I'm trying to write a parser for a JSON String.
A valid example, per my parser, would be: "\"foobar\"" or "\"foo\"bar\"".
Here's what I attempted, but it does not terminate:
parseEscapedQuotes :: Parser String
parseEscapedQuotes = Parser f
f ('"':xs) = Just ("\"", xs)
f _ = Nothing
parseStringJValue :: Parser JValue
parseStringJValue = (\x -> S (concat x)) <$>
((char '"') *>
(zeroOrMore (alt parseEscapedQuotes (oneOrMore (notChar '"'))))
<* (char '"'))
My reasoning is that, I can have a repetition of either escaped quotes "\"" or characters not equal to ".
But it's not working as I expected:
ghci> runParser parseStringJValue "\"foobar\""
I don't know what parser combinator library you are using, but here is a working example using Parsec. I'm using monadic style to make it clearer what's going on, but it is easily translated to applicative style.
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
jchar :: Parser Char
jchar = escaped <|> anyChar
escaped :: Parser Char
escaped = do
char '\\'
c <- oneOf ['"', '\\', 'r', 't' ] -- etc.
return $ case c of
'r' -> '\r'
't' -> '\t'
_ -> c
jstringLiteral :: Parser String
jstringLiteral = do
char '"'
cs <- manyTill jchar (char '"')
return cs
test1 = parse jstringLiteral "" "\"This is a test\""
test2 = parse jstringLiteral "" "\"This is an embedded quote: \\\" after quote\""
test3 = parse jstringLiteral "" "\"Embedded return: \\r\""
Note the extra level of backslashes needed to represent parser input as Haskell string literals. Reading the input from a file would make creating the parser input more convenient.
The definition of the manyTill combinator is:
manyTill p end = scan
scan = do{ end; return [] }
do{ x <- p; xs <- scan; return (x:xs) }
and this might help you figure out why your definitions aren't working.
I have actually asked this question before (here) but it turns out that the solution provided did not handle all test cases. Also, I need 'Text' parser rather than 'String', so I need parsec3.
Ok, the parser should allow for EVERY type of char inbetween quotes, even quotes. The end of the quoted text is marked by a ' character, followed by |, a space or end of input.
should return a string
This is what I have:
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Text
quotedLabel :: Parser Text
quotedLabel = do -- reads the first quote.
string "'"
lab <- liftM pack $ endBy1 anyChar endOfQuote
return lab
endOfQuote = do
string "'"
try(eof) <|> try( oneOf "| ")
Now, the problem here is of course that eof has a different type than oneOf "| ", so compilation falls.
How do I fix this? Is there a better way to achieve what I am trying to do?
First a comment on handling white space...
Generally the practice is to write your parsers so that they
consume the whitespace following a token
or syntactic unit. It's common to define combinator like:
lexeme p = p <* spaces
to easily convert a parser p to one that discards the whitespace
following whatever p parses. E.g., if you have
number = many1 digit
simply use lexeme number whenever you want to eat up the
whitespace following the number.
For more on this approach to handling whitespace and other advice
on parsing languages, see this Megaparsec tutorial.
Label expressions
Based on your previous SO question it appears you want
to parse expressions of the form:
label1 | label2 | ... | labeln
where each label may be a simple label or a quoted label.
The idiomatic way to parse this pattern is to use sepBy like this:
labels :: Parser String
labels = sepBy1 (try quotedLabel <|> simpleLabel) (char '|')
We define both simpleLabel and quotedLabel in terms of
what characters may occur in them. For simpleLabel a valid
character is a non-| and non-space:
simpleLabel :: Parser String
simpleLabel = many (noneOf "| ")
A quotedLabel is a single quote followed by a run
of valid quotedLabel-characters followed by an ending
single quote:
sq = char '\''
quotedLabel :: Parser String
quotedLabel = do
char sq
chs <- many validChar
char sq
return chs
A validChar is either a non-single quote or a single
quote not followed by eof or a vertical bar:
validChar = noneOf [sq] <|> try validQuote
validQuote = do
char sq
notFollowedBy eof
notFollowedBy (char '|')
return sq
The first notFollowedBy will fail if the single quote appears just
before the end of input. The second notFollowedBy will fail if
next character is a vertical bar. Therefore the sequence of the two
will succeed only if there is a non-vertical bar character following
the single quote. In this case the single quote should be interpreted
as part of the string and not the terminating single quote.
Unfortunately this doesn't quite work because the
current implementation of notFollowedBy
will always succeed with a parser which does not consume any
input -- i.e. like eof. (See this issue for more details.)
To work around this problem we can use this alternate
notFollowedBy' :: (Stream s m t, Show a) => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m ()
notFollowedBy' p = try $ join $
do {a <- try p; return (unexpected (show a));}
<|> return (return ())
Here is the complete solution with some tests. By adding a few lexeme
calls you can make this parser eat up any white space where you decide
it is not significant.
import Text.Parsec hiding (labels)
import Text.Parsec.String
import Control.Monad
notFollowedBy' :: (Stream s m t, Show a) => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m ()
notFollowedBy' p = try $ join $
do {a <- try p; return (unexpected (show a));}
<|> return (return ())
sq = '\''
validChar = do
noneOf "'" <|> try validQuote
validQuote = do
char sq
notFollowedBy' eof
notFollowedBy (char '|')
return sq
quotedLabel :: Parser String
quotedLabel = do
char sq
str <- many validChar
char sq
return str
plainLabel :: Parser String
plainLabel = many (noneOf "| ")
labels :: Parser [String]
labels = sepBy1 (try quotedLabel <|> try plainLabel) (char '|')
test input expected = do
case parse (labels <* eof) "" input of
Left e -> putStrLn $ "error: " ++ show e
Right v -> if v == expected
then putStrLn $ "OK - got: " ++ show v
else putStrLn $ "NOT OK - got: " ++ show v ++ " expected: " ++ show expected
test1 = test "a|b|c" ["a","b","c"]
test2 = test "a|'b b'|c" ["a", "b b", "c"]
test3 = test "'abc''|def" ["abc'", "def" ]
test4 = test "'abc'" ["abc"]
test5 = test "x|'abc'" ["x","abc"]
To change the result of any functor computation you can just use:
fmap (const x) functor_comp
getLine :: IO String
fmap (const ()) getLine :: IO ()
eof :: Parser ()
oneOf "| " :: Parser Char
fmap (const ()) (oneOf "| ") :: Parser ()
Another option is to use operators from Control.Applicative:
getLine *> return 3 :: IO Integer
This performs getLine, discards the result and returns 3.
In your case, you might use:
try(eof) <|> try( oneOf "| " *> return ())
Assume there is a data structure representing a text with comments inside.
data TWC
= T Text TWC -- text
| C Text TWC -- comment
| E -- end
deriving Show
Thus string like
"Text, {-comment-}, and something else"
could be encoded as
T "Text, " (C "comment" (T ", and something else" E))
Parsers for comment chunk and for E are pretty trivial:
twcP :: Parser TWC
twcP = eP <|> cP <|> tP
cP :: Parser TWC
cP = do
_ <- string "{-"
c <- manyTill anyChar (string "-}")
rest <- cP <|> tP <|> eP
return (C (pack c) rest)
eP :: Parser TWC
eP = do
return E
Implementing parser for text chunk in such a trivial way
tP :: Parser TWC
tP = do
t <- many1 anyChar
rest <- cP <|> eP
return (T (pack t) rest)
make it consume comments section as a text because of its greedy nature
> parseOnly twcP "text{-comment-}"
Right (T "text{-comment-}" E)
it ∷ Either String TWC
So, the question is how to express the logic of parsing until end of input or until comment section? In other words, how to implement conditional lookahead parser?
You're right, the problematic code is the first line of of tP, which parses text greedily without stopping at comments:
tP = do
t <- many1 anyChar
Before addressing that, I first want to refactor your code a little to introduce helpers and use applicative style, with the problematic code isolated into the text helper:
-- Like manyTill, but pack the result to Text.
textTill :: Alternative f => f Char -> f b -> f Text
textTill p end = pack <$> manyTill p end
-- Parse one comment string
comment :: Parser Text
comment = string "{-" *> textTill anyChar (string "-}")
-- Parse one non-comment text string (problematic implementation)
text :: Parser Text
text = pack <$> many1 anyChar
-- TWC parsers:
twcP :: Parser TWC
twcP = eP <|> cP <|> tP
cP :: Parser TWC
cP = C <$> comment <*> twcP
eP :: Parser TWC
eP = E <$ endOfInput
tP :: Parser TWC
tP = T <$> text <*> twcP
To implement lookahead, we can use the lookAhead combinator, which applies a parser without consuming the input. That allows us to make text parse until it reaches either a comment (without consuming it), or endOfInput:
-- Parse one non-comment text string (working implementation)
text :: Parser Text
text = textTill anyChar (void (lookAhead comment) <|> endOfInput)
With that implementation, twcP behaves as expected:
ghci> parseOnly twcP "text{-comment-} post"
Right (T "text" (C "comment" (T " post" E)))
I think I have researched very hard about my problem so here I am.
I have a "end of file unexpected" error at line
6 colunm 33.
I have already tried many solutions to resolve my problem.
Here is my code and the file I am trying to parse.
Here is the text I am trying to parse :
ifc.txt :
#9512= IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('3y21AUC9X4yAqzLGUny16E',#16,'Story',$,$,#9509,$,$,.ELEMENT.,6200.);
#9509= IFCLOCALPLACEMENT(#115,#9506);
#9506= IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D(#9502,#9498,#9494);
#9502= IFCCARTESIANPOINT((0.,0.,6200.));
#9498= IFCDIRECTION((0.,0.,1.));
#9494= IFCDIRECTION((1.,0.,0.));
Here is the code :
code.hs :
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
main = do
f <- readFile "ifc.txt"
let m = (parse ifc "" f)
print m
ifc :: Parser IfcModel
ifc = many ifcentry
ifcentry = do
string "#"
i <- idt
string "= "
name <- idt
string "("
prop <- idt
string ")"
string ";"
string "\n"
return (i,name,prop)
idt = many (letter <|> digit <|> char ','
<|> char '$' <|> char ')' <|> char '\''
<|> char '=' <|> char ';' <|> char '\n'
<|> char ' ' <|> char '(' <|> char '#'
<|> char '.' <|> char '\r')
Thanks for your help, i should have checked a bit earlier my anwser because i worked on my own and i found asolution i will post it when i can (8hours left for a newbie like me who has less than 10 in reputation).
Thanks again.
Solution: use sepBy instead of including the newline in ifcentry
Your ifcentry expects a newline at the end, and your input doesn't have one, which is why the EOF was unexpected.
Drop the string "\n" from ifcentry and instead define
ifc :: Parser IfcModel
ifc = ifcentry `sepBy` (char '\n')
Also, your idt parser is needlessly long. It would be clearer as
idt = many (letter <|> digit <|> oneOf ".,;' =#$()\n\r")
Clearer ifcentry
And while I'm at it, I'd write
ifcentry = do
char '#'
i <- idt
string "= "
name <- idt
prop <- parens idt
char ';'
return (i,name,prop)
Because parens (which parses an open bracket, your idt content, then a close bracket) tidies it up and makes it clearer.
Less verbose main
I'd also write
main = fmap (parse ifc "") (readFile "ifc.txt") >>= print
certainly there's no need for
let m = (parse ifc "" f)
print m
because you may as well do
print (parse ifc "" f)
In addtion to #enough rep to comment's answer
I would go much further and declare something in the line of
data IFCType = IFCBuildingStorey ....
| IFCLocalPlacement ....
| IFCAxis2Placement3D ....
| IFCCartesianpoint Double Double Double
| IFCDirection ....
deriving Show
type ID = Integer
type IFCElement = (ID,IFCType)
where i will show the CartesianPoint as an example
ifctype :: Parser IFCType
ifctype = do string "IFC"
<|> localPlacement
<|> axis2Placement3D
<|> cartesianpoint
<|> direction
buildingStorey :: Parser IFCType
buildingStorey = do string "BUILDINGSTOREY"
return IFCBuildingStorey
localPlacement :: Parser IFCType
localPlacement = do string "LOCALPLACEMENT"
return IFCLocalPlacement
axis2Placement3D :: Parser IFCType
axis2Placement3D = do string "AXIS2PLACEMENT3D"
return IFCAxis2Placement3D
cartesianpoint :: Parser IFCType
cartesianpoint = do string "CARTESIANPOINT"
char '('
char '('
x <- double
char ','
y <- double
char ','
z <- double
char ')'
char ')'
return $ IFCCartesianpoint x y z
double :: Parser Double
double = do d <- many1 (digit <|> char '.')
return $ read d
direction :: Parser IFCType
direction = do string "DIRECTION"
return IFCDirection
this has the additional advantage that you have typed models.
Thanks for your help everyone, i should have checked a bit earlier my anwser because i worked on my own and finally found a solution :
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
main = do
f <- readFile "ifc.txt"
let m = (parse ifc "" f)
print m
type IfcIdt = String
type IfcName = String
type IfcProp = [String]
type IfcModel = [(IfcIdt,IfcName,IfcProp)]
ifc :: Parser IfcModel
ifc = many ifcentry
ifcentry = do
string "#"
i <- idtnumber
string "= "
name <- idtname
prop <- ifcprop
return (i,name,prop)
idtnumber = many digit
idtname = many (letter <|> digit)
ifcprop = sepBy prop (char ',')
prop = many (noneOf "=,();\n")
eol = string ";\n"
opening = try (string "((")
<|> string "("
closing = try (string "))")
<|> string ")"
I am trying to separate a string using a delimiter consisting of multiple characters, but the problem is that each of those characters can occur by itself in non-delimiting string. For example, I have foo*X*bar*X*baz, where the delimiter is *X*, so I want to get [foo, bar, baz], but each one of those can contain * or X.
I have tried
sepBy (many anyChar) delimiter
but that just swallows the whole string, giving "foo*X*bar*X*baz", if I do
sepBy anyChar (optional delimiter)
it filters out the delimiters correctly, but doesn't partition the list, returning "foobarbaz". I don't know which other combination I could try.
Perhaps you want something like this,
tok = (:) <$> anyToken <*> manyTill anyChar (try (() <$ string sep) <|> eof)
The anyToken prevents us from looping forever at the end of input, the try lets us avoid being over-eager in consuming separator characters.
Full code for a test,
module ParsecTest where
import Control.Applicative ((<$), (<$>), (<*>))
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
sep,msg :: String
sep = "*X*"
msg = intercalate "*X*" ["foXo", "ba*Xr", "bX*az"]
tok :: Parser String
tok = (:) <$> anyToken <*> manyTill anyChar (try (() <$ string sep) <|> eof)
toks :: Parser [String]
toks = many tok
test :: Either ParseError [String]
test = runP toks () "" msg
I took the example below partially from SO and changed it to my needs. It almost fits, but what I want to do is that always the first string in the commaSep expr is parsed as identifier whilst all subsequent strings should be strings only.
Currently they are all parsed as Identifiers.
*Parser> parse expr "" "rd (isFib, test2, 100.1, ?BOOL)"
Right (FuncCall "rd" [Identifier "isFib",Identifier "test2",Number 100.1,Query "?BOOL"])
I have tried a number of solutions that in the end all would break down to parsing the whole input without using commaSep. Means I would have to ignore the structure and do something like
expr_parse = do
name <- resvd_cmd
char '('
skipMany space
worker <- ident
char ','
skipMany1 space
args <- commaSep expr --not fully worked this out yet
query <- theQuery
skipMany space
char ')'
return (name, worker, args, query)
that looks less optimal and very clunky to me. Is there any way to refactor expr in the code below, achive what I need and keep it simple?
module Parser where
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Lexer
import AST
expr = ident <|> astring <|> number <|> theQuery <|> callOrIdent
astring = liftM String stringLiteral <?> "String"
number = liftM Number float <?> "Number"
ident = liftM Identifier identifier <?> "WorkerName"
questionm :: Parser Char
questionm = oneOf "?"
theQuery :: Parser AST
theQuery = do first <- questionm
rest <- many1 letter
let query = first:rest
return ( Query query )
resvd_cmd = do { reserved "rd"; return ("rd") }
<|> do { reserved "eval"; return ("eval") }
<|> do { reserved "read"; return ("read") }
<|> do { reserved "in"; return ("in") }
<|> do { reserved "out"; return ("out") }
<?> "LINDA-like Tuple"
callOrIdent = do
name <- resvd_cmd
liftM (FuncCall name)(parens $ commaSep expr) <|> return (Identifier name)
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module AST where
import Data.Typeable
data AST
= Number Double
| Identifier String
| String String
| FuncCall String [AST]
| Query String
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
module Lexer (
identifier, reserved, operator, reservedOp, charLiteral, stringLiteral,
natural, integer, float, naturalOrFloat, decimal, hexadecimal, octal,
symbol, lexeme, whiteSpace, parens, braces, angles, brackets, semi,
comma, colon, dot, semiSep, semiSep1, commaSep, commaSep1
import Text.Parsec
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P
import Text.Parsec.Language (haskellStyle)
lexer = P.makeTokenParser ( haskellStyle
{P.reservedNames = ["rd", "in", "out", "eval", "take"]}
identifier = P.identifier lexer
reserved = P.reserved lexer
operator = P.operator lexer
reservedOp = P.reservedOp lexer
charLiteral = P.charLiteral lexer
stringLiteral = P.stringLiteral lexer
natural = P.natural lexer
integer = P.integer lexer
float = P.float lexer
naturalOrFloat = P.naturalOrFloat lexer
decimal = P.decimal lexer
hexadecimal = P.hexadecimal lexer
octal = P.octal lexer
symbol = P.symbol lexer
lexeme = P.lexeme lexer
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer
parens = P.parens lexer
braces = P.braces lexer
angles = P.angles lexer
brackets = P.brackets lexer
semi = P.semi lexer
comma = P.comma lexer
colon = P.colon lexer
dot = P.dot lexer
semiSep = P.semiSep lexer
semiSep1 = P.semiSep1 lexer
commaSep = P.commaSep lexer
commaSep1 = P.commaSep1 lexer
First, I'd like to introduce you to the function lexeme which alters a parser to eat trailing whitespace. You're encouraged to use it rather than explicitly eating the whitespace. The difficulty is with commaSep because it eats the , and then fails. It would be nice to write a less optimistic commaSep, but let's solve your problem directly.
Let's apply lexeme to comma
acomma = lexeme comma
One of the problems with your code was you were expecting it to see test2 as String "test2" but the astring parser expects its strings to begin and end with ". Let's make a parser for bald strings, but make sure they don't start with ? and don't contain spaces or commas:
baldString = lexeme $ do
x <- noneOf "? ,)"
xs <- many (noneOf " ,)") -- problematic - see comment below
return . String $ x:xs
The breakthrough came when I realised that because there has to be a query at the end, there was always a comma after a baldString:
baldStringComma = do
s <- baldString
return s
Now let's make a parser for one or more queries at the end of the tuple:
queries = commaSep1 (lexeme theQuery)
And now we can take the identifier, the baldStrings and the queries
therest = do
name <- lexeme ident
args <- many baldStringComma
qs <- queries
return (name,args,qs)
finally giving
tuple = do
name <- lexeme resvd_cmd
stuff <- parens therest
return (name,stuff)
So you get
*Parser> parseTest tuple "rd (isFib, test2, 100.1, ?BOOL)"
("rd",(Identifier "isFib",[String "test2",String "100.1"],[Query "?BOOL"]))
But if you want to lump the strings with the queries, you can return (name,args++qs) at the end of therest.
Applicative is Less Ugly
I found it frustrating to be tied to the Monad interface, when there are lovely things like <$>, <*> etc, so first
import Control.Applicative hiding (many, (<|>))
baldString = lexeme . fmap String $
(:) <$> noneOf "? ,)"
<*> many (noneOf " ,)") -- problematic - see comment below
Here <$> is an infix version of fmap, so (:) will be applied to the output of noneOf "? ,", giving a parser that returns something like ('c':). This can then be applied to the output of many (noneOf " ,") using <*> to give the string we want.
baldStringComma = baldString <* acomma
This one's nice because we got the <*> operator to ignore the output of acomma and just return the output of baldString, using <*. If we wanted it the other way round, we could do *>, but you may as well use >> for that, which already ignores the output of the first parser.
therest = (,,) <$>
lexeme ident <* acomma
<*> many baldStringComma
<*> queries
tuple = (,) <$> lexeme resvd_cmd
<*> parens therest
But wouldn't it be nicer if we did
data Tuple = Tuple {cmd :: String,
id :: AST,
argumentList :: [AST],
queryList :: [AST]} deriving Show
so we could do
niceTuple = Tuple <$> lexeme resvd_cmd <* lexeme (char '(')
<*> lexeme ident <* acomma
<*> many baldStringComma
<*> queries <* lexeme (char ')')
which gives (with a little manual pretty-printing to get it into the width)
*Parser> parseTest niceTuple "rd (isFib, test2, 100.1, ?BOOL)"
Tuple {cmd = "rd",
id = Identifier "isFib",
argumentList = [String "test2",String "100.1"],
queryList = [Query "?BOOL"]}
I also think your current AST is more of an abstract syntax store than an abstract syntax tree, and that you might get more milage from designing your own Tuple type and use that. Use
newtype Command = Cmd String deriving Show
and suchlike to ensure type safety, then roll them together into your Tuple type with a parser to generate them.