Distinguish between text and code in a post - text

I was wondering if there was any acceptable way of doing it. I want to distinguish between code and text in some emails or long posts, in order to highlight the code differently.
I was thinking about something like
if(this line and next 10 lines could be code only)
hightlight them();
One of the requirement to consider a line code only would be, for example, the lack of spaces between groups of [a-z0-9] characters (when not between quotes), but there could possibly be many more.


Replace specific characters in a paragraph of text based on its numbered position with randomly generated characters

I've dabbled a bit with JavaScript years ago but I couldn't quite grasp the logic behind it. I still have some understanding of the basics but not enough to achieve what I'd like to. I don't have the time to research how to write the code myself, but if you could point me to already-coded, individual functions which achieve the results I'm looking for, perhaps I could play around with them and then ask for further help after that when needed.
I've got a paragraph of text (It could be anything) about 300 characters long, including spaces, capitalization, and punctuation. I would like a function which generates a random number based on the length of characters in the paragraph, i.e. the function counts the number of characters such that the generated number would never be higher than the number of characters in the paragraph) and then replaces that character with a randomly generated character based on a list of characters which appear in the paragraph (e.g. a-z,A-Z,and punctuation).
For example, if the number generated is 34, then the 34th character (whatever it may be) will be replaced by whatever character is randomly generated.
And finally, a function to input how many times this process should repeat, e.g. 10 times, 100 times, etc. before stopping, and one can view how the resulting paragraph of text has changed.
Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.
Sorry, I've not tried anything yet as I'd like to get advice, first.

How to search for items with multiple "-" in excel or VBA?

I have a list of item numbers (100K) like this:
Some of the items have format like SAG571A-244-4 (thousands) which need to be filtered so I can delete them and only keep the items that have ONE hyphen per SKU. How can I isolate the items that have two instances of "-" in it's SKU? I'm open to solutions within Excel or using VBA as well.
Native text filters don't seem to be capable of this. I'm stumped.
As per John Coleman's comment, "*-*-*" can be used to isolate strings that have at least two dashes in them.
I would add that if you're entering them as a custom text filter, you should lose the double quotes (so just *-*-*) as otherwise the field seems to interpret the quotes literally.
Seems to work for me.
If you want just an excel formula to verify this and give you a result of the number of hyphens (0, 1, or 2+), here is one:
Replace A1 with your relevant column, then fill down. This is kind of a terrible way to do this performance wise, but you avoid using VBA and possibly xlsm files.
The code first checks to see if there is one hyphen, then if there is it checks to see if there is another hyphen after the position the first one was found. Looking for multiple hyphens in this manner is cumbersome and I don't recommend it.

How can I split a phrase into a new line every x characters on Google Sheets?

I am translating a game, and the game's text box only supports 50 characters max per line. Is there a way to use a formula to split the entire sentence every 50 characters or whole word (49, 48, 47, etc)?
I am currently working with this formula.
=JOIN(CHAR(10),SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE(A1, "(.{50})", "/$1"),"/"))
The problem with this code, is that it splits at exactly 50 characters (one time), and will split in the middle of the word.
So again, my goal is to have it not split on the 50th character IF the 50th character is in the middle of the word, and for the rule to apply for the rest of the lines too because it only applies on the first line.
Please take a look at this test google sheet to get an example of what I am talking about.
If it's impossible to do it on Google Sheets, I don't mind moving to Excel provided I get a functioning code.
For the record, I did ask in Google's product forums 2 days ago, and still haven't received an answer.
=REGEXREPLACE(A1, "(.{1,50})\b", "$1" & CHAR(10))
{50} matches exactly 50 times, but what you need is 50 or less.
\b is word boundary that matches between alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric character.
= REGEXEXTRACT(A1,"(?ism)^"&REPT("([\w\d'\(\),. ]{0,49}\s)", ROUNDUP(LEN(A1)/50,0))&"([\w\d'\(\),. ]{0,49})$")
Tested with various expressions and works as intended. Note that only these characters [a-zA-Z0-9_'(),.] are allowed, Which means - and other characters not mentioned will not work. If you need them, add them inside the REPT expression and finishing regexp formula. Otherwise, This will work perfectly.
You are pretty close. I'm not an expert in Sheets, so not sure if this is the best way, but your Regex is wrong for what you want.
Also, you need to be certain that you don't use a split character that might appear in the phrase itself. However, using CHAR(10) for the replace character allows you to insert LF without going through the JOIN SPLIT sequence.
replace any line feeds, carriage returns and spaces with a single space
Match strings that start with a non-Space character followed by up to 49 more characters which are followed by a space or the end of the string.
replace the capture group with the capturing group followed by the CHAR(10) (and delete the space following).
There will be extra CHAR(10) at the end which you can strip off.
EDIT Regex changed slightly due to a difference in behavior between Google's RE and what I am used to (probably has to do with how a non-backtracking regex works). The problem showed up on your example:
=regexreplace(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXREPLACE(A1 & " ","[\r\n\s]+"," "),"(\S.{0,49})\s","$1" & char(10)),"\n+\z","")

excel vba Delete entire row if cell contains the GREP search

I have a single column of text in Excel that is to be used for translating into foreign languages. The text is automatically generated from an InDesign File. I would like to clean it up for the translator by removing rows that simply contain a number ("20", 34.5" etc), or if they contain a measurement "5mm", "3.5 µm", etc. I've found many posts (see link below) on how to remove a row with specific string, but none that use search strings, such as those I typically use with GREP searches: "\d+" and "\d.\d µm"
How would I do this? I am on Mac iOS if that helps.
Note that I would need to delete the row if the cell only contains a number or a measurement, not if the number is contained within a phrase, sentence, or paragraph, etc.
It may not be what you are looking for, but how about just sorting the column and remove the rows starting with numbers? It is a manual approach but from what I understand this translation process only happens from time to time. Am I right?
I see two possible issues in your question:
How to work with regular expressions in Excel?
How to delete rows in a loop?
Let me start with the second question: when you want to create a for-loop in order to remove items from a list, you MUST start at the end and go back to the beginning (it's a beginner's trick, but a lot of people trip over it.
About the first question: this is a very useful post about this subject, it's too large to even give a summary here.

VIM: How to count a pattern on a line restricting from column A to column B similar to :s/,//gn?

I have a line that looks like the following, which I am viewing in vim.
It is from a feature vector file, each row is an instance and each column is the feature value for that feature number. I would like to figure out which feature number 5.27 corresponds to. I know the
will count the number of commas in the line, but how do I restrict the command to count the number of commas in the line up to the columns with the number 5.27?
I have seen these two posts that seem relevant but cannot seem to piece them together: How to compute the number of times word appeared in a file or in some range and Search and replace in a range of line and column
The interesting part is the \ze which sets the end of the match. See :h /\ze for more information
Select the wanted area with visual mode and do
\v enables us to escape less operators with \
%V limits the search to matches that start inside the visual selection
%() keeps the search together if you include alternations with |
It's not pretty but it works. See help files for /\v, \%V and \%(
There are also several versions of a plugin called vis.vim, which offers easier commands that aim to do just the above. However I haven't gotten any of them to work so I'll not comment on that further.
try this
it should work.
