this computer up to some time, not necessarily have his task completed, then give it up to another.
Hardware threads are like people having a computer for each of them. All of them can proceed with their tasks at the same time.
Note: For i7, there are two hardware threads (so called hyper-threading) in each core. So you can have up to 16 threads running in parallel.
There are already a couple of good answers talking about the hardware side of things, but there isn't much talk about the software side of things.
The essential fact that I believe you're missing is that not all threads have to be executing all the time. When you have thousands of threads on an 8 core machine, only a few of them are actually running at any given time. The others are sitting around doing nothing until some processor time becomes free. This has huge advantages because threads might be waiting on other resources, too. For example, if I have one thread trying to read a file from disk, then there's no reason for it to be taking up CPU time while it's waiting for the hard disk data to load into RAM. Another example is when the thread is waiting for a response from some other machine (such as a web request over the internet). When you have more threads than your processor can handle at once, the operating system and/or runtime (It depends on the OS and runtime implementation.) are responsible for deciding which threads should get available processor time. This kind of set up lets you maximize your machine's productivity because CPU cycles are doing something useful almost all the time.
A "thread" is a software abstraction which defines a single, self-consistent path of execution through the program: in most modern systems, the number of threads is basically only limited by memory. However, only a comparatively small number of threads can be run simultaneously by the CPU. Broadly speaking, the "core count" is how many threads the CPU can run truly in parallel: if there are more threads that want to run than there are cores available, the operating system will use time-slicing of some sort to let all the threads get some time to execute.
There are a whole bunch of terms which are thrown around when it comes to "cores:"
Processor count: the number of physical CPU chips on a system's motherboard. This used to be the only number that mattered, until CPUs with multiple cores became available.
Logical core count: the number of threads that the system hardware can run in parallel
Physical core count: the number of copies of the CPU execution hardware that the system has -- this is not always equal to the logical core count, due to features like SMT ("simultaneous multithreading") which use a single piece of hardware to run multiple threads in parallel
Module count: Recent (Bulldozer-derived) AMD processors have used an architecture which is a hybrid between SMT and the standard one-logical-core-per-physical-core model. On these CPUs, there is a separate copy of the integer execution hardware for each logical core, but two logical cores share a floating-point unit and the fetch-and-decode frontend; AMD calls the unit containing two logical cores a module.
It should also be briefly mentioned that GPUs, graphics cards, have enormous core counts and run huge numbers (thousands) of threads in parallel. The trade-off is that GPU cores have very little memory and often a substantially restricted programming model.
Threads are handled by the OS's scheduler. The number of cores in a CPU determine how many threads it can run at the same time.
Note that threads are constantly switched in and out by the scheduler to give the "illusion" that everything is running at the same time.
More here, if you're interested.
no, no, no... Your I7 has eight execution threads and can run 8 threads at once.
1000 threads or more can be waiting for processor time.
calling thread.sleep moves a thread off the execution core and back into memory where it waits until woken.
