How to preload MongoDB document? - node.js

I'm writing a web application with Node and MongoDB (with mongoose) - I have a collection that has a pre-defined data (images links that the users will choose one of them - they set of the images links is closed and won't be changed during the run of the application) and it need to be joined with other collection. I don't know if it is better to create a collection for this or to save the data in a single JSON file. But because i need to join this collection with other collection I decided to save the data in the DB.
Now the question is how I can create the data in the DB once and each time I raise the Node server the data won't be created again? (something like upsert)? and where is the best place to add this method? in the Schema module or where?

I found a way to do it by running an import command before raising the server (or even after the server is up) - I run the following line which will create the new documents or update the exist documents (according to the _id in the JSON file):
mongoimport --db test --collection supported_images --type json --file SupportedImages.json --upsert --jsonArray
Thanks everyone.


Moving specific collections from mongodb atlas to archive db

I did my homework before posting this question
So the case is that I want to create a utility in my nodejs application that will move specific collections from my main database to an archive database and vice versa. I am using mongo db atlas for my application. I have been doing my research and I found two possible ways one is to create a mongodump and store and other is to create a backup file myself using my node application and upload it to archive db. Using the later approach will cause to loose my collection indexes.
I am planning to use mongodump for the purpose but can't find a resource that shows how to achieve that. Any help would be appreciated. Also if any one has any experience with similar situation I am open to suggestions as well.
I recently created a mongodump & mongorestore wrapper for nodejs: node-mongotools
What does it mean?
you have to install mongo binary on your host by following official mongo documentation(example) and then, you could use node-mongotools to call them from nodeJS.
Here is an example but tool doc contains more details:
var mt = new MongoTools();
const dumpResult = await mt.mongodump({ uri, path })

How to update data fields on the server-side?

How I write a script and update a collection field from my server?
I need to update a field of 100 users.
I was wondering if I can change them from the server, instead of sending update mutations over and over?
The Queries part of Strapi Documents says:
You can just call strapi.query('modelName', 'pluginName') to access
the query API for any model.
But it's not clear where to run it?
Do I need to create a plugin? or Can I create an updateUserData.js file and run node updateUserData.js?
strapi.query('user').update( { id: 1 },...

How can i configure Mongoose to automatically create objects in my mongoDB on app start if none is found?

I am coming from a Java Hibernate frameworks, where an sql script can be written and added to a project, with the intentions of creating objects in my Mongo Database when the app runs and no data was found in a specific database table. I am using Mongoose presently with mongoDB, and i want to initialize my mongoDB table with objects if none is found. Initially i achieved this my creating an object and calling the new inside my app.js which is my start up file. But is there a cleaner way one already supported by Mongoose, or is this my best bet ?

User specific database in MongoDB

I am currently working on an inventory management software in Node js and MongoDB. I am pretty new to MongoDB, having worked in Oracle and MySQL for most of my projects.
Is it possible to create a separate database schema for every client who uses my software, with each client having access only to his copy of the database schema and collections?
The equivalent of selecting data in Oracle database would be
Select * from User1.table,
Select * from User2.table etc
Also, if it were possible, how would it be implemented using a node js mongo db client like mongoose?
I looked at MongoDB documentation, but it talks mainly about adding users to a database for authorization.
I apologize if it seems like a silly question, but id appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction for this.
Before starting to invest a lot of time in the development of your project, check out other possible approaches to the scenario that you are trying to build.
I did a quick search on SO and found some additional threads with similar scenarios:
MongoDB Database vs. Collection
MongoDB Web App - Database per User
Additional info about mongoose database creation
Whenever you call the connect method on the mongoose object, you are either connecting to an existing database or you are creating it in case it doesn't already exist.
You could have a function that allows you to pass in a name argument with the name and create databases programmatically:
function createDatabase(name) {
var conn_string = 'mongodb://localhost/';
if (typeof name == 'string') {
conn_string += name;
return false;
Also, be aware that a database will be created when you first insert a record in a collection of that particular database.
It is not sufficient to only connect to the database, you also have to insert a record.
As per my previous example, you could also pass a schema parameter to the function, tailored to each user's profile and fire an insert statement after you connect to that database.

MongoDB setup db script (project based NodeJS)

I am setting up quite big project based on NodeJS and MongoDB. I though about some setup script for the database so that I could automate db cleaning, setting up collections, defining indexes, etc on updates. In classic SQL approach it's common to write *.sql file that could be run from shell... Is there some good equivalent to do it with Mongo?
I added NodeJS in the title because I also though it would be nice idea to add the script definition into "scripts" part in package.json file but it is not the main problem here. Also, if it helps I decided to use Mongoose as a main driver in the project...
In mongodb, the equivalent to a sql file is basically a js file.
See here for more info.
And just a note: mongoose is an odm, not a driver.
Suppose we have the following script file
* script.js
You can execute it in mongo shell this way:
mongo ./script.js
If you need to specify a username and password, you can use -u and -p switches. (Read this for more info.)
