How to Install OpenCart in subdirectory? - .htaccess

I have a godaddy web hosting, with more domains. Let's say points to shopping folder. After installing OpenCart I can see no .htaccess.txt file in order to edit RewriteBase /. And while accessing the web page it redirects me to install which lets me upgrade. I tried downloading a default OpenCart .htaccess file from web, but then I get 403 error. Anyone knows what could be the issue?

I had to chmod 755 .htaccess as the server did not have access to the file.
Hope it helps someone else to solve their issue.


Why don't my clean URL's work in Drupal, even though rewrite_module is present?

Hey guys. I'm asking this question here as a last resort, since I've been trying to solve the issue for almost two days now.
I'm trying to enable clean URL's on my Drupal web application. I have visited several public questions such as this one, but to no avail. My sincerest apologies if this is thus a repost.
Some (relevant) context:
The project involves automatically setting up a VM using a Vagrant script.
The VM has no GUI.
Vagrant uses VirtualBox.
Vagrant uses bento/centos-7.9 as a base box.
I use WSL on my physical device whenever I need a terminal for PS or Linux commands.
I'm setting up a LAMP stack on the VM using the following:
CentOS 7.9, as mentioned up above.
Apache 2.4.6, as in:
yum -y install httpd
MariaDB 10.5.9, as in:
chmod +x mariadb_repo_setup
yum -y install mariadb-server
PHP 7.4.16, as in:
yum -y install
yum -y install
yum-config-manager --enable remi-php74
yum -y install php php-mysql
I'm storing the extracted contents of Drupal (index.php, update.php,
core, sites ...) under /var/www/drupal/. I have given Apache
recursive ownership of that folder as to not create a hassle having to set up permissions. It's not a production project anyway.
In the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file, I have only touched the
DocumentRoot, which I set to DocumentRoot "/var/www/drupal". I do not want to use .htaccess.
When I run httpd -M | grep rewrite, I receive the output rewrite_module (shared). When I run phpinfo(); on a test page, mod_rewrite is present among the loaded modules.
Running the application, everything goes fine, and the following output is produced:
Drupal warnings top part
Drupal warnings bottom part
I'm aware of the other two warnings, but those are a worry for another day. When I continue despite the warnings, Apache loads index.php just fine:
Screenshot of index.php
However, the moment I click any button, this happens:
Screenshot of yet another problem
I suspect this is a consequence of the clean URL's not being enabled. However, as far as I know, all necessary modules have been installed.
What I have tried so far:
In /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, trying everything that's suggested here.
In /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, setting every AllowOverride option to All.
Checking for compability issues.
Moving the document root around.
Much more...
Help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance. If you require any more information, I will respond as soon as possible.
Hey guys. The issue has been solved.
Somehow, it suddenly works. I am now able to navigate the website without a Not Found error popping up.
I retried a method that didn't work before, but now it does. There was no change in any other variables. I edited /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. Besides already having changed DocumentRoot to /var/www/drupal, I also added another piece of configuration right under that:
<Directory "/var/www/drupal">
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]
I obtained this information from here.
The CLEAN URLS warning is still present though:
Drupal warnings top part
But there seems to be no problem when continuing despite the warnings. In fact, in the application itself, navigating to the errors/warnings section, the CLEAN URLS warning isn't even there!

drupal:object not found error on every link other than home page

After installing and configuring drupal 8 site,home page in displayed perfectly,but when i navigate to any link Object not found error is thrown.I am using xampp.Writing RewriteBase /drupal in /sites/default/files/.htaccess file didnt fix the error.AllowOverride is all in directory lampp/htdocs/.What am I doing wrong?
I think, drupal missed to place its default htaccess file in the drupal root folder. I fixed the same by copying the htaccess from the drupal zip file and placed it in the root folder. Also make sure mod_rewrite is also enabled in Apache Configurations.
If you are using Linux for server then execute below command.
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2enmod env
sudo a2enmod dir
sudo a2enmod mime
It works in my case.

Magento Installation Without .htaccess

I'm making a new Magento Installation and like always, access to download the installations files.
For my surprise, theres no more .htaccess in the compress files O.o
Someone can tell why or give any tip?
It is always there, but it's a hidden file so just change the setting of the Files Manager or Finder to see it.

Magento 2.0 first installation on shared hosting

I have installed/reinstalled my first magento 2.0 on one of my shared hosting server. I followed installation guide from magento devdocs. Everything seemed to bo ok, but when I visit site I dont see any images, css, scripts running in the background.
Ok, it must be .htaccess, I check my configuration, it seems to be ok, then I inspected elements and saw 403 errors,
403 (Forbidden)
ok check .htaccess again, then I check in the file manager and saw all those files missing, can someone give me a hint what am I missing, doing wrong for the past days?
you can try these commands
your Magento install dir/
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
after these commands you have to give permission to var and pub folders by using
chmod 777 -R var
chmod 777 -R pub

CakePHP htaccess files on 1und1 webserver

I'm trying to install my cakephp webapp on an 1und1 (German version of 1and1) webspace.
PHP and MySQL are installed and there seems to be a problem with my htaccess files as I can't open the css files for example on the webspace (404).
How does my .htaccess files have to look like?
The application is not installed in the root directory (that's unfortunately not possible), it's located under:
I tried a lot of combinations. But none are working.
The last example I tried were the answers from this question: how to configure htaccess file for Cake 2.3.x on 1and1 shared hosting
Any recommondations?
Using the built in method for url-rewriting solved my problem:
