Is there a way to ignore some entity properties when calling EdmxWriter.WriteEdmx - entity-framework-5

I am specifically using breezejs and the server code for breeze js converts the dbcontext into a form which is useable on the clientside using EdmxWriter.WriteEdmx. There are many properties which I have added JsonIgnore attributes to so that they don't get passed to the client side. However, the metadata that is generated (and passed to the clientside) from EdmxWriter.WriteEdmx still has those properties. Is there any additional attribute that I can add to those properties that I want ignored so that they are ignored by EdmxWriter.WriteEdmx? Or, would I need to make a separate method so as not to have any other unintended side effects.

You can sub-class your DbContext with a more restrictive variant that you use solely for metadata generation. You can continue to use your base context for persistence purposes.
The DocCode sample illustrates this technique with its NorthwindMetadataContext which hides the UserSessionId property from the metadata.
It's just a few extra lines of code that do the trick.
public class NorthwindMetadataContext : NorthwindContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// Hide from clients
modelBuilder.Entity<Customer>().Ignore(t => t.CustomerID_OLD);
// Ignore UserSessionId in metadata (but keep it in base DbContext)
modelBuilder.Entity<Customer>().Ignore(t => t.UserSessionId);
modelBuilder.Entity<Employee>().Ignore(t => t.UserSessionId);
modelBuilder.Entity<Order>().Ignore(t => t.UserSessionId);
// ... more of the same ...
The Web API controller delegates to the NorthwindRepository where you'll see that the Metadata property gets metadata from the NorthwindMetadataContext while the other repository members reference an EFContextProvider for the full NorthwindContext.
public class NorthwindRepository
public NorthwindRepository()
_contextProvider = new EFContextProvider<NorthwindContext>();
public string Metadata
// Returns metadata from a dedicated DbContext that is different from
// the DbContext used for other operations
// See NorthwindMetadataContext for more about the scenario behind this.
var metaContextProvider = new EFContextProvider<NorthwindMetadataContext>();
return metaContextProvider.Metadata();
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
public IQueryable<Category> Categories {
get { return Context.Categories; }
// ... more members ...
Pretty clever, eh?
Just remember that the UserSessionId is still on the server-side class model and could be set by a rogue client's saveChanges requests. DocCode guards against that risk in its SaveChanges validation processing.

You can sub-class your DbContext with a more restrictive variant that you use solely for metadata generation. You can continue to use your base context for persistence purposes.
The DocCode sample illustrates this technique with its NorthwindMetadataContext which hides the UserSessionId property from the metadata.
It's just a few extra lines of code that do the trick.
The Web API controller delegates to the NorthwindRepository where you'll see that the Metadata property gets metadata from the NorthwindMetadataContext while the other repository members reference an EFContextProvider for the full NorthwindContext.
Pretty clever, eh?

If you use the [NotMapped] attribute on a property, then it should be ignored by the EDMX process.


What type of data should be passed to domain events?

I've been struggling with this for a few days now, and I'm still not clear on the correct approach. I've seen many examples online, but each one does it differently. The options I see are:
Pass only primitive values
Pass the complete model
Pass new instances of value objects that refer to changes in the domain/model
Create a specific DTO/object for each event with the data.
This is what I am currently doing, but it doesn't convince me. The example is in PHP, but I think it's perfectly understandable.
class MyModel {
private MediaId $id;
private Thumbnails $thumbnails;
private File $file;
public function delete(): void
new MediaDeleted(
'name' => $this->file->name(),
'thumbnails' => $this->thumbnails->toArray(),
final class MediaDeleted extends AbstractDomainEvent
public function name(): string
return $this->payload()['name'];
* #return array<ThumbnailArray>
public function thumbnails(): array
return $this->payload()['thumbnails'];
As you can see, I am passing the ID as a string, the filename as a string, and an array of the Thumbnail value object's properties to the MediaDeleted event.
How do you see it? What type of data is preferable to pass to domain events?
The answer of #pgorecki has convinced me, so I will put an example to confirm if this way is correct, in order not to change too much.
It would now look like this.
public function delete(): void
new MediaDeleted(
new MediaDeletedEventPayload($this->file->copy(), $this->thumbnail->copy())
I'll explain a bit:
The ID of the aggregate is still outside the DTO, because MediaDeleted extends an abstract class that needs the ID parameter, so now the only thing I'm changing is the $payload array for the MediaDeletedEventPayload DTO, to this DTO I'm passing a copy of the value objects related to the change in the domain, in this way I'm passing objects in a reliable way and not having strange behaviours if I pass the same instance.
What do you think about it?
A domain event is simply a data-holding structure or class (DTO), with all the information related to what just happened in the domain, and no logic. So I'd say Create a specific DTO/object for each event with the data. is the best choice. Why don't you start with the less is more approach? - think about the consumers of the event, and what data might they need.
Also, being able to serialize and deserialize the event objects is a good practice, since you could want to send them via a message broker (although this relates more to integration events than domain events).

How to decorate the final class DocumentGenerator

I am having problems to decorate the final class "DocumentGenerator" (in vendor/shopware/core/Checkout/Document/Service/DocumentGenerator.php) and overwrite the "generate" function inside of it.
I tried to decorate it the usual way, but an error is thrown because the "DocumentController" class excepts the original class and not my decorated one?
Argument 2 passed to Shopware\Core\Checkout\Document\DocumentGeneratorController::__construct() must be an instance of Shopware\Core\Checkout\Document\Service\DocumentGenerator
Its also not possible to extend from the class in my decorated class, because the "DocumentGenerator" is a final class.
My goal is to execute additional code, after an order document is generated. Previously I successfully used to decorate the "DocumentService" Class, but its marked as deprecated and shouldnt be used anymore. Also the "DocumentGenerator" class is used for the new "bulkedit" function for documents as of Version
I'm grateful for every tip.
As #j_elfering already wrote it's by design that you should not extend that class and therefore also shouldn't decorate it.
To offer a potential alternative:
Depending on what you want to do after a document has been generated it might be enough to add a subscriber to listen to document.written, check if it was a new document created and then work with the data from the payload for fetching/persisting data depending on that.
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'document.written' => 'onDocumentWritten',
public function onDocumentWritten(EntityWrittenEvent $event): void
foreach ($event->getWriteResults() as $result) {
if ($result->getOperation() !== EntityWriteResult::OPERATION_INSERT) {
// skip if the it's not a new document created
$payload = $result->getPayload();
// do something with the payload
Probably not what you want to hear but: The service is final in purpose as it is not intended to be decorated.
So the simple answer is you can't. Depending on your use case there may be other ways that don't rely on decoration.

Mapping Entity-to-DTO (and vice-versa) in Nest.js

I'm building an API with Nest.js and I've been using a mapper to convert the TypeORM entity to a DTO (and vice-versa).
Until now, I've been doing this manually:
public static async entityToDto(entity: UserEntity): Promise<UserDto> {
const dto = new UserDto(); =;
dto.emailAddress = entity.emailAddress;
dto.firstName = entity.firstName;
dto.lastName = entity.lastName;
dto.addressLine1 = entity.addressLine1;
dto.addressLine2 = entity.addressLine2;
dto.townCity = entity.townCity;
return dto;
In my opinion, this is a nice (albeit inflexible) approach. It explicitly controls which fields are returned to the user, minimizing the chance of leaking sensitive fields (like password hash). However, I was under the impression that the purpose of a DTO is to have a single place to modify data about something. If I needed to add a field, I'd have to modify both the DTO and the mapper.
It seems to be the convention to have one mapper per entity. However, if I don't want to return, for example, the accountStatus field, I would have to write a new mapper. So I have now multiple mappers which would need to be modified.
I had the idea to write a "universal" mapper which looks at the fields in the DTO, and maps them to the fields in the entity.
I'm relatively new to TypeScript and Nest.js, so I was wondering how others manage this.
I suggest you should try object property map built-in by typescript. Basically, your entity can be map to dto based on the similar property name like below
public static async entityToDto(entity: UserEntity): Promise<UserDto> {
const dto : UserDTO = ({
additionalProperty: entity.someProperty
return dto;
Any property that sharing the same name between DTO and Entity will be mapped. It is far more clean and more flexible.

Prevent JavaScript/HTML Injection on "Request Entity" in ServiceStack

I am not sure if ServiceStack has a mechanism to prevent "JavaScript/HTML Injection" on Entities (Request Entities) properties.
Also as per my understanding entity's properties of type string is prone to JavaScript/HTML injection
If there is no in built mechanism please suggest me a better option.
One of the option which i see is use to validate may be using Fluent Validation or any other validating library
Use validation:
Yes you should be using Fluent Validation or another validation mechanism to sanitise all the values that are passed as a request to your ServiceStack service.
Why ServiceStack shouldn't sanitise for you:
ServiceStack won't do this for you, after all sending HTML and/or JavaScript in a request to the service may be perfectly legitimate, (i.e. where your service is a content manager for a blog), and it's wrong to assume the request is an injection attack.
ServiceStack isn't constricted to only being consumed by web applications, so it's up to the service to decide which values are appropriate.
It should be noted that ServiceStack does prevent SQL injection by escaping all parameters.
Encode HTML entities:
If you are concerned about HTML injection, then you should consider encoding HTML entities, then any unsafe values that are returned won't affect your result. You can do this easily using this request filter, and marking up your DTO with an attribute [EncodeHtml].
GlobalRequestFilters.Add((req,res,dto) => {
var dtoType = dto.GetType();
var filteredProperties = dtoType.GetPublicProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(string) && p.HasAttribute<EncodeHtmlAttribute>() && p.CanWrite);
foreach(var property in filteredProperties)
property.SetValue(dto, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(property.GetValue(dto, null)), null);
On your DTO add the [EncodeHtml] attribute to the properties you want to protect.
[Route("/test", "GET")]
public class Test
public string UnsafeMessage { get; set; }
public string SafeMessage { get; set; }
The attribute declaration is simply:
public class EncodeHtmlAttribute : Attribute {}
Then when you send a request such as:
/test?unsafeMessage=<b>I am evil</b>&safeMessage=<b>I am good</b>
The result will be
UnsafeMessage: "<b>I am evil</b>"
SafeMessage: "<b>I am good</b>"
I hope this helps.
As per your suggestion if you want to throw an exception on any DTOs that may contain HTML then you could use a more general check which prevents any HTML in any strings on the DTO by checking against a regular expression, but I'd do this sparingly.
GlobalRequestFilters.Add((req,res,dto) => {
var dtoType = dto.GetType();
var filteredProperties = dtoType.GetPublicProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(string));
foreach(var property in filteredProperties){
var value = property.GetValue(dto, null) as string;
if(value != null && Regex.Match(value, #"<[^>]*>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)
throw new HttpError(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "400", "HTML is not permitted in the request");
Then use this attribute:
public class PreventHtmlAttribute : Attribute {}
On the DTO:
[Route("/test", "GET")]
public class Test

Breeze & EFContextProvider - How to properly return $type when using expand()?

I am using Breeze with much success in my SPA, but seem to be stuck when trying to return parent->child data in a single query by using expand().
When doing a single table query, the $type in the JSON return is correct:
$type: MySPA.Models.Challenge, MySPA
However if I use expand() in my query I get the relational data, but the $type is this:
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary 2[[System.String, mscorlib],[System.Object, mscorlib]]
Because of the $type is not the proper table + namespace, the client side code can't tell that this is an entity and exposes it as JSON and not a Breeze object (with observables, entityAspect, etc.).
At first I was using my own ContextProvider so that I could override the Before/After saving methods. When I had these problems, I reverted back to the stock EFContextProvider<>.
I am using EF5 in a database first mode.
Here's my controller code:
public class DataController : ApiController
// readonly ModelProvider _contextProvider = new ModelProvider();
readonly EFContextProvider<TestEntities> _contextProvider = new EFContextProvider<TestEntities>();
public string Metadata()
return _contextProvider.Metadata();
[Queryable(AllowedQueryOptions = AllowedQueryOptions.All)]
public IQueryable<Challenge> Challenges()
return _contextProvider.Context.Challenges;
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
public IQueryable<ChallengeNote> ChallengeNotes()
return _contextProvider.Context.ChallengeNotes;
Here's my BreezeWebApiConfig.cs
public static void RegisterBreezePreStart()
name: "BreezeApi",
routeTemplate: "breeze/{controller}/{action}"
Is there a configuration setting that I am missing?
Did you try "expanding" on server side? Is it needed to do expand on client side? I tried to do expand before but failed for me as well, did some research and decided I'd rather place it on server:
public IQueryable<Challenge> ChallengesWithNotes()
return _contextProvider.Context.Challenges.Include("ChallengeNotes");
This should be parsed as expected. On client side you would query for "ChallengeNotes" instead of "Challenges" and you wouldn't need to write expand part.
I strongly suspect that the problem is due to your use of the [Queryable] attribute.
You must use the [BreezeQueryable] attribute instead!
See the documentation on limiting queries.
We are aware that Web API's QueryableAttribute has been deprecated in favor of EnableQueryAttribute in Web API v.1.5. Please stick with BreezeQueryable until we've had a chance to write a corresponding derived attribute for EnableQuery. Check with the documentation for the status of this development.
