windows azure automatic scaling - azure

Hi I have a web app deployed as a Cloud Service on Windows Azure. Now I am performing some load/stress test against this app. In the Azure Management Portal I have configured the web role to scale automatically when the CPU goes over 40%.
I start the tests with only one instance of this web role. As the test progresses, I have set the number of concurrent users to increase over time up to 2000 users.
After I start the test, I connect via remote desktop to the web role instance on Azure and I monitor the CPU usage. After 10 mins or so, the CPU is constantly at 100% (and in fact my requests in the test take a very long time to complete) but if I check the CPU of the very same web role on the Azure management portal it says 1, 2 or 6, there was a peak of 70% but it sunk back immediately (but never the values I see in its task manager when I am connected in remote desktop) or even does not display any value (I go to the dashboard page of my cloud service), which means the graph is not updated any more.
Furthermore, and this is the point of my question, NO SCALING of the web role instances is performed whatsoever.
Any ideas where/what I am missing? Feel free to ask if my explanation is incomplete.

Autoscaling on the CPU metric for a Cloud Service or Virtual Machine doesn't occur as fast as you are expecting (~10+ minutes). In this scenario, the CPU metric is averaged across all instances of the services for a period of 1 hour. Therefore, your autoscaling actions will not be immediate.
You can read more about this and some recommendations for configuring your autoscale settings here.
If you want to tighten this up a little more then take a look at this post where I show how to set the TimeWindow using the Monitoring Service Management Library. You may be able to get closer to what you want taking this approach.

A few things to consider:
1) As Rick pointed out, by default CPU is taken at an hour average
2) If you start at only 1 server, and then autoscale up to 2, your first server will get yanked out of load balancer during the scale operation. You should really always have a minimum of 2 servers at all time.
3) Feel free to check out AzureWatch (link in my profile).. it was designed to perform decently advanced scaling scenarios and allows you to configure scaling rules without touching APIs


Azure app services, multithreaded vs multi instance

I have a question with a decision a previously employed architect has made in our deployment plan.
Currently our software has allot of outbound connections. In order to support the load (which is not too impressive to be fair) it has been chosen to have 1 app service plan, with 2 app services that are each filled to the max with webjobs of the same application that simply reads blob storage and posts the content to both the same and different endpoints. Each webjob is configured to post to a particular endpoint which can be the same as another.
Now I do not have much experience with azure, so I do not know if there is a particular limitation in the way webjobs are hosted that this solves.
I wish to simplify this deployment plan by simply reducing the amount of webjobs back to one and make it run multithreaded.
But I'm a little worried that by doing so, I am limiting the amount of connections possible from that webjob to both the same endpoint and in total.
Does anyone have experience with this?
Thanks in advance
I think (the information in) articles like this one might have had something to do with that choice: Starving outgoing connections on Windows Azure Web Sites. Please be advised this is a relatively old article.
A lot has changed since, although there still are some limitations: App Service limits.
IP Connections for...
Free: 600
Shared: 600
Basic: Depends on instance size
Standard: Depends on instance size
Premium (v2): Depends on instance size
Isolated: 16,000
The maximum IP connections are per instance and depend on the instance size:
- 1,920 per B1/S1/P1V2 instance
- 3,968 per B2/S2/P2V2 instance
- 8,064 per B3/S3/P3V2 instance.

How long does it take for an Azure App Service instance to be available after a scale out?

Context: I am designing the auto-scaling (scale out) configuration for my .NET Framework 4.7 web app hosted on a Microsoft Azure App Service. I am using the P3V2 pricing tier. The application is CPU-bound. The app's 30 day CPU average is 30% usage while running on 2 instances, according to the stats indicated in the App Service plan. We occasionally have traffic spikes which will overwhelm the 2 instances: I want to implement auto-scaling.
I want to take into account the App Service Provisioning + App Startup Time when designing the metrics thresholds that decide when my app service scales out. I need to make my thresholds low enough to give Azure time to spin up a new app service instance but not so low that I am paying unnecessarily for processing power that's not needed. Budget is a significant factor.
Question: How long does it take for an Azure App Service instance to be available after a scale out? In other words, how long does it take for an Azure App Service to scale out?
P.S. I recognize that there is a lot more to scaling in/out that I am not addressing here. I'm trying my best to be succinct. :)
Generally, not long at all. By that I mean typically under one minute, but the time will vary depending on several factors, such as application size, time of day, region of deployment.
You could scale out manually and inspect the run history logs on the scale out tab.
FYI you can also use Azure Monitor to create auto-scale policies, in case this is of any use to you.

Why Azure takes so long to setup a Load Balancer?

I have set up an application gateway in almost five different regions in Azure and every time Azure take around 15-20 mins to complete the setup.
Whereas AWS will do it in a couple of minutes, why Azure requires such a long time?
You should try using Application Gateway V2, its a lot faster to create. updates are almost instantaneous (well, at least compared to V1). But I believe V1 is using windows VM's underneath, so it creates a set of vms for you, then it configures them. Each update would be a "sliding window" update, with 1 vm being recreated at a time.
As far as I know.
Application Gateway is a layer 7 load balancer which, as far as I understand, is a Windows VM (or collection of Windows VMs, depending on selected size) under the covers, which take some time to come up and be configured. In my experience, this time is usually around 15-30 minutes, depending on region and local time of day, capacity, etc.
Azure Load balancers on the other hand are layer 4 load balancers, which typically take in the order of 1-2 minutes to come up.
So, yes talking about the load balancer if you say it normally takes less than a minute to get deployed. But coming onto the Application gateway yeah it takes 15-20 minutes every time the reason being:
Configuration Settings: Microsoft has the set of the vacant load balancers ready at their backend and when they receive a request to deploy a particular load balancer in any region, they just assign it an IP as requested by the user and it gets deployed within a minute. But coming onto the Application gateway, azure need to start deploying the load balancer [App Gateway in this case] from the scratch, need to attach it to the VNET so deployed and making it ready for the backend pools IP Address configuration and all, which basically take time about [15-20 minutes]. Now, Azure has brought up the V2 of the Application Gateway, a lot faster to create usually 5 minutes. And also talking about updates they are also really quick and instantaneous.
Subscriptions: Secondly, the reason that it takes time is subscription. Suppose, you have the MSDN, free subscription in your Azure account. And another individual sitting at any different place is using the enterprise applications subscription [basically a pay as you go] in his azure account. Now, both of you raise a request to deploy an Application gateway in the same region at the same time then, Microsoft will give the person request with the enterprise subscription the higher priority than your free subscription request. Which is another reason that it results in a delay. As I am using the enterprise edition so it takes 2 minutes for a VM to deploy which gets deployed in 5-6 minutes if using the free subscription!

How to change basic to standard tier in Azure

My app deployed in Azure with basic tier having 10GB space. Now it showing the usage warning error in Server. So I want change the scale from basic to standard. Then which instance size should choose having ( Small-1 core, Medium-2cores and Large- 4 cores) ? Also while saving following notifications are showing
In Standard mode, if a web app is stopped, billing continues, and changing the scaling for an app affects other apps. Are you sure you want to continue?
This will scale the following web apps in the East US 2 region. This can take several minutes to complete. Your web apps will keep running during the process.
please help
To answer your question, here is a table with App Service sizes in which you can see that the Standard size has 50GB and the Premium has 500GB of disk space.
To answer your other questions:
The reality is that you pay for the App Service Plan, each plan can host dozens of Apps. Think of it as a Platform running all the time that hosts your Apps, if you stop one App, the Platform is still running (because you might have other Apps running on it), and thus, you are still charged for it.
Like I said, because what you pay is the App Service Plan, scaling the Plan will automatically scale all the Apps contained in it, that's the reason of the second message.
Think of the App Service Plan as a server in which you run your Apps, the moment you delete all the Apps in the Plan, the Plan stops billing, but as long as you have at least one App (running or stopped) in it, it will keep charging.

Azure quota is exceeded

I'm trying to understand the correct way when hosting a web service using Windows Azure.
After reading some of the documentation available, I have reached these lines:
Windows Azure takes the following actions if a subscription's resource usage quotas are exceeded in a quota interval (24 hours):
Data Out - when this quota is exceeded, Windows Azure stops all web sites for a subscription which are configured to run in Shared mode for the remainder of the current quota interval. Windows Azure will start the web sites at the beginning of the next quota interval.
CPU Time - when this quota is exceeded, Windows Azure stops all web sites for a subscription which are configured to run in Shared mode for the remainder of the current quota interval. Windows Azure will start the web sites at the beginning of the next quota interval.
I was always under the impression that using cloud solution will prevent such events, as I really don't know a head of time what needs my web service will have, and that the cloud will provide the resources as needed (and off-course I will be charged for them) -
is that assumption is wrong?
I found this great post that really explains Azure perfectly
Scott Hanselman - my own Q&A about Azure Websites and Pricing
If you are hosting the Windows Azure Website in the Shared mode, although you are paying, there are certain quotas that are in place because in the background you are basically sharing the resources with other websites which are hosted on the same Virtual Machine.
If you are hosting using the Standard mode, then you no longer have quotas and you will not experience this issue. As an added bonus, you can now setup Autoscale to automatically scale out your website under load.
Azure provides you different scalability levels according to the method of hosting you pick. For example if you host your web service on an azure web site you can't scale to thousands of servers. If you host your web services in a cloud service you can scale much further.
In Azure the scalability does not always happen transparently. In the case of a web service your choices are "azure web sites", "azure mobile services" and "azure cloud services". None of these will provide transparent scalability. You will need to define how you want scalability to be processed by azure. Most of the time you can do it in your azure management portal and define "Auto-Scaling" based on your pre-defined metrics as in "total amount of memory used" or "compute power used". Azure helps you gather metrics from a distributed environment, define scaling rules and scale without worrying about the underlying infrastructure but you will need to glue these pieces together as it defines how much you will get billed as well.
Hope this makes sense.
