Initializing custom view in Android Studio: Expected resource of type xml - android-studio

I have a custom view called IconView, which has the following constructor for initialization:
public class IconView extends RelativeLayout implements Checkable {
public IconView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, boolean useDefaultImage) {
super(context, attrs);
In order to initialize AttributeSet instance from XMLfor constructing the view, I use getResources().getXml(R.layout.icon_view), false);.
This compiles successfully and runs correctly. However, Android studio highlights the code and displays me this error:
The detailed description of the error is here:
Expected resource of type xml less... (Ctrl+F1)
Reports two types of problems:
Supplying the wrong type of resource identifier. For example, when
calling Resources.getString(int id), you should be passing
R.string.something, not R.drawable.something.
Passing the wrong
constant to a method which expects one of a specific set of
constants. For example, when calling View#setLayoutDirection, the
parameter must be android.view.View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR or
The question:
Although the code works, I do not know, how to rewrite it, so that the error would disappear in Android Studio. The error is visually annoying, so how could I get rid of it?

Resources#getXml(int id) is used to get the resource of type xml, which lays inside the xml resource folder. You, on the other hand, passing R.layout.icon_view here, the layout resource.
Use getResources().getLayout(R.layout.icon_view) here and the error will disappear.
P.S.: the documentation on Resources#getLayout() says the following:
This function is really a simple wrapper for calling getXml(int) with a layout resource.
So it looks like this is some kind of lint-related issue. Either way, getLayout() does not result in this error.


Additional GS1 codes support in Acumatica

We need to add support for GS1 Barcode Customer Part Number in the Purchases - Receive and Put Away screen, it is not supported by default and I can't a find a way to add it.
From looking at the source code, it seems like I need to override GS1Support property or the GetGS1ApplicationSteps() method on PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway class but I can't find a way to to this. I tried to override using PXGraphExtension method:
public class ReceivePutAway_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ReceivePutAway>
but then I get the following error:
CS0311 The type 'PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway' cannot be used as type parameter 'Graph' in the generic type or method 'PXGraphExtension'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway' to 'PX.Data.PXGraph' class.
After updating the extension class declaration as suggested, now the error is gone but I'm still unable to find a way to override GetGS1ApplicationSteps() method on the BLC extension class PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway, .
Does anybody know how to make the override work for a class like this or maybe has good suggestion on how to add support for additional GS1 barcodes?
ReceivePutAway is not a Graph, therefore you cannot do a simple Graph Extension directly on it. ReceivePutAway inherits from WMSBase which is actually defined as a Graph Extension. This means that you need to end up with a second level graph extension.
If you need to customize ReceivePutAway, I would suggest to try the approach mentioned here:
Refer to section 'Second-Level BLC Extension' in the above link. In your case, it might be something like this:
public class ExtensioReceivePutAway_Extension :
PXGraphExtension<ReceivePutAway, ReceivePutAwayHost>

ViewModelProviders.of(activity) error

I have no idea what to do anymore but ask here.
When i try to access the ViewModel from a fragment attached to an activity:
private val userViewModel by lazy { ViewModelProviders.of(activity).get( }
i get an error for "activity" saying "Type mismatch: inferred type is FragmentActivity? but FragmentActivity was expected"
every example i've seen so far is using it this way and i just can't get it to work.
Not sure if this is deprecated and i should just give up on it.
Your problem is, that activity can be null when the viewmodel is lazy loaded, which means the type of activity is FragmentActivity? instead of the required FragmentActivity.
The ViewModel Initialization is usually not done with a delegate, but in a lifecycle method, where you are sure you are attached to an activity, like in onViewCreated() or onActivityCreated().
There you can safely use:
userViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(activity!!).get(

Resharper run configurations

I'm trying to make a reshaprer plugin to add one (or more) configurations, besides executable, static method, project, at resharper's build/run window.
Any guidelines where to start? Or how to access build's context and configure?
Currently examining the JetBrains.IDE.RunConfig, SolutionBuilders etc but one help would be appreciated.
Should this plugin be a SolutionComponent or a SolutionInstanceComponent?
Resharper's sdk help lucks documentation on build/run component.
Thank in advance!
You can extend the available run configuration types by implementing IRunConfig and IRunConfigProvider.
The IRunConfigProvider class needs to be marked as [ShellComponent], and can derive from the RunConfigProviderBase abstract base class. You get to specify a name, e.g. "Executable", a type identifier, e.g. "exe" and an icon ID. There's also the CreateNew method, which will create a new instance of your IRunConfig class, which will be mostly unconfigured, at this point.
The IRunConfig interface doesn't need to marked as a component, and should also derive from RunConfigBase - take a look at RunConfigExe in dotPeek to see an example of how to implement. You should override Execute in order to actually run whatever it is you need to run. You can use the RunConfigContext class passed in to actually execute a process from a ProcessStartInfo, or an IProject - this will execute it either by running the process, debugging it, or something else, such as code coverage or profiling.
For an .exe, this is as simple as:
public override void Execute(RunConfigContext context)
context.ExecutionProvider.Execute(GetStartInfo(context), context, this);
But for a more complicated example, look at RunConfigMethod.Execute, which uses its own standalone launcher executable, and passes in command line parameters to load the correct assembly and execute the given static method.
Settings are implemented with ReadSpecific/SaveSpecific, and you can provide an editor view model with CreateEditor. You'll need a settings class, something like:
[SettingsKey(typeof (ConfigSettings), ".exe config")]
public class ExeSettings
[SettingsEntry(null, "Path to .exe")] public string Executable;
[SettingsEntry(null, "Working directory")] public string WorkingDirectory;
[SettingsEntry(null, "Command line arguments")] public string Arguments;
The view for the editor is provided by a WPF control that is displayed in a dialog that ReSharper controls. The view needs to be decorated with the [View] attribute and must implement IView<T> where T is the concrete class returned from CreateEditor. This is how ReSharper will locate the view for the view model returned by CreateEditor. Again, take a look at RunConfigMethodView in dotPeek for some more idea of what's going on (and if you look in the resources, you'll be able to see the XAML itself).

Checking for an attribute on a destination property inside a custom AutoMapper TypeConverter

I have a custom type converter that converts UTC DateTime properties to a company's local time (talked about here: Globally apply value resolver with AutoMapper).
I'd now like to only have this converter do its thing if the property on the view model is tagged with a custom DisplayInLocalTime attribute.
Inside the type converter, if I implement the raw ITypeConvert<TSource, TDestination> interface, I can check if the destination view model property being converted has the attribute:
public class LocalizedDateTimeConverter : ITypeConverter<DateTime, DateTime>
public DateTime Convert(ResolutionContext context)
var shouldConvert = context.Parent.DestinationType
.GetCustomAttributes(false)[0].GetType() == typeof(DisplayInLocalTimeAttribute);
if (shouldConvert) {
// rest of the conversion logic...
So this code works just fine (obviously there's more error checking and variables in there for readability).
My questions:
Is this the correct way to go about this? I haven't found anything Googling around or spelunking through the AutoMapper code base.
How would I unit test this? I can set the parent destination type on the ResolutionContext being passed in with a bit of funkiness, but can't set the member name as all implementors of IMemberAccessor are internal to AutoMapper. This, and the fact that it's super ugly to setup, makes me this isn't really supported or I'm going about it all wrong.
I'm using the latest TeamCity build of AutoMapper, BTW.
Don't unit test this, use an integration test. Just write a mapping test that actually calls AutoMapper, verifying that whatever use case this type converter is there to support works from the outside.
As a general rule, unit tests on extension points of someone else's API don't have as much value to me. Instead, I try to go through the front door and make sure that I've configured the extension point correctly as well.

Possible C# 4.0 compiler error, can others verify?

Since I don't know exactly what part of it alone that triggers the error, I'm not entirely sure how to better label it.
This question is a by-product of the SO question c# code seems to get optimized in an invalid way such that an object value becomes null, which I attempted to help Gary with yesterday evening. He was the one that found out that there was a problem, I've just reduced the problem to a simpler project, and want verification before I go further with it, hence this question here.
I'll post a note on Microsoft Connect if others can verify that they too get this problem, and of course I hope that either Jon, Mads or Eric will take a look at it as well :)
It involves:
3 projects, 2 of which are class libraries, one of which is a console program (this last one isn't needed to reproduce the problem, but just executing this shows the problem, whereas you need to use reflector and look at the compiled code if you don't add it)
Incomplete references and type inference
The code is available here: code repository.
I'll post a description below of how to make the projects if you rather want to get your hands dirty.
The problem exhibits itself by producing an invalid cast in a method call, before returning a simple generic list, casting it to something strange before returning it. The original code ended up with a cast to a boolean, yes, a boolean. The compiler added a cast from a List<SomeEntityObject> to a boolean, before returning the result, and the method signature said that it would return a List<SomeEntityObject>. This in turn leads to odd problems at runtime, everything from the result of the method call being considered "optimized away" (the original question), or a crash with either BadImageFormatException or InvalidProgramException or one of the similar exceptions.
During my work to reproduce this, I've seen a cast to void[], and the current version of my code now casts to a TypedReference. In one case, Reflector crashes so most likely the code was beyond hope in that case. Your mileage might vary.
Here's what to do to reproduce it:
Note: There is likely that there are more minimal forms that will reproduce the problem, but moving all the code to just one project made it go away. Removing the generics from the classes also makes the problem go away. The code below reproduces the problem each time for me, so I'm leaving it as is.
I apologize for the escaped html characters in the code below, this is Markdown playing a trick on me, if anyone knows how I can rectify it, please let me know, or just edit the question
Create a new Visual Studio 2010 solution containing a console application, for .NET 4.0
Add two new projects, both class libraries, also .NET 4.0 (I'm going to assume they're named ClassLibrary1 and ClassLibrary2)
Adjust all the projects to use the full .NET 4.0 runtime, not just the client profile
Add a reference in the console project to ClassLibrary2
Add a reference in ClassLibrary2 to ClassLibrary 1
Remove the two Class1.cs files that was added by default to the class libraries
In ClassLibrary1, add a reference to System.Runtime.Caching
Add a new file to ClassLibrary1, call it DummyCache.cs, and paste in the following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Caching;
namespace ClassLibrary1
public class DummyCache<TModel> where TModel : new()
public void TriggerMethod<T>()
// Try commenting this out, note that it is never called!
public void TriggerMethod<T>(T value, CacheItemPolicy policy)
public CacheItemPolicy GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy()
return null;
public CacheItemPolicy GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy(IEnumerable<string> dependentKeys, bool createInsertDependency = false)
return null;
Add a new file to ClassLibrary2, call it Dummy.cs and paste in the following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ClassLibrary1;
namespace ClassLibrary2
public class Dummy
private DummyCache<Dummy> Cache { get; set; }
public void TryCommentingMeOut()
public List<Dummy> GetDummies()
var policy = Cache.GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy();
return new List<Dummy>();
Paste in the following code in Program.cs in the console project:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ClassLibrary2;
namespace ConsoleApplication23
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Dummy dummy = new Dummy();
// This will crash with InvalidProgramException
// or BadImageFormatException, or a similar exception
List<Dummy> dummies = dummy.GetDummies();
Build, and ensure there are no compiler errors
Now try running the program. This should crash with one of the more horrible exceptions. I've seen both InvalidProgramException and BadImageFormatException, depending on what the cast ended up as
Look at the generated code of Dummy.GetDummies in Reflector. The source code looks like this:
public List<Dummy> GetDummies()
var policy = Cache.GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy();
return new List<Dummy>();
however reflector says (for me, it might differ in which cast it chose for you, and in one case Reflector even crashed):
public List<Dummy> GetDummies()
List<Dummy> policy = (List<Dummy>)this.Cache.GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy();
TypedReference CS$1$0000 = (TypedReference) new List<Dummy>();
return (List<Dummy>) CS$1$0000;
Now, here's a couple of odd things, the above crash/invalid code aside:
Library2, which has Dummy.GetDummies, performs a call to get the default cache policy on the class from Library1. It uses type inference var policy = ..., and the result is an CacheItemPolicy object (null in the code, but type is important).
However, ClassLibrary2 does not have a reference to System.Runtime.Caching, so it should not compile.
And indeed, if you comment out the method in Dummy that is named TryCommentingMeOut, you get:
The type 'System.Runtime.Caching.CacheItemPolicy' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Runtime.Caching, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.
Why having this method present makes the compiler happy I don't know, and I don't even know if this is linked to the current problem or not. Perhaps it is a second bug.
There is a similar method in DummyCache, if you restore the method in Dummy, so that the code again compiles, and then comment out the method in DummyCache that has the "Try commenting this out" comment above it, you get the same compiler error
OK, I downloaded your code and can confirm the problem as described.
I have not done any extensive tinkering with this, but when I run & reflector a Release build all seems OK (= null ref exception and clean disassembly).
Reflector (6.10.11) crashed on the Debug builds.
One more experiment: I wondered about the use of CacheItemPolicies so I replaced it with my own MyCacheItemPolicy (in a 3rd classlib) and the same BadImageFormat exception pops up.
The exception mentions : {"Bad binary signature. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131192)"}
