WHERE variable = ( subquery ) in OpenSQL - subquery

I'm trying to retrieve rows from a table where a subquery matches an variable. However, it seems as if the WHERE clause only lets me compare fields of the selected tables against a constant, variable or subquery.
I would expect to write something like this:
DATA(lv_expected_lines) = 5.
SELECT partner contract_account
INTO TABLE lt_bp_ca
FROM table1 AS tab1
WHERE lv_expected_lines = (
FROM table2
WHERE partner = tab1~partner
AND contract_account = tab1~contract_account ).
But obviously this select treats my local variable as a field name and it gives me the error "Unknown column name "lv_expected_lines" until runtime, you cannot specify a field list."
But in standard SQL this is perfectly possible:
WHERE 5 = (
So how can I replicate this logic in RSQL / Open SQL?
If there's no way I'll probably just write native SQL and be done with it.

The program below might lead you to an Open SQL solution. It uses the SAP demo tables to determines the plane types that are used on a specific number of flights.
REPORT zgertest_sub_query.
DATA: lt_planetypes TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF s_planetpp.
SELECT planetype
INTO TABLE lt_planetypes
FROM sflight
GROUP BY planetype
HAVING COUNT( * ) EQ p_numf.
LOOP AT lt_planetypes INTO DATA(planetype).
WRITE: / planetype.
It only works if you don't need to read fields from TAB1. If you do you will have to gather these with other selects while looping at your results.

For those dudes who found this question in 2020 I report that this construction is supported since ABAP 7.50. No workarounds are needed:
SELECT kunnr, vkorg
FROM vbak AS v
FROM vbap
WHERE kunnr = v~kunnr
AND vkorg = v~vkorg )
INTO TABLE #DATA(customers).
This select all customers who made 5 sales orders within some sales organization.

In ABAP there is no way to do the query as in NATIVE SQL.
I would advice not to use NATIVE SQL, instead give a try to SELECT/ENDSELECT statement.
DATA: ls_table1 type table1,
lt_table1 type table of table1,
lv_count type i.
INTO ls_table1
INTO lv_count
CHECK lv_count EQ 5.
APPEND ls_table1 TO lt_table1.
Here you append to ls_table1 only those rows where count is equals to 5 in selection of table2.
Hope it helps.


Error Snowflake - Unsupported subquery type cannot be evaluated

I am facing an error in snowflake saying "Unsupported subquery type cannot be evaluated" after for example executing the below statement. How should write this statement to avoid this error?
select A
from (
select b
, c
FROM test_table
) ;
The outer query column list needs to be within the column list of the subquery. example: select b from (select b,c from test_table);
ignoring "columns" the query you have shown will never trigger this error.
You would get it from this form though:
select A.*
from tableA as A
where a.x = (select b.y FROM test_table as b where b.z = a.z)
this form assuming there is only 1 b.y per b.z can be turned into a inner join like
select A.*
from tableA as A
join test_table as b
on b.z = a.z and a.x = b.y
other forms of this pattern do the likes of max(b.y) and those can be made into a sub-select like:
select A.*
from tableA as A
join (
select c.z, max(c.y) from test_table as c group by 1
) as b
on b.z = a.z and a.x = b.y
but the general pattern is, in other databases there is no "cost" to do row-by-row queries, where-as Snowflake is more optimal with pre-building tables of similar data, and then equi-joining those results together. So both the "how-to-write" example pivot from a for-each-row thinking to a build the set of all possible answers, and then join that. This allows for the most parallel processing of the data possible. And while it means you the develop need to understand your data to get he best performance out of it, in general if you are doing large scale data processing, you should be understanding your data. So this costs, is rather acceptable imho.
If you are trying to Match Two Attributes on the Subquery.
Use like below:
If both need to matched:
select * from Table WHERE a IN ( select b FROM test_table ) AND a IN ( select c FROM test_table )
If any one need to matched:
select * from Table WHERE a IN ( select b FROM test_table ) OR a IN ( select c FROM test_table )

Python SQLite 3 query multiple query

I've a problem to in building a query for Python SQLite3 to do the following:
Count a word which appears in columns, if word appears more than 1 time count one.
I've attached a picture to illustrate my table format.
I tried this but the result still counts duplicate values with same ID.
"SELECT id, value, count(value) FROM table WHERE type like'%hi%' GROUP BY value ORDER BY COUNT(*)<1 DESC"
The result needs to be like:
Hi all you need can be achieved with GROUP BY clause.
This should help:
,1 AS cnt
FROM table
GROUP BY id, value
What you're looking for is DISTINCT clause or GROUP BY as mentioned by Peter.
for GROUP BY use this syntax:
,1 AS cnt
FROM table
GROUP BY id, value
for DISTINCT use this one:
,1 AS cnt
FROM table

Correct way to get the last value for a field in Apache Spark or Databricks Using SQL (Correct behavior of last and last_value)?

What is the correct behavior of the last and last_value functions in Apache Spark/Databricks SQL. The way I'm reading the documentation (here: https://docs.databricks.com/spark/2.x/spark-sql/language-manual/functions.html) it sounds like it should return the last value of what ever is in the expression.
So if I have a select statement that does something like
(select * from person_team order by date_joined)
group by person
I should get the last team a person joined, yes/no?
The actual query I'm running is shown below. It is returning a different number each time I execute the query.
select count(distinct patient_id) from (
last_value(data_lot) data_lot
(select * from my_table order by data_lot)
where 1=1
and org = 'my_org'
group by 1,2
order by 1,2
where data_lot in ('2021-01','2021-02')
What is the correct way to get the last value for a given field (for either the team example or my specific example)?
--- EDIT -------------------
I'm thinking collect_set might be useful here, but I get the error shown when I try to run this:
last_value(collect_set(data_lot)) data_lot
group by patient_id
Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: It is not allowed to use an aggregate function in the argument of another aggregate function. Please use the inner aggregate function in a sub-query.;;
Aggregate [patient_id#89338], [patient_id#89338, last_value(collect_set(data_lot#89342, 0, 0), false) AS data_lot#91848]
+- SubqueryAlias spark_catalog.covid.demo
The posts shown below discusses how to get max values (not the same as last in a list ordered by a different field, I want the last team a player joined, the player may have joined the Reds, the A's, the Zebras, and the Yankees, in that order timewise, I'm looking for the Yankees) and these posts get to the solution procedurally using python/r. I'd like to do this in SQL.
Getting last value of group in Spark
Find maximum row per group in Spark DataFrame
--- SECOND EDIT -------------------
I ended up using something like this based upon the accepted answer.
row_number() over (order by provided_date, data_lot) as row_num,
from demo
You can assign row numbers based on an ordering on data_lots if you want to get its last value:
select count(distinct patient_id) from (
select * from (
select *,
row_number() over (partition by patient_id, org_patient_id, org order by data_lots desc) as rn
from my_table
where org = 'my_org'
where rn = 1
where data_lot in ('2021-01','2021-02');

calculate sum with criteria from many columns of another filtered table DAX PowerBi

Hello i want to sum a column but i need to filter the table based on data from another table.
So i have table1 where i want to sum points and i want to sum only the record that for the dates and the names and the classes i find in table 2
I am using measure like this:
Measure 3 = CALCULATE(sum(Table1[points]);Table1[name] in (ALLSELECTED(Table2[name]));Table1[date] in (ALLSELECTED(Table2[date]));Table1[class] in (ALLSELECTED(Table2[class])))
but it does not filter properly,
is there any better way to do this?
One way would be, you create a relationship between the two tables. I think Power BI doesnt support multi relationships between two tables, so you have to add a custom column on both tables with your key <> foreign key. In your case like you mentioned it woulb be the name, date and class (in the query editor):
Key = [name] & [date] & [class]
In my sample here I just use the name as key column.
If the relationship is set you can use the following measure:
You can use TREATAS to filter Table1 based on Table2. No relationship is needed.
Total Points Filtered By Table2 =
SUM ( Table1[point] ),
SUMMARIZE ( Table2, Table2[name], Table2[date], Table2[class] ),
Table1[name], Table1[date], Table1[class]

how to join two or more tables and result set having all distinct values

I have some 20 excel files containing data. all the tables have same columns like id name age location etc..... each file has distinct data but i don't know if data in one file is again repeated in another file. so i want to join all the files and the result st should contain distinct values. please help me out with this problem as soon as possible. i want the result set to be stored in an access database.
I would recomend either linking the sheets in acces, or importing the sheets as tabels.
Then from there try to determine using a DISTINCT select from the tables/sheets the keys required, and only selecting the records as required.
In SQL, you can use JOIN or NATURAL JOIN to join tables. I would look into NATURAL JOIN since you said all tables have the same values.
After that you can use DISTINCT to get distinct values.
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for though: your question asks about excel but you've tagged it with SQL.
If you can use all the tables in one query, you can use a union to get the distinct rows:
select id, name, age, location from Table1
select id, name, age, location from Table2
select id, name, age, location from Table3
You can insert the records directly from the result:
insert into ResultTable
select id, name, age, location from Table1
If you only can select from one table at a time, you can skip the insert of rows that are already in the table:
insert into ResultTable
select t.id, t.name, t.age, t.location from Table1 as t
left join ResultTable as r on r.id = t.id
where r.id is null
(Assuming that id is a unique field identifying the record.)
It seems the unique set of data you want is this:
SELECT T1.name, T1.loc
FROM [Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;DATABASE=C:\db1.xls;
].[Sheet1$] AS T1
SELECT T1.name, T1.loc
FROM [Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;DATABASE=C:\db2.xls;
].[Sheet1$] AS T1
...but that you then want to arbitrarily apply a sequence of integers as id (rather than using the id values from the Excel tables).
Because Access Database Engine does not support common table expressions and Excel does not support VIEWs, you will have to repeat that UNION query as derived tables (hopefully the optimizer will recognize the repeat?) e.g. using a correlated subquery to get the row number:
SELECT T1.name, T1.loc
FROM [Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;DATABASE=C:\db1.xls;
].[Sheet1$] AS T1
SELECT T1.name, T1.loc
FROM [Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;DATABASE=C:\db2.xls;
].[Sheet1$] AS T1
) AS DT1
WHERE DT1.name < DT2.name
) AS id,
DT2.name, DT2.loc
SELECT T2.name, T2.loc
FROM [Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;DATABASE=C:\db1.xls;
].[Sheet1$] AS T2
SELECT T2.name, T2.loc
FROM [Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;DATABASE=C:\db2.xls;
].[Sheet1$] AS T2
) AS DT2;
i want the result set to be stored in
an access database
Then maybe you should migrate the Excel data into a staging table in your Access database and do the data scrubbing from there. At least you could put that derived table into a VIEW :)
Join is to combine two tables by matching the values in corresponding columns. In result, you will get a merged table which consists of the first table, plus the matched rows copied from the second table. You can use DIGBD add-in for excel
