Is there a way to 'store' Sudo temporarily - linux

I'm quite new to Linux. I remember using a tutorial were you were able to declare your sudo (+password) at the start and then use terminal without having to do sudo or import your password again.
Sudo yum-get update -> yum-get update.
Sorry if this is a very obvious question, I honestly don't remember where the tutorial was from, and how to do it again.
ps - if it helps, I'm on a RedHat Distro, but go between Debian and RedHat.

You can use su. This way you are changing the ownership of the session to root (by default, you can also change to any other user on the system) and therefore you will be able to avoid the sudo.
Here you can find some more information on the command.

You may use
sudo -i
It acquires the root user's environment and kind of simulates a login into the root account


The program executed by sudo obtains the wrong DBUS and env

I need to use getenv to determine whether the system is X11 or Wayland, and DBUS to realize the screen capture function.
They work well without sudo.
However, when using sudo, getenv gets the wrong value and gdbus cannot locate DBUS.
I'm pretty sure this is a problem with sudo because I tried
echo $WAYLAND_DISPLAY and sudo echo $Wayland_DISPLAY, d-feet and sudo d-feet. They are right when they don't use sudo.
However, due to the requirements of other functions in the program, I have to use sudo. Is there any good idea?
Is there any good idea?
By default, sudo runs the command in a new, fresh environment. From man sudo:
-E, --preserve-env
Indicates to the security policy that the user wishes to preserve their
existing environment variables. The security policy may return an error
if the user does not have permission to preserve the environment.
Indicates to the security policy that the user wishes to add the comma-
separated list of environment variables to those preserved from the user's
environment. The security policy may return an error if the user does not
have permission to preserve the environment. This option may be specified
multiple times.
You can list the variables you want to preserve.
sudo --preserve-env=DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS,DISPLAY,WAYLAND_DISPLAY,other_variables,etc command

Sudo apt-get install in terminal asking for password

I'm using the AI Platform notebook and I want to install cuda because the Tensorflow can't use GPU.
sudo apt-get install cuda-cudart-10-0
Then in the command line it's asking me for password.
(base) jupyter#cuda-10-1-20201008-115420:~/tutorials/stylegan2$ sudo apt-get install cuda-cudart-10-0
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.
[sudo] password for jupyter:
Sorry, try again.
I don't recall I gave it any password while setting it up. Is there a default password for it?
To answer the first question, our Notebooks provide TensorFlow and when you create it, you can select to install Nvidia Driver automatically. Probably this option was missed during instance creation.
With respect to the second question, from the output, seems to be that you are in Jupyter Terminal.
Jupyter Notebooks provides access to Instance OS which could be Debian 9/10 or we support Ubuntu now. Jupyter Terminal process is running as jupyter user. While you can still run process as root. I would suggest you that you login via SSH and run commands directly from there. If you create the Notebook via UI we now provide OS login feature which allows you to access instance via SSH with IAM permissions hence your Google Cloud user account. If you are not sure of any of this, please contact your IT admin.
What do you think sudo does? If this is your first time using a Linux system, know that prepending every command in Linux with sudo is same as typing cmd in the windows run box and then pressing shift+enter. sudo is a way to tell the OS that I need admin rights (or in Linux's case, root permissions). So, it is bound to ask you for the password.
The password it is asking for is your account password. Also, it is usually a good idea to set up the root password when in first use. To set it up, drop into the root prompt from your user account using sudo su. Then type in passwd to set up a new password for the root user. Log out, and restart the machine.
Do not forget that root account has the ultimate privileges, and unless absolutely necessary, it is always better to prepend the command with sudo instead of dropping into the root prompt.
PS: A hint: sudo <command> followed by the caller's password is same as su -c '<command>' followed by the root account's password
You also might want to take a look at fakeroot
Which linux distro are you on? Like Kali has default password as root or toor or kali depending on version

VS Code on linux, various permissions errors

Is there any way to get vs code to work properly in linux? I can't run sudo code . because that gives me an error saying it's not secure to do so, I can't do anything within the editor to force doing things, like staging a file in git, or reloading a newly installed extension. I've googled around, and it seems nobody else has posted about this, and it seems highly unlikely that I'm the first to raise issue about this. (Take it easy on me, I'm a relatively new linux user). I'm trying to figure this out on Ubuntu 18.04 if that's relevant at all. My version of vs code is 1.30.2
I guess my main question is what's the right way to get applications like vs code to be able to perform tasks that required doing things without fighting the OS about sudo and privileges?
Launch via sudo from terminal
To launch VSCode as root --which is highly discouraged-- you must specify an alternate user data directory as follows:
$ sudo code --user-data-dir /path/to/alternate/folder
VSCode will automatically generate the required folders in the selected directory and launch with root privileges.
Change permissions to fix "permission denied" error
The solution in this case is to manually change the permissions of the two directories /home/$USER/.config/Code/ and /home/$USER/.vscode/. Perform these steps:
$ sudo chmod 755 /home/$USER/.config/Code
$ sudo chmod 755 /home/$USER/.vscode
To answer your other question:
If you really need to run several commands as root and you are annoyed by having to enter your password several times (when sudo has expired), just do sudo -i and you'll become root.
If you want to run commands using pipes, use sudo sh -c "comand1 | command2".
You may also want to take a look at this Ask Ubuntu answer about running applications as root.
I solve this problem using:
You basically need to tell the OS that you are the owner of the files you create. Use sudo chown <user name> <projects directory>
However, if you already created some files before applying chown, don't forget to change their permission also sudo chown <user name> <projects directory>/<file name>.

Need to reboot Xubuntu to make chgrp work?

I recently noticed a fairly strange and for me unexpected behaviour in Xubuntu 12.04 and 14.04.
I was doing the following:
Testing if my user in in the group users, with
groups $USER
This is not the case by default. So I add my user to this group:
sudo usermod -a -G users $USER
I the can check the file /etc/group and will see my user added in the entry.
I then would like to give the group users access to some files, in my example the www and cgi-bin directory:
sudo chgrp users /var/www /usr/lib/cgi-bin
I also want that my group can write into the directories:
sudo chmod g+w /var/www /usr/lib/cgi-bin
I would assume, that I can now create a file in those directories, but I can't. Neither by commandline, nor by the standard filebrowser from Xubuntu.
Somewhere I read, that I need to logout from the terminal to make it work, so I close and reopen the commandline terminal, but it is still now working.
But: It I reboot the whole system everything works as it should...
Seriously??? Why is this, is it a bug or a feature and are there better ways then restarting the complete OS?
(I thought the strength of Linux is exactly that you don't need to reboot all the time like in other "popular" OS)
(Note: I have not tested this on other systems as e.g. Debian yet...)
Group memberships are inherited from process to process like many other things in a unixoid environment. That means a running shell will not be affected from such changes in the account configuration. Also just opening a new terminal or shell will not show the change, since it is spawned from an already running process, ultimately from the initial process started right after the login.
You have to re-run the login process instead. Either by restarting the graphical environment, or by doing a logout/login sequence when working on the virtual terminals. Also obviously rebooting will lead to a new login process.
The only direct alternative is to spawn a new login shell explicitly: bash -l for example does the trick: it re-executes all stuff run through at login time. But note that this only effects that started shell and processes spawned from it. It does not affect other already running processes. So you have a somewhat mixed environment then...

Best way elevate the privileges programmatically under different versions of Linux?

There is a standard way (working across Linux distributions) to launch a process (from another application) asking for the root password in order to elevate privileges?
I tried to use gksudo (it is installed in ubuntu by default), but under other distributions (or under other desktop manager) it may not be installed.
I would recommend looking at PolicyKit which is what most modern distros are using to accomplish this.
That works everywhere but does not cache the password and asks for the root and not the user password (as sudo does):
su - -c command
EDIT: Not on ubuntu where the root-account is disabled. Probably you need something like that:
test -x /usr/bin/sudo && sudo command || su - -c command
The only default thing is text mode su. Most distros have also sudo installed.
Now, in KDE based distros you'll have kdesu, while in GNOME based it'll be gksu and gksudo. Machines in Kerberized domains have ksu.
You might try to use /etc/sysconfig/desktop to see which is the default desktop.
Traditionally, if your application needs to allow a user to elevate privileges, it installs its own single-purpose setuid executable -- single-purpose meaning that it performs the task needed, instead of acting as a general-purpose launcher.
$ su -
# cp `type -p id` /usr/local/bin/root-id
# chown root:users /usr/local/bin/root-id
# chmod 4750 /usr/local/bin/root-id
$ /usr/local/bin/root-id
... euid=0(root) ...
OTOH setuid executables have also been a common source of security holes too, so exercise care.
